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Show THE Our Francklyn. New York on Tuesday _ the Court of Appeals dismissed the appeal of Charles G. Francklyn from the decision of the General Term of the Supreme Court, requiring him to make an accounting to Sir Bache Cunard, in transactions involving about $3,000,000. In Francklyn, it will be remembered, was total expenditure ment was Glendale, company. county charge conver- sion to his own use of cash and securities belonging to the complainant. Oklahoma Settlers. A special from Oklahoma says settlers who have lately gone there held a convention yesterday and after a thorough discussion of their interests as affected by pending congressional legislation, unanimously resolved to throw up their claims and abandon the territory until they have full warranty to occupy and enjoy the same. depart- Newspaper persons in the warning at 180,- country them within twenty days. against them is that they ‘THe British steamer and quired » courage times. and And it re- pluck to send in. the former. EMPIRE once or twice a month, tain at that, and and were uncer- news from ‘‘the States” tah Gentral Railway BAKERY, 126 W. First South St. JOHN C. DOSCH, Proprietor. Bread, Cakes, Pies, to any Htc., part of the city. passenger business. 4 ; McDonald & Dickerson, The Salt Lake City. Rocky Mountain News I. ANDERSON ## 60. >= was the one who sent a messenger to Fort Laramie to bring back, in spite of the suf- fering and hardships the journey entailed, a mule load of letters and eastern news- Byrnes, papers. erosity two men who And his readers, with that genthat has always distinguished western newspaper constituencies, showed their appreciation of his enterprise in a substantial manner.—Z. L. White ir Harper’s Magazine. ; acted with the woman Stanton, were placed under arrest. Their names are Edward Meredith and Henry Hern.an. Sole Agents for the W. G. Morris, FHE DECORATOR. LAMP. 63144 W. 1st South Street. Painters’ Supplies, Wall Paper, Ete. 58 S. West Temple ‘The on World Boston slugger, J. L.S.,is out more. Jake Kilrain now chalhim toa bare knuckle fight for $5,000. Hrovek, the Chicago dynamiter, has been found guilty, the jury fixing his punisnmment at twelve years in the American No Smoll,No Smoke, St. ligious circles, is said to be the > ~4 <i >< Names between two factions of highbinders. Four participants were shot down onthe spot and a number wounded. more were A MAN has been arrested while onhis way from Rome mortally at Venice to Trieste on suspicion of having designs upon the life of Emperor Francis Joseph. THE Cologne Gazette declares that diplomatic relations between Russia and Persia threaten to become strained almost to breaking owing to the ascendency of England in Persia. A Romg cable denies the truth of the report that the Pope had directed Cardinal Gibbons to convey the Pope’s congratulations to President Harrison on his election on the ground that Catholic interests-would be safe in his hands. of Western good as well known sporting man in New York, was recently invited by letter to call upon a woman on Fifth Avenue. On-hisarrival he was received by two men with demanded his’ drawn revolvers, who valuables. struggle followed, from A furious which caped with a scalp wound. ling” has been arrested. Daly es- His “dar- WiuuSchreber,the absconding Columbus, (Ind.) bank teller, has made a partial settlement with President Lucas of that bank, in Windsor, Ontario. He will return to Detroit and will be insured immunity from prosecution when he returns to the States. A few days ago John B. King, a law student of New Haven, was murdered, as subsequently developed, by George Denovan. Denovan disappeared and later his body was found in the reservoir. The motive for the murder and suicide have not been determined. In the House of Commons on Satur- name has names 63 HE. First South of Theatre, BYRON HARTWELL, St., Four Doors West Salt Lake City, Utah. Engravings made for Bill and Letter Heads, Catalogues and Book Illustrations, Portraits, Machinery Autographs, Prop. Ete., Ete. W. South on Horses. . Satisfaction guaranteed. BROUSTINIING BRos, § 75 1.40 50 Children’s Shoes, Sole and Heel, from 35 A Comfortable Waiting Room. Repairing done while you wait 168 Main St., Ogden, Utah. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Ice Skates, Field Glasses, Fire Arms, purposely, be- and Pistol Repairing in all its branches. to say for mesa, and ‘‘Santa Fee” for Santa Fe, would be a great gain if they could be restored.—Ernest Ingersoll in Cosmopolitan. Millionaires Another country. of the source of Metropolis, millionaires _ in the is their emigration from the Great ones. cities Men always draw from who have gained a fortune elsewhere like to display it, if not to enjoy it, in the capital, where they find a more favorable environment for business as well as pleasure. They are anxious, often, to hide their humble antecedents in its indifference, bustle, dis- traction and glitter. They fancy that its vastness and splendor are consonant with their own. Comparatively fev affluent New Yorkers by residence are Nc~v Yorkers by birth. They have come from New England, the west, the south, from Boston, Providence, Hartford, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Savannah, - New Orleans, St. Louis, Chicago, Cincinnati, and are cosmopolitan and thoroughly comfortable in their island home. Whatever objections may be urged against the city, it is generally agreed to be a good place for the rich. It has been called acenter.of paupers and millionaires, and it often seems such, because, perhaps, people in moderate or independent circumstances appear, compared with the magnificently opulent, pinched with penury. A man with only $200,000 or $300,000 can scarcely aspire here to the decorousness of poverty.—Paul R. Cleve- land in Cosmopolitan. Lead Pipes Not Rat Proof. If some inventive genius will poisonous pipe used make fortune. a unexplained cases Fully one-half burst unable to find, water, or they he will of the leaking are driven ing the House a member shouted “Bravo Graham.”’ soft Iead pipe DBALERS IN-———— AND ANTHRACITE COAL. | Office in Godbe, Pitts & Co’s Drug Store, 101 8. MAIN ST. Office Telephone 49. SAvTest Temple Main Street Office, MULLETT Fine Work a Specialty. ROCK SPRINGS, | PLEASANT VALLEY, RED CANYON, GRASS CREEK pee Se Coe ye St., & CO. Telephone, 419. Orders by Mail Solicited. ——_ DEADDR IN Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Yard Telephone 49. LAKE CITY. —AND—— Gents’ Furnishing Goods. W.5S. HARRIS, Agent. in a very short time, and THE LATEST STYLES IN HATS AND CAPS AND NECKWEAR. | No. 35 W. First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY. then the cellar is flooded and the landlord M. Dre F'Rerycrnet, French Minister of War, explains that he has arrived at an agreement with the budget committee is notified that the seems to me that could be got up pipe has some sort that would burst. It of coating kill the rat for an extra loan on account of defensive just as soon as he commenced to eat his way to the running water.—Plumber in works. Globe-Democrat. says the estimate of the | THOMAS W. JENNINGS, Cor. 2nd South and 3rd West Sts., SALT Gun Company OFFICE AND LAUNDRY, get upa in residences of Utah Steam Laundry 45 YARD, lass SPRINGS Coal Co. Agency, — First , preparation with which to coat the lead ROCK ‘‘meesa” and Denver, and ‘‘Ryo Grand”’ instead of Reeo Grande. Old Escalante, in 1776, gave names to many of these rivers; it Tents, Fishing Tackle, Cutlery, Bicycles, Playing Cards, Steel Traps and everything else in the Shooting, Camping, Fishing or Sporting Goods Line. The Largest Stock in the West at the Lowest Prices. failed St. I cure Interfering and Corns taought it a shame that anything should co named after them or any memento be rectly, yet never Temple Fraction Blacksmith and Horse-Shoer, Monograms, Buildings, Color Labels, Patent Articles Fte., 125 cause he hated greasers and redskins, and seot of their former presence. He taiked spanish as well as English, and more cor- Send for circular. Agents wanted in every County. caracteristic of the pig headed ignorance | ° vad conceit which crops out so offensively 1 all frontier society. I had a man tell 10 the other day that he mispronounced frantic by the sound of it flowing through the pipes, and they proceed to eat their way toic. Aratcan make a holein a He Fixtures. speakers know better. Tomichi is generatly called Tomeetch; Ouray (Ooray) becomes Youray. It is willful, too, and spanish and Indian EXPLODE. Country orders solicited. Paper Hangers, Glaziers, Etc. Fence Advertising Done in all parts of the Country. Ladies’ Shoes, Sole and Heel, from it is happened NOT Also Dealers in Other-Lamps and ee: Gents’ Boots and Shoes, Sole & Heel, from Gents’ Hand Sewed, day, the Speaker ordered EK. Graham lead pipes are due to rats, and not to flaws in the material. In a well cemented [Advanced Liberal] to withdraw from basement, with cement floors, etc., as the House because he accused Smith, nearly vermin proof as can be, the annoyGovernment leader, of conniving at a ance from rats is the greatest, as, being dishonerable trick and refused to retract the accusation. As Graham was leavy- 1 ist East St., Burton Gardner building, opp. Theatre. to the Rio Bravo del Norte. This is done i1many cases deliberately, though the smaller a : JOHN LARSON, Rivers. Liven when they havea tween France and Italy, and has Daty, “J.T. Addoms. Gity Shoe Repairing Factory, forgotten or perverted, metropolis offered ~~ Brown. House, Sign and Decorative Painters, >_~<4 >< be made the monuments of noble achievements in their names, instead of bearing such trivial titles as. Grand and Green, ed and Blue, North Fork and South Fork. Iv ts reported that the French government has recently advised the Pope to leave Italy in the event of a rupture beall possible assistance in the event of his deciding to go to France. J.A. Painting and Advertising Co. offender. Obtaining blank checks on the Ame: izan National Band, he is said to have forged the signature of T. W. Harney, a lumber merchant, and then cleverly imitated the certifying stamp of the bank on the checks. . These checks he is said to have cashed at banks in Kankakee and Champaign, Ill nis. It is a pity our noblest streams cannot A sTREET fight of considerable magnitude oecurred in Portland on Sunday 3 WILL S. F. Kershaw. National peni- tentiary. Puit Exchange Bank of Chicago, amounting to $4000, Saal have been detected. Samuel S. Ford of Kankakee, prominent in social and re- Over. Repusiicans to the number of 500 banqueted in New York on Saturday in honor of the victory of November 6. Tus once lenges the | 4 Incandescent € Candle Power! A NUMBER of clever forgeries of checks -——_—-a—__———- FRANCIS COPE, G. F. & T, Agt. JOHN SHARP, Gen’! Supt. Cheap Family Meat Market, 59 HE. Third South St., came only at long and irregular intervals, the editor of The only Broad Guage Road running through Central and Southern Utah. Delivered The only Road making throug’ conWedding and Party Cakes made to order. Crackers, Confectionery and Can- nection with the Union and Central Pacific Roads without transfer of ned Fruits of every description. through freight. Thoroughly equipped for handling of all classes of freight ancl Cherry creek, and the nearest United States postoffice was at Fort Laramie, 220 miles away, when the mails arrived but have proven to be a “panel” or. “badger” the more apted itself to surrounding circumstances. When Denver, in 1859, was but a collec tion of tents, rude shanties and corrals op ‘The have THE assault and attempted murder of P. Daly, the noted New York gambler, of robbery,and West.” This enterprise displayed. itself in many startling ways, as it does today. It ad- has been wrecked at Gersund, Norway. Only four of the twenty-one comprising the crew were saved. case ante-telegraph out tle latter than to put ‘“Bartleboals,” through the efforts of Inspector “Out and special messengers.of the pre-railroad the failed to provide for their families. Enterprise Washington and important nearby cities had their prototypes in the pony expresses near to leave WEEKLY. The successful western newspaper is, above all things, enterprising, and this quality, now so wonderfully developed, is a legacy from the pioneer press. The special telegraph wires of today from Cincinnati and Chicago to New York, A pispatcH from Cincinnati says that notices purportingto be from White Cap organizations have been ieft with several in October, war francs, of which war office for 1889 are estimated 000,000 francs. Bache Cunard, who was interested in the He was arrested the the estimates for 400,000,000 francs will be immediately submitted to the Chamber of Deputie:. The credits for the President of the Horn Silver Mining Company and handled the money of Sir 1886, on the charge of wrongful of 300,000,000 WESTERN THOMAS W. JENNINGS |