Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING FE2RUARY 12 1934 fake ptfanrit leoun Lofco blintOftsat otory Btonlnfbr the Bolt Triban Publtehina Company tba poetotfleo at (alt aa omon elem matter Affairs m the Nation New York By iary: Encouragement to Butinets malg WASHINGTON— Present Roose-veltdeclaration that he atanda on hia fcirller atatement about restricted for expenditures public relief Is Interpreted at mean-in- s that ha opposes the enlargement of amount about two and a half billions proposed in the senate by Senator La Fpllette and others The presi- ’i A - fashioned after the words and work of the Great Emancipator He Is a basis part of our national character i The anniversary of his birth has become a national institu tion In every state In the Union he is revered as a national idol and a spiritual Inspiration In these times of stress it is particularly fitting that we reflect upon the trials and tribulations of another day Our own problems soften as we ponder the accomplishments Of Lincoln In a nation torn with dissension and internal strife Today at least we can look upon a unity of spirit and of purpose which traces Its' Inception to the successful campaigns of Lincoln The national problem has changed It Is bigger more Intricate more complex but none theJess one demanding the same human sympathy devotion and determination which reunited the people of the nation under the guidance of Lincoln 4 Once again we are reduced to the basic need for a righteous government that a government for the people of the people and by the people shall not perish from the earth As a people we are committed to that purpose We have cheerfully surrendered Individual prerogatives to our recognized leadership In the Interest of the masses and a common cause We blow that our nation cannot half survive the present struggle any more than that only a part of its people can survive it The need of national unity simple honesty and charitable human relationships Is as evident today as It was when civil strife threatened the destruction' of popular government In this unity of purpose we hope to regain our national strength and the perpetuity of a government of the people for the people and by the people the pattern for which is found In the life and works of Abraham Lincoln -- U' - - For Wider Understanding rnAX problems local state and national were never more than they are today New demands and newts-sponslbllltles rest upon the governmental effort The source of governmental power nevertheless Is essentially the same as It ever was Ultimately the taxpayer must pay for governmental — enterprise5'' v 'T ' Because of this It Is highly Important that the public give more and more study to tax problems and governmental needs The Individual citizen must look upon public fiscal activities with the same degree of understanding that ha studies the family budget The happy solution lies In taxes which are equitable and fair taxes which render public service In the measure of lntelll- gent public desire taxes which are efficiently and economically administered Group and factional conflicts which attend tax activities must be reduced to a common basis All people are affected by tax trends projects which merely shift the burden from group to group according to political strength and power get nowhere The happy solution Is to be attained only as the various groups and factions are brought together In a common endeavor They must approach the tax problem as a public enterprise rather than as a private burden From the private standpoint no tax ean be pleasing or wholly satisfaction It can be made more compatible with the private effort when the Individual the group or the faction can look upon taxation as a purchase of governmental service when the Individual taxpayer can know and comprehend that he Is' getting value received In the measure of his own desire for every dollar of tax money spent Because of this the activities of tax study groups are to be fostered and encouraged It Is particularly pleasing to note that the Utah Taxpayers' association in closing its annual convention recommits Itself to Improvements In tax and revenue practice and tax relief It Is particularly pleasing to note that the association courts data and suggestions from other tax groups aspiring to tax reforms or Improvements In the public service which are directly related to taxes The tax problems of the cities the states and the nations are deep and intricate They merit clear and comprehensive public understanding The activities of the Utah Taxpayers’ association point in that general ' f direction ’ ? District Depression and Divorce judge allen o thurman initiates a wholesome as he refuses to Issue divorce decrees until the filfees been have ing paid The change was made necessary by the number of affidavits of lmpecunloslty accompanying Increasing divorce complaints - The change does not perpetuate the sources and causes of matrimonial turbulence Divorces may be granted the records perpetuated and the decrees Issued when the fees finally are paid The action of the court should'serve as a direct relief to a growing public burden Young people who cannot afford to finance their divorces at least will have to wait until they can before they may remarry In the statf Youthful lovers sometimes forget thlq and rush into ' new marriages and new obligation when they cannot or say they cannot afford to pay the filing fees In their divorce actions - The divorce court has not escaped the rigors of the depression Husbands In default of alimony payments frequently are brought Into court on contempt proceedings They generally plead that they cannot find work and have no Income an excuse which Is as open to the man who won’t work as to the one who cannot find employment Judge Thurman recently Indicated a determination to enforce the alimony orders of the court In spite of the depression He Indicated that he might have alimony defaulters spend their evenings and Sundays In Jail and leave them the days to look for work a pertinent and wholesome suggestion The plight of the man who Is under alimony obligations and cannot find work presents only half of the picture There also Is to be considered the plight of dependents la broken homes In whose Interest ' V alimony yrag orderq - ’ to-d- o laid previoualy down is highly Im- portant because it tends to remove the last remaining Sullivan lihood of inflation and tends also to encourage business to go forward Since the dollar was formally revalued at 5900 cents in gold such apprehension as has continued about passible Inflation has expressed itself mainly In two forms One is that the president under the authority granted him last spring still has power to reduce the value yet further as far Sown as 50 cents in gold This condi tlon weighs little even in the minds of the persons disposed toward alarm The present status of the' dollar is that theoretically it may range between minimum of 50 cents In gold and maximum of 60 cents Few expect however that within the foreseeable future any change will be made from the present standard 5900 cents Moreover possible variations limited to a range from 50 cents in gold to 60 is a sufficient approach to stabilization to enable business to go on with con fidence Actually except In a few quarters oversensitive or overcritical apprehension about uncertainty of the gold content of the dollar does not operate as a deterrent to business This does not deny of course that business may be fearful about developments fields remote from the gold value of the dollar The sum of all Is that business is going forward and has had renewed surge since the president revalued the dollar like-Mar- k expenditures Mount Such apprehension as remains about inflation has to do with another phase of the government’s fiscal policy and practice It is commonly said and is reasonably accurate that If over sufficiently long time government ex pendituree continue to be greatly in excess of income the government must reach f point where It would pay its bills In unsecured greenbacks This would be Inflation of the sort that practically everyone would dread On this point the president has announced In his budget message to congress January 4 as his “best Judgment’' nd his “belief" that government expenditures can be brought within its receipts In other words the budget can be balanced by June 30 of of grandest the' country home-spu- i boys To dinner with Mary and Ben All Haggin and Florence and Keats Speed there and Mrs Helen Cusacks and Dr Tyler And afterward coffee In the dim light of the studio listening to tales of life in Italy with relish To bed reading a ghastly horror called "The Cadaver of Gideon Van Wyck1 dent’s support of his own limitation nflation Feared if o o McIntyre NEW YORK Teb Lay past 10 Then talking to Harry Burton about my next magazine dossier note from Grant and at my Clarke’s mother especially pleasing So to breakfast with Peggy Hoyt and Aubrey Eads and out shopping lm a spurt ot profligacy bought my wife a clock and sister a radio In West Home and a high 49th street where police collared a sneak thief twitchv and pitiable from drugs and I wished they’d let him go Working until sundown and with my wife to promenade talking to Sinclair Lewis grown unusually thin and atlll BT MAKE SULLIVAN NATION pauses today to honor the memory of one who long has stood out as the essertce of 'American greatness' Tor many years Abraham Lincoln has been the precept and the example of the solid American home Time has wrought great Changes In the life and organization of our country but Its fundamental ideals are essentially the same Many of them were Day-by-D- ay 'stay in a Winter room Garden dressing And somehow I thought of Gaby’s American partner Harry Pilcer Once as typically Broadway as Llndy’s cafe And now as Parisian as avenue KJe--bFor 22 years he has been there intending when he went over to fulfill but a six weeks theatrical engagement Scarcely one trace of Americanism remains Even his English is accented er Bagatelles: Walt Disney is buying a home with his “Three Little Pigs” Dean Cornwell inveterprofits ate clgaret smoker never inhales Miriam Hopkins when excited pins back her hair Maybelle Manning is vignetting the six most prominent stage actresses of the day for Good Housekeeping When a concern that owed Leon Gordon $8000 went into' bankruptcy he celebrated with a luncheon party The original Beatrice Fairfax was Art Six Young’ brother William novelists have their funds tied up in' the Harrlman bank collapse Mrs Harrison Williams is reputedly the most adept of all New York hostesses in inspiring guests to talk The Bruce Bartons are on alrip around the world One of New York's best known canines is the pet of the fire house on East 66th street a coach dog there since puppyhood and also a favorite of children in the neighborhood The machine age has squeezed out his natural instinct to run under a conveyance But when the engine snorts to blaze he is always on the running In the days when Rice and Provost boaTd trembling with excitement were a standard vaudeville act they rarin’ to gol were selected by A L Erlanger to fill a spot in a musical revue At a When Michael Arlen sent the first rehearsal Erlanger became pontifical Starch it copy off the press of his ‘The Green “Your act is too shiftless Hat" to Ben All Haggin he auto- up Give it a military touch" he said graphed this on the "This Is Provost bowed ordered the orchestra the only known instance of a gift If leader to play Sousa's “Stars and any of any real value given to a Ter- Stripes Forever" and with his partrible Turk from an even more terri- ner marched off the stage up the aisle ble Armenian— Mike” out the door in perfect step— and never came back! s They were telling of Tallulah (Copyright 1934 McNaught bubbling furore as a theatrical toast of London several years ago In Syndicate Inc) a night club she danced to a table of American acquaintances with a gangling awkward young fellow who stood back shyjy as sha greeted them Finally she turned to her escort with: ‘This Is Nick!” and went on talking until someone suggested they would like to know Nick's last name “O yes” she amplified "The Crown Prince of Rumanial” fly-lea- f: Bank-head’- liliED ES WORLD’S FASTEST THE FORUM Editorial on Recovery Wins Praise of Reader By Our Readers Rules (or Contributors 1 Letters limited to 300 word! 3 More Checks Not Money Seen as National Need Write od one side ot tbs paper only (b) write leclbly 3 (a) Religious racial and partisan discus-lon- e barred: lb) personal aspersions not desired a Writers 4 must elm true names and residential addresses S Poetical contribution! are not eomldered 0 Views expressed in thla department are thoee of the contributor! and do not necessarily reflect the slews of 7 The department The Tribune cannot be Uied as an advertising medium The Forum does not I court more than one contribution fc week from the aama author (D Personal nomination for the dandi-es- t MULTI-MOTOR SERVICE of the radio pianists— the nimble duo of Fray and Braggiottl 2 pilots New ‘Boeing Planes - Radio Stewardess eervlce In few places does emotion so lively from dead things as in spring Lavatory a stor- Heated quiet cabins age warehouse I visited one today— 4?4 Hr San Francisco S4152 tomb-like a structure where hundreds 2 Hrs Boise 1824 of homes lie silent and sheeted tick4404 eted against time they will be re- 5 M Hrs Portland 8286 claimed The Bowery and Park ave- 6 Hrs Seattle Hrs Spokane nue are represented Beneath one S 4170 thrOwn-bacshroud was a dresser with swinging mirrors a 5 Hrs Omaha 5430 9 Hrs CHICAGO gaudy thing which even in surround8028 ing opacity suggested rouged lips per- 12 Hrs Cleveland 9883 fume and powdered shouldera 15 Hrs NEW YORK 12823 "Gaby Deslys" said the caretaker It 10 Off on Round Trips was used by her during her brief Fares Include Lunches Aloft nounced that the real Lobby Hotel Utah Was 2002 1-- 3 k Editor Tribune: All goods and Editor Tribune: Editorial in Sim Recovof work “The Tribune pass into commerce In the form Logic day's and measure ot dollars And this is ery" was a “humdinger" and is en titled to an entirt article in itself money the contractual debts made by In the first place the differences of the trade in work and goods In the keen opinion of those with peak year 1929 160621500000 dolminds comes from experience or lack lars of this kind of money went on of experience Then too some ot the the books of the business corporations correct or be Imaginative ability may of the United States faulty Whenever one sells work or goods Columbus for instance sailed un as and for dollars he lends dollars charted seas and succeeded although Removal of Judgeships u next year 1935 and whenever one buys work or his first mate may have disagreed Ability of the president to achieve From Politics Urged goods as and for dollars he borrows this Is dependant in large part on with him about the route to takeis dollars And this lending and borrowdoubt the depression his ability to bring an end to much of There is no is a difing of dollars Is without the let of Editor Tribune: Mr Filene pointed banks the extraordinary expenditures for re- worldwide However there internaand bankers These mercantile lief It Is at this point that the critical ference In percentage The to national with all out that invisible government was credits are real credits They ere the la tional related and the tlmoroua see formidable nations As the U S percentage Is 10 being put out of the national affairs stuff that makes commerce ghosts As they put It “Will the presiIt takes a transaction in work or cent international and 90 per cent It also could be said that invisible per dent be able to end these expenditures goods to make a check There can la because our trade for-national that when many of the beneficiaries and government ahould be eliminated never be an inflation in the number and domestic la on that basis many of the city mayors and others be 50 per cent inter- from states’ government Selection of checks The more business the may England's Interested demand that they con- national and 50 per cent national be- of judges should he taken out of more checks The more checks the tinue?" cause let's say they are 50 per cent politics in this way: the Bar associ- more business The reason that more The answer depends upon two facThat gives some Idea ation Is to put up the men on the checks are not written Is because the tors One is the condition of the counexwhat this article is driving at ticket for election and it should be banks will not admit them to It widespread unemployment try So almost any experiment Is an un- possible for any judge to be removed change for clearing It is the banks and distress continue It will clearly be charted sea when the proof is ob- from the judgeship by the Bar asso- that balk business If the banks would almost Impossible for the president to tained It is noand clearing and exuncharted Along ciation and also- - the public when take a fee for the lieu longer discontinue the extraordinary ex those same lines Professor of interest on Kemmerer found Incompetent in both criminal change of checks in The other factor 1s the of Princeton states pendltures loans the banks would want checks “New dollar and civil courts president's personal resolution and means doubled Another thing it should be allow- Increased to the greatest number posliving costs" He 1s courage As this part of the question sailing an uncharted sea Otherwise to criticise judges just like any sible to the trade in work and goods able is put “Will the president resist popuit would not be a “new” dollar and it other public servant The public sel- The banks would then help business lar and political clamor to continue Is to hold up business Impossible to be sure until there is dom can tell a good judge from one They would cease to keep millions of persons on the rolls as under present banking practice is just as good as his not so good proof guess Any Then the top proceof government relief works?" The requirement of modern comuntil proof is obtained So it seems dure In the courts should be As to this precedent suggests that that the new dollar will be better than changed In regard to precedent for merce is not for more coins It is not the president has ample determina- the old because It la going to be instance the attorneys in a case dig for more currency The isrequirement tion to do this sort of thing even for more managed for the nation instead of in- up the records of similar ones that of modern commerce checks and the prompt and plenary against the protest ot groups politi- ternational traders favor their side the actual original exchange of these checks The public cally powerful Mr Roosevelt In Therefore one March last year decreed a large reduc- tion causes him to person’s Imagina- law is seldom referred to otherwise economy demands the greatest posan fear uncharted “Black-tonethe book of laws original tion In compensation to veterans That sea while sible number of transaction! to suswould be the most used book tain the trade for person’i imaginawas an action so politically coura- tion causes another production and con him to do things that were In most cases before any court Pub-lit- y geous as to be practically without never dona before That makea for sumption of commodities on bad decisions is the is par thing What commerce require It ran counter to the precedent JOHN R JACOBS JOHN R JACOBS (clearance within 100 days not 100 day axiom and lesson of experience which progress has always said that no political party discounts and not 100 day loans and SAMUEL RUSSELL could ever afford to reduce pensions deposits Though some of the early drastic cuts wer later modified It still remains Mills Address Brings that the president cut upward of two hundred millions off total payments to HOLLYWOOD CaL— All this coun-- ' It’ nice down here but all play Question From Writer veterans amounting to about a bilneeds right now ia honesty and no work is too darned expensive lion Last September Mr Roosevelt try end faith—B C Forbes to even think ot nowadays went before the annual meeting of Editor Tribune: Ogden Mills in his the American Legion and in words recent speech asked the pertinent That's ’about all it ever needed About every fther atore in Holly- question: “Where are we going from firm though urban announced that Isn’t It? wood has the window filled with here?” he would stand by his policy With I would like to ask this question: slight modifications he has stood by it liquor It's to easy to get that noNOTES ON THE CUFF DEbody seems to want any Human na Where would we have gone if we had PARTMENT ture is funny that way Restoration of Pay not got to where w ere? Friendship that la merely an InterL YOUNG Ephraim Utah mittent ot fever not is fervor real Ue To S Employes Seen On difference between a sweetNo wind tide prosperfriendship At the aame time last March that ity adversity Joy sorrow or any ma- heart and a sweetie down in HollyDEAD “HEBO’S" FAME FADES wood is that the sweetheart aaya the president reduced veterans' com- terial consideration ever After honoring a “hero” who had awayi or "You order" ' pensation he also reduced by IS per alters genuine friendship died “without fitting tribute" AusAnd there cent the pay of another politically li nothing finer on earth tralians have learned that all their Officers with drawn iwoi'ds and sympathy was misplaced Not long powerful group the government employes When the first decree came Dined with Dr William D Dono-he- r soldiers with fixed bayonets formed ago-- poor middle aged stranger died to an end last June 30 the president at ths Elks' temple in Lot An- the guard ot honor at a recent Wed- in a Melbourne hospital and just berenewed it for another six months It geles one ot the most beautiful build- ding It turned out that auch mill fore he passed away he whispered: is still In effect though as conditions ings I’ve ever aeen Dr Donoher tary display waa unnecessary how- “I am Bugler Dunn V C the boy bit in the battle of improve it Is anticipated the cut will say that It that with the ever as the bridegroom chose to go who did his be gradually restored 5 per cent at a passing of theappears in 1899” The British hard times many peo- quietly time league investigated the strangple are again getting back to where er’s claims and announced that These two examples of steps politi- they can have Overheard on He: bus: the “They something charged said that during the raid a woman Bugler Dunn of Colenso had died— cally unpopular and therefore calling besides a battery A subscription was opened for courage taken in the direction of escaped down a waterplpe- at the unsung to raise funds for the “hero’s” widow resisting demands on the federal treaJust heard that Lester Freed is In back of the building" She: "It must and children John Francis Dunn a sury by powerful groups are suffi- town Hope I run into him We met b lovely to be as slim as that” steward in a ship which celled at cient to suggest the president's course Claude and Mrs Freed on the way Brisbane heard the story and anabout ending extraordinary grants for down here BOBBIES were on their way relief So far as removing millions of to Furnace They encreek id Death valley Claud Freed’s Equaling persons from’ relief works depends Claude laid he had to sort of sneak thusiasm for golf Dean Bray-tonupon resolution in the president'!! i away because if the present weather hobby for the last 11 years apparent the resolution exists So far has been the development and up they’d start playing golf out as it depends upon a steady determina- kept at the club and then he’d maintenance of the Fort Douglas tion on the president's part to balance be stuck-Country - And The only medium priced golf course From its inception you know how Claude the budget that determination has al- hates golf! to ita present state of efficiency car with a ways been present he has guided the club with no It Is true that deldrffitfiation and of increased Count thought personal profit employment and that courage on ths president's part are ly less nights spent poring over not alone enough There must be therefore extraordinary expenditures tnd buying 'books on golf maps can relief with courage on the that restoration of industry which for SHOWING TODAY part be brought to an end architecture until he has a com- would permit absorption into private president’s or greatly reduced The net' of the plet library on the subject is Industry of most of the persons now prospect is that fear of disastrous inonly a part of the story of Dean’S on public works flation through excessive government hobby Hls own game? Well I BLAIR MOTOR CO The broad picture is that recovery don’t know about that If he can not seriously justified ia under way all over the world that expenditures is as can he 430 SOUTH MAIN as talk golf play yrell recovery in the United State ahould hls game should be a " (CopyrightrI934 Herald Tribune ' ultimately go fgr enough to give great- Syndicate) peach satin-woo- d Dunn was himself Papers photo- a pension card proved Roteli: Poetnl A Western Union Offices and Major G D Treloar president of the British league now says that his proofs must 5fin be considered satisfactory Kand n mm Tba Jumbo's daelgn wee by aad le esclaiiee with Oonatal It elbwi tbe lowaef Ir preteoro ot moy lire mads Tee much tefl rubber I skid — lee little eir te bleweet Far tkld-eef- e driving tWe winter aad aew security next eumneer— for tba aaw tarnation ef "floating" alnng— for tho final touch of omjrl stylo tboy add la any car— gat Jomboe note Oar bedgat baying plan and trade In allow ante atakno thoee remarkably oaey te buy H SPENCER BROWN INC Distributor 315 Was 3342 East Broadway ' ASSOCIATE DEALERS BARR CHEVROLET CO 777 South state BAKER MOTOR COMPANY 271 East 3rd South Co-len- so ’s 1934 Grahams Supercharger 'it-r-we- ll ? ASK ABOUT OUR LOWER FUEL COSTS SEMEME! STOKER SAFE AND AUTOMATIC I (a |