Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING gljc Jfdt Basic Facts — on — Live Issues pibtm Established April 15 1871 Issued every morning by The Salt Lake Tribune Publishing Company TERMS OB SUBSCRIPTION 90 $ and Sunday on month 1050 and Sunday one year The above rates apply in Utah Idaho Nevada and Wyoming — — r Elsewhere in th United States: Daily and Sunday one month $125 The Tribuni Is on sale in every important city in the United Duly Dal'y Elates Readers may this office Lake Salt Wednesday Morning January 20 1937 one phase of the ew order a president must henceforth in January The first ceremony under the new rule will take place today It formerly was observed on the 4th of March following presidential elections The change is a result of what has been called a “lame duck” law to prevent congress men repudiated in November from enacting legislation to embarrass an incoming administration The federal constitution originally empowered each stati to appoint in such manner as its legislature might direct an electorate equal to the number of senators and representatives to which it was entitled but specified that no member of congress or federal officeholder could serve as an elector They were “instructed” as delegates to conventions may be and were required to meet in the national capital and cast their ballots which were subsequently UNDER by'members of the successful party over results at the polls the president today becomes the chief executive of the whole people— of those who opposed as well as those who supported him No man worthy of the great honor which has been conferred on President Roosevelt will accept the office with a feeling that he represents only a part of the citizens and taxpayers of the He is no longer a party leader but the head of a republic great government with many serious problems to solve in which he should have the counsel and cooperation of wise and patriotic people of all factions and political organizations One fault of the average American which may also have merit is that of being Intensely partisan— often to such a degree that opposition is looked upon as almost criminal and that ruin is sure to follow the rejection of his own candidates for office Still with all their bitterness or enthusiasm voters in this country have a saving sense of humor and are bound to acknowldege sooner or later that they have lived through administrations of both kinds without actually knowing the difference unless personally concerned about some patronage plum Franklin Delano Roosevelt is to be inaugurated today as president of the United States of America for a second term He is the president of all the people and entitled to the support ancl respect bis high office demands and deserves IS Vanishing Americans t6 the Indian as a ago it was customary to refer "vanishing” American because of the fact that for decades his death rate outstripped his birth rate According to a report just Issued by Mr John Collier U S Indian commissioner the number pWENTY years of Indians has been steadily increasing many cases faster than the white man since the late twenties in This is particularly true cf the Pueblo groups the Navajos and the Apaches of the southwest The chief reason for this surprising trend will suggest itself at once namely the improved physical care which the federal gov- ernment has been furnishing the red man for years especially in the matter of food shelter and medical care According to Commissioner Collier however the key explanation of this new and encouraging trend is largely psychological the Indian is beginning — — to realize that he 'is not "doomed that he has a future side by side with the white man" There is no doubt that a feeling of subjugation and inferiority has been a potent factor in the decline — not only of our Indian population— but also of American Indian cultures This encouraging report gives rise to a variety of speculations —some practical others purely philosophical Upon what increase In population does social progress depend? Are certain races more desirable than others and therefore to be encouraged eugenically or otherwise? To what extent is a person’s social value determined by his physical equipment as distinct from his acquired character? ?Tke answers to these and related questions are as vital as they are- difficult They underly all social progress they are a challenge to ' modem statecraft Notwithstanding our inability to find a formula for the desirable or the undesirable American there are nevertheless certain rough types whose increase or decrease we would all readily assent to The truly vanishing Americans we are inclined to believe are the pioneers those “rugged individualists" who blazed tbe trails across this continent and pushed back the frontiers of civilization In politics they are the Jeffersons and the Lincolns in science the Michelsons and the Edisons in letters the Emersons and the Whitmans in philanthropy the Addams’ and the Car-negi- es Americans whose relative numwould readily decrease if we bers culd include our “public enemies" those who for private gain the exploit the ignorant and the handicapped the the fanatical reformers and the revolubigoted tionary radicals These we submit are the types that ought to - constitute the vanishing Americans On the other hand the prolific (not to say importance) we super-patrio- ts Conventions During the Week THOUSAND Four livestock growers and members of their TWO this week are attending four Conventions in Salt Lake City1 Half of this multitude are participating in the delibera- tions of the Utah State Woolgrowers’ association this being its thirtieth annual conference The State Horticultural society is holding its tenth convention and the State Farm Bureau federation will bring additional visitors during the last three days of the wfeek to attend the twentieth llrfiiual convention jpf that organization The Poultry Breeders’ association met Monday and put on a fine exhibition with exceptional displays of chickens geese turkeys and pigeons Committee meetings general assemblies social entertainments ams nave beer) and will continue to be fetnterestlhg-proatures of these gatherings of producers who feed and clothe hundreds of thousands scattered over the entire nation The public always includes many good listeners when food and raiment are snt under gf discussion Coincidental with the assembling of woolmen comes a special article wired from Chicago quoting a celebrated woman preacher as saying that ‘‘the fashion revival of woolen undergarments for women is the harbinger of a national upswing in morals” These sheepmen are ingenious propagandists To the’ slogan of !Eat Lamb and Keep Fit" may be added another saying “Wear Woolens and Be Good” cock-a-ho- From Sandpit By Ham Park will chide no brother in the world but myself against whom I know most faults — Shake' spear e I After an administration bill has It is In the mail: Dear Senator: Just another chump contributor to ease your dally burden Reading of the morning Tribune has lost its zest consequently my morning toast and coffee Therefore this appeal to you If you do not have a heart I will go over your head by darn and write to the editor So! Not in Order true that when the house sits as the committee of the whole the previous question is not in order However debate on an amendment in the committee of the whole may be closed by majority vote Also although in the committee of the whole a member need not make his remarks germane or pertinent 'under general debate his time Is nevertheless limited And the speaker has the right of refusing to recognize motions which he considers dilatory In the senate on the other hand debate usually Is unlimited and need not be germane so that filibusters and other obstructionist In 1917 the steps are possible senate provided that cloture on debate might be ordered by a vote but the senate prefers not to resort to this restriction on individual members In any event considerable debate is still in order after cloture has been ordered The previous question in the senate is in order only under cloture Obstruction was of course easier in the short (lame duck) esslons but proved practicable even after the short sessions were abolished by the twentieth amendment The late Huey Long proved that The senate rules technically allow a senator to speak only twice In any one day on any one question but in practise this rule is rarely enforced Until you went to Hollywood Your column was fair to mid' dllng good The “knock knock” craze was a riot Compared with all this star dust diet If and when your feet hit earth I'll search your column for little mirth For a long time now it’s lost Its punch— Tm only trying to pass on hunch two-thir- i Attacks Rules The Public Forum Advice for Saving Water Connections Editor Tribune: This same advice fias been offered each winter and appears to have gone unheeded by the same Individuals who won’t accept free counsel I am calling attention to waterjacketa blowing up During freezing weather and in a building not furnace heated the fire should not remain dead or out in any stove or heater which has a water coil or jacket When a fire is started the pipes connecting stove and tank should be watched and in a reasonable time the flow pipe the—one connecting top of jacket to tank should be warm When such pipe remains ice cold 15 or 20 minutes after the fire Is made see that children remain in bed or away from the stove until some heat is applied to the pipe A few gallons of hot water from a neighbor applied to the pipe with a cloth a blow torch or the flame from a coil of papers should be used Letting faucets run does rot prevent jackets from freezing and It is wrong to put fires out In these stoves mentioned when the water is Sghut off The valve controlling the house supply should be in good repair and located where it is easily access!' ble to any member of the house- By Our Readers Forum Rules Letters appearing In this column do not express ths views of The Tribune They are the optn on with which of contributors The Tribune may or may not agree The following rules govern contributions: 1 Letters limited to 800 words: Preference given to short commu2 Writs legibly and nication clearly on one side of the paper only 3 Religious and racial discussions barred Partisan comment can be printed only with true name of writers 4 Personal aspersions proS hibited Poetical contributions not wanted 6 Letters msy be barred for obrious misstatements of fact or for statements which art not In accord with fair play and 7 The Forum Is not an good taste advertising medium 8 Writers must true names and addresses In sign ink Letters unless partisan will be carried over assumed name if writer so requests In all cases however true name and address must be attached to communication 9 Tbe Forum cannot consider more than one letter from the same writer at one time In 1925 Charles G Dawes In his inaugural address as vice president bitterly attacked the senate rules particularly as allowing unlimited and nongermane debate The senate as a whole resented the Dawes Indictment but certain senators admitted that the rules needed tightening Senator Robinson now majority leader of the percentage of illiteracy in the senate thought that the prethese United States would be sursiding officer could always susprisingly reduced Every dollar we tain a point of order that a senator tax the people for the purpose of was not speaking to the subject building criminal institutions is before the senate Then the senain effect putting a premium on tor would be allowed to proceed crime What do the readers of The only if the point of order were Tribune think about warring overruled However no precedagainst crime “too efficiently”? ent could be found to sustain RobRather absurd isn’t it? inson's contention WILL F WALRAVEN Senator Glass long an opponent Consumers Utah of unlimited debate m the senate now proposes that debate on all general appropriation bills in the fyriter Presents Views hold senate be germane If the pro Communism Article On When a pipe or faucet is broken posal were adopted it would around the Editor Tribune: In your issue water and is act flying as an probably entering wedge of January 9 Mr Kenneth Farnsroom open all the faucets This for a similar limitation on all sen worth gives us ten points on comate debate After cloture has been will reduce the volume through munism and prays Providence letting some applied senate debate— limited to the broken pipe by Into the sewer save us from the same My dicof the water escape one hour for each senator— must around-the- -f instead-of— loorr Then tionary refers to soclalisnrTor th be germane in definition of communism I have try to find the shutoff value Veto Rights studied theology in the past but the basement Sometimes it Is covmust rely upon my memory ered with tons of coal bags of poAnother'leglslative reform now tatoes or old furniture 'Please overlook slight errors in proposed on appropriation bills is While firing heavily the boiler quotations that the president have the right No 1 Woman tempted man to veto individual items in such Is often overheated which causes the jacket to fill with lime Open therefore her desires shall be bills without a veto of the entire unto man Remember the Bible bill This change however would a faucet when the boiler is hot at the bottom letting some hot waStory of King Solomon and require a constitutional amendment Many state governors have ter escape which may save the David? In the U S R R the woman Is on equal footing with jacket the power contemplated in this' expense of a newCROOKSTON ROBERT the man proposal 2 Christ taught that man should receive according to his Cannot Fight Crime Do needs Acts fourth chapter beToo Efficiently By FRANK A GARBUTT ginning with verse 32 The L D I remember as boy and man two S church practiced that principle seems as though one Jay It very distinct emotions in the construction of the city of is trying to inculcate Franklin First a feeling that everything into the people's mind the idea Nauvoo 111 and later in several I was doing for the moment was that in Utah J Edgar Hoover is no longer places the most important or the most needed 3 No race discrimination hunter as successful the desirable thing in the world to and 4 Christ taught universal trapper of our “public enemy brotherhood do and that life was not worth All Christian dethe 1" No Evidently politicians while unless I completed that of the underworld and that class nominations are trying tQ convert thing whatever it might be This of legal lights (?) who fatten at everybody was coupled with a wonder why the crib of crime have been in5 Christ taught that there shall everyone else in the world was not citing Jay Franklin to father such be neither rich nor- - poor in his doing the same thing Socialism teaches race church articles as appeared in The TribSecond a very distressing feelthe world over une of January 7 1937 equality ing of futility and that nothing 6 The U S S R has never American people are The really either important or worth with JgreatEdgar Hoover in his boasted of a depression Just while nations have that of pursuit and hope he methods capitalist Then I discovered that the first continues until crime and the felhonor feeling made me supremely happy lows who perpetrate it will be 7' I hope Mr Farnsworth is and that the second made me exterminated Of course we’ll adcorrect — supremely miserable I also found mit that by the Hoover method 8 Unlike Mr Farnsworth I that either one of these lines of the petty politician and pettifogcannot see the calf on the other thought could be moulded into a ger do not have the chance at side of the bull We have not habit abolished capital punishment-her- egraft that they otherwise wbuld There was no us In confirming and that1 where the shoe ptHches If it Is intellectual to know a habit that made me miserable for if you touch a man’s pocket-hoo- k how to be a dog in the manger therefore I fought off the feeling (regardless of how that then I’m sure dumb of futility and endeavored to per9 A poor guess without founwas filled) touch pocketbook form every task that came to my him in a very tender you dation spot lot as though it really were the 10 For a which claims It wouldn’t surprise me if most important tiling in the world to be thegovernment most enlightened on the Mr Farnsworth has not worn out —which it was to me for the moface of the earth we spend for several pairs of shoes chasing ment crime through the various and government jobs Who would not cannot look back and recall I numerous procedures of prosecurather be a member of the govmany worth while things that I tion a per capita amount away ernment and work for the govdone have but I can plainly see beyond any other item in our government than to be a slave or the cumulative effect of many ernment or state expenditures servant to an individual whose little Were the per Capita expenditure apparently insignificant only aim is to get 'rich off his things the omission of which for- education equal to that of labor? D C GRUNDVIG would have meant defeat crime in its various ramifications Huntington Utah -- What Highlights of New York As Seen by OO McIntyre By O O McIntyre NEW YORK Jan 19— Some of the perky society debs thought to be snapshotted slotit would be larkish and quite ting nickels and carrying their dishes to the tables at the Automat near the Globe So furred and orchided they descended at one of thbysy hours of the evening But they reckoned without their host When the cameramen ar- been reported to the house from committee It Is ordinarily made the subject of a special rule submitted by the rules committee The special rule needs only a maIt jority vote for adoption usually limits debate on the bill restricts opportunity for amendment may even forbid amendment Also the previous question on a bill may be ordered in the house in the presence of congress resolution it was provided1 that such electoral votes be cast on the first Wednesday' in January following the The ratifying congress convened on the 4th general election of March of 1789 and although George Washington was not inaugurated until April 30 the date of the assembly was accepted thereafter as the time for a change of administration A plan was adopted for holding elections in all states on the same day and the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in leap years was designated as voting day for presidential candidates This program was legalized by the national congress 1845 in For 88 years the system was followed until Senator Nor-n- s started his war on "lame duck” legislation which resulted in the change by which President Franklin D Roosevelt is to be inaugurated today for his second term There is a tendency on the part of overzealous partisans to hail the event as the culmination of a personal or political triumph over vanquished foes Nothing could be more repugnant to the of true democracy’' Whatever elation may have been felt spirit By Brownl limited joint By should -- Senator Glass has reintroduced bis resolution not acted upon last session to amend the senate rules The Glass resolution provides that all debate on general appropriation bills must be germane and relevant All questions of germaneness or relevancy would be decided without debate as would be points of order and appeals from the decision of the chair under this proviso Although the house of represen- tatives is about 4V4 times as large as the senate it is the senate rather than the house which usually delays the enactment of legislation In fact it was the large size of the lower branch of congress which originally caused it to adopt rules by which debate and obstruction could be strictly Innovation of Today's Inauguration counted The March of Progress By Bertram Benedict ascertain agents in any city by telephoning City Utah JANUARY 20 1937 You Do? 3F Federal Work Critics Answered by Writer Editor Tribune: To the thouor more local declarations that there is vast and unnecessary waste in recent federal expenditures figures released January 12 give the direct lie In Utah "roads $5081672 public buildings $2043991 recreational proj- sand ects conservation water and sewer $1606063 electric systems $902774 education administrative expense $1168260 rural settlement and direct relief $2096427 granted to state for relief $5176455” ’ The list includes 928 WP A enterprises 266 road projects 143 public buildings 60 park improve- ments 67 conservation works sewers 10 airports 106 white lar projects and 37 sanitation provements Which of all these totaling 106 colim- like my "Ham” and cabbage too I read your column through and through But the morning paper at my door Brings not the joy It did of yore Yours for salvation —MERRY FOOLER H’m Dear Senator: This is a poem the mailman on route 1 Roosevelt Utah put in our mail box when we put three pennies in the box for him to mail a letter for us The author is unknown to me W E THATCHER Roosevelt Utah THE RURAL POSTMAN In the cold and blustery weather When the frost is on the rail Would you love to face a blizzard With a half a ton of mail? In the biting blizzard weather When the snow comes to your knees Would you love to fish for pennies While your feet and fingers freeze? When the gleaming snow is drifted Underneath a foot of sleet Would you love to have the chil- blains In your elbows and your feet? When outdoors the wind is whis- tling And the air is full of snow or unnecessary badly Would you love to have a jitney handled or fraudulently diverted? If the blamed thing wouldn’t go? J Not one in all these hundreds of gigantic works has been so desigYes I’d love the good old firenated Our petulant and uninside formed critics let selfish or parSipping coffee from a pail But I have to buck the snowdrifts tisan prejudice suffice for facts ’Cause the farmers want their Note the cost of administration mail —34 per cent What private for I don’t mind the frozen snowagency dispensing relief drifts equals it? Only the L D S Re 'When my knees are stiff with lief society and a few church committees Salvation Army costs If cramps you’d keep the bloomin’ pen60 per cent Community Chest nies around 25 per cent private busiAnd buy a quarter’s worth of ness concerns from 20 to 40 per stamps cent No other dollar we spend returns so much for our money snow mixed in my whiskers Witness the municipal water I get And I get it in my socks of Salt works Lake costing only But it never hurts my feelln’s h for administration that Like loose pennies in the box waterworks privately owned charge Or the post offices the NOTES ON THE CUFF schools the public hospitals DEPARTMENT relief (widows’ pensions county Roland Young they say is in3 per cent old age pensions 6 per clined to get a bit absent-minde- d cent general county charity 10 after about the tenth Scotch per cent) Public work in nonand soda One evening followcosts about competitive services ing a strenuous day at the studio one-fift- h of what we pay for prihe went home and proceeded to vate service get a "glow” on A fellow player Compare Senator Byrd's denunand the two sat in front ciations of the large number of called of the fireplace and talked shop government employes today as while they killed the quart Finalcompared with 1880—twice thrice the visitor rose: or even in a few bureaus 10 times ly "It’s time to go home” he said as many— with the increase in Young struggled to his feet teachers college Fifty years ago “I your pardon" he said the University of Utah had six with beg “for imposing upon dignity e inpart-timand six regular your hospitality” With that ha structors today more than 200 picked up his hat and coat and J H PAUL ' stalked out into the night leaving his guest in silent amazement Proposing Jurists wks one-tent- Who Are Not Lawyers ’ Editor Tribune : The "best bet” on the proposed government reorganization seems to be ths citizens’ board and the — ptrssibllltiex Ire great — The recommendation can be made however’ that no citizens should be on this board who have representation in departments like agriculture or labor Board members who show ability can be appointed to the supreme court when a 'vacancy occurs with the objective’ in mind to have evenfour lawyers and five citizens in other walks of life making up the supreme court JOHN R JACOBS Editor Tribune: tually E LN: See rule L A woman In Los Angeles sued for divorce because her husband repeated the name of Grace in his sleep Her name it appears h MabcL — j The reason some of the legislators object to the direct primary is because of the cost to the candidateAnd most of the public want the direct primary for the same reason Because it might discourage a few of them The Mountie Defendant at Highgate police court— I was then placed under arrest by a police jockey Solicitor— There is no such thing as a police jockey Defendant— Well he was on a horse anyway— Windsor StarL rived they were told nothing doing The Automat did not care to be pictured as a spot where frisky young ladies went slumming Indeed the Automat is not ashamed And rightly so Of Us clientele — For in many instances the Automat patronage is about the most cosmopolitan slice of dining ont life the city hae on display It has many traditions it is true but as a composite whole it is exAnd a great tremely colorful place to study what Shaw calls the “Eupepsiasto” Almost always a magazine illustrator is at one of the tables sketching types The Automat is not without its “carriage trade” Along with its beautiful girls men about town racketeers and a soupcon of that brassy gentry known by the metallic moniker n of sports” believe I my father enjoyed the Automat as much as any prowling bravura in New York— save perhaps that old Hippodrome spectacle featuring Slivers the clown and the mermaids who vanished in the diving tank A hotel man he had a high time wandering about with a riffle of nickels popping out’ this dish and the other Especially was he intrigued by the coffee spigot unleashed a spurt of black java and then a jet of cream that filled it neatly to the rim And he thought the contrast among the crowd the greatest he saw in the metropolis Also he saw the late Charles Dillingham having a piece of pie “tin-hor- tht The Automat is incidentally the former site of a barber shop popular with theatrical folk in the early bend of the century The Weber-Fiel- d crowd made it a rendezvous And it was the locale of a famous and oft repeated story about Nat Goodwin He had dropped in for a shave one morning after a loose night and during the barbering kept falling asleep to the annoyance of the wretched tonsor Finally in desperation: “Mr Goodwin if you keep nod- ding off I can’t shave you” Mumbled Goodwin: “All right then just cut my hair” Society seems assured Gloria Vanderbilt’s experiment in opening a gown shop was an earnest adventure in good faith She is at her salon at 9 a m promptly and waits on the patrons who ask for her But mostly she attends to the designing side inspecting sketches that come before- her for approval On her desk incidentally is a picture of her much publicized daughter Gloria Opening a gown shop is nothing new in the social realm It is the avenue many take Such as Peggy Hoyt Mrs Wiljiam Thaw III and others The improvidence of actors is almost universal Yet Chic Sale was an exception He was not only a practitioner of thrift but set many vaudeville pals on the road to independence His entire fortune in royalties from that fast selling brochure dealing with the chalet and vanquished medieval called “The - Specialist” was chucked into an annu for his wife And through the years he established a trust fund for her and his children which will make them comfortable for life Nothing catches the eye like those wacky luggage shops piled with a tumble of bright blond and brunette travel accessories The neat' toilet compacts — one always desires but when acquired never uses — fancy manicure dinguses travel clocks and special games Yo while away liner and train tedium Just a prowl among them inspires a “going away” yen Earl Carroll was once given a blinger and took off the next week for the orient In one I saw a fitted traveling case costing $1800 It had everything including a thermometer I was told Lili Damiti owned one that set some gallant back $3000 Overheard at one of the terminal ticket windows: “I want to go to Amityville” soused Slightly bystander: ‘Why be such a liar? You know you have to go” Copyright 1937 McNaught Syndicate Inc Off the Reccjrd A peacemaker says that the powers acting in concert could halt the Madrid affair in an hour He thinks the Spanish omelet is ready to fold How Spain has fallen from hi She didn’t g into the other World war ar is gradually being squeezed oi of this once high estate! Regarding the thief who stole a truck load j?£Uxplnaivln Washington D C there has been no report Hollywood the amusing is now in a situation in which its No 1 box office bet is a child who can’t spell "colossal” seven-year-o- ld Copyright 1937 by the North American Newspaper Alliance Inc f High Time Wife— Henry just 25 years ago today ye became engaged Then Henry it is high time we were getting absent-mindedly- married— Florida Tlmee-Unlo- a ' |