Show rr- i THE? BALT LAKE TRIBUNE JUNIOR SUNDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 12 Bear Hunting Just what is a ranger’s job? That’s a hard one to answer However when he’s not assisting visitors lighting fires feeding elk rounding up buffalo pa- tratkng the park puling moose out of swamps counting deer sawing winter wood surveying timber regulating traffic 'or doing his regular chorea ho may be found out catching a few grizzlies for some aspiring zoo That’S where this yarn but it’s not A yarn originated The grizzly surplus in Yellowstone national park in 1830 was sufficient to warrant sending a few specimens to various zoos provided said grizzlies could be caught Ranger Harry Trisch- man and Ranger Allyn Hanks were assigned the catching job and in duo time headed for the canyon bear feed- - ’ ing grounds with the portable bear trap The trap is built on the order of a cage large enough for- a bear to get in and is mounted on an old Ford chassis A trigger to which belt is attached holds a door In the end of the cage open When the bait is molested the trigger is sprung and the door drops down to the bewilderment of the bait molester Placing the baited cage on the feed grounds where the bears were in the habit of assembling for their evening meal Harry and A1 drove back tip the hill to wait for results For two nights in succession the expedition was extremely successful Nice specimens of grizzlies were caught with ease and shipped away The third night was different The wrong bear yanked on the bait and no sooner had the door slammed behind him than he saw his mistake He tried to bite the door oft with no success so because he was mad or wanted assistance he started roaring at nothing in particular Roar-in- g describes it too —Hellroaring and run BISTBDAT IS— Mar Varner Svauton Btete John Powell Salt Lake as liaaaai Jum Baker Mar Malta Nellie Stroud Salt lake Henrr Baaolnw Trent an ton i Cllita Lateen Palrglew Aka Riebr Montpelier Mate Zella Buchanan Ctaoe Marjorie Jnrrla Ogden Marjorie Mr Glow Nephl Gordon Peart Randolph Vlr-alThoreU Balt Late: Mae Kirk Tooele Wilde wood Balt Batter MiUerdt El Lake ftutaell Tippett Ana Mate Ferrr Mcka Pocatello Idaho Praneee Irrine Balt lake Frederick Keller ManU RtedaKlna John Oal-- 1 Ft ora Don MulUner Salt Lake Baft Lake Wot Salt Lake: Beth Fitter Louiee Oatern Soda 8 prince Idaho Blanche Chattertoa Preston Idaho Richard Woods Joreco Ner t Pawl Chnatenaen Cedar City dune Chrutlauea Emery Ate Neertaga Balt Lakt NOVEMBER It—Bath Static Salt Lake Marguerite Fonnesbeck La an Paul Newton Mona Hope Neiaott Balt Lake Fiord Niton Price Bhlrlej Parana Balt Lake Waaler Chamberlain Maine Richard Xrnst tnueoellle Nert dean Fisher Balt Lake Keith 0 Green Deraid Powell Midvale Balt Lake Isaac tee Rupert Idaho Paul Baeers Derlla Slide Joyce Adney Cofin ne Mary A I hat Mama Bute Oaterne Salt Margaret Lake Helen Walter Murray Bpaekmaa Cattle Rock Robert McMuilln Midvale Lor a me Peteraon 8alt Lakes Gordon Hyde Salt Lake Geraldine Terry Belt latte Mariaret Potter Ooillnaton Mery Etcheeerry Border wyo Royal PhilUaa Monroe Weston Maughan Belt Lake Gala Poulaen Orauiarlllai Byron Daley Spline-eatitle Evelyn Steele Goahen Leslie Jeu-aOoahen Blllla Hoemgr Salt Lake Kay Boyle Blackloot Idaho JamM Mar- ah lin Otden Helen Madison BlMhaa Hry-Geary Coaly Ule Elko NOVEMBER It—Carohrn Weathers Nov Phillip Thor ley Cedar City Robbia Hanson SsH Lake Anna Baxter Rock Bprlnys Wyo Bessie Reed Tuscarora Nert Chester Holm Losaai Bhlrl Pltchlorth Vernal Helen Mead HoytevlUe: Howard Htirtrea Franklin Idaho Virginia Jensen Dorlos dented Preston Idaho y’Batl'take Maroell 8 ter line Spanish Pork Lyle das- person Goshen Margaret O'Bryan Price Louise Evans SprlmvlUei Wina dor dan Balt Lake zoy Christensen Mohrland Viva Leavitt Latuds Robert Crandall Salt Lake Lou Stauffer Murray) Ralph Taylor Rex-tou- rg Ames Idaho! Wtnnifred Cannon Boh 1 dal ur: Grant Thomson Balt Lake Leaver Balt Lake John MeiiaUua Salt NOVEMBER Bni 15—Jaeouellna NOVEMBER Moffltt Balt Salt la KiUian Oranseville Estelle Cooley RichLake Arba Day Mote Ray Watters field Roacoe Nelson Provo Mario Robin-a- oa Delta Martha McQuffln Mt View Wye Seth Low Burley Idaho Maadno Brown Salt Lake Ruth Palmlerl Sprint Carl Tlb-bU- ta Canyon Vernon Davit Etborta Ritby Idahoi Marjorie Otsuthorpe Johnson GenevJevs foot Black Idahoi Bpringvllle Collin Rhode Moroni MarJack Asher Salt jorie Btllovich RichmondBalt Lake Owen Lake Charles Brewer Park Evane Jr Salt Lake Billie Price Lake Bhun Rosa Beaaon Salt Jr City Wakal Rains Paul Thompson Bountiful Margaret Phillips Idaho Falla Mary Barton Monticello Willis Halt Mt Pleasant Charles Brewer Balt Lake Beasla Bodterg SaH Lake Leaih Panaa Bingham 1C— Raymond NOVEMBER Fehr Salt Lake: Mane Wrlkht Devils Slide Gordon Mauihen Preston Idaho Robert Baler Evanston Wyo: Merrill Kelsey - Montpelier Idaho Robert Adams Jr- Needles Cal Georte Foote Salt Lake Aral Oreen Wineper Idaho Marion Richards Morgan Balt Ruth Hall Payaon Evelyn Brown Doro-thy Lake Emma Weet American Fork: Williams Devlla BUde Winona BishLow Helper Arthur op Rolapp Rowena Orr Duchesne Wella Brlnihurst fiprin-vl- Ue Marine Alston Park City dean Keele Walker’s lane Peter Wheeler Park City Beth Bherllf Salt Lake Gwen Marion Balt Lake Hayden Powers Balt Lake Clara Bauman Balt Lake Betty Nell Olden Winifred Davidson Alexander Idaho NOVEMBER' 11— Betty Rosenbaum Brigham Edna Tatton Castle Dale Lois Stoker Lawrence John Barker Balt Lake Louiee Lanse Balt Lake Hugh Alrd Balt Lake! Marjorie Condon tJcon Idaho Ruth Norris Mama Marian Benmou Cokevtlle Wyo Broadens Huber Payaon Gad Walt Magna Robert Dcnicht Pocatello Idaho Lloyd Cummins Jr- - Balt Lake Bryant Pap-wor- th Balt Lake Richard MUlor Balt Lake Chad Clark Provo Betty Hopes Eureka James Haalam Salt Lake William Samurot SaK Lake Ink Averett Price Jules Frank Salt Lake Oa therm Branaian Balt Lake Jack Warner Spanish Fork June Matter Providence Cathryn Collin wood Balt Lake nd Marjorie Meadows Murray Devearl Midvale NOVEMBER II— Joyce Hillman Ely Nov Thelma Birch Richfield Norma Chris- j tensen American Palla Idaho R Q Jolley Ancle Reed Metewa Tooele MjtI Stone Aberdeen Idaho Helen Jasmin Amenoam Falla Idaho Harold Spencer Brigham Eugene Stoker Salt Lake Betsy Edwards Balt Lake Edgar Hodgson Salt Lake Frederica Meyer Balt Lake Dorothy Alton Pratt Balt Lake Marjorie Ruth Woodward Salt Lake Jay Aster Balt Lake! Margaret Eugenia Riee Idaho Falla Idaho Loon Lawaen Bn-g- en Hyde Park Dorothy McGregor Ogden Peterson Lark Hhtrley Recta Smith-fie- ld Thomas Blair afalad Idaho: Harold Maaower Rupert Idaho Lynn Coetxman Price Mary Grua Pleasant Orovw: Ruth Carson Balt Lake Rodger Martin Ballna Dean Daria St Anthony Idaho: Lewis Dottle Ogden v ANSWERS TO TODAY’S TEST Shakes peare’a “Hamlet" Tennyson Tn Meilloriam" 1 2 S 4 Gray- - “Elegy" Longfellow “A Psalm of life" Cervantes “Don Quixote" - Tallahassee" T 5 t10 11 in a ’ i 12 13 14 1 4 I ' Itinerary Miimrrr Although Billy Is two and a half years old— and In Catland that should mean that he is a young man—he still clinga to babyhood And his bottlel Dorothy and Lynette Chegwldden like to dress Billy In their doU clothes and he calmly allows them to tie on bonnets put his paws through little sleeves and even submits to wearing sox Then Billy drowses to the doll buggy or on a pillow wrapped In blankets and never attempts to get away His latest achievement Is learning to hold a bottle between his paws holding it up so that the milk will drip through the holes while he licks It as fast ! heTsecret of Billy’s tricks is nothing more or less than laziness walk away tresses think He is lust too lazy to get ' Goods cast into the sea to light Ship ' Sinclair Lewis 1930 Somerset Maugham ' The fourth Sunday ef Lent Beethoven his mis- up-an- f OUR POETRY As this is book week we ought to ask our young poets whether they own any volumes Of poetry and whose poems they like best Do they read all of Robert Louis Stevenson? Do they know Carl Frost and Edna St Vincent Millay? Waite de la Mare? Nothing will help you more In good writing poetry than reading mempoem over and over again the orizing the lovely word getting Uiting cadences into your very blood Let your next book be e poetry book BOOKS Do you really know what a book con- tain? Isn’t juet things to read But treasures wonderful treasures For greatness they sow the seed Each book has a body of treasure And a moral tucked in for a heart And of my books end their characters I seem but another part It They comfort me and gladden mo And teach me things I never was ' taught They have given me priceless knowledge That 1 never could have bought LA VON BROWN 12 Alpine BOOKS Some books are like houses With a story lor each room Word pictures decorate It Giving gaiety or gloom Or romantic Italy ' r " ' homes The children seem so gay And though other callers come home There are some of whom I’m sure They're always in no matter when I come calling at their door ' BERNELL WINN Smithfield BOOKS “Books are Informers” Said wise little Joe “Entertainers too” Quoth fifn loving Chloe “Convincers I’m sure” Remarked happy Jess “Persuaders 1 believe” Chirped up tiny Bess “Of course you're all right" Dear mother then said And she kissed them goodnight And they all went to bed DOROTHY E NEWTON 13 Mona see GREAT GRANDPA’S STORY BOOK There is a treasure hid away In a cloeet behind the stair Three generation have held it dear As if ’twere gold or jewels rare With dust upon its features Greet Grandpa’s story book Day after day it lies there In diet dark lonely nook There I sit and am happy For time with books is well spent To those who know the joy they are like ships lands we see: Iceland or sunny Spain ' Some books CORNER So when I'm:weary of working And of this modern age Softly I steel away awhile To find that hidden page la them many 1 D’Artagnan To give assistance Sir Humphrey Davy - ’ -- - lake 1 PageThnt Rangers Have Tough Time at r 5 133 I8 I often visit book -- I often stay all day Though ether friends may not be bring— And with this book I am content KNIGHT CRUSADER CLARISSA WILLIAMS 13 Murray During one month ef 1028 the United States exported 200373 tons of anthracite valued At $200716 weren’t even in Naturally the other 10 or li griz- zliee that were peacefully eating near tho cage became slightly perturbed and when Harry and A1 started driving down to the cage a chorus of roars greeted them Honking the horn failed to produce the customary effect Instead of grizzlies scattering to all parts of the woods as they were supposed to do they retreated only a short distance This was ticklish busi- new considering the protection of- fered by an open car against a mob of grizzlies to Harry and A1 started roaring along with the bears I guess they roared the loudest because they were able to reach the cage unmolested but just as Harry jumped out of the car to hook onto the cage a large-sizegrizzly started after him He had a pick handle in his hand but nobody wants to fight a grizzly with a pick handle So true to human nature and remembering that grizzlies cannot climb very well he looked for something to climb The cage was all that was available Ha lost no time in starting its ascent but this particular pusuing bear could at least climb cages and was demonstrating the fact on the opposite side of the cage unobserved by Harry Harry gained the top first however but even so the situation wasn’t pleasant with the pursuer so close to his objective The pick handle had to be relied upon at that moment Swinging it down on the grizzly's head Harry shouted in terms only a ranger or grizzly could understand It might have been the pick handle or maybe It was the lane believe guage but it or not the subdued bear left and neither he nor hi associates offered any more resistance while their comrade was being hauled away en route to his new too home About Harry and Al? Oh they hired out to be "tough”—they like H: it's part of their job—Assistant Chief Ranger Fred T Johnston Yellowstone Nature Notes ' n d BOOKS t- - Rooks are the source of learning In our homes our churches and ' schools They give us training ana knowledge They give us lessons and rules They teach us how to be kind In all of our actions and ways They tell us how to use our mind Through our coming days REVA SHEPARD 13 Mona BOYS AND GIELS Earn Xmas Honey for M Seta St NkAofa Christ Belt for 19e a set When US SIee and keep SIVA AT NICHOLAS WEAL CO T Dept Brookija If Y Writ mu 8al sold tend BM-SL- ' |