Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING 26 Utah to Lead Federal Aid Western States’ Backing Sought in Appeals to Congress ' - r f JANUARY 25 1936 WoolmenUrge State Public Lands Rights State Farm Bureau Hears Plan Plea for Long-Tim- e To Help U S Agriculture Reciprocal Trade Pacts Flayed in Resolution of Convention National Organization Representative Predicts Repetition of 1929 Crash Unless Laws Pass to Establish Program Recommendation that congress enact leglsaltion that would grant to states desiring them the rights to public lands within their borders and condemnation of efforts of party leaders to consummate reciprocal trade agreements were carried in resolutions adopted Friday at the last session of the annual National Woolgrowers’ association gress held in the Hotel Utah To Urge Cooperation The granting of state rights to chairG vice Peterson Preston public lands was Included 4n a man of the commission who is pres- Ident of the Western Association of resolution opposing further enlargeState Highway Officials said that ment of grazing acreage under the A Owens J all the states in this organization Taylor grazing act proposing radiwill be urged to cooperate in the cal amendments to the act and move It comprises the 11 western states and Texas rtndemnlng action taken by 'the reIt was pointed out that if concent Taylor act conference In Salt gress accepts the recommendations Lake City Denunciation of recipmade by President Roosevelt in his rocal trade agreements classed the budget message many of the west-es- n states will have no federal aid efforts of their proponents as a “bemoney for next year and there Is a trayal of secret trade agreements danger that the principle of federal of presidential campaign pledges” aid will be damaged Roscoe C Rich of Burley Idaho The problem is a rather complipast president of the Idaho cated one involving a holdover of association was elected Owens Slates funds from one year to another It President president of the natipnal organizais explained in Mr Howe’s letter as Full Program Dinner tion after nomination by retiring ' follows President! F A Ellenwood S M “The bill This Evening of Salina Utah A A Jorgensen passed a year ago authorized approJohns of Prescott Arlz and Fred priations of $125000000 in federal E Warren of Wyo were Slid for the years 1936 and 1937 be- Problems of the Industry will be named vice Cheyenne Mr Ellen-woo- d presidents ginning last July 1 Under these discussed by nearly 100 representawas named honorary presiauthorizations $10000000 was apAll elections were unanl of newspapers and commercial dent tives last the and presiyear propriated dent has included $60000000 in his printing firms who will attend the mous Spirited Debate budget message making a total of thirty-eight- h annual meeting of the The resolution 1936 to attacking various $100000000 applicable Utah State Press association which phases of Taylor act administration Cancellation Urged opens at the Newhouse hotel Satur- and strongly disapproving of the “He states that It is believed this two days present grazing setup under the new amount will be sufficient to meet day for law was adopted only after anafter-noo- n full A with day’s program ending commitments maturing during the of spirited debate A substiNewinformal at the an dinner He therefore recomyear 1937 tute offered by W resolution in is the scheduled house evening mends that the authorization of J A Owens Candland vice president of the Utah $125000000 for the fiscal year 1937 for Saturday Presidenttwo-hoses' State Woolgrowers’ association con be canceled and made applicable to announced Sunday a fined to range classification for la the year 1938 He justifies this rec- sion will be held in the morning suance of licenses and fixing of fees Three Speakers ommendation by calling attention to was a two to one vote the vast amount appropriated for Reports of officers and standing Utahdefeated by headed by Mr delegates fiscal highway purposes during the committees will be submitted Sat- Candland succeeded only in changyears from 1933 to 1936 urday morning Trade subjects will two words in the original reso"While this would indicate that be discussed at a round table meet- ing lution after a prolonged fight to many eastern states have not been ing in the afternoon following talks soften its language and general keeping pace with the program on by three speakers: Colonel E Leroy tone Efforts to strike out parathe other hand Utah and many other Bourne editor of The Salt Lake graphs providing for a delay in western states have been on their Telegram Irwin Arnovitz chairman further Taylor act districting until toes and obligated funds as rapidly of the Utah tax commission and the “present setup can be unscrara as they were made available If James A Giles of the Giles Press bled” and that pertaining to states the president’s recommendation is Election of officers will follow the being granted surface rights to pubfollowed many of these western round table discussion lic lands were defeated states will have no federal aid proLuncheon Guests Convention delegates from Idaho gram for the year 1937 In addition Delegates will be luncheon guests and Wyoming were“pacticularly inthere is danger In accepting this and Tele- sistent that no further action be recommendation In that federal aid of The Salt Lake Tribune and at 2 p m a taken In allotting the publio domay never be reinstated Not only gram Saturday scheduled for visit main California and Oregon deledo we face the loss of all federal theater party is aid but also appropriations on the lng ladies A special entertainment gates opposed the resolution Utah and musical program is planned for delegates split their votes eight for regular basis for publio lands high- the dinner which and three against adoption of the begins at 7 p m ways After session will which original report Sunday’s Careful Budget be devoted to a round table busiConfusion Feared ' careful close and economy ness discussion the annual meet“By The resolution as adopted deUtah state money has been budgeted will be concluded with a lunch- clared that to attempt at this late to match the full amount of antici- ing eon at 1 p m date a and complete regupated 1937 appropriation By April President Owens assisted by W lation ofhasty 80000000 acres of public 1 Utah will have under advisement Warner Mitchell vice president will barring unforseen difficulties all of preside at the meetings In charge domain for grazing purposes means its present allocation and will com- - of arrangements is a committee con- disorganization and confusion to bulk of this work by next sisting of John E Jones Dr Harri- the livestock Industry upon which flete the 1 the entire west is in a large measson R Merrill and Mr Owens ure dependent “In consequence there will be “These lands have been used !n slack period very detrimental to our common for more than 50 years" highway department and to the conthe resolution read "They have tracting organizations and employnot been injured or greatly ment of many needy citizens will A few more weeks or tie curtailed In addition sorely months of such grazing will not be needed highway work will be postfatal to them A proper solution of poned this important problem can be “It therefore seems desirable for reached only after mature and de till of us who are interested in fed-- The 1937 convention of the Pa- liberate thought” eral aid construction to take excepThe resolution recommended that tion to the president’s message of cific Advertising clubs' association recommendation and do all in our will be in all likelihood be held in the Taylor act be amended to be made more specific in many of its power to secure a regular appro- Salt Lake City Chauncey W West provisions as to who are entitled to of 1937 so the for Salt the Lake Adverthat president year priation a grazing permit It further urged eur state will have a program fur' tising club said Friday Mr West returned from the mid- that members of state advisory ther so that federal aid will be established on a basis that will dis- winter conference of the assocla boards be elected and that no rule courage tampering with this very tion at San Francisco where plans or regulation be made without their for the 1937 convention were dis- consent and approval important fund” cussed The conference approved The resolution voiced disapproval Salt Lake City for next year’s meet- of the recent conference action and ing but the final vote on the matter disregard shown some of the states must be obtained at this year’s and advisory boards" and also of “methods used in handling the conconvention at Seattle Wash If the convention is held here Mr ference" West said it will mean that more The resolution recommended the The budget for 1936 operations of than 500 delegates from the Pacific appointment by the association president of a legislative committee the juvenile court system was ap- coast states will attend of three to go to Washington and Western states must at a of join together the proved Friday meeting state juvenile court and probation in bringing tourists from the east so amend the Taylor act as to “make Mr West said Plans are being it a law to stabilize the livestock in(commission at the capitol The budget includes $22189 from made by eastern states to spend dustry Argentine Pact Opposed ptate appropriations and $16271 $2000000 to attract the tourist from local allowances The amounts trade and if the west Is to have its A general resolution unanimously of visitors it must be pre- adopted vigorously opposed ratificapet up are within anticipated reve- - share to start large campaigns Mr tion of the proposed Argentine will not necessitate any pared and Sues West said greement and demanded reI The board Frank B McLatchy vice presi- tention of the existing embargo approved the appointment of Willes E Bean of Price as dent of the local who also attended against importation of livestock from countries where either rinderclerk of the juvenile court of the the meeting returned Friday Seventh district The appointment pest or foot and mouth disease exists Was made by Judge George A Row-le- y Honor Service Planned Others requested legislation to to fill an original vacancy Approval also was given to the provide labeling of fabrics and garments to Inform consumers regardappointment of Miss Doris Crapo For Late Glass Bishop bf Murray as juvenile court clerk ing the presence of adulterants or for the Third district to succeed substitutes in materials sold as beMiss Isabelle Smith resigned This or wholly composed of ing Commemorating the tenth anni- wool partly the and of an appointment was made by Judge opposed versary of the death of Bishop excise tax on livestock laying Rulon W Clark or products S dioGlass the of Catholic Joseph thereof Except for the appointment of Mr Bean the new budget contem- cese of Salt Lake a solemn high Another resolution urged the wild mass will be at the Cathedral sung life conference to be held in Washplates no additions to personnel this of the Madeleine Monday at 10 a m year and no reductions The Very Rev Monslgnor A F ington February 3 to 7 to recommend a survey to compile scientific Glovannoni be the celebrant and practical data to permit the Church Leader’s with the RevwillJoseph G Delaire evaluation of wild life reproper deacon the Rev John Lagan sources and the range livestock inand the Rev Joseph P t Daughter Joins Board dustry in order to indicate the Moreton master of ceremonies of each in the social Glass died January 26 proper place Bishop and economic welfare of the country Mrs Frances Grant Bennett 1926 A forest grazing resolution adopdaughter of Heber J Grant presi ted urged that the forest service dent of thi L D & church has High Court to Rest been appointed a member of the provide for the issuance of Because there are only two cases grazing permits on the national forgeneral board of the Primary association It was announced Friday by on the calendar the state supreme est and that the service make early Miss May Anderson general court for the first time in its his- announcement of Its grazing plans the board tory will hold no February session and policies A talented musician Mrs Bennett it was announced Friday by L M The convention closed with a will be assigned to the music com- Cummings chief clerk These cases and dance given for attending mittee of the board Miss Anderson will be continued to the March delegates and their guests in the session Hotel Utah ballroom America u certain to face another crash just as demoralizing as that of 1929 unless an adequate e agriculture program is placed in operation J S Jones representative of the American Farm Bureau federation and secretary of the Minnesota State Farm bureau told more than 500 delegates attending the annual convention of the Utah State Farm Bureau federation Friday in the Newhouse ‘hotel to gain upport throughout the west for an appeal to congress to appropriate federal aid funds for 1937 was started Friday by the Utah road commission E E Howe chairman of the commission prepared a letter to be sent to members of the Utah congressional delegation and civio organizations throughout the state will be asked to lend their support in getting the' problems before conA move long-tim- Clear Skies Forecast for Week’s End Clear skies and slightly temperatures marked Friday's weather In northern Utah Fair weather with little change In the mercury was predicted for Saturday and Sunday The highest temperature here Friday was 35 degrees the lowest 21 and the mean 28 normal was SO lta curve tending upward from 29 of the last few weeks While the January precipitation of 251 inches Is an accumulated excess of L50 Inches for the month December precipitation was shown to be only 80 of an Inch compared with an average of L07 and the snowfall for the same month was only 84 inches compared with an average of 94 inches The mean December temperature the monthly weather bureau report said was 283 degrees as compared with an average of 265 abnormal Utah State Press Will Open Annual Meeting Saturday Wool-grower- s’ Hayden-Cartwrlg- ht f annual conDelegates to this seventy-fir- st vention of the National Woolgrowers’ assosesciation convention closed their three-da- y sions Friday by electing a president and three Roscoe C Rich of Burley vice presidents Idaho seated was named president Standing left to right Vice Presidents Fred E Warren pf Cheyenne Wyo A A Johns of Prescott Ariz and S M Jorgensen of Salina Utah All elections were unanimous Ewing Given Copy of Official Croup Chairman Call for Bourbon Convention Asks Keyser to y- Utah Entitled to Eight Delegates May Send 16 t With Half Vote Apiece ur S L May Obtain over-graz- ed Advertising Meet Juvenile Court Budgi Okehed sanitary-a- e LDS sub-deac- - ar super-ntenden- pf ‘ ban-que- nt Special to The Tribune WASHINGTON D C Jan 24— National Committeeman Orman W Ewing today was furnished a copy of the official call for the Democratic national convention at Philadelphia confirming earliet announcement that Utah is entitled to eight votes Chairman Farley advised Mr Ewing that Utah may exercise its option and send eight delegates or may send 16 with half a vote each Tjie chairman indicated a preference for the larger number in the hope that half the delegates would be women The same rule would apply to alternates as to delegates the chairman explained Chairman Farley also informed Mr Ewing that the next meeting of Recreation (Department’s the Democratic national commitWork Will Provide tee will be held in Philadelphia on Sunday June 21 two days before Jobs for 60 This the convention assembles meeting will afford A S Brown The first National Touth adminis- an opportunity if he is so disposed tration project sponsored by the city to appear and contest Ewing’s right recreation department was launched to continue as national committeeconvention EwFriday under the direction of Ray man through the term will autoT Forsberg director of the depart- ing’s four-yematically expire with the adjourn ment The project will provide employ- ment of the convention at which ment for 30 boys and 30 girls be- the new national committee will be the following tween the ages of 16 and 25 years formally elected who are not attending school and choice made by the states The in all of whom are being enrolled from dications are that Mr Ewing will not be a candidate for reelection families on relief he is not ready to make hny Every boy or girl will be an assist- though announcement of his plans ant leader in a recreational depart- definite ad ment activity for which he or she is Mr Brown who was chosen natural committeeman by a Dembest adapted 1934 did Classes will be formed for the ocratic state convention in not attempt to obtain his seat at the of handicraft teaching dancing bust meeting of the national comdramatics and music and the assistant leaders not engaged in those mittee early this month projects will serve in night recreaSome also will make tion centers patterns nd design costumes Each boy and girl will receive pay on the basis of $25 a month working only 42 hours per month and not more than eight hours in any one day Oscar Evans former University of Salt Lake county expended a total Utah and L D S high school ath- of $7034719 for charitable purposes lete will supervise boys’ activities during 1935 $150799 less than was while Miss La Rue Birch will be in appropriated' to the department charge of the girls The project Commissioner B F Quinn informed will continue at least until March 15 the county commission in his annual report Friday The distribution of expenses was Hurt While Coasting shown as follows: Salaries $592250 While coasting near her home rent and other relief $18871 burial Friday afternoon Patricia Hurd 6 of indigents $2866 care of children of 763 East Second South street $2307826 contingent fund $400 fell from her sleigh and suffered stationery and printing $8862 autoa possible fractured left elbow She mobile expense $19648 other exwas treated at Emergency hospital pense $10662 and F E R A $37500 Project of NYA Launched in S L ar Charity Cost Below Budget High Court Rules in Mother’s Favor in ‘Witch Cure’ Case An incident back in 1929 involving devils and a witch doctor was the basis of an opinion handed down Friday by the state supreme court In effect the court held that a Mrs Mary Gentile was not legally responsible for $400 claimed to have been paid the “doctor” for the “benefit" of her son It appears that the son was paralyzed and could not walk A friend of Mrs Gentile one Domenico Greco brought to her house a “magic doctor" who claimed that he could cure her son All she had to do was give the “doctor” $13 and with this he would exorcise the devils from the sick boy’s body He was to take the money to a certain crossroads on a certain midnight where the devils would appear to take the money Mrs Gentile said she didn't have much faith in magic but ehe was willing to give it a try So she paid the “doctor” the $13 Two weeks later according to the story as it reached the supreme court Greco told Mrs Gentilq the “doctor” would have to have more money $400 in fact before the eon could be cured The woman said she didn’t have the money Greco said he had the money and was willing to give it to the “doctor” because he had faith in him She then told Greco to go ahead and give the "doctor” the money if he wanted to but that ehe would not be responsible Whether Greco gave the “doctor” the money or not Mrs Gentile was unable to say At any rate Greco later brought suit against her in the district court for $400 claiming the money was a loan to her and ehe had not repaid it The case was tried and a verdict was returned in favor of Mrs Gentile Shortly afterward an appeal was taken to the supreme to Sponsor Water Board Move Commissioner George D Keyser was called upon Friday by William F Langton chairman of the Property Owners’ Investigation committee to sponsor a resolution turning over full supervision of the city water department to the Metropoli- tan Water district board of Sait Lake City thereby making the board the agent of the elective commission in all water affairs Mr Langton’s statement was prompted by an opinion issued Thursday by Fisher Harris city attorney The opinion held in effect that the water board could administer the city’s water affairs so long as all its actions are approved and adopted by the city commission as its own Held Confirmation "Mr Harris” the statement said "has confirmed completely what this committee has contended and coincides exactly with the views of our own counsel viz that the city commission may name the Metropolitan Water board as its agent to conduct all investigations and set up machinery for the complete exploitation of all water problems and reach its own independent decisions but that all this action must be confirmed and ratified by the city -- commission “At no time has it been our opinion that an appointive body has the authority to place obligations upon the people that this is the prerogative of elective officers and that is why the city commission as a whole and not merely the water commissioner should pass judgment upon the acts of the water board" Hope Expressed “It is hoped now that the opinion has been handeddown by City Attorney Harris Mr Keyser will urge that delegation of authority be authorized Then Mr Keyser may present such views as he may have on the subject to the water board and let them decide the merits of his opinion as well as the views of others who may be consulted “We believe the quicker this action can be taken the greater will be the assurance that a sound policy will be determined and an early approach made to the solution of our water difficulties We believe the citizens of the community will feel greatly relieved if the ruling handed down by Mr Harris can be made immediately operative It seehis now up to Mr Keyser to demonstrate his faith in the personnel of the new board by sponsoring a resolution to effect the delegation of tbe authority and power to this new board to function and act in the name of the city commission in control of the entire water system” Ben Harries Gets $35 Fine in Driving Count Ben R Harries 64 of 567 Hollywood avenue inspector for the state liquor control commission and for- mer sheriff of Salt Lake county was fined $35 on a recklesa driving charge by Judge A H Ellett in police court Friday Harries faced Judge Ellett for trial January 16 and the case was taken under advisement until Wednesday when the judge found him guilty He was granted until Fricourt day for sentencing The charge resulted from a trafThe opinion of the supreme court written by Justice Ephraim fic crash December 20 at Fifth Hanson and concurred in by the South and Second West streets A other justices affirmed the judg- car driven south by Harries collided ment of the lower court and or- with one driven north by Theo 25 of 970 West First South dered that Mrs Gentile recover costs of court steet Ver-haar- f I Delegate Powers Reprieve Swells Green’s Kin Hope City Commissioner Urged L Mother Tells of Joy Over News of Governor’s Clemency Order “The suspense of waiting without hearing any good news was terrible —but when we heard we were so glad that words wouldn’t come” is thawayMrs Lillie May Alexander of Ogden mother of Delbert Green reprieved Utah slayer described the hours before Green’s latest reprieve was granted Green was to have been executed at the state prison Friday morning Governor Henry H Blood signed a reprieve late Thursday Maintaining that Green’s condition should prevent his execution Mrs Alexander hopes that this time he will either be released from the shadow of death through court determination that he is not sane or that his sentence will be commuted to life imprisonment she said Friday Green saw for the fourth time a day set for his execution pass Arthur Woolley and John C Davis Ogden attorneys who have carried the defense fight of Green through the courts for the past six years Friday indicated that a notice of appeal to the state supreme court from a ruling of District Judge Eugene E Pratt would be carried through “in good faith” They seek to obtain a supreme court ruling on a question of under the 1935 revision of the criminal code which they contend places a certain responsibility on the court for determination of the sanity of the accused person e Federal Prison Term Given in Liquor Case John William Rose '63 was sentenced to serve a year and a day at McNeil island federal prison Friday when he appeared Friday before Judge Tillman D Johnson Last spiring Rose after pleading guilty to a charge of selling liquor to Indians was paroled on condition that he leave the San Juan Indian country Last week he was again arrested in that section and Friday's sentence by the judge was ths result Facts Prepared On Presidents U S Presidents and Their This distinctive Wives ge ' illustrated service booklet gives not only the essential historical facts concerning every president from Washington to Franklin D Roosevelt and every White House hostess but offers a condensed political history of the United States Ti)e tables give the popular and electoral votes for every presidential election Many of the pictures are reproductions of official White House photographs USE THIS COUPON The Salt Lake Tribune Information Bureau Frederic J Haskln Director Washington D C I inclose herewith 10 cents in coin (carefully wrapped) for a copy of the booklet “Presidents and Their Wives Name Street ( bity State (Mail to Washington D C) Mr Jones based bis prediction on the thesis that inability of the farmer to buy other commodities was a basic cause of the depression and the fanners’ Inability to buy resulted from a more than 50 per cent drop in farm Income prior to 1929 because of uncontrolled production of agricultural products Ths speaker asked also for cooperation in obtaining tax adjustments more favorable to the agricultural industry and for increased support for cooperative marketing Governor Attends Governor Henry H Blood who welcomed the delegates at the opening session of the convention Thursday attended Friday’s afternoon session Joseph A Anderson Lehl was elected president of the re- state farm bureau federation for the fourth consecutive time State Senator Ward C Holbrook Clearfield was a close second in the vote A W Chambers Smithfield secretary of the Utah State Canning Crops association was elected vice president succeeding Horace L Richards Additional Fielding members of the executive committee elected are Ray P Lurid president of the Utah Poultry Producers’ Cooperative association J R Rawlins president of the Utah Beet Growers’ Cooperative association Mrs Iola T Jenseni chairman of the home and community section George F Stallings president of the Weber County Farm bureau George' L Hobson president of the Summit County Farm bureau J R Beus president of the1 Weber Central dairy and David H Jpnes president of the Utah County Farm bureau Directors Named Twenty-thre- e directors consisting of heads of county farm bureaus and of associated cooperatives and of the home and community section also were elected Mr Jones listed as basic aims today: Efficiency In proauction and marketing control or adjustment favorable credit facilities and reasonable taxation Minnesota he said has gone one step farther than Utah in tax exemptions Assessing there is based on 40 per cent of the actual market value This is dropped to 20 per cent of the valuation for the first $4000 if the property is used by the owner as a home He urged support of measures outlined by a group of agricultural leaders summoned to Washington by Secretary of Agriculture A Wallace: (1) Empower theHenry secretary of agriculture to withdraw land from cultivation by rental or other means or to adjust the volume of commodities raised (2) adequate funds for soil conservation work (3) use of processing taxes on dairy products if approved by producers funds to be used to expand markets (4) continue valid portions of the A A A including use of Import duties on agricultural products for expanding the domestic market (5) encouragement of cooperatives Woman Speaker Mrs Mabel D Ahart Lincoln Neb regional director of the Associated Women of the American Farm Bureau federation urged the importance of a health program to counterbalance malnutrition and disease fostered by the depression “Six other principal nations have programs in operation which provide medical service a i low cost to their peoples If we prize our future welfare we will care for the health of all oiir citizens" she said Mrs Jensen chairman of the home and community section told of health work and other discussion at the recent national convention The morning was given over to committee and cooperative meetings Including 'discussion of seed certification and weed eradication led by Dr R J Evans of the Utah State Agricultural college game and range problems led by John M Macfarlane president of the Utah Cattle and Horse Growers’ association woolgrowers led by Mr Hobson home and community led by Mrs Jensen a meeting of policyholders of the Bear River Mutual Fire Insurance company Ephraim Bergeson chairman and of the Utah Beekeepers’ association A W Anderson president The annual banquet was held in the evening with David F Smith state commissioner of agriculture toastmaster and Mr JonM the principal speaker Guests on honor included Governor and Mrs Blood) Dr Herbert B Maw president of the state senate and Mrs Maw members of the state board of agriculture and other state and federation officers Resolutions will be presented at the closing general session Saturday at 2 p m Awards to club leaders and to Future Farmers and other addresses will feature the 9:30 a m general session 4--H Study Job Applications The campaign advisory committee of Mayor E B Erwin and Fi- nance Commissioner William Murdoch prior to the elections last November continued Friday to study applications for positions In Mayor Erwin’s publio safety department and in Commissioner Murdoch's department It was indicated that within a few days a list of the applicants will be submitted to the two city officials with recommendations |