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Show - Volume1, lssue 1 TheOgden Valley News October 1998 always del"""fers the correct ’ ‘ Imag1ne bemg_ _\ srck ~f'and dose andt,_aIWays dehvers it S | on time. The greatest ben-;'{ & n Wltl’l regular efit is. that there are’ noj.;tand -;adverse reactlons to the fdrugs ;tune-upscheck-ups gOlng to a doctor and hav— Weber County Commussroner Wlth a. poor dtet blocks,ff,"‘_f_;.». ey}i‘_the needed bmldmg anCl the pI‘Op- ~ ing. ~him cut: you so*’" 0u nOt thCI‘C L 3;";,;211'6 “could” bleed out’ the» . i’%Experlenced Leadershnp a blood'f’ Blood lettmg was af’f ' “ o freber County ”“fi-"f_common practlce tin- the"‘."{,| "**c 18th and 19th centurres ';-level is” by usmg the best e | One of :'theprob- o ‘i Weber County sfuture is at stake | .Today the focus on health ‘f.-_{_:f*?*:‘fuel I don t thmk any"ofus 2 lems w1th the Amerlcan diet | ~care has evolved to a, s that we tend 0. cook-’?’]{f’: ) “.'Wzllour ta.x burden be urtaeeepteoze/ ,‘ e e ventatlve : care cars and“then expect type ofhealthi"'f:::i‘\f:i:- ’:f:them ur,to-go out and win af:[ What lS P race Yet there are many of p‘reven'ta- health«? Preventatrve “care pr 1 t1ve T e about how some of the b z“;ufsr"zzzzzifa:zzetfi"‘“»“e .. ‘ Wzll our response to crime make us feel safe? 5 e Wil uruncorporated areas be consumed by cztzes wzthoutrepreseno S e gl B e 1 ;tatzon7 TR are? us. who put sub standard foods we eat become dlffi-f actice of marntam;{,g?f ofe fuel ‘into our bodies and, cult for the’ body to dlgestAs yourCounty Commrssroner l wrlltry to answer '»";then expect it to function at because of the way wepre- I these pressmg questlons | ~ . 'mcreamng your “health * its top level. The American | pare it. ~Mr. Mlllet statedf?}ffi_’, _"Iwzll work to msure " lpotentlalth.lls'Tfft--preventmgf_:’jf §d1et seems to “consist of that- the foods ‘we eat con“nas f~fjf';0ur senior cztzzens are not forced form thezr homes by ” many |foods that are hlgh in - tain many of the enzymes{_fif’ over—burdensome taxation. | g .--:_"Growth is’ managed so zt does not compromzse our qualt ke . fat'and . sugars Although -": that are needed to digest || - o poflife oSt our -.‘body does requlre thesef’;;;‘: these foods Brocc011 con-fj, B | B ~ o A better fumre for ourchzldren through Weber C'ount)/ . _and Weber School District partnersths Sy substances moderatlon is tams broccoh enzymes car-*i*-;f;;f,__ " "Dangerous. criminals no longer roam our streets. “the key!‘j--;excesses can beég “Tots contain carrot enzymes || PEal ;-' The mtegruy*of umncorporatedareas zs preserved | © We: need 0 and so on By cookmg{ ’_ fstages and COTI‘CCtj]'thCm‘ to--}f1mprove our dlets as a i these vegetables we: klllj}:,‘:fii" Il '-prevent possrbl’ A t‘ fth‘generatron Weber County resrdent l careabout the future o of our.home and wrll work to resolveour commumty challenges . country and - increase our s these enzymes - that are || .\:_..r?mtake of fru1ts vegetablesj' f : needed to dtgest the foodsfi*f?l As a veteranmember bf the Utah Senate and House, 1 understand L how to make govemment work for Weber County cmzens As he * and grain and decrease our - |correctly If .you have a B || H;"”f?;respondsto: commumty needs in aneffic:ent and responsrble man-__“ ion “that prac-;;f: tntake of fats and sugars-:}[ hard time eatmg vegetable i ’.jtlces preventatlve careq' 1he_’f | _}automotlve _;ef,,fl:hrsis a great way to start raw th ére are suppl em entsg’ia'j '_,_:v.'ner Together we can burld abetter future for Weber County into the preventatlve health' . avallable that contain these . "L:"';Tc_are'wmode B R ‘-'Patd for bythe Commu‘ee toElect Joe Hull Commzsszoner enzymes to help usd1gest'fit"%}‘i‘ v}f.':f"b-': B tter A e chlropractlc‘:‘.- | foods be the re'| is a saymg, ~“The" Power that made the body, modlfIyf ~ tions and ahgnments, ~ can prevent future proba heals the. body” “The body'f. COME ‘N OVER ANI VISIT THE VALLEY’S NEW t ets: and ea o di gj‘};has the ablllty to heal 1tself ,f ,'more | rarns f’?letnsfromoccurrlngQi g Cifit has ‘the rlght bulldmg “fruits and raw «;-,;.;;._blocks Depak Chopra g [.D vegetables?fQV once stated “The > whlle reduc1ng . ' COAST TO COAST HARDWARE STORES W 540 So., Hwy 39, Huntswlle 745-4200 SULE body 1s the greatest phar*,‘j}, fin and?f'qi | i 4 macy m the world It can';‘ sugar mtake, specmuzmo ' |N | oduceany chemlcal or"" we' wfll be well ":i'-on our way tof e~ . nnprovmg our health p()ten- RE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING | PAINT (WITHE THE LATEST !N PAINT ‘_‘}.‘MATCHING TECHNOLOGY 3 -} PETLIVESTOCK = MAR'NE,CAMP'NG " RNl | HOUSEWARES .} CRAFT SUPPLIES | LAWNIGARDEN & AuTtomoTIVE 1 GENERAL HARDWARE 1 wmeer 11 SPORTINGIHUNTING Eed R L We alsooffer thefollowmg ser- f - vuceS' SR Screen repalr ~ |Glass cutting . . |Chainsaw sharpemng POy Mower blade sharpenmg FISHlNGIHUNTING Llcenees e |