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Show Sentinel, August 15, 1991 Convention Highlights Ss SO eae =. : : * 2 Geverror Norman Bangerter cites Psalms 150 in the Bible. ‘‘Praise the Lord”’ in background. Ed Smith with board of directors. Or. William Sims, 1st vice pres., GMWA, with SLC Mayor Paimer DePaulis bd Holy Communion in Symphony Hall. The Re Vv.F Me rance A, Davis, Calvary Baptist Church, Salt Lake City, assisted in the celebration. a : a 92g : | 1 | yj: "Ed e Yi Smith, executive secretary of GMWA, greets an unidentified su pporter and Betty Sawyer of the Office of Black Affairs, State of Utah. ve Ye i, ett heii egs, Mayor Palmer DePaulis and Ed Smith at Mayor’s Reception, Salt Palace pavilion. 24th annual convention pel Music Workshop of America iqust 10-16, 1997 The James Cleveland Singers in the Mor n Tabernacle. |