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Show Page 14 The Ogden Valley news Volume XVII Issue XXIV June 1, 2010 Calendar of Events Every Monday & Tuesday by Appointment: Visit Carver’s Cove Petting Farm May 1 thru September. Also open Wednesday – Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (weather permitting) for dropbys. Open most summer holidays but closed Sundays. $7 general admission. Visit www.carverscove.com for more info. Every Monday-Friday: Pilates, at Zenergy Pilates, Bodywork & Wellness, 4794 E. 2600 N., Eden. Upstairs in Peterson Builders Bldg. Call 801-644-8731 for details. Every Monday: Children’s Discovery Time, 10:30 a.m. @ Ogden Valley Branch Library. All children infancy - 5 years of age & caregivers invited to hear stories & participate in learning activities. Children introduced to books, music, & art. Discovery Time runs on 7-week cycle with 1 week off between cycles. FREE! For more info, call 337-2660. Every Tuesday: Weber County Commission meeting, 10:00 a.m. Weber County Bldg., 2380 Washington Blvd., Ogden. Public hearings held Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m. as needed. Meeting minutes & agendas at www.co.weber.ut.us Every Tuesday: Texas Pride BBQ offers ½ price kids meals on Tuesday nights. Come join us! For more info, visit texaspridebarbecue.com or call 801-745-2745. Texas Pride is located at 235 S. 7400 E. in Huntsville on the west side of the park. Every Tuesday: Youth Meetings at 7 p.m. at Fellowship Bible Church, 4783 N. 3300 E., Liberty. For Jr. & Sr. Highers. Music, Bible study & activities. Call 745-1090 for more info Every 4th Tuesday: La Leche League meeting, 10:30 a.m. Motherto-mother support for breastfeeding & pregnant mothers. Meetings held in Ogden. Contact KeeNan with questions or more info, 7452664, or email LLLWeberDavis@gmail.com or La Leche League of Utah’s web address at< www.lllusa.org/UT/Utah.html> Every 4th Tuesday: Ogden Valley Township Planning Commission, 4:30 p.m., Weber County Bldg., 2380 Washington Blvd., Ogden. Second monthly meetings are now being held the Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. to work on TDR, Sensitive Land, & Recreation Resort ordinances being developed by Weber County for Ogden Valley. Every Wednesday: Senior Lunch in Ogden Valley Library community room, noon. $2.50 suggested donation for seniors, $5 for those 59 & younger. Call 337-2660 for more info. The library schedules activities that coincide with the Senior lunch, including senior bingo, senior gaming (Wii), and low impact exercises for seniors with instructor Deja Mitchell from Eden. Every Wednesday: Weber Pathways’ Wednesday Morning Hikers! Families Welcome. Join us every Wednesday morning thru April 1 at 9:00 a.m. Outings are open to everyone including families of all ages. A sled provided for young ones during snow season. Be prepared to snowshoe if necessary. Outings are tons of fun & guarantee a good time! For outing location call Tracey at 801-776-1713. Leave a message if she doesn’t answer! For list of all Weber Pathways FREE guided public outings, visit www. weberpathways.org & check out Events Calendar. Every Wednesday: Ogden Valley Chess Club. This program sponsored by the Ogden Valley Branch Library. If you are under 18 & chess is your game (or if you want to learn how to play), please join us at 3:30 pm in library auditorium. Every Wednesday: Ogden Valley Community Church Youth Group for teens, grades 7 - 12. Great Bible study & fun fellowship/ activities. 7:00 p.m., 7390 E. 200 S., Huntsville. 745-4133. Every Wednesday: Wildlife Wednesday, 3:30 p.m. @ Ogden Nature Center. All ages invited to learn more about some of Utah’s native animal species. For more info call 621-7595 or visit <www. ogdennaturecenter.org> Every 2nd Wednesday: Eden Park Board, 6:30 p.m. Call Steve Waldrip 745-8399 for location &/or more info. Every 2nd Wednesday: Ogden Valley Recreation/Transmission Special Service District Board Meeting, Ogden Valley Library, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Public invited. Every 2nd Wednesday: Ogden Valley Land Trust board meeting. 7:00 p.m., Ogden Valley Library. Call Shanna at 745-2688 for more info. nd Every 2 Wednesday of the month - Blood Pressure Clinic - Registered nurse from Applegate Home Health Care offers blood pressure & glucose checks prior to Sr. Luncheon @ the Ogden Valley library. 11:40 a.m. Call 337-2660 for more info. rd Every 3 Wednesday of the month – Sr. Foot Clinic @ Ogden Valley library, 1:00 p.m. Cost $10. Call 337-2660 for more info. Every 3rd Wednesday: Ogden Valley Business Association Meeting (OVBA). For more info visit <www.ovba.org> Refer to web site for time, click on “Meetings.” Every 1st & 3rd Thursday: Huntsville Town Council meeting, 7:00 p.m., Huntsville Town Hall, 7309 E. 200 S. Visit www. huntsvilletown.com for more info. Every 1st Thursday: CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) @ Ogden Valley Library, 7:00 p.m. Leaders meet monthly. Everyone welcome! Volunteers needed. For more info, call Darla Weston at 745-2365 or Wayne Hillstead at 745-1561. Every 2nd Thursday: Piece of Mind Quilt Guild. 6:30 p.m., Ogden Valley Library. Participants share quilts they’ve made & learn new techniques. Also produce quilts for charity. The guild is part of the Utah State Quilt Guild. Everyone welcome—beginner to advanced quilters. Come join us! Call Sue Rigby at 801-745-1977 for more info. Every 2nd Thursday: Readin’ in Eden, Community Reading Group, 7:00 p.m. For location & more info, call Martha Schickedanz 7453688, or Darla Longhurst-VanZeben 745-4740. Everyone welcome. Every 2nd Thursday: Nordic Mountain Water Board meetings, 7:00 p.m. at S&S Office Bldg., 4786 E. 2600 N., Valley Junction Park, Eden. Meetings open to shareholders. Non-shareholders need to call a week in advance to be placed on the agenda. Call 745-2605 for more info. Every Thursday before 4th Tuesday: Eden Planning Committee. 7:00 p.m. @ Red Moose Lodge in Eden. Public welcome. Call 7451217 to confirm meeting date, place, & time. Every 2nd Thursday: Utah Homemakers Association’s monthly meetings designed to promote stable homes & satisfying family living. Speakers share educational info. Come gain skills that contribute to your interests & needs as homemakers. Also participate in service projects to help others & the community. 10:00-11:30 a.m. Nursery available. $12 yearly fee. Contact Renee, 745-2468. Every 2nd & 4th Friday night: Music & Fun. American Legion Post 129, 604 S. 7800 E., Huntsville. Open to general public. Every Saturday: 8:00 p.m., American Legion “Cutterzone Karaoke” with Kent Cutler & over 100,000 songs to choose from. Come show off your talent or just for the party. Also, come in for Pool Player’s Challenges. Every Sunday: Breakfast 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 at American Legion Post 129. Open to general public. 604 S. 7800 E., Huntsville. Every Sunday: Live Music 4 - 8 p.m. at The Oaks In Ogden Canyon. Call 801-394-2421 for info. Every 2nd & 4th Sunday: Ogden Science of Mind Study Group, 11:00 a.m. Inclusive community of forward thinkers ready & willing to be the change we wish to see in the world. Group studies “The Science of Mind” by Dr. Ernest Holmes, learning the spiritual principles & tools for transformation. Group led by Alison Benjamin RScP – SoM Practitioner & Minister in training. Studio #6 – Ogden Blue, Historic 25th St., Ogden. For more info, call 801-920-0560. Meet once a month: Nitwit Knitting Circle, 6:30 p.m. We knit sweaters for the Knit for Kids Guideposts Project & baby booties for the Pregnancy Care Center. If you can’t knit, we’ll teach you how! Free & fun! Learn a craft while supporting a good cause. Call 745-3635. June 1-30: Carver’s Cove Baby Animal Days. Open Wed. thru Sat., 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. $1.00 OFF ADMISSION COUPON can be printed off of our website. For more info call 801-745-3018 or visit <www.carverscove.com> June 2: Jill Sjoblom, RYT’s restorative yoga workshop @ Eccles Community Art Center, Ogden. Noon - 1 p.m. on Wednesdays thru August 25. Tuition: monthly $36 or drop-in for $12. For more info call 801-392-6935. June 2: WSU’s Women’s Center workshop “Single Moms United: Creating a Budget on a Limited Income,” 12:30-2 p.m., Shepherd Union Room 331, free, 801-626-6090. June 3: Musician McCall Erickson will teach an acoustic guitar & music exploration workshop for children 8 - 12 years @ Eccles Community Art Center, 2580 Jefferson Avenue, Ogden. Thursday afternoons thru June 24, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. A hands-on workshop. Students need to bring their own guitar. Tuition $48. Pre-register at 801-392-69351. June 4: Ogden Valley Library Summer Film Festival, Fridays, 11:00 a.m. Films presented in the community room. Treats provided. “G-Force” (88 min – PG). June 4: The Eccles Community Art Center exhibit, 2580 Jefferson Ave., Ogden will feature paintings by Jeff Hepworth and Ceramics by Johnny Hughes in Main Gallery; & the watercolors of Ian Ramsey in the Carriage House Gallery. A reception for artists is scheduled in association with Ogden’s art stroll, 6 - 8 p.m. Exhibits on display thru June 26. Regular gallery hours weekdays 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Visit <www.ogden4arts.org> June 4: WSU’s Kimball Visual Arts Center exhibit in conjunction with Ogden Arts’ “First Friday Art Stroll,” 5-9 p.m., Kimball Visual Arts Center, free, 801-626-6431. A map of participating galleries can be picked up at Ogden Arts, 25th Street and Washington Blvd. June 5: WSU host “Living the Writer’s Legacy” Teen Writers Conference featuring keynote speaker Janette Rallison, 8:30 a.m.5:45 p.m., Shepherd Union Ballrooms A and B, $43 (includes lunch), teenwritersconference.com. (For ages 13-19. Online preregistration required.) June 5: WSU’s Small Business Development Center’s “Start Smart” business start-up seminar, 10 a.m.-noon, Wattis Business Building Room 218, free, 801626-7232 or <bking1@weber. edu> June 5: National Trails Day 2010: Weber Pathways—“The Meeting of the Trails,” 7:30 to 11:00 a.m. Meet at the west $Q (DJOH 6FRXW 3URMHFW LV XQGHUZD\ WKDW ZLOO KHOS VFKRRO 6SULQJ FOHDQ-XS side of the Weber River across from Fort Buenaventura. To cel /DZQ &DUH 7KDWFK ebrate the completion of Ogden’s FKLOGUHQ LQ QHHG DQG ZLOO LPSURYH KHDOWK HGXFDWLRQ LQ 2 major river trail connections, 3OXJ 5ROO 0RZ 7ULP Pathways will host a dedication UHPRWH YLOODJHV LQ (WKLRSLD 6FRXWV IURP 7URRS LQ 3UXQH :HHG-HDW ceremony at 9:30 a.m. with activiFree & open to the public. /LEHUW\ DUH RIIHULQJ WKHLU +DXO VWXII WR WKH GXPS ties. Everyone’s welcome. Enjoy food live music. For more info call *DUGHQ WLOO SODQW ZHHG & ODERU DQG HTXLSPHQW LQ (801) 393-2304 or email <outreach@weberpathways.org> :H ZLOO GR MXVW DERXW June 7 & 8: WSU football’s UHWXUQ IRU PRQHWDU\ DQ\ MRE \RX QHHG WR Mac’s Kids Camp for students age 7 thru grade 8, 9 a.m.-3 GRQDWLRQV WR WKLV ZRUWK- KDYH GRQH p.m., Weber State football practice field, $100 (includes lunch), ZKLOH SURMHFW <RXU GRQDWLRQ 801-626-7063 (Register online at Please call us! weberstatesports.com/evt/Event.) PD\ DOVR EH WD[ GHGXFWLEOH June 7-9: WSU women’s soccer Jaden Rhodes 801-668-2026 hosts the 2010 Weber State Soccer Goalkeeper Camp for boys & girls Jordan & Josh Jones 801-745-1383 in grades 6-12, 9 a.m.-noon daily, Promontory Tower Play Field, $90 (includes t-shirt and ball), 801-6267291 or 801-510-2086. Registration due by June 4. June 7-10: WSU men’s basketball hosts summer camp for boys 8 thru high school, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. daily, Dee Events Center, $125, 801-626-6817 or 801-626-6578. Second session offered June 21-24. June 7-10: WSU women’s soccer hosts 4th annual Jack Behnken, Jr. Memorial Soccer Camp for boys and girls 6 & 7, 9-11 a.m. daily, Promontory Tower Play Field, $80/team discounts available, 801-626-7291 or 801-5102086. Registration due by June 4. June 7-10: WSU women’s soccer hosts the 4th annual Jack Behnken, Jr. Memorial Soccer Camp for boys and girls ages 814, 9 a.m.-noon daily, Promontory Tower Play Field, $95/team discounts available, 801-626-7291 or 801-510-2086. Registration Located below Causey Dam “the gateway to Monte Cristo” due by June 4. June 7-11: WSU’s Ott Planetarium presents “Science in the Parks,” a weeklong science program for children, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Lorin Farr Park (1691 Gramercy Ave., Ogden), free, 801-626-7711 or ajohnston@weber.edu. Visit community.weber.edu/ottreach EAGLE PROJECT / YARDWORK : Red Cliff RanCh & Cafe Spring Fest ~ May 29th Starts at 2 p.m. Pig Roast ~ LiveMusic Horseback Rides Now Serving Hot Wings 801-745-6900 for more infor about the Science in the Parks Summer 2010 tour. June 7: WSU’s Alumni Association’s weekly meeting of Toastmasters International, noon, Lindquist Alumni Center, free, 801-393-4836. June 7-July 5: Valley Art Classes. Mondays thru July 5. 10:30 a.m. - noon. Ages 11 to adult. A variety art mix: Drawing & painting from imagination & nature on paper, canvas, and wood. Hand building in clay (fired on site) and more. Douglas Wood, instructor. Classes in Liberty. Tuition $66, includes clay & most supplies. Call 801-745-3083. June 7: Mad Science of Greater Salt Lake presents a week-long, hands-on science camp: Science Wizards for children 5 - 11 years @ Eccles Community Art Center thru June 11, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Tuition $210/child. Children should bring a sack lunch & sun block. Pre-register by calling 801-392-6935. June 7: Dancer, Deja Mitchell’s African Dance class @ Eccles Community Art Center, Monday evenings thru July 12, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Tuition $45. African dance is a great aerobic workout and it’s fun! To pre-register call 801-392-6935. June 7: Jill Sjoblom RYT’s basic Iyengar Yoga workshop on Monday evenings thru June 28, 6 - 7 p.m. @ Eccles Community Art Center. Tuition $37. This workshop is good for beginners or those who like to keep their practice simple. Held in center’s dance studio. Parking available on east side, enter from Orchard St. Preregistration recommended. Call 801-392-6935. June 7: Yoga sAshana offered by RYT Jill Sjoblom on Monday evenings thru June 28, 7:15 - 8:15 p.m. @ Eccles Community Art Center. Tuition $45. No beginners please. This is a fun, challenging Iyengar-tradition class. Pre-registration recommended. Call 801-392-6935. June 7: The Ogden Valley Library will present a special screening of Avatar on Monday, June 7 at 7:00 p.m. Bring your blankets & pillows, and we’ll provide the treats! The screening is FREE! Call 801-337-2660 for more info. June 8-10: Dancer Deja Mitchell’s World Beat Children’s camp for ages 5 - 12 years old @ Eccles Community Art Center from 9 - noon. Children explore African dance, drum rhythms, & crafts while learning about African culture. Tuition $50, includes supplies. Space limited. To reserve a space call at 801-392-6935. June 8-10: Deja Mitchell’s Teen Dance Camp for young adults ages 13 - 19 @ Eccles Community Art Center, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Students will explore dance movement with an intro to African, modern, hip hop, & yoga. Tuition $50. To pre-register call 801-392-6935. June 8: Dancer Zuhra Zakiyah (Candace Barker) emphasizes technique in this Middle Eastern (Belly) dance workshop. Tuesday evenings 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. thru July 13 @ Eccles Community Art Center. Tuition $45. Call 801-392-6935 to pre-register. June 8: WSU Alumni Association’s “Life & Learning Workshop: It’s All in Your Head—Attitude is Everything,” 1:30-2:30 p.m., WSU West Center (5627 S. 3500 W., Roy), free, 801-689-4978. June 9: WSU’s Dept of Performing Arts presents Jazz at the Station with Joe McQueen & Friends, 7 p.m., Union Station (2501 Wall Ave., Ogden), free, weber.edu/performingarts or 801-6266431. Well-behaved children welcome. June 9: Deja Mitchell’s advanced drumming workshop @ Eccles Community Art Center, Wednesday evenings 5 - 6 p.m. thru July 14. Tuition $45. Pre-register by calling 801-392-6935. For info & class description, visit <www.ogden4arts.org> June 10: Introduction to the Internet @ Ogden Valley Branch Library. 7:00 p.m. June 10-12: WSU’s Wilderness Recreation offers a Middle Teton cooperative climbing trip. Prior experience & knowledge in the topic is preferred. 7 a.m.-8 p.m., Grand Teton National Park, Wyo., $155, 801-626-6373, weber.edu/outdoor. Pre-registration & pretrip meetings required. June 11: The WSU Alumni Association hosts 9th Annual WSU Alumni Golf Classic to raise funds for student scholarships, 7:30 a.m. registration/9 a.m. shotgun start, The Barn Golf Course (305 W. Pleasant View Dr., Pleasant View), $450 per foursome/$125 individual, 801-626-6468 or <alumni.weber.edu> Sponsorship opportunities available. June 11 & 12: WSU’s Jerry & Vickie Moyes College of Education’s 26th Annual Reading & Writing Conference, Stewart Stadium Sky Suites, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Friday; and 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, $140/$130/$70, <weber.edu/readingwriting> June 11: WSU’s John B. Goddard School of Business & Economics’ semimonthly meeting of Toastmasters International, 11:45 a.m., Wattis Business Building Small Business Library Room 218. Visitors welcome, free, 801-626-8610. June 11: Ogden Valley Library Summer Film Festival, Fridays, 11:00 a.m. Films will be presented in the community room. Treats provided. “Up” (96 min – PG). June 12: Valley Market 6th Annual Guest Appreciation Breakfast, 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. Owners and staff will be serving pancakes, eggs, hash browns, and ham once again. Free to all. Please attend for some great food and great prize drawings. June 12: Intro to the Internet for Parents and Children @ Ogden Valley Branch Library in Huntsville. 10:30 a.m. June 12: WSU’s Small Business Development Center’s “Market Smart: Introduction to Marketing” business seminar, 10 a.m.noon, Wattis Business Building Room 218, free, 801-626-7232 or <bking1@weber.edu> June 12: WSU’s College of Science, Ott Planetarium & Museum of Natural Science offer their “Science Saturdays,” including a series of star shows, presentations, and hands-on activities for all ages, noon-6 p.m., Lind Lecture Hall Ott Planetarium, free, 801626-6871 or <community.weber.edu/sciencemuseum> June 12: Ogden Astronomical Society’s Antelope Island Star Party, dusk, Antelope Island, free, 801-626-6160 or <ogdenastronomy.com> June 14: Jean Hampton will assist students 8 thru adult create 2 works of unique art at her string & sand art workshop. 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. @ Eccles Community Art Center. Ideal for children & teens who enjoy art & design. Supplies provided. Tuition $18. To pre-register your child or yourself, please call a member of the art center staff at 801-392-6935. June 14: Writer Adrian Stumpp teaches fiction writing workshop at Eccles Community Art Center, from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. thru July 19. For students 14 - adult. Tuition $45. Call 801-392-6935 to pre-register. June 14: Flag Day June 14-16: WSU Women’s Basketball’s 2010 Individual Skills Camp for girls going into grades 5-12, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday & Tuesday; and 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dee Events Center, $225 overnight camper/$150 day camper, 801-626-7757 or <ashleyelliot@ weber.edu> Register online at <weberstatesports.com/evt/Event> June 14-18: WSU’s Ott Planetarium presents “Science in the Parks,” a weeklong science program for children, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Liberty Park (2181 Monroe Blvd., Ogden), free, 801-6267711 or <ajohnston@weber.edu> Visit community.weber.edu/ottreach for more info about Science in the Parks Summer 2010 tour. June 14, 15, 16: Artist, Stephen Hedgepeth will lead an oil painting on location/plein air workshop, 9 a.m. to noon. Students will spend a portion of the first day in the studio @ Eccles Community Art Center, Ogden. Then travel to a paint site decided by the instructor. A supplies list available for registering students. Tuition $75. Pre-register at 801-392-6935. June 15: Morning Chi, Tamara Anderson blends her training in dance, Nia, qi gong, yoga, Pilates, mediation, & chant to create a comprehensive morning workout for the Eccles Community Art Center. Tuesday mornings 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. thru July 20. Drop-in rate $12, full session tuition $54. Call 801-392-6935 to pre-register. June 15: WSU’s Small Business Development Center’s “Start Smart” business start-up seminar, 6-8 p.m., Ogden/Weber Applied Technology College (1843 W 4000 S, Roy. Free, 801-6267232 or <bking1@weber.edu> More Calendar of Events items posted online at www.ovba.org To place your scheduled event in the Calendar of Events, call Shanna Francis 745-2688 or Jeannie Wendell 745-2879 |