Show Paje --TI?f5flrcsviIle GAZETTE Wednesday July 13 1988 WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED FROM RAISING LIVESTOCK THROUGH THE H AND FFA PROGRAMS? — — 4-- Mr Hurst Mr Hunsaker Mr Matthews DILLON HURST: Miss Matthews Mr Hurst SCOTT MATTHEWS: T have learned how to feed animals day and night whether I wanted to or not and to earn money” Mr Williams Mr Cook JASON HURST: T have learned what to feed animals and how to raise them I have learned that you need to be patient with animals They are a little wild at first and you have to give them time to learn you are their friend” T learned to take care of animals and responsibility:” JASON "SHORTY" WILLIAMS: learned how to care for an animal and the different kinds of food to feed them to make them grow” "I have CLAY HUNSAKER: "I have learned to take responsibility Animals have needs just like people I’ve also learned not to let Jared drive around in the field He killed one of the sheep I was going to show!r Concession stand and restrooms to be raise an animal than I had expected work!" because of lack of money The Tooele County School Board has approved a request made by us for partial binding and it is most appreciated and welcome however we still lack the balance for the total amount needed for construction At this time we are contacting you in hopes that you may be able to help us with a donation as we would like to begin construction immediately We are thanking you in advance for your support and any help that you may offer Donations may be sent to the Grantsville Athletic Club 272 South Center Grantsville Utah 84029 Diane Mason President Grantsville Athletic Club Dear Editor: the Grantsville Club (Sports Boosters) we are in the process of making plans to construct a concession stand and restrooms adjacent to the football field The concession stand will be used for raising funds from year to year to help supplement the athletic programs of both boys and girls at GHS Ath-iJdet- ic There are many of our sport programs UvdatfL in danger of being eliminated MATTCOOK: Tve learned responsibility It is a lot more work to Sincerely added to football Held As members of KORI MATTHEWS: "Missing the tourism boat" Dear Editor: A pproxiinately two years ago I served as chairman of an ad hoc committee striving to unite fragmented efforts to promote tourism in Tooele County In due course the committee proposed merging efforts with the Tooele County Economic Development Commission - a lot more "I have learned to manage animals keep them healthy and feed them the rations that will help them grow and produce the best” The director expressed concern that dividing the resource of his office for tourism development may diminish the commission’s mqjor objective to encourage prioritized industrial development A subsequent confrontation in his office with a Wendover tourism delegation further discouraged a merger Subsequently the Tooele County Commission officially appointed the Tooele County Tourism Committee to coor- dinate and develop a tourism program in Tooele County The timing of the Benson Grist Mill restoration project of which I serve as chairman was thought to coincide with a timely official tourism program and was ideally located to serve as a "central hub” for tourism Ongoing communication between the mill restoration project and Salt Lake County state government and private entities have been maintained However as travel brochures should state the mill project is presently under phase development with limited (and inadequate) tourism accommodations With few volunteers and limited finances resources soon become exhausted The present lack of resources to conform with govememt safety and sanitation regulations presents a public liability problem which prevents the mill complex from being officially opened to the general public The mill although attracting visitors nationwide has not attracted a caretaker to be on site Unfortunately Tooele County is as the editorial stated ”missing the tourism boat” I am not aware of the extent of tourism communication between Tooele County tourism entities and Salt Lake County and state entities but considering several related yet separate entities fragmentation still exists A vital need is a "county central agency" through which Salt Lake County and state entities can readily and officially communicate In the meantime advertising Tooele County tourism in travel brochures is not the first concern Essential access and directions to identified points of interest with adequate tourism accommodations must first be in place Secondly an official organized tour guide program that the county can accommodate must be developed Respectfully submitted JackSmith Chairman Benson Mill Project Member Tooele Co Tourism Today’s kids may like rock musicians and movie stars — people we adults don’t always consider heroic but children also like a flock of genuine solid heroes and heroines They like each other |