Show LaTWOLm- e A 4 I 1 I t - t i -- 7' 1-- I -- Town Club Luncheon Welcomes Mrs Marriner A Browning --- - - ' ':- - ' ! f : ' 4 - ': e' t ' i-- 4 ' ' i' ' 1' 1 4! i 1 'N ''''''''''4 ' ''' ' '' ' 1' - ':' - ' : ' ' - ' - - ok 1" - - - st - 44 - : -- 414 - 1 ''' 4 - ' ' - I U '': - e ' k ' Et Primrose Mark Gifford who will arrive home May 1 ANIth ?di's Vivian Howell as her guest 1tiva 1 wedded 0004jf s 1 1 '- tfr - I r - z110"'- ' " :: 1 - eo:''-4--4:i- I': r'4-I ''' - 1 4: 4 4 ' - --A: :l -- ' i z :: y i : li 1 i 1 ' t ‘' — iI '' - mo t 'N 4 i ) — 't 0 1 :: e'' '" N!' 1 ? - - -- " ' " ' '"'i -' o: ' ' - " 1 ' i r 44) ' :: ' ': t 1 - i I 1 "'"-':::- Glassblowers Are Puffing Away At Your Utensils ' :: i- - '' "'s ' ' ': i : 1 '' ''' " - ' ' t "''':'-'- :t't : :!"::' fl: o - ' - 1'1er ' :: 7L---- r - ' ''' : 1' i 1 '4 '-" il : ( - '3I i ' 1: ' 5 :- '' e4 - ' f ' 4 -- - I iI i' '( : :- r - 7--- J'''-1-:- i ' - '' 'tw- 4 ril ' ''''1'-- - '''''::'::- ' f :- "--- ' A ' 4 ' '' :::: ' ' ' ':-:- (gs oven-bakin- 79 oven Miss Blanch has all sorts of valuable hints on tap For in- stance: When glass cooking drop stove temperatures 25 to 50 de- bride-elect- 1I 72 132 ottla uTle?411 1 I 7 41clif 4 0-W-ld 11 (1Pictctle— I 4e'e L - LA glut Metal-freelUBOID- mode-to-ord- shade is er r At 8211 15INTIODUCTOPY E BO1 : ' ile' :g''1 If nervous accompanying tiredto functional cranky feeiings—due periodic disturbances — try Lydia EPInkham'altegetable Compound to rellsfe such symptoms Taken thrunut the month — Pinkbsm's up rests- Compound helps build tance against such distress! aroateedbby nous "V 'f-'"7“:- ta! ft 1! It!! - ti ::-- i ::: ''' - ' ce ::::4ii - ' ' 00-' - - 4 - : ( 3 s:i i-- 4 k ' soo-' t ! N 4 t' tt t : t t!' I N ' '' 1 t 4 c - 4 -a- fA 1 - - -- - T - irok - t 4 : vvv::: I ' 1 : t Mrs Sterling M Ereanbravh who is the prrsidept of Utah Federation of AVomen's Clubs I ' t MEETING OPENS MONDAY ' t ' I - i Federation of Women Have 'Youth Theme - c ia i f A youth conservation survey will be the feature of the 53rd annual convention of the Utah Federation of Women's clubs which will be held Monday through Wednesday at the Hotel Utah The main theme for the convention is "The Life of A Nation Has Its Roots in Its Youths" The women realize that Amer- ' ' :: ica's greatest assets and poten- ':::::: -- :':'- - i'l ' - :' ': f: --- - tialities lie in the young people of today who will be the leaders of tomorrow Therefore to help them along they are making a comprehensive survey of the youth situation in all its aspects They hope that the results obki tamed from this study will people in later life itnnethyeuirull studies and careers Tea for Members Junior members of the convention are looking forward to a tea in their honor to- be given Monday from 4:30 to 6:30 p m by Mrs L R Morrison 1145 Gilmer dr Augmenting the convention there will be addresses by Dr A Ray Olpin president 3:Drf Utahnd Smith of Centerville WPednesd ay morning has been set aside for a complete summary of the survey Mrs Sterling M Ercanbrack Provo is president of the federation Mrs D A McMillan Murray is first vice president and Mrs F S Leaver Salt Lake City second vice president The three women will preside at the meetings Mrs Marlin T Large is convention chairman Dinner Starts Convention The convention will get off to a start Sunday evening with an Informal dinner The meetings will begin Monday at 8:30 a- - m when Mrs W R Carter president of the Salt Lake district will make the welcoming ad- dress Mayor Earl J Glade also will speak to the assembled t - ot '1 ": '4 io':' ' 1 ' i ":' re''''''' ! 1 '':: '' ''': " e':::: '' :' 1 t' ‘ ' ' " 4 - : ' ' ::4 ' ''''-'- ' - - '': - ' ir":"::'::14 i 4 - ' 'iT " - f ' ' - ': " ' i: c- A ':: - J‘':7Z- r::: '''' ' ' :: 4 ' ' i'''' ' ' :' -- 4 ( - :' '::: :": i 4' --- r '' - -' ' 'igfoilitaki46 5 : l:::: ' ' ' f v 1' j 1Iiitf tri ''''''"L'"'"""' is the Marlin T Mrs -- Head to Toe--- It's Glamor - If you want to be in the swim backless and with midriff dresses you'll have to do more than give yourself a once-ovwith the washcloth Backs and shoulders must be kept smooth Andif you frown on soap and water use one of the creams which combines cream and soap to give you a real scrubbingandatthe same time the needed softening effect of cream Use it on all the roughened areas of the body Knees elbows and ankles in particular can use a soft touch If you are a daily tub user you can use it before the morning shower or evening bath to e get a skin bare-should- ' er er WiliOSCOPE Friday In General: Late afternoon and evening aspects are the most helpful for major Don't overlook the projects benefits to be derived from research a bit of scouting now Appeals to the imagination and sympathy are very affective If April 26 Is Your Ilirthdate: "Many happy returns" Famous persons born on this date include Anita Loos screen writed Harvey Fisk financier Robert Herrick author s 4'::: t head-to-to- ' t t t I : I: t ' t i i i' f' 1' 1 if - f 4 t 1 I1' t i 1t I( t : t I 1 it t 3 i women From Jacksonville Fla comes Thurston Roberts chairman of postwar planning GFWC who will make an address on "Building the Peace Economy" From there on the women have outlined a full schedule of reports and meetings winding up Wednesday night Mrs m peaches-and-crea- l re -- Large convention chairman llan women's federation omfeeti gh i t - : - I '' li':::: cl ' z Mrs Thurston Roberts of Florida who will make an address on building of peace economy i - 000nfr 4 - t ' 11010116 ? bring Starch grocer serve - : !f 4‘ i i 1 YOU KEEP YOUR ROOMS WELL-AIRE- I 4 4 1) -- - CI: ) I D - 4 - FREE FROM MUSTY ODORS? r ' 1 D I fl(t r P' EIDO - ' DO YOU WASH AND AIR YOUR REFRIGERATOR ' I 00111111111151 11 kaultshe Ask your husband to home a box of Faultless Or better still ask your for a box today You deFaultless Starch too trotif '416 - REGULARLY? ' : 0 'DO YOU USE A TOILET DEODORANT? r'r7t' t4 )The w I Tr I I tonishes lo'A ' nOLS 11:- Zse 4171 - f ''' t-- ' fastidious housekeeper : - et 'I 4 r i (t Y:1 004 ':A :2's 014 irA ": t: cx iy'' ''' i '''' : f$ 't t:":: fks: " '' : " iwzzde i '' 1' 4 ''''$ t 164'- - ? $ : - :: 'ic3 1- g or! ::: : ---4---:' f B Bearithe ''!:' ':''''!-- s i 6 1 Et Used as directed— bleaches porcelain harmless to septic tanks1 a COltPOILATION Dovipr tion - tion ion - t: n stt 1 ' N i -' y1: f: )- 1 I ? 4 z 53 s1 7:7 Nwomerr - - ' - ( by tho mokors of EXPELLO Moth Destroyers and Insecticides NH --' srli ' 4 I guarantee seat - 1' r Good Housekeeping 4 '47 Macro f ole s el 4 - 4 Perri-tad- ) 1 Wh40 Awe : deodorant alone In '14 i " '''': F Sf 1 1111 JUDSON DUNAWAY ' A:'' t'''?':''''''''441-- f A elet El Can be used as Johnny Spark! says 1 - ' t minty '?:::' ) I 1 B Removes stain& B No scrubbing fresh B Leaves aaroma 01 ON EMT AT TOUR GROCEN'S IN THE NEW EILUE COWTAINE v:' ' csk Er Cleans quickly i' 7"'7?! 7: 1 e 4414 TRULY 1 'y answer "yes" to all three questions especially the last For the bathroom is a focal point for household odors But it's easy to keep sweet and dainty with NrANiS1L Here is a fastffi toilet bowl cleaner and stain remover with a differenceVANiSI I removes a major deodorizer source of bathroom odors Its bubbling eirervescent action leaves a fresh minty aroma 4 ck I i t k k: 44' 0 pl 4 :1 t i ' :" ' b : 1 ( : ' I " :77- -s 0 - f I I --' y f t - - t 4 54 Guareatien4 by Geed Seefslmepint ' ' 7' i A ---- ) 1 li 1 - - 4 i- i That box of FaultlessStarch Starch? FLOOR It A' A ' Why go on starching and iron-th- e Ini hard way when you can do it the easy way with Faultless It At 1864 '' AAiiReTnis'is"er ing time Let's be conservative and say that Faultless Starch might save you half an hour each ironing day In a year you would save twenty-si- x hours of hard g time! Which is best—a candy or a box of Faultless Skoas—Fourth Floor ESTABLISHED - '"- - ''- - SAVE 26 HOURS A YEAR And that isn't all! Many people tell us that Faultless Starch makes it possible to save half their iron- Spaclallst oe0:71tasissi :'' i :: 4 - : ::: 7- ' really meant more to Mrs Allen than a box:of candy—and here is why: : SAVE CIS MINUTES ArVEAR Let's say it takes ten minutes to make hot starch when you have to cook it and stir it over a hot stove But you can make hot Faultless Starch in a minute That means you save nine minutes each time you make it If you wash only once a week in one year you would save 468 minutes or seven hours and forty minutes Would you rather have a box of candy or a box of starch that saved you better than seven hours a year? bc1 - ::: - ::: : ' 1 1 v- - --- -'4 : ' 5 Lake' learned to care for during the war shortage of trained nurses Everyone had an eye to the future postwar when thousands of army nurs'es should have returned home and the girls in white with soothing hands and quick energy should again fill the vacant spots Still Many Vacancies Only it is not that way at all Nurses are exactly as scarce as evernot only in Salt Lake but all over the land Mrs- Verle B Lesnan director of the recently formed Community Nursing bureau of the county says so and hall figures to prove it Right here' Salt Lake with not an overabundance of hospitals has 75 vacancies in hospital staff nurses In addition there are more t vacancies for head nurses and supervisors AmAerjlacnaunalrYci tsiuereveyenoofw5e0d laorgnee town with 1000 vacancies in its hospitals Marriage Education The reasons are plain few Inurses seem available 'Some them are attendiing school iI the G I bill on rights are marrying and nurses who were married and working while their husbands were in military service are now making their own homes "And sà—the nursing bureau" says Mrs Lesnan "It maintains a registry for practical nurses and all nurses who can give full or part time services are asked The phone number is about the same You can imagine my surprise when I began My Iron fairly flew and Ironing WWI finished in no time My clothes were so bright with no rough starch blotches to mar their sleeknesq I felt I just had to tell you how wonderful your starch is My husband wrs Just as proud as I when be saw his shirts I wish all women could just try your product" Now there is a thoughtful hus- band 1 Caboich S : -- scl ironint Plus lex a: DE II TOILETRIES—STREET II : b 1 4o'r--4- I ‘ t v ) e ' 11 "Last week my husband brought home a box of Fault- use itehsign kSitnagr ethh tt littlic:Itcrlethoe X a 'PERIODIC especially designed to impove fit into foot and body balance your regular shoes 500 and 630 a pair Ste Mr correct by just touching a speck on your check Every reason why it should be right—it's just for you The expert Consultant skintone in powder shades before measures-youcarefully a she creates your formula—it's something to rave about! You know the tc 1 13t3d - ''-- aless" Sta°rwch sheHderisecoyered 4 Z- "'s i t : -- West Monroe La Mrs Carl C Allen of West Monroe Louisiana hb tahh interesting story to tell- Make you feel °A Wreck" on such days? you suffer monthly cramps with 1 I) OW aln 1 t I I t t' Look for More Nurse to Fill1 Vacancies Her a Surprise Female 17ealtness CalifOrnla-Sivip- V ! ' N "- Husband Gives Llitt-14- chain 15 G LS a :! Mrs for improved BALANef JP - r - : " wrote: es p I -: The first national Alpha CM Omega alumnae officer to visit the Salt Lake chapter—Alpha Zeta Alpha—will arrive Monday morning for two days' of meetings and entertainments Mrs John E Watson of El Paso Tes a :national alumnae officer and national chairman of district V With members of the Salt Lake chapter will visit Logan Alpha Chi Omega club on Monday afternoon Tuesday night the Salt Lake Alpha Zeta Alpha chapter will honor the visitor with a banquet in the Jade room of the Hotel Utah at 7 p rn Banquet reservations are to be made with Mrs Raleigh W Moore phone or Mrs Stanley Foutz First Lt Primrose Marie Gifford of the army nurse corps will arrive in town Wednesday for a visit with her parents Mr and Mrs Leonard B Gifford 810 E 17th South Miss Gifford who is stationed at Camp Stolman Pittsburg Cal will have Miss Vivian Howell of North of ::i e Lt Gifford Due Mrs Clara M Clawson shows sophisticated Blacks as the ideal for Summer Wear Chic Smart Dashing with its touch of white or Heavy Venetian Lace sleeves or Black Solid Remember the First entrance South of the West end of the Pedestrian Lane brings you to 4412 So Main ) j 4e t - k ' - Fete Plnned For Visitor 's It's tistriss '1 l:: Mrs John B Watson national Alpha Chi Omega officer to be guest of S L alumnae chapter for alatehernyntwSoyhe'esajrussitrthledrviheetr discharge Coes - ::1 4 ':i f::: J ::7::: " : 11 - ' i i:::::: 4 t-- ki-- ::::: : Out of WAVE blues and into "civvies" again Kathryn Frost looking fresh and lovely with her mother Mrs C Frost dropped into their old home town to say hello to all at their friends staying but alas the Hotel Utah on they go shortly to Los Angeles where Kay will vilit a former Salt Laker Mrs Oscar Jarlett (Mabel Anson) ADVERTISEMENT Date-dress- - t ''''7:'!:1-- Kay Frost Says Hello If on top the stove see that flame does not flare up on the outside of the utensil—or wham! Use a metal trivet under utensil on electric burner s 1 ' 0 --'''''4"4' : ! '::-:- an- grees - 41 ' : e- nouncing the forthcoming marriage of her daughter Miss Jean Chase to Keith M Peterson a son of Mr and Mrs Ira L Peterson 661 Redondo ave A trousseau tea to be given May 11 by the mother at her home will reveal the young couple's plans for their wedding in the Salt Lake 3 LD S temple Both Miss Chase and Mr Peterson are former students of-the University of Utah and were affiliated with Lambda Delta Sigma Mr Peterson recently returned from India and received his release from the army He served three iyears corwith the counter - (-- t 7 "::: :: : :tk ''f ' :' : '''f': 7:'- :f'" : :: I ' i I qrs John H Chase is - —) - Jean Chase Engaged ':::' :!: :'''' :: 'i''' '''''‘''' 3:1 '' : ''':: —1: : hand-blow- 1 ' - :''''' : a-t- r ''''7:2:: f:: 1i i ?:" ' 'fi: er I )s r Mr Dyer :: Pennsylvania the University of i :::::::: "" where he was affiliated with - '''''-':"':: '' reHe Kappa Sigma fraternity ' :: cently returned to civilian life 2 :''7 after 35 months military service In the E T 0 with -the 9th air :: force i : ''''''''"""":4 °1 :t-'7'"ri- - By GRACE GRETIME: "Lots of new things are coming t'in" says Migg Kathryn Frost of Toronto Canada who is Josephine FL Blanch "And by fall old favor- making brief visit here on way toLos Angeles ites we hope will be back"—which means that harried housewives wistfully searching for those interesting glass percola- I posed to be over twice as strong I tors covered DEPENDABLE saucepans teapots as ordinary bowls and don't chip and double boilers as of yore easily" tem may get by fall if they're The glass utensils used FUR STORAGE patient n stove to boil or fry are the Miss Blanch in Salt Lake and Complete this week and the blowing experts is the educational ecohaven't yet returned from war representative of the homeCornnomics department of the FUR SERVICE takes as long to mane one the works Don't let ing glass cut title scare you because she's Nov lip heart and soul for the lady in as it does to machine press dozthe kitchen ens of an oven utensil" says ! g Miss Blanch "The (4 Favorites Quick ware always has the name she says "there pressed into it" a rle'Already" glass plates and FUlUki ( lk1— Yes and No nice for cups on the market kitchenettes and the new Ovenware may not be used 263 SO STATE on an open flame bright colored glass bowl sets for but the CESTRIK THKATRIE nrILDING either mixing or oven baking are blown flameproof favorites supquick they're items may be used in the SOrtSSg :i :::(: Santa Barbara in :":: i: f :::'::: ' ': i- - i?:-J:-- 4'-(- ' 1 '''"f: : ' ' i :"s'A'-''s- ' ' :::' : '' 1 ' :i ?:' - ': :i":-:- -- ' -t ii- ' : i ')' sC s :::' " - A ' : : '' ':: ' i :: 4 t :'- 7: "'- ::::::::::: :: : - : i : j I" ' 1'" "''" '::::::: : ::--- '' - ' ":: k 'Y'' ' ' ''' :: i:4: ' ': ' ::: 2 i''''i: - 1::: - 1: '" "7 r:t::!--tr':f: : '' ii 1 ?: - I i' i 1 1!' 1 4ftn-:- t A :: 1 ''' ':-- : '': ' !"':"1-i- ' I - -- f l' ' '" -' - - ' '' ' - ::: 4:t ''': ! - ' ''' ' ' -' ''414-to- :z: - ' 4-- i4e ' 4''' :: ' :: A ' - f': t:: tir ‘--- 1 A e-:':- i'''---' i '1 ' -:- - ' ee' It :'- - :: :: : : :Co'4' V'I ' Miss Jean Clase who will be wedded to Keith M noon A tronsenn tea is net for May 11 Peterson s i I i'-- ' z - :) ' '' i t 'Th:l:11: 4' ' ::' 17':'Nei:":''t ': ' ''''':''f'Tt t' 1 ::: :: '‘-'4'': 1 1: - ?‘'' ' - - :i' 4' t :: - ' ''- ' t ' - I: '' F" assea :: s:: -- 4: - ''' ik i ili4- ' t ts7' ! : :::: - ' : 'l :': ' 1 ' s: 4 : - : 4 1 '' ‘'' 'i - - :: vH: i2 'H: ' j 0':t: i ' ':: f''"'-- - - f-if ' l'''' 0 ' - - " ' 'f7: ' : : : ' t I '::::: - :j'"':::44-'''''''- ' ' ' - ' 1 ::If A - :t- - 3ss' r-N t: " 4i: ' il ' "4-:t-- - o ':' ' :" ct ' :zff::: 4:!0- 'z t ' - Wiggs sister of the bride-eleMiss Donna Jean Stewart will both of the be bridesmaid attendants also are former Salt Lakers Miss Wiggs is a graduate of Rowland Hall in Salt Lake and of Colorado college Colorado Springs At present she is field director of girl scout activities 44 - fore returning-- 6 Camp Stolman Miss Gifford'ITd her guest will make an extended tour of the western states be Miss Helen Louise IL ' - : e i :" '5 f ' 4 itt rLbuaria: ' 4 : t! ) - 1 :: 2‘ rf: at i - 1 :1 1 'i ' - - F '' if -'- 1 :or-----1- it- I 1 :5ri :::: 44:44'': : : - ''':- ': " ' 3 1" Salt Laker urtiamr in Santa IKKFIL ' ' ' -- S - - ' ': -- :' : :' 4 ' ' 5 - ''' ' i I: r:-'- IA ''''' ' 1'-- 1 1 ' p'1 74 - )‘ 1 1 ' 4 f A '' - :i 1 '''' W! '''' ''' ' ' Aches and pains—minor illnesses—convalescents — clinical thermometer cases — all these ills and many more the women homemakers of Salt of-th- --- I '' I of interest to the many Salt Lake friends family is an announcement from California of the approaching wedding of Miss Frances Wiggs of Hope ranch daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles F Wiggs former Salt Lakers to William Dyer Jr of Buffalo N Y son of Mr and Mrs W E S Dyer of Buffalo ' The marriage will take place Carolina as her house guest May 11 in Trinity church at her furlough here Behonduring of Maid Cal Barbara oSranwtal 4 4 zi OCIETY TODAY 1' q A6 - s ''' ! p) e Pe ' ::: 74' !---4 ' 4' ' 4' - luncheon and program committee - 71 I ev i- Mrs Browning will give-- an accompanying talk as the pictures appear on the screen Guest privileges will' be allowed for the occasion and throughout the rooms will be the new fragrant lilacs—and other spring blooms ' Mrs J II Cornwall is chairman of the A special luncheon announced for the Town club at 1 pm Tuesday will call out the to welcome back Mrs membershipready A Marriner Browning of Ogden from her recent trip in far south regions and to enjoy the collection of colored slides with which she ) recorded the beauties of the Guatemala and Yucatan and incidents of the journey - - 1 ' it - in - ' : - - 1 I' I ''''"'' ' 4 ' vs ''''''''''''' '' ' ' -- - !" ' - 40 - t IS '' ''''" ' - - I "Imemo' :' ' ' '''L i I I ' ' '''''''''' '' i 4 'At' 7: ' ' I' ''' ' gliNvpm 1 1 ' I ''''' - t ir' TG:: Sk' ' ''- I Zribunt c - ' Ai - - ' ' -- f J - - - zlitsalt Cake Friday April 26 1946 f : - |