Show I THE BALT LAKE TRIBUNE 20 AT MW LEVEL Weekly Report Indicates T $1700000000 Surplus ' Alfred Barnes' Alfred Barn St of'43l Church street A Ewing Anderien twin iff hu'’horrre rr)r Thursdsr titer H was born March 2S long ttlnere 1670 the ton of John Jackson and Rebecca He had reaided in Smith P Smith E wing field elnce early yfcuih Surviving are hi widow Mr Katie Mel kle Ewing Rheta and four daughters DeVoU) Laull and Ewing Salt Lake three brothers Deiva Ewing Smllhfleld and one sister Samuel P Ewing Smith field’ Porter Ewing Loa Angeles Cal Rum sell Ewing Salt Lake Mrs Florence Lewis Boise Idaho Funeral services will be conducted Sunday m In th Smllhfleld L D S Third ward chapel HtrrHPTELD-Wickl- glnrti court at the family residence 664 Elder Thuradar al I M p m or pneumonia The child wax bom In Salt Lake October 1633 and la survived by hie parenu a litter Joan Rlcki and three grandparent Mr and Mr John P pahluqiit of Salt Lake and Mr 0if Riek of Logan The body will be taken to Locan for buriaL in Federal Banks Wickliff I -- Allen - Reed Benson Rieka bHtJMot John' ana Eva Caroline tfrrberx K(ckVS uteu-X- t f Pearl Peterelt Brown it Kent Howard Royce Taridio Figueroa Durr ant Jr Royal La Philip Salmenson ' that but 1 7 Proctor during the week ended May 23 as side) Mr Proctor died In Balt Lak In IMP Mrs by the federal reserve! Proctor was a member of the L D 0 church 'reported -- banks -- was $2475000000 a decrease end en ectlve worker In the Relief society She wes e pest noble trend offeer of Bego ©f $7000000 compared with the pre-- Lily ehepter of the Rebekeh lodge daughters survive: M of increaae $232' W O Barton ceding week and an rW Proctor Stirling 000000 compared with the corre- 1933 In week apondlng “On May 23 total reserve bank lace Wank Winchester Salt Lake Bencredit amounted to $2469000000 a jaminand Winchester Olden and Roy Winches"'decrease of $4000000 for the week ter Idaho Sc Bona mortuary is la charge ‘This decrease corresponds with de-- I of Lindquist funeral arrangements cir- of — ’ Nancy Mary Kennedy Schwartz creases $28000000 in money in eulation $30000000 in treasury cash and deposits with federal reserve banks and $10000000 in nonmember deposits and other federal reserve ac-counts and an increase of $13000000 Jn monetary gold stock offset in part py an increase of $73000000 In menv ber bank reserve balancei and a de--crease of $5000000 in treasury and ' national bank currency DbceenUng Unchanged - “The system’s holdings of bills dia- counted and of United States bonds 'were practically unchanged from last tweek Holdings of bills bought in open market declined $1000000 and of United-Statetreasury notes $17 000000 while holdings of treasury certificates and bills increased $17' - Pierson Ingrid Cecelia Tntrld Cccll Pierson SANDY— Mr wife of Peter 71 t Pierson died Thursday the BinsUain hospital of heart disease She wae born November 30 1880 In Lyniby Malmo Lan Bwenen whera ehe Joined the L D 8 church and In 181 The couple married and came to Utah tew years made their home In Murray for after which tha family moved to Sandy where che bad Maided tor more than 46 t Elva Gtever Cutler LEWISTON— Mrs five Olover butter 14 died ct her home here Tuesday after a She was born here March long lllneaa the daughter of Brigham and Lucy Hodges Glover She lg survived by her husband Parley LeRoy Cutler: her father a son and daughter Nedrln and Nolen Cutler: two listen Mre Elite Larne and Mra Floyd Williams Lewiston Funeral aervlces will be conducted Monday In the Lewiston L D S Second ward chapel under the direction of the Lindquist ft Sons’ mortuary 1700 33 Gordon Marx Loan corporation section 30 township 1 south range 2 west Blanche L Ferney to Home Owners' Loan corporation lot 0 block 2 Rosedale addition Alex M Oraham to Home Owners Loan corporation lot 13 block 2 Kelsey St O subdivision Shirley H Graham to Home Owners’ Loan corporation aoctlon 30 town- ahlp 2 aouth range 1 east John H Jewett to Home Owners' Loan corporation auction 18 township 3 eouth rango 1 east Aaron E Llniwall to Home Owners' Loan corporation iot II Wllmlni- ton aubdlvlelon Ella L Livingston to Home Owners’ Loan corporation lot 22 block 1 Yalecrest Park Andrew Moyet to Home Owners’ Loan corporation lot 24 block 1 Walker hr-faPLEASANT— Gordon Mar son of Bhlrley and Maraaret Curtiss Marx died at the family homa Thursday Vtv poor health elnce The Infant hed aubdlvlelon Its birth March 10 1934 Surviving are Charles A Nickerson to Home Ownthe parents two etateri Dorothy and Lola ers’ Loan corporation lot 94 Yale- Andrew Marx Marx and a grandfather ereit Park ' Mount Pleasant ana grandmother Archie N Pettit to Home Owners' Mrs Sena Curtis Moroni lot 15 block 1 Loan Funeral aervicee will be conducted at 3 Park corporation Boullvard m Sunday In the L D S South ward William L Porter to Home Owners’ chapel under the direction of Jacobi morLoan corporation lot 13 block 9 five-acr- e tuary plat A Leo Shelton to Homa Owners’ Loan corporation lot 44' block 1 Davlg addition BAB E Rich to Home Owners’ Loan corporation lot I block H Gilmer Park LIENS U B A against Charles B Merrill MARRIAGE LICENSES 1045 8outh state street ELDON C NIELSON 32 Murry U B A against Charles B Merrill VIOLA F NORR1S21 Murray 34 East Seventh South etreet WILLIAM P KLEINfcBERO 35 Belt Ltkd MARGARET E ELLEFBEN 28 Belt Lakt MOUNT Besides her husband ehe li survived by d nine aona and daughters Carl O W and Joseph L Pierson and Mrs Edith Adamson of Bandy Selma Pterion superintendent of tha Blnham Canyon hoepltal: Mrs Clara Newbersu Los Angeles Cal: Cal: Mri Mre Esther Rueaeli Berkeley Florenoo Oundtck and Mies Fanny Pierson Sandr and H grandchildren Funeral services will b conducted Sunday at 1 P m in the Sandy L D S Second ward chapel s Friends mar call 1 the home of her daughter Ura B A Adamson 120A State 25 Portland Ore : JOHN D LAYOOC1C street Sandy from 10 a m until p BERNiCK L DECKER 38 Balt Lake prior to the aervicee "‘WO 000 Interment will be In Murray City cents CHARLES DENNEY 14c Union: WILLIAMS 78 Union “Changes In the amount of reserve tery under th direction of Blcumcl dt E BARAH 24 Balt WENDELL BTRINQFELLOW bank credit outstanding and in re- Knight 21 MfStIQN IRVINE Lakt Blt lated Items during the week and the Redfleld Allen Carl LAUD BRIANS 21 Salt Lake: -year ended May 23 1934 were as fol-4o- OGDEN— Oat! Allen Kedfleld 50 owner NELLIE REEVES 18 -- tit like died dOSEPf J WE1DNER 31 BalTLakei of the Redfleld Electric rompenv (in mlUionaof dollars): RUTH HOOPER 21 Bait Lake at midnight at the family home HORACE My- - ify Uiv Wednesday H ROSE 38 Morgan: rX load I KM IMMrHarrlsvlUs 37 Balt Laks MINERVA TtJDjyCNHAM In Redfleld wet born Bhenandpth 14 M ditcmmUd 471 28 Balt Lake a ton of William LQUIB O August 28 1861Redfleld BUlf bought 38 Iowa 31 Balt Laks JAR VERNE LA JC The family Borah and securities’ Browning U 8 gov't 4988 N‘ T JEFFS 24 Balt Lake moved to Ogden In 1891 ana he had been her reserve bank BROWN 28 Balt Lake a resident here enrs Ha marxld Bylvla VICTOR CEDKRHOIiM minus rUt 29 Salft Lake Total reterva bank 34 Balt Lke Low-MAURINi M PETERSON 8urv?vlngnarVlho'vwido " and ion -- 4 350 2489 credit brothere and O Rf dfield aix Ofdem 7784 stock 412 41729 gold Monetary S ‘ Clitherall Weston sisters Ufg Treasury gna Nat'l Logan Rfdflel' H Angelei 9—478 Mlnni Fred W Redfleld currency en: Jay Red- - HARVEY PRESTON BISHOP 48 Balt Lake 193 Cleva and Clyde toner in circulation IIlitjlS ell BISHOP 43 Balt CLAYTON field Idaho LaVere Idaho Falla and lember bank yaaerve balM£ROARET 472 1172 field Lynnwood Cal JOHN TYREE TOLER 40 Roberts Idaho: will be conducted 8i Funeral aorvloee dciMielu ctsh’in ''Tresury 35 ZELDA MARGARET CHRISTENSEN --29 41723 at 2 p m In the u D B EIghth with F R banka 2952 Idaho Downey chapel under direction of Lindquist 41 Jfotimembcr deposit! and 33 Dayton MORTENSKN OAHANDERB -- 29 mortuary F R other 471 accounts 19 t elncreua WANDA PETERSEN 2h Preston Idaho --Decrtsse Statistics Remember Flowers for Decoration I j ing Plans specifications etc for Items and 2 may be obtained at the office of E A Jacob Civil Engineer at the State Capitol for which a deposit of $10 will be required Bids will be opened for these items May 29 Plans specifications etc for Items 3 and 4 may be obtained from Claude 3 Ashworth Architect at Provo Utah The deposit for Item 3 will be $10 and for Item 4 will be $15 be opened for Item 3 on May 29 and for Item 4 on June 8 Deposits for plans and specifications will be refunded provided the bidder has returned them in good order to the office ofthe Engineer or Architect within three days after opening of bids and provided further that he has submitted a proposal for the work Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the Building Commission but cannot be 'taken therefrom Proposals shall be made in strict accordance with all provisions of the plans and specifications and must be made on blank forms provided by the Engineer or Architect as stated above Wages for skilled labor shall be not less than $110 per hour and for unskilled labor not less than $050 per hour No bid will be considered unless it 10(2 includes or Is accompanied by a cer2239 tificate (worded in accordance with PWA 61 revised March 19 1934) 1529 duly executed by the bidder Certified check in the amount of 5 1913 per cent of the value of the bid must accompany egch proposal The right is reserved to accept or 1100 reject "any or all proposals or alter 2040 nates UTAH STATE BUILDING COMMISSION 1379 W J HALLORAN President R K BROWN 1933 SupL of Construction First publication May 18 1934 7090 Last publication May 27 1934 1 Bid-wi- 2331 IN 1431 1910 4(80 368 1841 Reserve Report ll ill fee THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE United States lor the district of Utah In the matter of George Arthur Apple-ga- te In bank voluntary bankrupt ruptcr No 13830 To the creditors of Oeorge Arthur Applegate of Balt Lake City county of Balt Lake and district aforesaid a bankrupt Notle lg hereby given ’that on the 15th day of May A D 1934 the laid Georgs Arthur Applegate waa duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first meeting of hie creditors will be held at the office of the UDderslgned referee 434 Besson building In bankruptcy Balt Lake City Utah on the 9th day of June 1934 at 10 o'clock a m at which time the told creditors may attend prove their claims appoint i and trustee examine the bankrupt transact such other business as may properly coma before said meeting ' J T M’CONNELL Referee In Bankruptcy Salt Like City Utah May 34 1934 PARD OF THANKS IS OPPORTUNITIES 4 e Is the ha'ln Bitn 1 Furnishing certain equipment and materials t o b Provo for wdtei lod supply improvement 2 Furnishing and installing certain equipment and materials including those in Item 1 for water supply improvement 3 Construction of t residence d— Remodeling parts of Main Build- j i AND-FOUN- for' "bon Csrios fondle led Beturdey et I rase room IS Best Seventh Eugene J Ntll oifKIal-In- t nenae my cell et the French roam In tir martuery until lime af services Interne! -- ill he m City cemetery under direction f mortuery Clawson— Punorenirvee fw M7TT ris Clawson ml hd eonduc 4 Sunday at D B ward ehaptl Bihop Lawrtnr johnaon outBurial will in th ylac lakg lining Frlandi may Randolph City nmitary rail al tha Joarnh William Taylor mortuary 125 North Main itrrat Saturday from 4 to I p m and at th homo In Randolph Sunday prior to trrvlctg DIETL1KER— Funerol ttraicri for Albrrt DtetIJker will bo conducted Sunday at p m In the Thirtieth ward chapel H Hudaon Webb officiating Bishop Frlenoa may rail 07 the Continental 38 East Seventh room In thwmortuary street until Sunday at 1 p South and at the church 15 mlnutea prior to aervicee Interment will be In Wasatch Lawn burial park under direction ol the Deseret mortuary PIPE— Funeral service! for Katie A Pipe wife of Arthur E Pipe and mother of Mre May H J Stewart of San Fran-rlsc- a Cal who passed away at Niles Cal were held In Oakland Cal Mon day May 21 under the direction of the Truman company funeral directors Interment Oakland cemetery SHEPHERD— Funeral service lor Joseph Shepherd will be held Friday at 12 30 p m in the Oranitc stake tabernacle Bishop Joseph ICJar will officiate The cssket will be open at the residence 2061 Farley's canyon road Friday from 16 a m until 1) noon Interment in City cemetery under direction of Larkin mortuary Brew as follows: 100 in a local hospital Thuradar at 0 30 WASHINGTON May 24 (VP— Sur- died jf p m followina a llncerlne lllneaa of Uver reserve He wee bom In Mleaourl and had federal trouble of reserves plus cash lived In Utah 40 yeari During the construe a member banks have reached a record tton of the Panama canal he aervrd MONTPELtER Idaho— Funeral services foreman Thera era no relatives In Salt will ATTACHMENT 3 p m in be conducted Beturdey Lake high Indicated at $700000000 K F Hall to Hal Oil company et al Montpelier L D 8 First Ward chapelofTor lot I block 60 plat A etc E Mrs Pearl Peteriet Brown 22 wife I The new level was reached during BHERIFF'B CERTIFICATES OF BALI Leslie Brown who died Wednesday in e Bode Thomas K Bieiinger to Utah Assets last week The federal reserve Sprints1 hospital f son of lot ip block 31 ten- She RoroSr survived by her husband two smell Howard Kent corporation between that 5 board reported today 1861 sera plat A Howard and Lena Royce of 225 West Eighth children her mother Mrs Otto Peteriet re-- t B5 lo bank m Frits Wimmer 23 Earl member et al to First Sebrothers end sisters: Robert 1220 and 16 p George South street died Thursday at May May 6 block William Lois Idaho Norma and Hamlet lot Trust en route to the company re-- a while hospital general curity serve balances including legal 1834 30 plat B Death resulted apparently from natural Peteriet Mrs Lee Martin and Mrs Alfred TAX BALI REDEMPTION CERTIFICATE advanced $73000000 to a causes but an autopsy will be performed Oortsciruky Monepelier v quirements The body wll be taken to West Jordan Balt Lake City to Olen R Bothwell cause to tha determine J Utah Bundny for Interment under direcpeak of $3767000000 lot 12 block 20 five-ac- re plat A tion of the William mortuary Montpelier ASSIGNMENT OF MORTOAOK The reserve boanj estimates that to A 0 Investors Finance company has a reserves 1 excess of each billion 7500 Whltmorefiot 6 block 62 plat B Von Tarldlo Figueroa 28 of 254 South Fourth credit expansion of ten to West MORTOAOE8 potential Wedneslocal In a street died hospital ' SecurB First to exFORK— Durrant Randolph LaVon SPANISH Murphy Royal fifteen billion dollars Treasury There day at 7 45 p m of tuberculosis 4 ity Trust company lot 40 block 2 Jr 5 son of R L and Brittania Craig Dur2000 Waterloo Addition perts say silver purchases under the are no surviving relatives In Balt Lake rani of Caatiegate died Thursday at 4 p m ' " M M Anderson to Katie to James tend He will of new administration Jult complications following pneumonia Christensen lot 2 block It East was born at Cesileiat December 15 1226 -- Increase these reserves 1 1000 Park subdivision His parents came here tlx days ago to Philip Salmenum to a former Salt Lake visit H Carsey to Ells Bartlett secThe gold stock was reported by the business Surviving besides the par- O tion I mao died Thuradar at hla home ents relatives 1 3 south range 1 J Mrs are Mr William township and Craig reY a In new N Information 'eaya board at $7768000000 high 115 Brooklyn west here by hla brother S Salmenaon CaxtlegaU The recent loss of $10000000 was ceived Funeral services will be conducted Sun- James Purcer to Zion's Bavlpss Bank Mr Salmenaon left Salt Lake for New section 36 Trust and 1 p m ward In D company L at Third S the day busi1 the recovered In to but inore than figures York about reari aao eneaae 1000 township 3 south range 1 west') He la survived by hla brother chapel and the body will be interred In Arthur — — -- contain no explanation of the disposi- - ness there T Burton to Zion's Savings and two American Fork Olty cemetery hla widow Mrs Bella Salmenaon 1 lot Trust Bank and company in tkm of nearly $25000000 imported dsuehters St a and Libby Salmenaon of 4289 block 16 plat O r Jullus Korn to Zion’s Savings Bank jgold President Roosevelt has stated Brooklyn 7 block 1 lot Trust and aompany some silver has been purchased OODEN — Mra Mary Kaanedy ftehwtrt 1425 W College View subdivision 61 wlfa of Frank Anton Schwartz died Thomas f reserve board figures like trea-- f M Holt to Zion’s Savings OGDEN— Mrs' Nancr Winchester P roe tor Thursday at 3 30 p m at the family resi4 lot" and Trust Bank to Conceal company ’"Bury figures are adjusted street folII widow of Joseph H Proctor former prom- dence rearfive-da-610 Twenty-aecoo- d 1400 block 48 plat D a y llnesa sheep and cattle man of Mt Pleasant lowing a bperation of the $2000000000 stabiliz- - inent Estate of Raphael Clawson to Home Mr Schwartz was born In Lowell Mai died Thursday at the residence of her daush-te- r 6 lot Loan Owners’ a lion fund corporation Patof Mr and Mrs Mrs Irneat Winkler 3825 Quincy avedaughter 1894 block 3 Doull Brothers subdivision rick Kennedy She came to Osden 17 years nue 0 Corless to Home Owner' Condition Reviewed She was married herd in 1010 She John Mrs Proctor was born In Murrav April ago 6 block It Loan BUsa-bet- h was lot corporation of Catholic of a 115 - 35 James 8t member a and dauehter Joseph's conof review board’s The Teservo 2939 East Waterloo subdivision church Crlsman Winchester Surviving Is the husband Owners ditions said: The Larkin Sc Sons' mortuary is In charge Jimmie Davidson to Home She resided thers until her marrlate June t Loan corporation lot 3 block 3 1869 followlne which she moved to Balt of funeral arrangements - T fed! of volume “The daily average 1204 Sherwood Forest addition Lake She made her home there until nine Mrs Marie Edblad to Home Owners' £ eral reserve bank credit outstanding yean aso when aha carat to Olden to re - 8 60 1 subdfv talon DEEDS Bridget Murphy to James B Murphy lot 11 Sunset View subdivision Hereulaa Powder company to J A Coon ct al section S township 2 south range 2 west State of Utah to Henry E Bassford section I township north range 2 west State of Utah to Henry E Bassford section I township 1 north ranta 2 wait DIED ADMINISTRATOR'S Estate of John L Reynolds to Fred W Wrathall lot 19 block 9 Reynolds subdivision DECREES Henry Hutten estate to Busts Weenti lot 37 block 2 Langton Park Estats of Jacoo Nielsen to John Nielsen section 37 township 1 souths ranta 1 east Plan Now for a Bouquet for Next Wed— Col- - MAY 25 1834 NOTICE TO CONTXACTOKS Sealed proposals will b received I by the Utah State Building Comm sion room 122 State Cepitol Salt Lake Cty Utah lor certain construction at the Utah State Hospital at Provo Utah until 1 p m on the dates shown below at which time they will be putp licly opened and reed There will bj pUNERALS I lour separate contracts for this work CROWN -- Puneril Place Berta Ptrantan to Elen's Savings Bank and Trust komptnr lot 4 block 17 plit D Zion's Saving! Bank and Trust company to National Second Morteate corporation lot 2 block 1 Larson RESERVE CASH I FRIDAY MORNING V 5 caMloatfrora a u to mot U e?row n leather tipper type contaimnt miscellaneous papers of no value except to owner Suitable reward for contests case or both No question! J A Bou- ford AAA Hotel Utah 7 Bo KCY8 on rhMa tot on 15th E bet Reward Hr 3510-DIAMOND ItvtUer loot between 11th 80 State and Downing Apt Rew W 8971-DOG loaf whlto wir-ha- lr female terrier Reward Waa 8734-- R leather roller 13 pERSONALS THE STANDARD OP AMERICA’S BUS 6ERV1CB teat nioeaate hot bath alcohol rui VARY 238-3- 7 Hra 50-- 8 Atlqg Bldg EXPERT message Franeo-Xmericagent room 915 33 E 1st South Wae 8132-MASSAGE— Elec treatments Eva McNally caper nurse 843 Bo 3nd E W 8399-SHANNON CONVALESCENT home eted Invalids dleta Wai 1202 351 1th ave MISS RENEE expert moeaaxe and bath lnp Bundaya 35 N let Weet Apt 313 O E OLSEN Ac CO watchmakers have moved Jo 839 Bo 3ndJ5astHy 3140JV MASSAGE— 388 So State Room 338 Phone 8 Hr 4800-- GREAT DETROIT Dentei New $20) I IM hot Anc Portland a 13 06 13 06 Spokane 3 96 Idaho Pall 15 06 9SI TWO TRIPS DAILY ALL 4 DIRECTIONS 13c ur DAILY BER VICE TO GRAND JCT S6M n 16 UiERItAN Detect AMnTLegttimate detective 401 DUh 8&v Tr Bldg Wm 3921 fc 17a DEPOT & TICKET OFfICB Medical OR GRIFFITH apeeiallat lo) men South Main et Woe 6614 71 W Bo Tempi Co 113 WirHeeireo thank all thos9 who (TTindfj assisted ut during our recent bereave- (K)i SYSTEM Chicago BIGGER SAVING OR ROUND TRIPS 04 warmth and privacy count 91 ProL Thornton w Spring W 1732 Detective 16 IS 16 “ York" “ 3151 Omaha Kan City for eppts Swim to Rtduco PART OP A TRANSPORTATION Temple Square Botal CITY TICKET OFFICE KZNYON HOTEL BLDG 209 HO MAIN UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Pub WASATjCH 13&9 Jie Roads Denver Colorado May 16 1934 Sealed bids single copy sub- AIUZ-UTAH TRANS LINES to the conditions contained hereject in will be received until 10 o'clock Phoenix 913 Holbrook 212: Klnimxn st m on the 4th day ofJune 1934 813 18 houri faster time to all for the construction of approximatepoints Temple 8q Hotel Wa 1368 ly 303 mile of bridge and approaches on Project N R of the Tennes- LEWIS BROS STAGES see Pass Forest Highway Route lo UtONUMENTS MARKERS cated within or partly within the IDAHO FALLS— ELY NEV Holy Cross National Forest County AND FLOWER POTS CORINNE TREMONTON of Eagle ‘State of Colorado involving OARLAVp HEAD STONES grave markers special 910: major Items of BLACK FOOT POCATELLO MALAD approximately 16000 fine line of Dower pot urns and bird cu HEBER DUCHESNE VERNAL 570 Unclassified Excavation bathe W C Morris 1842 Bo 7th East cu yds Unclassified CULLEN HOTEL WAS 1064 Excavation for yds BRONZE marker Baltl Stamp Structures 815 tons Crusher-Ru- n 4jrav 3091 Was Broadway Surfacing 701 cu yds Concrete 381 NORTHWESTERN STAGES cu yds Stone Masonry 1000 cu yds 24 JEROME i (11 BOISE 11 NOTICES Hand Laid Rock Embankment 27 BURLEY TWIN PALLS 14 $PECIAL lbs Reinforcing Steel 360000 W 1064 FOR private lessons In beimnlm or td- - lbs Structural Steel and other mi- CULLEN HOTEL ytneed Greg shorthind call W 610S-nor Hems of work The attention of DRIVINO to Chicago Saturday taka three bidders is especially directed to the Ref exchanged Phone Was 9757-- J Provisions covering COMPLIANCE U STUDENT wants ride to N Y or park (Notice ef First Meeting ef Crrditera he WITH CODES OF COMPETIFAIR excel driver D Clcgr 929 8 6 E way Proceedings Under Beetle 15) OP THE TION SUBLETTNO ANY PORTION IN THE DISTRICT COURT ASSIGNTHE CONTRACT OF and 19 United States District of Utah— In the Steamship Tickets ment In the loss of our bsloved son and brother: also do w wish to thank all thoss who expressed their heartfelt sorrow with the prayer In the mortuary and In the church at the cervices Joseohme Ortego tnd family Highland Boy WE DESIRE to thank our friends for their kindness words of sympathy and floral offerings In our late bereavement James Erickson and family louth-we- 36-- " 103-00- 0 R matter of Isaac E Stocking Debtor — In Proceedings for a Composition or To the creditors of Isaac E Stocking of Riverton In the county of Salt Lake and district aforesaid Notice la hereby given that on the 9tb day of April A D 1933 the petition of the said Isaac E Stocking praying that he be afforded an opportunity to effect a composition or on extension of time to pay hla debts under Section 75 of the Bankruptcy Act was approved bv this court as properly filed under said section and that the flret meeting of hla creditors will be held at 403 E 1st South St In Salt Lake City on the 5th day of June A D 1934 et I o'clock In the forenoon at which time the said creditors may may attend prove their claims examine the debtor and transact such other business ts may properly come before said meeting ELMER I GOSHEN Conciliation Commissioner May 34 1934 MENT OF CONTRACT A certificate of compliance on the prescribed form which will be furnished for that purpose shall be signed and submitted by all bidders In accordance with Executive Order No 6646 Issued by the President on March 14 1934 Only bids accompanied by such certificate shall be considered or accepted The contractor to whom award la made shall require subcontractors and dealers furnishing equipment mate rial and suppliea to sign similar cer tificates before making awards to or purchases from such subcontractors or dealers copies of which shall be furnished to the contracting officer The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor employed on this con tract shall be 7S cents per hour The minimum wage paid to all unskilled labor employed on this contract shqll be 60 cents per hour Where Plans and Specifications are requested deposit of $1000 will be required to insure their return within 15 days I will not he responsible for from the date of opening bids checks dehfs contracted by Mrs Paul L to be made payable to the U S Re Holbrook after this date glonal Fiscal Agent Denver Colo (Signed! PAUL L HOLBROOK rado Plans Specifications and Pro 23 1934 may be obtained In the offices possl May of the Bureau of Public Roads 237 Custom House Denver Colorado A ELLIOTT District Engineer CNPcTr M ATION a lfiner14 toW uri3 B "cruiswC W 260 American Exrmi Co MALE HELP WANTED "1 WE can use several young men to demonstrate during coming summer aalee In Salt Lake and rural territories Call or write Real Silk Hosiery Mills Boston hide talesmen References Salary and commission Call Felt Radio Was 5678 Mr Hunt EXPERIENCED salesman to sell standard nationally advertised Una of refrigerators washers radios household appliances Preference to man with auto Salary and commission State experiTrlb-T- el ence Box 4 WILL Interview men with retail etore experience to fill opening In merchandising dept Frl and Sat Mr Darnold EXPERIENCED WASHINGTON May 24 (AP— Combined 1014 Boston bldx resources and liabilities of thg twelve federal reserva banks at th close of business REGISTERED Dhsrmaclst biological laborafedwere the by tonight yesterday reported tory commission bring credentials refIn thousands of dollars eral reserva board erences Biological Research Labora-to- rr as follows: 3501 So Main ASSET COUPLE to operate Gold certificates on hand and due apt bldg Will allow part rent on 4833584 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE from U B treasury apt for gerv-tc- es Gold— Trlb-T- el Box United States for the district of Utah 29833 In the matter ol Andrew F Hubert Redemption fund— P R Notes EXPERIENCED electric welderx Lang Co 238143 Other cash 287 West 1st South voluntary bankrupt In bankruptcy Np 13756 EXPERIENCED cook young married pre4901849 Total tesarves To the creditors of Andrew F Hubert ferred short order and pastry cut of 9354 of Salt Lakt City county of Salt Lake Redemption fund ——P R banknotes town Must be a willing end congenial Bills discounted and district aforesaid a bankrupt Trlb-Tworker Write Box A-Secured by U B government oblige- Notice la hereby given that on the 20th 4413 1934 EXP A elec said tlong D the of salesman nat known lines day app February 31838 Other bill! discounted t Andrew F Hubert waa duly adjudicated Apply In person Interviews 19 to 11 s m Geo Hofmann Hdw Co 20T S Btata bankrupt and that the first meeting 34251 Total bill! discounted of his creditors will be held at tha office 6263 Ills boufht In open market of the undersigned referee In bank— U S government securities Employment Training 22 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ruptcy 434 Besson building Balt Lake Bonds City Utah on the 6th day of June ffiARLTroiTBARBER T RADE at th tj¥A§ Treseury note 1934 at 10 o’clock s mi- at which time Certificate! and bills BARBER COLLEGE 161 Resent st the laid creditors may attend prove SPECIAL TUmON OFFERED NOW their olalme appoint a trustee examine Total U B government eecur-Itl- ta Goodman Exterminated Abstractor Henry Calvin LEARN barberlnt st Molar's Berber eol- the bankrupt and transact such other Bedbugs buslneea as may properly come before GOOD MOAB— Honry Calvin Ooodman II died lege st 118 Rcrent st Other gecurltleg 1 prop titles get ood Wan" "Expert : EXTERMINATION at hla noma Wednesday at 1 a m of all' SAMUEL BARB‘Ogden setd meeting Mv title pan Tho Homer 404 8 Bt W SAP? NRAGUARANTEED 37 Rock DRUMMOND M’CONNELL T menu Incident to ois EXTERMINATING J CO said meeting 2479240 Total bull tnd aecurltlea INC 633 MILTON AVE HY 4830 Springs Wyo : He waa horn August 2 1152 In Edgefield Referee la Bankruptcy 3134 Due Irom foreign banka WANTED 23 EMILY BIRD 29 Wlnton Wyo O a eon of Wllllem Wallace and Annetta NEW YORK May 14 4AP)— Genera! AmeBalt Lake City Utah May 24 1934 18995 F R notea of other banka Assayor USB LOVINQER’R INSECTICIDE for kill-tn- flGENTS rican Transportation company and aubtldi- -' Goodman Ha married Mary Louise Brum-le— 4:13048 Uncollected Items BEDBUGS ROACH DOOM for 1638 P Box UNION O Inc Assay ortlce of Dolores Cole In 1990 and they arles report In the first quarter 52519 RAZOR BLADES ipecltl-tie- s HEADQUARTERS Bank premises W W TemPlc DEPARTMENT Pro BIRTHS W TREASURY ROACHES 310 rite 152-- 4 Bo W Temple Was 1199 of 1380385 after chargee and taxes equal came lo Moab 139399 curenient Fed Dep Ins Corp stock rubber goods Writ for prices Division Publlo Worke Logon— Mr and Mrs Lari W Pearson All other to 44 eenta a share compared with 1395' Mr Ooodman was in early planter cattle47924 Branch WashlnBton suets Fftjanza 336 3th st flan Francisco D C — Sealed & Rug Cleaning Mra Lee Feriuson 000 or 39 centa a shore In tha first auar-Jo- r man and was known lo tha Indiana hers In dauihtar Mr and Carpet A Deot j Auto Parts Mr and Mrs Ira Clark eon Mr last year 1040343 bldg in duplicate subject to 'the con tha early eighties Later Mr Goodman be- daughter: Total suets eon Mr and for 35e household neces-si- ty No 8641 SOUTH7 State 8t Auto Wreckat Co U23 ROMNEY Rug Cleaning Co expert clean AGENTS anywhere Order Executive of came Interested In sheep and retired 19 ana Mra Erneet Thalmsn dlttona Liabilities Good Mre W commissions son: and Mr Mre Harris Eichmeyer er and repair of dom Chinese Orient So State H 60S and 2206 8o Btato H P COFFEE MAEKET Notes In actual circulation 3039297 dated March 14 4934 will be publicyeera ago Thon ht became Interested In Alfred Lamont 316 South 2nd East Balt Lake City O Ftterton eon: Mr and Mri M P: R 6636 W buy and sell used cars trucks andNavajo rugs 322 8 W Tem W 6607 41839 ly opened in this office at 2 p m R bank note circulation— net NEW YORK May 28 f AFi-Ba- nto closed Balt Lake real estate W daughter Mr and Mrs George — ‘ make Rebuild batteries all sires tire FRANK MARTIN Co ArSurviving are hie widow three daughter! - W Rlolaon lower Bales 9000: No 7 closed 1 to Deposits UphoL rug carpet Mrs 14 labor all eon and 1934 Profewor Ritclilc for furnjshlnk 1747289 June Member bank— reterve account furniture cl'd 1630 So State Hr 7276 hither Bales 1000 Closing" quotallont: Mrs Teddy Bhuit Moab: Mri C E Bald- thur J Morris daughter pi 8 W T W 131 — I and materials and - perormlnf all truck Mendenhall' ig fl - Mr and Mra V 8 treasurer— general account — 51343 24 Bentos May 1048 July 10 82 September win tnd Mri R H Dalrympla Moab a son O A Mtchaalls daughter RUOB carpets cleaned work tuar Balt SALESMEN WANTED 5810 work-fo- r entrance veeti Foreisn bank enlargingBalt Lake and ’1119 December 1110: March 1117 No Henry Calvin Goodman Lake Carpet Co 438 8 7 E Hr 2019 236109 bules at the poet office court house Other deposits 7 May 9 18 July III September 140 seven grandchildren ECIALTY" ctri wlth alema Automobile 1by DEATHS Funeral services were conducted In the 8 51 Tops December 1 40 Mar-Draw China Painting 4961931 etc at Salt Lake City Utah b ob Total deposits nationally advertised grocery product intoe 4g 11U to quiet Baptist church Thursday with tha Rev TOPS 910 up also roadster coups tops David Luther Barnard 84 (78 Deferred mfgr Salary and expense basis Age 28 427374 Inga and gpeclficattona may availability Items "Coat and frefghf offersU(: W E Parks ofllclattng Interment waa In BARNARD— Rio 7a 10 35 y Bt W to 4450 thrombosis Bel's 912 Must 8 Emerson custodian avenut the have at coronary actual the talned Shop exper from 144410 selling CHINA pslntins lessons Capital paid In Bourbon 9e and It at 1109 to 1139 tha Moab Olty cemetery rates to cluba grocery trade BoUe Idaho headquar138383 building or At this office In tha dls WALT BLOOMFIELD Tow ft Glass Co Top i MUM I Grace Thompson 882 S 14 E H S69I-- J COIVmbUS — Joseph Daniel Columbus 42 Surplus ters Reply in detail atatinc are record cretion ot the assistant director of es ood ss new 14 B 2nd B Wes 4519 - Reserves F etcD I G stock sell-istreet South names all perttohand previous employment 181(31 Procurement Floor Finishing gurance lOSlbWeeBecoad Publlo Work Branch Trlb-Te- le date Box A-25438 W DRldOfl— Appolloe Pratt Drlgre (2 Focal All other liabilities E Reynolds Assistant Director of Awnings ELECTRIC sanding machine for rent alaa CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL SALESMAN — anile wound tello Idaho Branch Public Works 8080383 Procurement Kabllltlei Excellent opportunity for experienced SMITH ft ADAMS Mfr awnings canopies polishers 380 So State Was 4948 ato of totgl reserves to depost and P hard Korkina man Liberal commisHUrS— i'otjn William Hurd It Mldvala THIS IS THE NINTH OF A SERIES OF TEN SEASONS swints tardea umbrellas camping OLD floors sanded mads like new Average porch R note liabilities combined 690 per cent sions Salt Lake City territory Must UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT tents and equip 235 Edison st W 16H room 83 7750-R apoplexy Mar 22 Phone bills far Hy hsvo auto E 8 Smith Fsderal Schools purchased Contingent llablllt: on OF BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE WESTERN TENT ft AWNING GO Mfri Inc Minneapolis Minn brelta correspondents 2388 PUBLIC ROADS Denver Colorado Guar canvas Ids 48 B W T W 2274 Furniture Repairing DIVORCES GRANTED Sealed bids single BPjCRE Tent ft Awn May 10 1934 mfr waterproal Harold Edna Catherine Mikeeen copy subject to the conditions con covers tents awns 310 Bo W Temple FURNITURE refinlshed uphol key lock WANTED cruelty attorney J Patton talned herein will be received until tun radio rep Broadway Repair Co POSITIONS 165 E 3rd Bo W 2404 Call and del Veil’ Van Horn from William Van Horn ten o’clock a m on the 28th day MALE Dancing anwas NEW YORK May 36 (AF)- -It of May 1934 for tha construction of deeertlon attorney Edward P Richards FURNITURE R 2nd 80 HANDY MAN with mechanic or CC carpenter tnlv lessons 83: trial 75c Woodward’s ROYAL was 1591 Uoliol refng (47 Mildred Margaret Bristol from Lelsnd other very quiet day In cotton and after approximately 12363 miles ot bitu and renslrtnw Work at anythlncv Good neat tool or 1 points In response mtnous macadam surfacing and 9786 246 8 Main Write for catalogs W 6013 Sterling Bristol cruelty attorney G Hun- eelllnk off some worker Phone Hy 1086-- J to relatively easy cables and favorable ter Lunt House’ N R coat on Project Cleaning weather advlcee the market held within a miles seal Dentist C-- 6 ot the Berthoud Pass u i comparatively narrow range DIVORCES GRANTED NATIONAL HOUSECLEANTNG CO located with DR HUDSON Dr Thomas 511-5Route Futures closed steady I lower CEMALE HELP Forest Bcott Highway 26 Painter and decorator Wn 4256 ‘ Low ’Xast In or partly within the Pike and High Margaret T Coulam from Merrill J Cou-la- m bids NRA Bets ot artificial teeth ' WANTED 1130 J135 It 25 All Ooun beautiful durable now onlv 88 nonsupporti Judge Allen O Thurman July Forests National Arapahoe Lawn Mowers Sharpened October Clar B Bruderer from 1151 1145 Jl45891148 kinds dental service at reduced rates CALLS forofnceliieip nr increulng New of Clear Creek and Grand State December 1143 1151 It 5161151 ties derate deration J Allen students enrolling each week Opportuof Colorado Involving major Items WHEN you phone Fowler’s for Lawn MOw-r- rs 1141 11 83 1183 January nity to earn living expenses Writ Foot of approximately 16800 tons Bitu 1113 ba 1113 A FOWSURE Specialist CIIAB 1111 you March get Henaxer Business Collage 45 ! NEW SUIT FILED v Bdwqy 13C LER’S 1140 ua Macadam Aggregate Key Gun Bicycle ft Novelty steady mlddlinr Spot 6S7 202 Boyd Park Bids L HANSEN A Worka Have served you for 29 years YOUNG lady attract! Ellen Nelson vs J Albert Peterson penon-apersonality special 3819 32 chiropody treatment II Liquid Asphaltic Road M work 63 sties Bsla W WAS 4980 839999 Fhon Inlurlo Goldberg attorneys Broadway NEW ORLEANS May 24 (API — Cotton rial and 100 tons Asphalt 1000 lln Mr Pettit Tcmpfi and Bernstein GUARANTEED lawn mower harpenln tt Vitrified Tile Underdrain - futures eleeed barely steady at net declines 4 39 p m Hat 8 w Ooldtny director of' state" deoert2111 1686 Cleaning 80 11th g By factory way “ tlcal ot one point n May and 168 points on 950 tons Coarae Screenings and othEXPERIENCED girl for cooking and housaw son liter months er minor Itema of work The atten HATS renovated Suit cleantd and preuei work Phone Hy 7794 before 11 a m Commercial propertied in Low High Moving directed Storage of bidders tlon most fpmcutw the ig especially by at? 1118 1116 Strawberry Msy Salt Laks City were sever as injunction" attorneys Joseph Chentcl pickersJr- -wantto 170 South State COMPL1 UNITED HATTERS to the ONCE Dell Burnham rovering provlsione Woods Cross 1128 Wi 1120 FURNITURE A Harold B WaUaoa E moved to Denver Balt Lake or low la prioe as at the present Colder Phono Bountiful ANCE WITH CODES OF FAIR COM — July October mtqlll 1149 1148 Cal by bonded experts Everything Inan R Lester Hedrick House Insulation PETITION SUBLETTING ANY FOR December 1190 1159 sured no crating nee MOLLERUP MOV- EXPERIENCED fancy spotter Apply Fashtime Prices on this particuAND 1190 1110 ING ion Cleaners and Dyera 1591 So 11th TIOfT OF THE CONTRACT BTORAQB 0 Balt Lake W 158X lar class of property are now REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Janutry 1114 1119 iiito March "CONTRACT ASSIGNMENT Asbesto-Ute OF HOUSEHOLD HOUSE HOT? with moved and Insulate goods WARRANTY DEEDS on about the tame level as Spot quiet I points down Balsa 24 baler certificate of compliance on the pre Mwlern 19 degrees Coat OPPORTUNITY and for young lady with of- tsmperatur drop shipped fireproof anywhtr middling 1185 bBld Findlay to Gilbert T Luonbee 935 avers flee experience to work for 6 course al horn warehouse Long gist mov a gpcclslty were stocks and commodities L lot3 92 Pay monthly 46 scribed form which will be furnished 19 Southgate Park REDMAN VAN ft 8TOR CO W 1462 Main Was 914 collcge HcnajterJBuslness be and for shall that m Woodgtgaed 1932 to purpose Real estate Is always Beatrice B Roger! In P Orln HADLEY TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO 19 submitted by all bidders in accordlot 1 block 12 Plat B the last to come back but In P bury 41 East Broadway Wan 1111 Orln Woodbury to Albert B Rogance with Executive Order No 4444 Massage 29 POSITIONS WANTED Mov4ng Packing Fireproof Btorate 19 -- 4 the Ion run the safest and ers lot 1 block 12 plt B Issued by the President en Maroh 14 LIEF UcMANUS Wasatch Masseur INDUSTRIALS WE SPECIALIZE IN MOVING Woodbury to Zion'e Baring TEMALE 1934 blda surest Investment 4907 (Men’s Department) All In- P Orln and by Wat accompanied Only Springs 1 2332 SALT LAKE Trust company lot TRANSFER CO Wss Sank 43 such certificate shall be considered DTNroTady" wlshM'ttaki'imar" vestments and enterprises of plat B or accepted The contractor to whom children by the hour days or tvainsa Piano Instruction Hlbbert to Milo A Nelson Patent whatever kind are based on Ambrose ahall-requl- re Attorneys 1 sub rcaionablo charxc Was 9143-e made 48 A award lot 10 block plat la THOMAS real estate values and which Thomas M Wheeler to Anna L T piano itudloa fPMinllot contraotora and dealer furnishing IRENE Short tcachlns XXP Trade-mark housekeeper deslrea work la motbeilesa THOMAS U S Reg ft 4190-- B Hr elementary 13 2 Normandie Tnb-Tcblock L lot Ludlow home ref Box T are considered by authorities Drawlna Bsason Bid W 7343 equipment materials and supplies Helihte before similar certificates to EXP sign girl desires fountain or lunch countcw the safest hedge against in- Edwin B Harper ts Barah J Harper Steel Structural work Was 1903-- J making awards to or purchases from Painting Papering section 4 township I aouth rang! flation such subcontractors or dealers dlDUStRIAL STEEL ft IRON CO Iron an 19 1 east 4 4 PAPERHANOING teel for all purporesi welding printing samples lur--' RUCTION SALES Keener Realty company to Grover T copies of which shall be furnished nlshed W R Duke Hy 8194-te the contracting officer The minColeman lot 40 block I Harvard repair work 676 W 6 s7w 4061 HENRY JOHNSON 19 Place An Investment in this parPAINTINO imum wage paid to all skilled labor paperhanging and cleaning Ml to Meeslnxer Grace Smith Hetti reas prices Hy 6583-- J for estlmatra OP XIY82S REALTY CO Tools TODAY 19:30 a m at 1404 Stats at ticular class of property con-vertemployed on this Contract shall be BONDS 19 43 block 4 Thorndyk eubdlvislon 75 " The cents per hour minimum big salt of good used furniture IncludMaatger Bales Commercial and hoaoo 10350 tools Into a trust fond should Orac p Beckman to John A Smith Amalgamated Sugar -Binders ft C hand forged mechanic Printers lot of fine dliheg and ing em unskilled to all labor 19 wage 8 1999 E paid lot 10000 Industrial Property block WABATCH TOOL CO- - 1167 Ho BtSte Conti Bk Bldg 1085 plat mohair overstuffed assure for your estate) a sub- 3 B J Arnovlts Wm” ployed on this contract shall be 46 et al to Ercl Hop9509 Mutual Creamery 4s 1938 set almost newt 1 1x109 Axmlnster rug CO PRINTING CENTURY hif 15 19 Dale block Forest 1934 kins 109 Where cents 000 and lot hour Plan Ogden BLR 9x12 Axmlnster rug py (3 per stantial and endless income' Grant Moreen to William Edman with Osltg pad 1801 Watch 238 at Wag Edison t work Repairing 2100 2400 8 L Terminal 8s 1913 with ntd: Ivory bedroom get complete Specifications art requested a de19 Utah-Idsh- o 1800 10000 lot 12 block II ten-ac- re end public library binding tea Bug 1934-4- 9 plat Awith De Luxe sprint Ik Stmmong bed Jewelry Stored Good wale FOR private posit of 1900 will be required to ItJItBAUaH'B A Emmett Smith 1100 G Dust Cn 321 Edluon st Wes trio Walter Rowull toten-acUtah Goa ft Oaks 5a 1931 1400 Was 9917 185 Bo State with best springs and mattress: lots reoalrlnx 16 insure return their within 1 A days 9300 lot I block II 9000 do la 1939 plat of walnut tables lamps walnut bed-b- ed from the date of opening bids checks to Mary O Hansen 00 0200 P ft L 9a 3033 Glenn R Bothwell ten-acHome complete set Remodeling Slab Re19 A U to 1 bs made to 83 8 the 00 block lot CUk (Via 1041 payable tools I good coal ranges Es- (500 plat carpenter Clara V Jenson to Ed D Smith 88 tate combination coni and gas ranma gional Fiscal Agent Denver -ColoMODERNIZATION femodellnc Job ' Wo 24 block L Walker ub- lot all gray enameled almost new Anglo- rado Plans Specifications- and THE FORGOTTEN MAN! W coatrxct th work We Bongj FOR OUTSTANDING HOMS figure cost 19 Persian rug ’’Bird of Paradise’1 pat- lend the cah Estimate free W 6106-- R Western’Loan anJf building company Proposal may be obtained in the black monair crerstuffed let ‘ offlcee of the Bureau of Public VALUES He hu a tin on his window er ever hla to Herman Wunderlich lot 19 real beauty also 2 new bedroom seta Denver 237 House Custom Roads lo NEW YORK May 24 (AP)— Foreign am d 1 new overstuffed let all samples block 4 Westminster Heights Roofing - door-riA ELLIOTT District E Mulcock to William J Rose- - ' s electric range and plenty ether furniwithout letting - the 'Public Orest Britain In dollars Colorado ateedy SEE T0DATS CLASSIFIED ADS Bldney ‘ 19 Others In cento Great Britain demand Erngfroor ture This I a big sale: bs her atuw Year lot 1 Evergreen Park 6 08 5 00)4 MATERIALS W H ADAMS AUCT N Bruuut ROOFING 600H1 cablet hint Robert ts Fred P Jensen eolumn This is know soon he forgotten 1 cable! 10 6 A 661 Prance demand Italy lot 1 block 2 five-ac41: plat QUITTINO BUSINESS rod rr Asphalt shlngln100-m-flat butlt-u- p demand 8 62 tables 8 62 M E Thornton to Ameliq S Noland 2380 to Last days of tha COLUMN NO 131 il huslnts rour massage radius: Free prurata auprvlslon 19 Demand Belgium 23 43: Germany lot 7 block 28 plat B Auction 8alo roof with asphalt paint ba your not will for I 3621 ' Bray-ba- n 6188 Sweden HOUftni any responsible to Edward Norway P Parker Oeorge mr-- TKB LOCK ROOFINO ft REMODELING OO 94 East 2nd South Albert’a bargain At the urn tor homes penny— dally Bwltaetland 221 1 2318 Finland Bcott debts contracted by Laura Dtnmxrl lot 4 block 18 plat 904-- R tore must go shoes shirts WAS HY 850 STATE 7199 SO everything When you consider the dividends In pleasure protection 3247 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS Day or Mr Harvey Dap after this - vice would soft (3360 by pennf poitala dresses pants work clothes 11 fixture Investors Finance company to John M Sendee dot AuoHonwr Bate sale J for Shades and thrift certainty of Increase in prices isn’t the wise Window KUBBBK O Platt lot 1 block 89 plat-( Signed) starts 11 a m to 9 g m HARVEY DAT Her la s public servlet unexcelled tor N0W YORK Vu 24AP— Cradt rubber Ed D Smith if Bona to Winifred answer to INVEST IN A HOME TODAY I 1934 24 W 8 ADAMS AUCTIofrESR May 1 3 future Lowest WINDOW eloed 8HaD£S SANDERS ’ lot block Waiateff higher My Sensing (©! 1494 to 139 BO STATE HT 4S96 reader sod advertiser alike 11 63n: July 110: Beptanher II J46M2 37 addition prices free ttaiuplea aud quotatiena October 1) 4An Smoked ribbed spot ctoed Ellas G Broomheed to O G Wimade ob wtd roUere: shade THALES M -- DERRICK AUCTIONEER allewanc lkinson kit 11 block 1 Alhambra 646 0 1267a abomiati reversed 0taU Waa 1M3 High class auction omtico wa CALL AN EXPERT - J Earnings nm l BELIEVE IT IS Cotton Market An Advantageous Time to Invest in Real Estate” I ft £ Et Local Securities 30 'a T'rwXWduSrS a Foreign Exchange J' 3S E5 ln y 7-- 4 — I |