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Show JOB OPPORTUNITIES you can speed up the process on your own coming application in If a recent column about Training Programs was particularly good.. Some of you who called, however, were told that the training openings in which you . were interested were filled. Only a small number of openings are now available due to budget limitations. Many of these training program opportunities are written up in much the same way as the job orders you see on an interviewer's desk, and go nearly as quickly in this tight job market. But the employment office has full time people who talk to employers and — schools daily to arrange more of these types of openings. So, don't be discouraged if we do not now have the type of schooling or one-the-job training you wish. The most important things are that you are registered (that you have filled out an application and that your application reflects your current situation (financial, family size, etc.), as well as your willingness to be included in this type of program. If you have any doubts about your application, call the Information Center at the Employment Security Office (322-1433 ext. 511), and we can tell you in a few minutes if you are registered, and if your application is active. If you would like to up-date or make major changes on your application, come in and we'll look at it together. Minor changes can be made by telephone. But,: again, be sure to tell the interviewer who talks to you that you are particularly interested in training, so that he will note this fact on your application. Remember, training many openings and or you have any questions or particularly job information) call me (or don't hesitate to any of Information Center. know you we'll what find out. us) to don't know, Proposed By Government R. Weech A new set of rules on billing practices has been proposed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The rules are designed to help end consumer frustration and confusion, particularly in dealing The FTC also wants under Fl LIN (a) exempts from 5334 (c) states is to a customers charges to third parties. For creditors using billing statements, regulations would the no one else is With entitled to claim her (him) as an exemption, the’ rare monthy require: (1) be the proposed billing practice regulations, write to Assistant Director, Division of Industry Finally, but most important to our Legislators, two bills, aimed at increased voting, in other words political ploys, include: allowing political parties to drive people to the polls, and allowing voter registration on (certain) days in the that no county clerk's office. With the individual must exception of: the or property. taxpayer a reasonable to avoid levy on his --Had net earnings from Although the law permits levy self-employment of $400 or “within 10° days after notice and more (see Schedule SE). Mr. Wise also demand’ had some IRs for two and, information for those who may be additional addition to month the usual Lest 6% only or fraction thereof that the is delinquent. to reasonable cause and required deposits 1969, apply to who are Delegate — of If any to “law and order” Bills 3, 4, 5 and 6. anyone think the with money, IRS is the stork to returns notices part of the levy actions are against not only Secretary person brings tax Top Quality Furniture --Anonymous. delinquent in payment of taxes, but are uncooperative or unreasonable. The law (Internal Revenue Code of 1954) provides in Section 6331 (a): ‘“‘Autho rity Senate notices, except in cases concerned or liable Custom Made The Utah Legislature for the People? From DESIGNER’S 401 Progressive or legislation Fiction? DEN E. 17th So. 484-9451 SPECIAL SALE Hardwood Bunk Beds Only $87.95 Sofas — 7 foot Nylon Only $65.95 Dinettes 5 pc Sets As low as $44.95 By Toni Heesacker Fact in Utah? Central City’s representative, Richard Carling, slated these bills as those which would be of the most interest to people in the area designated as Central City. HANDY PANTRY MARKET 1252 WEST 4TH SOUTH Open 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. — Including Sunday & Holidays Fast Friendly Service Cold Beer & Pop Fresh Vegetables & Meat FRE on more soon. ECOLOGY sent out after 1969. taxpayers pertaining provide in some cases, three not willful deficiency unintentional on the taxpayer. Therefore, initiated by IRS over The Protect the birds: The dove brings to be filed after 1969, to required to be made after and % of repeated delinquency. On delinquent payments of income in procedures legislature thoughtful legislation. One of the more frightening: proposals in Senate Bill allowing police officers to search private property without a search warrant. This is a return to fuedal times and smacks of a police state. This bill is © part of a series of bills introduced jn delinquent tax cases are designed to give the opportunity the 2/9/71, we hope for ‘progressive, legislation jeopardy situation, |RS procedures file if the income exceeds that listed for married filing jointly; credit neglet. disputed The penalties proposed have to fill out one form instead of City which could be solved through and if the disput charge is penalty, which is limited to 25%, is peace and the resolved in the customer's favor; (4) assessed unless failure to pay is due exemptions. prior notice before | There are many problems in Central lived in the same account sending ‘‘adverse’’ information concerning some the two now required. exempt.Even payment charges release Another income tax oriented bill, proposes to make the state income. tax a certain % of the federal tax. Taxpayers would only Profession; Unemployment Benefits; Undelivered Mail; Certain Annuity. and Pension Payments; and Workmen’s Compensation. property eventually families from state income tax. levy, Wearing Apparel and School Books; Fuel, Provisions, Furniture, and Personal Effects; Books and Tools of a Trade, Business or other give a customer Many people are being contacted about their applications now, but in ‘73, etc. It is hoped that this bill might interest, there is now a penalty of District Director included the 2% of the unpaid tax for each following anonymous ecology note: other friendly, doesn't it? belonging charges in dispute until they are investigated and explained to the customer; (3) credit all finance and most could income tax exemption increases. This would allow a $600 deduction in ‘71. $650 deduction in ‘72, $700 (except exempt the G.I. Bill of Rights, etc. his spouse tax, One may only guess at the statements made about the rules in considered for three. This service is private. Some question whether the good insurance for you that you FTC may have overstepped its rule will not be “‘lost’’ or forgotten in making authority. that computer. In _ fact, the If you are interested in computer sounds downright submitting written comments on he 5334 to driver and sum); only being considered for one kind when all property 6334) pertaining though the law makes no provisions Mailing of the statement 21 days LEVY ACTION BY IRS before the date that finance or Recognizing that IRS could not late charges are to imposed; (2) dischare its responsibilities without computer, the computer will send refunding of every payment to some means of enforcing collection the employment office interviewers customers unless the billing of delinquent taxes, and in fairness a copy of it whenever 15 days go statement discloses that the overage to the vast majority of taxpayers by without your having been may be refunded or credited to the who properly meet their tax helped. Each time an application of customers account at the obliagtions, Congress has provided this type comes from the computer, customers option; (3) providing on legal sanctions such as levy against it is looked at closely for problems the billing statement the name, property and rights to property of Or inaccuracies by an interviewer. It address and phone number of the the taxpayers delinquent in could be that the application was person who is authorized to handle payment of taxes. filed in 1968, and has not had any the customers questions Nothwithstanding the authority for changes on it since then, or a concerning his bill. levy contained in the law, IRS person was applying for part time Industry spokesmen have recognizes that some delinquencies or summer work and now needs full publicly said that the proposed may be caused by hardship (not time work. Or an applicant may be trade regulations are far-reaching’. inconvenience) or may.otherwise be work Section other changed could be keeping you from hearing from us. | Once your application is in the of Section bill for other exemptions from levy, {RS does not levy against public assistance payments, and except in flagrant cases of delinquency, it will not levy against benefit income such: as Social Security benefits, veterans pensions, benefits under to billing on A education for welfare receipients. This bill would provide free driver training for first time driver license applicants. It was introduced by representatives Carling and Pace. A bill suggesting individual 40 such person. Section delinquent in their taxes: further Ge an income of $1,700 The rules would-~require creditors to: (1) Give complete details of charges (not just a lump stop. within notice and be lawful for had an income of $2,300 ($2,900 if either he or his spouse is 65 or over OR $3,500 if both are 65 or over) or more; or | --Married and is filling separately and had an income of $600 or more. However, if the taxpayer take a more active role in settling disputes over a customer's bill. (2) or --Married and is filing jointly and servies. creditors the same levy) by levy upon if 65 or over) or more; household — pay neglects and rights to property such property. as is individual must file if he or she is: --Single, an unmarried head of ho usehold, or a surviving widow(er) with dependent child had to tax collect such tax, (and such further-sum as shall be sufficient to cover the expenses of the REQUIREMENTS Based on the provisions of the tax Reform Act of 1969, here is a rundown on the filing requirements for the 1971 filing period. An ($2,300 billing EN any the Secretary or his delegate to readers. CHANGE. and Merrill ADVICE the Wordpower Practices these help of the computer—and your application represents you in that computer. It needs your help to do its best job—an address not yet the Tough Rules On Billing computerized 10 days after demand, it shall pay refuses D.C. Roland V. Wise, District Director of the Internal Revenue Service recently distributed the following information to tax practitioners which may _ interest that the person who answers your call will be happy to hear from you! with Commission, Washington, 20580 immediately. TAX | can promise you of job orders are now filled with the at If we want to about anything that appears in this column (or anything else to do with By Virginia Heaton to changes additions. comments, Response by calling or to make Page 7 Guidance, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Good thru Feb. 22, 1971 10¢ Koolee with $1.00 Purchase Present this Coupon ‘ |