Show The Salt lake Tr Ibilne Saturdal' November 8 195S 13' 0 Dr: Van De lien The Neighbors If Planning Trip Abroad Get Shot for Smallpox Americans who are going pox small- - they before leave This will otect against pr- them the disease in for- eign countries and facilitate into the U S No one is allowed re-ent- to pass the r lean A in e ì tt ' - it Dr Van Dellen 1 k i Goren On Bridge Goren Today Jerome of the Capitol Theater when of the movie "Houseboat" is "Wonderful Town" met with shown there 'CBS TV off' !' ! Dag Harnmarskjold is a member of the Nobel Prize cials who board of judges which se wanted his name removed I' lected Boris Pasternak as ! from the TV this year's winner Alec Ik7spectac ular i Guinness who's been in Mexwhich will star ico Hollywood and NY re Rosalind Rug 'turned to England last Frik "T h e n r sell day withOut a film commitdon't do the i 4 Ogee' ment Q!'fS 1 show" said Chodorov Health Hint— i '1 A -- - - getting vaccinated every five to seven years except when travel requirements make more frequent vaccinations necessary - v - kt 1111 it- -I 1 1-- tz r Pat Olf: ROC I I "Mom go VACCINATION does not add to immunity unless there is a reaction Nonreactors are ' immune and need not worry but within a few years protection might wane to such an extent that susceptibility to the disease exists 'Vaccinations at Ire- - 3 I Eddie company Dad will bore him to tears keep ' P' Just talking football" -- :P9rtfOrt::ifotjit10ayMetcalfe IlyTameiss - (pent intervals decrease the hazard as a positive reae- - 11 holding f I r m He'll get billing lawyers in the IOU ARE SO PATIENT I love you for your temperament As even as can be I Whereby you have such patience dear Especially with me You never get upset about The most annoy Mr NY ambulanc- investigation have pleaded the 5th Amend meet Nothing will happen to them In fighting the plagiarism suit over the song "High and Mighty" attorney Emil Ellis will play the violin in the courtroom Billy Brice son of the late Fannie Brice is in Europe on gab batical leave from UCLA He's an associate professor of art although he never went to college himself Ray Bolger was the first star considered for "The Music Man" n r 0 ' 24 -- tIT ro ' Stop Attend church with your 4 4 S ') I e:' - t CI1:10I d (' ow 4s f1!"-":-N'-:!-1):i'- one t I 1 V super-qui- The Salt Lake Tribune Information Bureau 635 F St NW Washington 4 DC I enclose thirty cents in coin (30c) (carefully wrapped In paper) for a copy of the "Modern Quiz Book' t '" - Mate (Mail to Washington I ‘ 229 por "t2 ( 4 ll' 11 '11ZIN ft ‘' 298 da:?N' Vil i iti soft orlon styles girls o gay head 298 298 to 298 o Popcorn knits and bulky knits—caps and scarf cops— some sparked with turex threa—ct goy collection to flatter and comfort young head) exposed to chill winter days All in white girls' sizes 7 to 14 Third Floor Girls' Shop Papa Gabor who was permitted to leave Budapest for a Vienna reunion with his 109(3 4 will daughters and to Hungary next week He left a hostage there All the letters written by Se n EugeneandO'Neill William SaroO'Casey yan to George Jean Nathan now are at Cornell Univerex-wif- e return '411111 ‘ 'I 4 sity 'fr E a RENT P 1 HEARING "N't N T t AID Eyeglass or oil TRY et Our before you A or BUY as 1111A11 vi 1 OPTICAL h 101 W tk''411 1r 1 1171 12 1 O St IX P tt 34911 ktt 2'5 N fk t f 3rd S—EL 92241 Conter--Pro- k orkN A t( 11 I 0 lOtt oj I li '011' )if‘'k1 o!! A 41412 k))L'Illt lit il:tt j Oti11 114 woolens 4 )ff Yeti tti a' 4 k Pe ‘I fi ' TA 111 ' 'k4 '0 ' t 1 k' - !Jai v -! 'i i i) vo °St t I' N 1 0 47 000102 2195 fleece lined with colorfu1 plaid and trimmed with warm wool knit in the button-higshawl collar and 'pockets Charcoal or It grey sizes 6 to 204 0 i tt 4 girls 46 tVQ-"- r Fe' 10:'1' $98 41 shawl collar suburban All wool i 4414 i trz L'vt k‘ N h City N' - i t (Please print) itI Vt 1 ¼ Street )1 He phoned the Bel Air Patrol later and reported "mysterious Intruders" - Name 2 t A': -- -- I v a -- - t ?s: r4 s 1 grass z Each quiz has 25 questions so it's easy to keep score at four points for each one Send for your copy today only 25 cents plus five cents for mailing Ilse This coupon ' :!' t K: "Modern 'quiz II in our fascinating the quizzee as Book" A dozen quizzes on special subjects (from poll' tics to weather) followed by 15 miscellaneous quizzes and ) Mi0st11 3 There are questions for the quizzer and answers for ::: A P '11W boys' suburban coats I 4 $ '' t 7 - et k tilorant styling—snug warmth Tribune Offers Great Book Quizzes and ilitswersToo di) 1 a 14 4 SIWW'"IN j f 1 JO 1 - 1 041!:'--- - - "c i N r 1 r off-dut- Just Try and feet : lit sN When Howard Fast began writing historical novels a critic wrote of East's poll-tic"He's not a Democrat he's not a Republican Fast is a Whig" For the past 10 3 years Fast was a Communist Party member He quit the party two years ago Recently he said: "Now the wheel has come full around I've just written a play for Broadway It's been accepted by a producer Its a comedy about George Washington" IN SPEED LAMKIN'S "Comes a Day" Judith Anderson and Diana van der Vlis have to dance a Charleston Miss Anderson 'remembered how to do it but a teacher had to be brought in for the young Miss van der The new liner "SS Vlis Atlantic" has six crew members who'are writing novels In their hours Clifford Odets the onetime poet of the proletariat has earned a fortune investing in his hobby—US stamps and dated US coins the agent Ray Stark movie producer and producer of "Suzie Wong" lives in Bel Air Calif As a surprise for his young daughter's birthday he paid a circus man to bring a big elephant and a baby elephant to his house At the right moment Stark drew the curtains aside at his home and there were his lawn the elephants--oThey left huge marks in the - 1 ': 40 itory for him Lyons Several " 4 2 9p r-- Hollywood had no movie del e-chasing Questions and—Answers I - i s The deal fell through tion is bound to occur pro- when Bolger's agent de : The daily big thing BYCH Including disappointing news solo mended a during more protective anti- mail may bring You do not covet luxuries which For bodies in the system bit for him 'Both vulnerable Nor th have to wait chide me Or you when dear I forget A "take' usually starts ' deals An anniversary date Indeed you have the patience of Harry Belatonte gave an about five io six days after NORTH That patriarch called Job Much more than anybody hour's concert for Steve Al boils inoculation ilnd the up é K63 else Now living on our globe I know not know you len so that he could pick out to a sizable sote area during V53 do it dear But sure be Your patience ' -1 the 20 minutes you P may quite to five next the four days AKQ5 ' is my courage for Whatever I endure se- reaction is some In the of songs that atiK7104 vere enough tolnduct fever — I Belafonte will EAST WEST and painful knots in the 4 Q108 4 A 17 do on the Al nearby armpit Finally a V1064 6 VKQJ9872 len show Sun- falls i which off crust forms 153 110942 f or week a 8 within ANY 10days day it 52 47 who Prospective t r a v e I e r s SOUTH By Haskin lawyer be should get their vaccination appeared 9542 Q According to astrolfore the ambu- a month or more in advance stages or degrees or hypnoA ' ogy what are the general of departure: A good "take" lance - chasing sis which may be grouped 87 characteristics of Sagittatil committee ad is better tolerated at home as light medium and deep 000 4 AQ9861 rius people? C P Mr mitted that he Don't wait until the last min- stages In the light stage The bidding: never once has ute 88 the first week of your which is adequate for most — Belafonte A Sagittarians (born from North East South West case in court but is tried a ruined be vacation medical the purposes might pa giP 1 2 Pass about Nov 21 to Dec 20 of tient is completely relaxed handling 1000 negligence 8 4 Pass Mrs V writes: What can Pass cases now any year) are usually opThe time but entirely aware of what be done for open sores on the Pass Pass timistic idealistic and genElizabeth Taylor is spending is on A in going conpatient legs of an older person Opening lead: V King erous as well as impatient deep hypnosis knows what with Walter Bernstein the While we do not overlook lined to a wheel chair? and changeable' They need novelist concerns a script is happening about him and to develop poise and self the importance of picking I has for her can remember these occurReply: Treatment of leg restraint Their best occupaup clues and drawing inferulcers requires professional rences when hypnotized BING CROSBY watched tions include business and ences from en care The legs should be ele later and asked about them his son Gary rehearse an finance religion and law and —vated to minimize congesemy action intricate routine as a WI outdoor callings we would like Q When throwing the Children tion The next step Is to pro cadet in the born under this sign are to caution that Javelin is there any limit mote healing by eliminating movie "Mardi 11 to the distance a contest active restless affectionate one must not inflamation and improving ) Gras" Gary ant may run before hurland sensitive too iv ( circulation place finished t h e —4 much reliance ing it? OF — Q Why are fire losses Mrs J wsites: I have had number gasp on the hon toe 7: 1 i A No is allowed an he after going under up swollen a year year my gland ing for breath esty of the 9p- 'g In spite of modern unlimited run but he must and said: "At 1 : 4 right arm or several years position make his throw from behind methods? R N Is it necessary to do any WI the ca 1 South in to- a set mark Those competing dots have sev: ? thing about it? REPLY: Not A One reason is that fire day'l h a n d In this event usually make en minutes to F '" It it has existed for years v Alt- - Goren was lulled losses are expressed in dolan approach run to the mark do what I've 11 removal On hand other the into a state of computelars (rather than in the of about 100 feet and then f done now in is a simple surgical provenumber of things destroyed ency by West's bid and tak with a hop make their 2 li minutes" Mr Crosby is advised if the dure and by fire) and they therefore Ing it for granted that the throw The distance of the Bing puffed his pipe gland gets bigger or bereflect steadily rising prices ace of spades was marked toss is measured from the then replied: "True son comes bothersome Destruction of a small house In his hand by reason of true But your pay is better" throwing mark to the point in 1900 might have meant a the overcall rod'e to ' an head where of the the Robert Taylor says that Jayeloss lire of a'lew thousand fall lin strikes the ground his role in "The Hangman" dollars while a tsr modern Against the final contract will be his last for a while house of similar area might - of Q Row many women five clubs West led the Fe intends to devote the next to several times as run are employed by the fed 'king of hearts which South Me three years to studying to be much Population growth is eral government? JM won and extracted trumps in a director A real house another factor each two rounds He then led a year A According to the latest By Bennett boat will be docked in front there are more houses and impede toward the king and figures from the US Civil factories and other buildAn American tourist Service Commission women the rude awakening came dreoled over the "specialite ings to be protected from constitute about 2491 when East and West cashed per Lire a Paris res maison" in la de cent of the federal govern three tricks in that suit entreated the and taurant ment's entire civilian popu Declarer 'might just as Q noel a person bechef to reveal the recipe lation Out of a total of Well have given himself two come unconscious when is very simple" de"Eet 2142800 persons employed chances instead of one If hypnotized? E T clared the chef "One takes in the federal service 533800 East has at least four dia' A No There are various merely a thick slice of beef ate women monds the contract can be mushrooms tomatoes musmade regardless of the lotard salt a leetle water cation of the ace of spades "Just how mutt water?" After trumps are drawn cut in the toutist writing ' heart dummy's remaining furiously of 111 should be ruffed clearing "An I told you a leetle" both hands of tilllt Suit iv41 repeated the chef :Me I Then the three top dia use about one mouthful" rnonds are cashed as South water-shunnin- g in thick-line- d discards a spade It is noted Words of wisdom culled that West does not follow to frOTTI the Irish Digest: the third lead of that suit You can tell how healthy 77:Yw The five of diamonds is a man is by what he takes is and East or time—stairs a two at (Or' played to hold the trick as pills 1 f k4view fr-rthen discards another It is impossible to enjoy thoroughly unless one Idling East has the lead and the ‘'')J has a very great deal of ! defense is unable to win work to do i more than one spade trick i no matter who holds the Cardplaying can be exace If East returns a heart but so is any game pensive i or a diamond South obtains where you hold hands one more spade discard if We drink toone another's he leads a spade the king health and spoil our own must stand up 34 4 ? rt There is no place like home—for accidents - '1 1 74 ---- - FIVI NOT TRYING to initiate a scare campaign but there must be millions of adults in these United States who have lost their immunity In the circumstances an epidemic could spread with lightning speed Don't forget we are less than 24 hours away from areas where smallpox is rife This danger is avoided by - health station at various ports without proof that they have been vaccinated within three years Many inveterate travelers 'lever had a reaction even though vaccinated several times over a period of years Then a "take" occurs and they wonder why These individuals lose their immuray somewhere along the line After all a scar on the YORK Chodoro v 'os 1 L ss NEW life ii:m irvio-"- Of 'High and Mighty' -- t ' ot i—' s'' I 1 'N'sii 14i'N t t'''' He'll Fiddle in Defense r ttI arm does not protect a per son against smallpox for abroad on business or vacation should be vaccinated against Leonard Lyons By George Clark stripe suburban tweed suburban McGregor's handsome s'Golden Bark all wool tweed lined with heavy heather tone pile lining of Eastman's Verels with nylon interlining Mist brown or mist grey 8 to 20 Street Hoor Boys' Shop beautifully decorated 121795 14 to 202195 6 to 9 bulky orlon z' sweaters ' - Rich thick muted stripe with bright red Orlon pile lining popular tab-ovsleeve deep patch pockets Grey or er - - Washable charmers that are pretty enough for a party exciting enough Co be her favorite Christmas gift Three mockleweled and the styles to choose from—braided " style whose free initials can be sent for after the sweater's purchased All in white 'sizes 10 to 14 DC) Third Floor Girls' Shop F AO - |