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THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING 1 MAY 23 1034 LICENSE ISSUED POCATELLO Idaho— A marriage Charity Group to was issued Monday toJRoy Hold Garden Tea license W McNelley 36 of Pocatello and At Tracy Home Opal O Douglass' 33 ofi Kimberly ' Senator Mrs King Tfoth of Popular Announce Troth Salt Lake Maid Of Their Daughter Is Announced An increasing amount of English movie talent is being brought to HolThe attractive Russell L Tracy — lywood home on Second avenue will be the scene of a garden tea td be given Saturday between the hours of 4 and 6 p m by the St Mark's Charity association A business meeting and election of officers will be held at 1 2 SALE United State Senator William H A Mr and Mrs George W Lam-- t Xing and Mr King of Washington bHurne 1369 Military way announce thi engagement of their daughter D C ngage?fnt0fM garetRuby to Bruce Darrell their daughter Kathleen to William Grilles son of Mr and Mrs Oliver Frank Allen son of Mr and Mrs J Gfyme of Washington D C forJames H Allen of Jacksonville Fla merly of Salt Lake The marriage will tAke at 6 30 p m Thurssays a special dispatch to The Tribune day June place 14 at St Mark's Cathedral The will take place and wilhbe followed by a reception Tuesday wedding at 4 p Bt June 12 at the Latter Day at the ‘Lambourne home in Federal Saints chapel on Sixteenth street in Heights Announcement of the betrothal of Washington and will be followed by Miss Lambourne and Mr Grimes will a reception at the Sulgrave club be read with a great deal of interest Miss King has chosen for her at- by the many friends of the young tendants Mrs Merrill Schow of Wash- couple who are well known in the ington a granddaughter of Senator younger society'set King Miss Jean Reynolds a cousin The bride-elec- t is a graduate of for the maid of honor and the fol- Rowland Hail and the'' Elizabeth Miss Charlotte Yoder school in Florence Italy Mr lowing bridesmaids Gartland of Washington Miss Jane Grimes Is a formei student of the Frankberger of Charleston W Va University of Utah nd is now in and Miss Charlotte Miles and Miss Washington The wedding will be Mildred Lord of New York The one of the smart matrimonial event young couple will make their home of June in Florida follow! their wedding The couple will spend their honeymoon in Europe sailing onth S S of Announcement the approaching Europa from New York marriage of Miss King and Mr A1 len will be read with a great deal For Coast Yisitor of interest by the friends of the bride-elein Salt Lake She attended the Mrs Murray Sullivan has lued Maderla and Chevy Chare schools in invitations fora tea to be given Tues29 at her home in CottonWashington D C and spent a year day May at the Sorbonne in Paris Mr Allen wood in honor of her daughter MrL was graduated from the University Alexander D Moffat of San Francisco who is s guest at the Sullivan of Alabama home 2 30 N (Advertisement) Bridge Supper PERMANENTS I Any Time FINGER WAVS well DRIED No matter what you pay there aro Mae letter deseFet gym PEAUTY SHOP a E BLACK Mer Call Was Mil for Appointment avenue for close friends of the bride-elec- t Miss lone Naegle and Miss Margaret Naegle will give a linen shower at their home on Windsor street for the Mrs Waldo Osbride Wednesday mond will entertain the bridal party Saturday and Sunday morning Miss Betty Burton will give a breakfast at her home on Stratford avenue for Miss Brown Miss Virginia Chase and Miss Marian Bishop will entertain May 28 at a supper for the bride-elec- t Miss Leona Jeffs gave a shower on May 17 for the bride-eleMembers of the Highland Park Gleaner girls entertained at a delightful party Monday evening at the home of Miss Lois Fisher on Stratford airenue in compliment to Miss Brown Twenty guests were in attendance 'DEPENDABLE' A WALLPAPER CLEANER Your dealer can guarantee every out olAbsorent to be fresh because old stocks have been cleaned out Your dealer also knows that he'll offering you the latest and best balanced cleaner ever produced with respect to being mad NON CRUMBLY NON-STICK- Y -- Absorene has brightened millions of rooms to the satisfaction of two generations It absorbs ALL the dirt soot and impurities therefor ia aanitary Look for th vSoxcrjj j name on this red label jpy and this picture on the lid of every can of genuine Absorene 'd MMini Eauly appUtd by tami mmbtr family tr yur Paialtf tr taptf Hasgrr will da It at — yottt rtaitoablt nil a- - jfa' Ou La Your Spring Cleaning ilia nils foe HRH— th Mutet Clesaet tot Flint Vunuk Woodwork Floors Tils UubU Porcelain etc ABSORENE MFG CO 8T LOUIS MO U 8 A SALT LAKE GLASS & PAINT : 35 - East on 1st South EL Salt Lake City -- - DISTRIBUTOR FOR CO - ‘ ABSORENE and H It II CLEANER Annual Stiver Tea Members of the Town club will give a “silver tea" Thursday from 4 to 6 p m at the Clubhouse 731 East South Temple street to assist In raising funds for Girl Scout scholar ships The honored guest will be Miss Margaret Murray Girl Scout field representative for New York The committee In charge of the tea includes Mrs W A Cavanaugh Mr F G Schramm Mrs C Bintx Mra A H Means Mrs H B Felts Mrs Theodore Whiteley and Mrs C A Faus All interested In Girl Scout activities are invited a Events of the Day final meeting lor year p m 218 to Auxiliary Union-N- o Carpenters’ local No 194 ’regular session 8 p m Labor temple Western Physical Culture fcluh 7 30 p m Cycle club Past Guardians' club Neighbors of Woodcraft Mrs Bertha Holeshuh 1242 Roosevelt avenue 2 p m G I A No 583 1 p m L 0 O F halL Public card party 2 p m Companioned Needleart 1 30 p m Mrs David Wilde 351 Wall street Olivet O Howard post W R C 2 p m K of P hall "Women’s Benefit association No 11 Westway club public card party and luncheon 1 p m Mrs Anne Davis 133 North First West street Primrose Sewing club 1 p m Miss Anne Cartwright 1176 Princeton avenue Special meeting Daleth chape ter of Deiphians 10 a m CONTRACT BRIDGE Classics club When Bidding a System Means the Making of ingiy Impossible Hand By Q VAQ763 Q Are any countries still on the gold standardt A Ye the following countries are on a gold standard: Belgium France Netherlands - Swltserland Lithuania Poland Dominican Republic Dutch East Indies Guatemala Haiti and panama Most of these eountie have restrictions on the exportation of 'gold Low dpea the state of New Q4 ?94J 08 A 98J3 AK96 The bidding: Exit K) 109 2 Redotlbi Pais Paw SHAPIRO’S 103 Sttt h lie FLOUR— satch Hi LOAVES Busleri Patent Wa4S tbs 9139 tALAD DRESSING— Old MU) quart 15c 23c 8 lbs 69c Whit SNOWDRIFT— 40c pail JUICE— 5c can blnnerette LARO-P- Milk Maid Bread is good bread It is made from the best grade ot lloue from a Utah mill pnra lard milk Utah Beet laser and la ether send vrhaleeom lnsredlents MUk Maid Bread cemee lt-- ot white or brawn loaves ellced ot umliced Try 4 loaves (or 18e ure b TOMATO i ls--ot LAHD 2 lbs 18c GRAPE JUICE 10c Concord grapes Solid TOMATOES— Pack Ig tb Moat packers tell ns lard will be much higher la price Buy Wednesday— 8 lbs ISO Tbit id less thafe most wholesale prices PEA- S- can FORE AND EEANS— Pierce’s Ig- - !4 can CORN— Extra Standard No 9 can Lb 5c lie American Cream lb POTATO c CHIPS— Small CORNED BEEF— Sliced Lb nftA AUL 17c 18c 4c 3c CHEESE - — — th -- dA east CORN FLAKES— Larja yhg st iOc 424 8rd South 18 SOUTH MAIN 8T 602 SOUTH MAIN 8T 1439 SOUTH STATE ST ' 3230 80UTH STATE ST ' MIDVALE MURRAY AND BOUNTIFUL Large IT FRANKFURTERS-- roopSl riif-- - Jpsmis A Surety of Purity xthc ! Fresh lb Roast tRAb loaF— H Ch Trieste CANTALOUPES— Jumbo Bis CUCUMBERS— Long Crisp POTATOES— Choice Utah lb IDs 2 for 15c 3 lor 10c IU lUSi 1UL STEAK— Delicious Xendef!b CUBE VEd LOINS CHOPS— Found HAMBURGER— Fresh pot Roast— Steer Reef Ibi VEAL ROAST— Shoulder Cut 15c 4A Ground All Beef QJLSUVVGGS So bEANS— Stringleei) No 3 tan CHEESE— GROUND BEEF MIID (Campus Bhoft-ayc- ond Floor) - c I Phi SOSABmm Hereto the bifiest hot weather barfai A that eaa ba looked tor 8ito a eaa 16s II to sweet Juice from those good local 4iJ tiliX: STILL the 1071 South 2 0 4U Doubll K 09342 08 6733- - Pan 1 dk 0 10873 1 z "’I Portrait ot a very correct carefully groomed lady of sporting Inclinations: A chic new version' of the ehlrtmaker ta here to make fashion hlstory 10742 0 KQ 67632 The hand Will be discussed in to(1) My hand is too atrong to pass It is unwise to immediately raise the morrow’s article hearts with the three small trumps and the bid of two club might conceivably shut out a gams bid In one spades— Th alternative bid of notrump would hot paint any picture of distribution 660 SOUTH MAIN (2) Of course an obvloui preferThesd Prices Effective at Once ence Good Until It P M Wednesday (3 Remembering my partner’ statement that he played oirldga in the manner he had learned from reading York rank among the states of the my articles I decided that the redouble was entirely safe After all ' —’ t8-l- b cloth bag union in size? had only blade one aifflple takeout 8404 A New York ls twenty-nintin and shown a preferenca between the 100 lbs rank having an area of 49204 square two suits bid by my partner With OkTDOL— Regular site miles tha added value of the singleton and (2M value) ft pkgs 19-o- $798 AA6 sy KJ6 New-hous- 4 SHIRT FROCK justified The East player was one of the world’s outstanding players but his judgment In this particular situation was bad My partner a very modest bridge player fulifllcd his contract The making four hearts redoubled opening lead was a club but even agaihst a spade opening the hand can be made although it is necessary to make the diamond finesse Toraorr w’a Band South dealer ' North and South vulnerable 1042 North i Fashion Classic the fact that I held both the ace and king of clubs either one of which I might lack the redouble was fully (?82 OK 104 Q ' ‘ ' AKJ95 hotel Wasatch circle Child Conservation league last meeting of season Weasku Inn 2263 East South street 1 Twenty-firs- t p m Women’s Democratic Study -group section A ward 1 2 p m Mrs J C Webb 1174 Fifteenth East street program and reports Third ward Women’s Democratic study group Mr- a1 T Epperson 139 West Third North street 6 p m Ladles Poinsettia club 130 p m Mrs Amy Mowers 1408 Denver street a Seem-- AV Josephine Culbertson “All I know about bridge Mrs Culbertson is what I learn from reading your art lies in the newspapers day after day” remarked a new partner to me recently in a rubber game at Crockford’s club The cards had Just been cut and my partner sitting The hands North drew the deal were distributed as follows: North dealer Neither side vulnerable INFORMATION Q What to the difference between a heavy rainfall and a cloudburst? A A cloudburst to the name given to an extra heavy fall of rain affecting a small area and lasting for only a short time It is impossible to draw a clear line of distinction between a cloudburst- - and - a - heavy— rainfall Usually however the term cloud-burto not used unless six or more st inches of rain falls at the rate of ' 10 inches or more an hour ' VV N 1:43 TRIBUNE Q $ CROSS UTAH DRIVE OUT AND SEE WOODS jmmm Miss Kathleen King right daughter of United States nounced Senator William H King and Mr King of Washington D C wboae engagement to William Frank Allen of Jacksonville Fla to announced Miss Margaret Ruby Lambourne left daughter of Mr and Mrs George W Lambourne whose betrothal ta Bruce Darrell Grimes on of Mf and Mrs Oliver J Grimes of Washington D C to an d WAVE FURS m ur PH Regular to IT SHAMPOO and FINGER VILLFORD WOOD 1 Miss Battle Richardson presided over a prettily arranged bridge supper Tuesday evening at her home on Arlington drive in honor of Miss Louise Reynolds a popular bHde-eleof May The serving table woe gay with decoration of pink roses Tea for June Bride and orange blossoms and 16 close Mrs Hutchinson has issued friends of the bride-elec- t were in at- invitations for a tea to be given Fritendance day between the hours of 4 and 6 p m at her home on Third avenue in honor of Mias Elizabeth Nelson who is Luncheon for Visitor Mrs Gordon Parker Owen and Mrs to wed in June W L Webb entertained at a prettily appointed luncheon followed by Annual Party bridge Tuesday afternoon at the home The American Association of Uni of Mra Owen on Emerson avenue versity Women will hold Its annual The ’gyesto were seated at small ta- spring party at the Country club Satbles gay with howls of urday at 12:30 p 'm Reservations rosea should be made by Friday with Mrs The lunoheon honored Mrs Rob- Georgo Giles Miss Johanna Sprague ert J Browning of Chicago who is will review recent books visiting in Salt Lake Cover were laid for Mrs BrownDancing Party ing Mrs A W Wallace Mrs Lyman Members of the Pi Kappa Alpha H Horne Mrs C B Hawley Jr Wlvesf club will give Mrs Ferdinand Peterson Mrs 0 Le- Alumni and dinner dance Thursday evening roy Smith Mr Keith Barnes Mrs at the Country Club The affair will Dart Owen Mr M T Ipsen and Mrs be in charge of Mr Floyd W Gdateg Oscar Wright chalrmanj Mrs Floyd Hatch Mrs Richard Evans Mrs C A Callister Brtde-to-B- e Feted Mra Louis H Callister Pratt Clark A number of social affairs will be Theron Davis and Rulon Clark Reshonor of Miss Zola Brown ervations can be made with Mr Clark given in whose marriage to Rulon P Jeffs will before Thursday take place June 1 Miss Minnie Garff entertained at a delightful party Tues- For Members Pledges day evening in her home on Colfax Miss Adalene Andrews and Miss Esther Anderson entertained members and 'pledge of the Beta Theta chapter of Alpha Zeta Beta aorority Monday evening at the Andrewe home on Yale avenue A profusion of early summer flowers were used for the decorations and tables were arranged for bridge Twenty-fiv- a guests were present The pledges are Miss Grace Hawkes Miss Beatrice Greone Mrs Margaret Darien Miss Alice Coombs and Miss Lines Tingey fGuaranteecK Wasatch 6200 Friendly pastel-shade- Lax-ma- COMPLETE FUR SERVICE AUERBACH’S Miss Dorothy - r Mrs Malcolm A Keyser is the chairman of the general entertainment committee and will be assisted by Mrs Russell L Tracy Mrs Will Browne Mrs Schuyler Gros Mrs Rufus A Tracy Jr and Mra Newell B Dayton J For Bridal Couple Tuesday afternoon Mrs D D Moffat Jr presided over a prettily Fullmer and her bridge tea at the Moffat home fiance Monroe Selander were honor- in Circle way in honor of Mr Mofed at a delightful dinner given Mon- fat A profusion of day evening by Miss Norma God- blooms were used for the decorations dard at hsr horns on Eighth East atrset Decorations representing the was gay with a combination of pink four seasons of the year were used rosea and snapdragons Ivory Princess and It guests were in attendance taper were in silver holder and During the evening the hostess was the tea and coffee urns were presided assisted by her mother Mrs J P over by Mias Florence Story and Miss Goddard Mary Neher who were assisted by Miss Josephine Moffat Close friends Club Dimer of the honored guest assisted in serv- Mr and Mrs George BL' Corey en- - ing tertained at a delightful dinner Mon-- ’ Four tables were filled wilh the evening at the Country club in bridge players during the early hours ' day honor of Captain and Mr Ray B Con- of the afternoon ner who will leave In the neer fu tur for their new post In Washing Birtbdhy Celebration tom D C and also in honor of Mr n In compliment to Mrs Marie and Mrs Louis T Bass who will leave who Celebrated her eighty-firs- t to in make their home in birthday Monday Mr and Mrs J B early June Six guests were In ettend- - Laxman entertained at a family dinOgden - anoe ner Monday at their home 283!) Fifth East street Crimson and white peMrs Clara M Clawson has moved to her new location at 109 East South onies an roses were combined for the deoorstibns of the table and covr Temple street and will be pleased to were laid for 23 guests welcome her friends old and new ert STORAGE pm Mrs Willard Hanson is the general chairman of arrangements and will b assisted by Miss Daisy Raybould Oscar: Mrs R S Allison and Mr lbV HAMS— Skinned Whole or Half lb 719c 17 c 6c IOc 12c 17c fo a man's Deliciously prepwed food (old fashioned as the ide& f 1 1 J r i might seem to be !) is still the way to a man’s heart ! And ho single food stands a girl in such “good stead” as White Star Tuna For here Is 8 food delicacy that costs no more than "staple” foods yet tan be prepared in so many many I different ways jn Write to VAfthjfflp Sea Food Terminal Island Calif for these 19 Proven Recipes contained in '"The Romance of Tuna”— a acor of ways to win your way to a man’s heart It’i Free t Totosto StuM with Too Tuod Leif (Hot) Too with Noodlis Tomato Surptlso Tuns Eacor Cnsmod Taos " Is King Moulded Tun Isf id Pip pert Stuffed with Tun s Tan Lot! (Chilled) Thai Stlsd to Vegetable king Toasted Tan Sshdwldke Ton Croquettrt Tibs Saadwlchel Ton Baked to Shells Ton "a to Newbarg’ Tuna Timbales Tana Coatnopolitaa Salad Tons Cocktail Rolled Ton Sandwick |