Show I THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING MARCII12 U S to Give Data on New Trade Pacts OirThe Record liy Dorothy Thompson- Stale Department Plans Advance Information to Nation’s Producers 1933 the leader of natsocialist Germany introduced new word into the language of revolution a word as descriptive? of one revolutionary technique as are other words such as "soviet" and The Gerliquidation” of another man word was “gleichscHaltung" Gleichschaltung means: To direct everything into the same channel to switch into line to govern accord ing to a common philosophy in the direction of a uniform policy It was the formula whereby Mr Hit ler upon coming into power trans formed a manifold and democratic state into a totalitarian and authoritative state He did not abol ish parliament but by a series of pleasures theoretically possible inside the constitution to which he swore allegiance he turned it into a mere instrument for vali dating his decrcess He did not liquidate the In the year WASHINGTON March Officials said Thursday that the tatdepartment soon would inaugurate a policy of giving American producers advance information concerning foreign products on which d tariff concessions are to be It will be put into effect they disin conricction with negotiat tions for a reciprocal trade agree- closed ment with Ecuador This agreement will be the first undertaken since congress recently extended Presig dent Roosevelt’s reciprocal powers p?ct-makin- In the 16 reciprocal agreements already negotiated no advance information was given American producers importers and exporters first learned of tariff changes after the pacts had been concluded To Be Made Public Trade agreement officials said a list of the Ecuadorean products on which concessions are to be considered would be made public at the time the opening of negotiations is announced formally The chief Ecuadorean products — on which concessions might be dis- cussed — include cocoa coffee ba- nanas crude rubber ivory nuts kapok panama hats balsa lumber and platinum Ecuador also produces hides and skins and sugar and has deposits of sulphur The state department also is studying trade with a number of other countries to determine the advisability of opening negotiations for reciprocal pacts Discussions have been under way for some time with Great Britain this country’s biggest market Discuss Prospects Premier King of Canada discussed trade prospects of Amer'ican-Britis- h with President Roosevelt and Secretary Hull during his recent visit Studies exploring the possibility of undertaking an Argentine-Amer-ica- n agreement also are under way Officials declined to designate any other nations with which discussions may be undertaken The United States already has concluded trade pacts with Cuba Brazil Belgium Haiti Sweden Colombia Canada The Netherlands and colonies Honduras Costa Rica Switzerland Nicaragua Guatemala France anI colonies Finland and El Salvador m ass q ra q sii various associations of employers he merely brought them into line with policy— as a condition of their continued existence He hardly disturbed the civil service in many branches of government He merely changed its spirit He did not de- stroy the church He merely sue gested a new interpretation of He did destroy the Christianity trade unions — but not the principle of collective bargaining And iter that he set up new organizations of workers In the Workers’ Front under the direction and control of government He did not abolish the courts— he merely packed them at the top and laid down the principles upon which they were to judge the law In spite of a profound revolution which changed the entire structure and aim of German life and which continues to effect the life of every individual German citizen he hardly changed an exhe institution merely isting “switched them into line” Same Technique President Roosevelt proposes to use exactly this technique in regard to the supreme court and with exactly the same justification— "the will of the people” Mr Hitler when he came into power with an demonstration of overwhelming popular following announced that he had a mandate from the people to accomplish certain ends These could not be achieved he argued without authoritative leadership and unity This unity could be brought about by the process of And — actually gleichschaltuhg with a great show of legality he did switch everybody Into line except a few religious people Cath- - q What qs asu n Asia id i nv‘ IHSU IHSU is: ISM JHSU n HSM1 J Kul Lewis and better still they re tailored by HART SCHAFFNER & MARX There’s no use getting away from it IT’S PLAID SEASON And because there has been such h widespread demand for plaids--o- r district checks as they are more commonly known — this spring it’s hot so easy to find just the plaid that you want Fortunately we saw this wave of popular- ity coming And prepared for it So here in this store you can find smart plaids of all sizes yes and in all colors Everything " from diminutive chccks right onup to gay Glens Everything from little shadow plaids to smart "Scots Guard Checks Come in now while the assortment is as complete as it is rx i 7 brt-- Scotland ill followed more closely the1 clients that some laws are unconpf the coup d'etat stitutional and therefore need not into the court justices who Ogden en route from San Francisco he would have had Windrip keep be obeyed in advance of judicial bring the supreme court and fill it with will a viewpoint closer to cur- to New York City have determination “I am utterly opposed his henchmen in order to create the any tam’’The frank hostility of these jus- rent events” of juartice while courts ‘ with show of legalitypering tices has been openly counted on ‘‘Does the act provide In any way cases are pending" he said “It is Suggests Study by interested groups to defeat im- for The forcourt’s the morality” power public away taking against The advocates of the' president's portant legislation" he said mer cabinet a3ded that secretary to acts of overrule congress?” Finished with his prepared text proposals describe this kind of arguelt “strongly” about the situa"If you desire to take away the he the committee ment as ‘‘hysterical’’ On the air Jackson turned tion the other night Mr Harry Hopkins for questions Senator O'Mahoney power of the court to overcome Mr Mills declined to dis cuss other asserted that the real guard against (D) Wyo uncommitted on the acts of congress you must use some He said he had issues political dictatorship lies in the democratic court issue and urging a constitu- other method” Hoover in Palo Alto Cal met with instrument of parliament in con- tional amendment requiring that Senator McCarren (D) Nev asof the court concur in serted Mr Hopkins should study that in the last analysis gress it little more closely the history of invalidating an act of congress the power of the court to enforce the last 20 years I recommend to took up the interrogation its decrees rested upon the people’s him a volume on the technique of He asked whether the bill would confidence in it He asked whether modern revolution by the Italian correct a situation which Jackson Jackson did not fear that “by rea Malaparte who quite coldly de- had described in these words: ‘‘A son of the atmosphere that has scribes exactly how modern Euro- state of law which depends upon been created the confidence of the pean states have been captured the continuance of a single life or people in the six new justices will The modern technique of the coup upon the assumption that no justice have been so lost that the mandate d’etat as illustrated by Pilsudski will change his mind is not a satis- of the court will have not force Mussolini and Hitler is a formula factory basis on which the govern- or effect?” for capturing the democratic state ment may enter into new fields for “No I haye no such fear” Jack-so- n by its own instruments aided and the exercise of its power” replied abetted by the Insurrectional action McCarren persisted: Asks Question of bodies of workers or party ad"If the six new judges went on herents Ever since Napoleon and ‘‘Do you think the bill meets that the bench now the people would say the eighteenth Brumaire the date objection?” O’Mahoney asked they were six new judges 6' assurance that that "The bill gives of his coup the tactio’ has been to lected by the new deal and that— division of the to use parliament as the best ground there will not be use a harsh word — they would Jackson "Every be stultified before replied on which "to combine the use of court” they went on violence with respect for law” justice will be just as independent the bench even though they might will not interis as he today hold Legislative power being favorable fere in the new deal to assert any way wi(h the inde- their against to the game of compromise Rnd inindependence” will the of but pendence justices trigue assists the modern dictator "I don’t feel that wray” Jackson to graft revolutionary despotism said — upon thfr constitutional order ‘‘One observance of the procedures of — it of the gravest dangers which con constitutional government is OGDEN “It is inconceivable that of the last 20 the supreme - court of the United fronts the modern state” says with the history Malaparte "is the vulnerability of years and with the recent fate of States can be packed without bringFor a Bonapartist European republics in mind As ing all law and government into parliaments his acceptance contempt” declared Ogden L Mills coup d’etat the guarantee of legal- the president said ity is a reform of the constitution speech in Philadelphia last June: secretary of the treasury in former “This generation of Americans has President Hoover’s administration which limits public rights” a rendezvous with destiny” But in" commenting on President RooseAil Vulnerable of Americans had velt’s judiciary proposal Thursday this All parliaments without excep- bettergeneration not make any blind dates night while making a brief stop in tion are vulnerable “Parliamentary democracies make the- - mistaken! placing too much faith in the triumphs of liberty whereas nothing is more fragile than the modern state” says Malaparte “It is a dangerous illusion to believe that parliament is the best defense of to to -- did not indicate whether his but vitit had any bearing on politics Mr Mills was accompanied by his wife other members of his family and friends King George of England has renewed his patronage of the National Safety First association of which as duke of York he was patron from 1926 until his accession Schilling purexilla two-thir- no a It PrimoandPilsudski”Andplsq1 is NETscKoo! child in every five has defective visibn The with incxeases percentage age a great mistake to think that it these modern dictatorships are inevitably impelled by the reactionPilsudski who established aries in Poland a military dictatorship did it with the collaboration of the socialist party and the trade unions with the marshal of the diet as his ally in parliament and with the general strike to help him In' contrast Mussolini's coup d’etat only became possible when he had the collaboration of the highest symbol of constitutionality and legitimacy in the state— the king And Hitler would ‘have had a hard time without the help of the same syfnbol Incorporated in Hindenburg Moreover the whole procedure by which Hitler captureiLthe German republic had already been & SON Reinforced Plate IVM started in motion a year before he came into power by Chancellor Bruning Bruning was the least NOEL dictatorial of chancellors modest and utterly without those flamboyant qualities of personal leadership which characterize the modern popular ’’leader” Like Situation In the exquisite new Gardenia pattern But Bruning faced a situation or choice of other designs Modem lovely we one which very like may have need most in this country in four years’ time service containing the pieces-yo- u if we are not careful and if we 8 IN SPOONS PLACE ’ should swim into another depresEXTRA TEA WITH sion with a still heavily unbalanced —OF GHEST 51 PIECES— — udget Bruning was forced to reA $3550 OPEN STOCK VALUE FOR $2795 ' trenchment in the middle of - a -- A SAVING TO YOU NOW OF $755 crisis To pass a deflationary budIN TODAY AND SEE THESE LOVECOME get through a popular parliament is Gardenia Patlem’" always difficult and therefore LY NEW SETS o a paragraph of Bruning resorted-tthe constitution under which powin the president ers could be to govern by decree in a moment Vse Your PAV nf national emergency - What Bruit— L Credit! OS’LY ing did was legal and constitutional although he stretched the constitu-tionof meaning paragraply-outFor it had been written- - with the emergency of war in mind not of a— budgetary— crisis: — He — was— not a dictator aqd he intended to sus-pethe use of the paragraph when the crisis $vas overt But from that day to this Germany has never been governed otherwise than by decree! Hitler succeeding Bruning f found the perfect instrument for the establishing of complete dictatorship in use He already at hand-an240&Washington-Av- e 2g3Sflnth Main Snlt laka merely needed tojo-omjigj' donburg — the court of final Jljn Wasatch 9412 Ogden Phone 332 forzhis cdirtsf i3a the stooge over If then this column-urge-sj most suupuluus1' inni'l 'flvtT asm'n-tli- e Eye-strai- troubles Few if any parents have really practical means of measuring what IS good lighting That is where our Home Lighting Advisors can help These specialists know1 just how much illumination yoix should have in every room irx every" part of every room 'Gift Chest In Lovely g Only $2795 They measure ranic -- South Main Street ag I the light with a little "Light Meier" which tells whether your present lamps are adequate YOU-RECEI- lij caused by working n studying or teaching in poor light is a leading cause of eyesight ROGERS — Qisk Pm J3m married since the publication of the report on Scottish marriage laws which recommended that puch weddings be abolished Green v :oo:sTqo 208-21- 0 Ten couples have modern-techniqu- al - WASHINGTON March U (UP) —Secretary of ths' Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr at the request of ths Mexican government Thursday night directed collectors of customs to refuse entry into the United States of gold shipments from the southern republic unless each shipment is accompanied by a certificate showing it may be lawfully exported from Mexico The secretary’s Instructions did not apply to “fabricated gold" as defined in the provisional regulations issued under the gold reserve act of 1934 and any substance including gold in its natural state which does not contain more than five troy ounces of fine gold per short ton at Gretna 45 Piece Service for 8 A Jr- Every Shipment Must Have Certificate the state against a Bonapartist venture and that liberty can be protected by liberty itself This is what the deputies of the Spanish cortes and the Polish diet believed before the coups d’etat of M ISM and Protestant who insisted on obeying certain imperatives which they believed were above the state olic (Continued from Pag One) of congressional responsisertion Now I am not suggesting for an Instant that What President Roose- bility That responsibility he said was velt is trying to do is a sinister plot to establish a dictatorship on placed upon congress by the constithe German model That patently tution itself the size of the court would bo nonsense But I am try- has been altered six times “to cor ing to show that those who say rect the court” and the same obthat these proposals are essentially jective has been attempted by con"conservative" are shooting far of stitutional amendment but three the mark If a president with a times "The power of congress to avert huge popular following the head of a party with an overwhelming ma- congressional stagnation is as great jority in congress the unquestioned as its power to prevent congested "And whatever leader therefore of both the ex- dockets” he said ecutive and administrative branches other motives have influenced the of government wanted to establ- changes that have been made In ish a personal dictatorship and the composition of the courts the do it "legally’’ this would be ex- dominant one has always been to actly thei way he would proceed keep the divergence between the He would see to it that the one court and the elective branches last governmental body which he from becoming so wide as to could not control was ‘‘brought into threaten the stability of the governline” When Sinclair Lewis wrote ment” "It Can’t Happep Here” describing Expanded Power the rise to power of the mythical The court has constantly expandBerzilius Windrip the first thing ed its power to Invalidate acts of he had Windrip do was to send the he said with the result congress supreme court home But had Mr that lawyers have been advising Check Slated II U S Senator Arthur Micbi-ga- nt Vandenberg (R) (right) outspoken opponent of PresidenJ Roosevelt's reorganization plan attended the senate judiciary committee hearing as an interested spectator With him is shown Senator Carl A Hatch (DJNM in a Man! selection of new :HSM Mexico Gold SoIonsHeld To Blame for Court Abuses Columnist Points Out Similarity of Hoosevolt Court Proposal to Constant Extension of Hitler’s Method of Acquiring Judicial Tower Held Control of Socialist Germany ‘Super Government’ ional 11 CD— - 1937 ' or inadequate and where they shotxld be placed fof complete" comfoPt In some cases' the "Light Meter'’' has discovered actual waste of current by lamps that are too bricyht for their par ticular use T here -S- is no charge imply-telephone for this service for Home Lighting Advisor to call ELECTRICITY' —IS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN THE HOME |