Show awo companies list their stock the king 11 illiam and the tintic gintic 1 liver mining companies both of this district have bave listed their shares upon the exchange the king william company is the owner of two splendid claims adjoin t ing the cenceni ial lal eureka 0 11 blanchard is pres dent of the corn com pany A E ellis jr secretary and L 11 II farnsworth treasurer the organization is capitalized for 1 shares of stock par value 1 25 each there being shares remaining in the treasury ury with the cash amount of 3 the company has perfected arrangements with the eagle blue bell company b which it will work through the eagle blue bell terri tory saving two 3 ears time in devel and thousands of dollars ex pe lie the silver company is cap for 1 shares of stock pai pat value alue 10 cents each of this capitalization shares were re served as treasury stock 40 shares being sold there la is the sum of 10 in the treasury the prope property r ty consists of seven claims located in the north tin tic district the distance from the railroad being two and a half miles there has been feet of shaft work done feet of tunnels drien dri dm en and fifteen feet of crosscuts R V I 1 is president ident W J finlayson is secretary and treasurer mining new s 0 i page 3 |