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Show Section 1 4 Basin NICKEL ADSAtEWS1RLT May 5, 1983 Page 1978 Intern itionil Bickhoi Modi! 260A. Has 1230 hours, UINTAH BASIN SELF STORAGE-ste- el doors and fire walls. Total excellent condition. Has enclosed 24 hr. heated cab 13,800 or offer. surveillance.security. Wa also have open 3, Call or storage for largo trailers, Roosevelt. 1T300 camper trailers, boats and Trampolines, round, 14 ft. at equipment ate. 1583 West 500 8 6 or Arns Wood Shop $426. 756 So. Phono Vernal. 1A273 West Main, Vernal 1A358 For Sale: Bum Lamb. Call after 6:00 p.m. B. Searli and Vonatta Woody Saarle would be honored to Vernal. 1A334 722-305- 789-384- 789-688- month warranty on parts, labor and picture tube! At Televisions New Dimensions 2 on West Hwy. 40. Vernal. 1A353 789-516- Garden Sals May tables $89N, trees, 722-55- have all widowed mothers to a free dinner at Diamond Would Uke to Rent good Hills May 8th 12-1A414 grazing pasture in area. 3 year old Carpet Installation. Profes- Gelding, mild mannered. sional carpet installation Phone ask for Tish, and repairs. Guaranteed Roosevelt. 1A417 0 workmanship. Call Vernal, Gilleys Carpet Sales 19 Black and White T.V. $60. 0 Call Vernal. 1A418 and Service. 1A415 Roose-veltGush- er 14 - 10214 Wanted 789-341- a two year old Polled Hereford Bull. Call Vernal. 1A355 CompteterJ amtoriaf Services 789-317- 8 t 789-46- 8 ess i 6 ri a I For Sale: 1982 200 amp. Lincoln welder $2,600; Welding bed with lead spindle, lights, boxes and 0 in mounts. Call Roosevelt. 1A284 VeryReasonable;Ratesfi - v-- v Vernal . .. commercial or house- I storage. Individual ... Got You Down? a lew extra bucks till payday? Come in and see us at HASTY PAWN SHOP Need We make small loans on anything of value Hasty Pawn Shop 95 So. Vernal Ave. TILE CERAMIC you Contractors: Senco Dealer is Arns Wood Shop. 756 West Main, Vernal 789-an- d Attention 6881. 1A357 Building Vernal. 1A103 experienced satlllffe TV store in this area with 100s in stock and ready to Bikes- - Trikes- - Hot-Cycl- es Wanted-hous- pay you and read this. Used brick 10C you clean, 20C we clean. Salvaged double sinks, bath tubs, hand basins, toilets, outside. Come to 106 W. 100 So. and ask for Betty Clark. Vernal 1G908 assorted doors and your green house kit. Bolton Home Improvement 722-55- Garden Sals May for 722-34-88 Picnic 7-1- 4. 14 Roosevelt 1A404 Sill For CHAIRS IN CARTON Vernal. 9 BAHAI FAITH UNIFIES for more infor-- . mation please call 3 Vernal. 1D182 MANKIND Washer Hotpoint 0 $265 . Call 1A424 for sale. 789-341- Vernal Balloonotes and Bduquets send a beautiful bouquet of T77 Cal1 or 789-118- 9 Vernal. Midnight Mixim 750 Camper 789-718- 789-363- 1A405 10ft it Jet Camper, Jiffy loader 3 way, fridge, Cob-Ov- er furnace, oven, porta-pottsleeps 8. $1,200 or offer. 8 or see at 1245 West Fhoto0rPf,- - of course! 1776 Simmons 561 Fairview Lane 200 So. Dale Ave., Vernal. 9 Rock Springs, Wyo. So., 7898267 Vernal. 1A427 ft y, 9. 1978 Kawasaki 9, exterior and interior. 1 9 Mignivox color T.V. Only 0 Vernal. By college student, at very $165. Call 1A423 7 reasonable rates. Have had years experience. Free garage sale, 8 estimates. Call Pointing 789-341- Multi-Fami- ly 722-272- 7 10-Motorcycle, windshield, infant carseat, 19ft tt. Cimper Cruiser. Glass clothes, furniture. 25 So. or 1350 West Lapoint. 1A375 May Roosevelt. 1A407 2503 Vernal- 'A40 - Sale: For Sears metal detector and have flat top guitar with case. Zenith three remote T.V. with glass stand. Stereo For Sale 5. AKC registered Alaskan Malamute pups. Six weeks old, males $75. Females $50. Call 789-743- 8 4 after 5 p.m. or recorder player with 4 during the day and ask for 1 or Joyce. Vernal. 1A376 speakers. Call 789-472- 789-462- 789-250- Vernal. 1A409 3 Lamb Outfit. Complete 4-Trailer. Not self Camper Carding table, cards, shears, 1 contained. Call or halters, ear punch, elastra- 3 Vernal. 1A410 tor, tack box and more! H Custom backhoe dumptruck loader service, ditching, trenching, excavation, sewer and water line installation, septic tank and drain fields. Licensed BACKHOE 65a Excellent condition, lots of extras, low mileage. Phone 789-186- 789-741- 82901. 1A406 Vernal. 1G711 SUPREMO 22 FL 789-762- 789-250- TT500 Yamaha. Good shape, $200. Ask for Jim Parks 2 Vernal. 1A377 light kit, pipe. Asking $600". Do You Need Help in cleaning after 6 p.m. Gibson Acoustic Guitar with Contractor, Gilmer A Call 1A411 Vernal. house or office? Call 789- - Olivers, 789-44. case 8125. 7894581 Vernal. Vernal. 1A294 2503 SnirSlSd upatcf J??200 four Kittens two gray and two 1A378 1A104 black. Need good home. 789-81 Wilderness 33 ft. travel Buckles with the Lady in trailer. Loaded with options. Loans to 850.00a As a 5731 Vernal. 1A412 Mind! At The Bull Ring. West Excellent condition. Must homeowner for sale. Some third Hay use the crop Hiway you may 0 sell $10,000 or offer. 8 in your home to alfalfa. Vernal, equity Vernal. secure a loan for any amount 1A413 up to $50,000 and your woody B Searle and Vonatta Seart wouldbe honored have all widowed mothers to fnfnrmMinn 3 fre dinner 3t Diam0nd Quality Lawn Cara We don't tenn6to fit families Hills 1A414 May 8th 12-just mow your lawn, we calljour in to budget just f, our office Transamerica Vernal Fencing. We have 20 Jnced Werinei&lfee ; Finance Service, 1iWSn""" mnjpnimca. Chain nnk, State Suite 2 Orem, Utah residential, Industrial field 1A381 84057 (801) 4 First ; fence. Call 9 Rick or Rate Service at a fair price. Bud Massey for free For Sill 1981 Harley 1A252 estimates. Vernal. 1G968 Sportster. Low mileage. Ca after 5 p.m. Verna 789-461- 789-537- 5 789-234- Pay for one chair at our regular low price and get two chairs in the same color 789-846- 722-383- 789-341- 789-468- 8 5 Denise Trailer in prime condition. 1978 Great Divide excellent condition. Shaft 22 Call ft. Bryce Caldwell, drive-- low miles. Take over 8 6 or Vernal. Roose-vel- t. 2 payments. 1A426 1983 25 Color T.V. Console $475. Remote control. Call 0 Vernal. 1A419 789-260- 9. 789-474- Babysitting in my home. Lots of room. Infants and up. Call wall fixtures, switches, tables $89", trees, shrubs; helium balloons for Mothers n?.UtKOU ?pe al copper wire, numerous flowers, garden tools. Order of satisfied families enjoying om Buckskin Golding, one 70 channels of the greatest Sorrell Gelding left at 12 1G676 entertainment available North 1500 East. Owners Movies, sports, night club contact Esther Sturgeon at; of New stock Ladles Vernal. 1A260 purses! At the Bull Ring. acts, concerts, children's shows. Get yours now from West Hiway 40-- Vernal. Home Entertainment Cen- - For Sole: 1981 Kawasaki te- r- we make staying home KE100 motor bike with light In good condition, can be fun! 1A338 used for street riding & dirt. Brand New 1983 Yamaha In interested call 2 Special. 50cc motor cycle. Vernal. 1A330 Cruise at 45 to 50 mph. Won at drawing. 500 dollars firm. Water heater repaired: Call Make nice before 9:30 a.m. Eddies Tel. Repair 7894)197 graduation gift or use for Appliance excellent cheap transpor- Vernal. 1G743 1218 W. Hwy 40 Vernal S?l,2n!' e painting, youre building anything will estimate inside or to stop then it will roll. Western Auto in Vernal, SEAR 3, 08 40-Vern- al 789-468- 789-317- Only Your Gifts, Registering We invite you to come in and register your preferences for family and friends to avoid needless duplication. 7. 789-200- 4. 224-634- tent campers . . . A ROCKWOOO Linens - Towels - Pillows - Sheets Corelle - Corelle Expressions - Coming Pyrex - Cutlery - Viking Glass Ware Brand Name Appliances - Rubbermaid Brand Name Cookware - Woodenware Oneida Stainless Flatware - Holiday Design Canisters fold-dow- n tent camper Is built to give the solid value you demand from your Investment. choice Available In your two ol color coordinated Interiors. ROCKWOOO campers offer all the comfort and convenience ot home at an amazingly economical price. 3 M Frandsens ' :7 y- - - r) w 789-214- 7 1A382 Reducing Inventory Sale 9 Dressers Bar Stools . Upholstered Couch Sets Odds and Ends 68 South 100 East Roosevelt, Utah For Sill: Registered Quarter Horses for show, roping, barrel racing. See at Dixie and Doc Allens, 1065 So. 500 West Vernal. Call 7890534 7 or for appointment. Over 50 head. 1A383 For Sole: 4 Oak Banyo back 3 chairs. Best offer. Call 789-479- 789-861- anytime, Vernal. 1A384 will clean your 100 sq. ft. carpet! Call Rod or 1 Leslee at Myton. Serving the entire Uintah Basin. 1A385 Only $12 646-306- Rec. Center 25 West Main Vernal 789-303- 3 789-362- fold down N&vj Vf ASHTOnS t If Work 283 engine. Good great, 789-174- 1G1Q20 Materials for sale. rd 18ft foot, runs rd . te tation. Vernal. 1A266 Directors Chairs for the price of One LOANS day service on most model Tile since 1958. New and Quolity always makes a Work ot Homo, $4,000 or more trucks and cars. For auto remodeled free est. difference. Quality in color month. Guaranteed. For free work, 9 for glass. Call 9 Vernal. 1G442 Cut-Riportraiture costs less when details, send self addressed or quotes. appointment you . get it at Outwest stamped envelope to C.S. Glass. 390 East Main, 789-411- Get IWo Tired of high interest rates and hard to get loans? Try our new kind of banking. and For info, send $2 Box S.A.S.E. to Funder P.0. 1883, Roosevelt, Utah 84066. 789-321- 1, 789-458- Evm at Soars, whara fina quality at a law prlea la traditional, tMa buy la 1G479 1A394 1A118 789-642- Economy 789-570- . Sea at Esaulra Estates Sales office, toll 789711 Vernal, units. High chain link fence, sizes available. 1010 North information or see at 200 Vernal Ave 7894)933 Vernal. West 100 So. in Vernal. 789-844- , 1975 Slaekcraft 23 ft. ski boat with 455 engine. Jacuzzi Jet. Mike McKee Vernal. Utah. 1G268 windows. Call Professional, need a new full time, ceramic tile windshield? For fast one contractor, Licensed Jeffers Do Boat For Sale. 1964 out-boa- 3 722-447- Hillmans Landscaping &Janitbrial Services For Sals Mighty World, 2 year old Stallion son of Little World and dam is Hancock and Holey Sock breeding. 6 Roosevelt. 1A235 722-289- Free Puppies, real cute. Call 7 after 5 p.m. Vernal. 1A396 Forpnejllow: MonthlyRate! (801)1789-097- 6 75 353-466- 9, 05 789-892- C a 1 1 fig Rr of shrubs, flowers, garden tools. Order house kit Bolton vernal Sour green Improvement Manure for sale. $35 a pickup Roosevelt 1A404 load. We will load. We can end Bickhoi service also deliver to Vernal and Dumptruck Fill dirt, top soil, gravel and Jensen area for $45 a load. drain rock. Complete digging Please call between 6:30 p.m. ask 7 p.m. at 789-47service, good price. Call Neola, Kim Anderton. for Jay. 1G1051 789-114- 6, 7. Picnic 7-1- 4. Chrome heavy duty springs, tank. Sleeps six or rnore. If 2 specially treated weather interested call 1A229 proof jumping mats. You Duchesne. would expect to pay up to I BACKHOE. DUMPTRUCK. twiccTas ffmch for LOAOEB hoinVso TRACK Jf J JIJJf-yo- u so fsth ort of my j' save. toil 7694496 Excavating, septic sewer and water. Contact 1G388 548-234- 789-960- 1. 722-58- ssbms B'SSsSSSS arjups K&SASS g.jSSSSMt S&SBS Toshiba TVs for very good prices. Many with full 30 The home of solid hardwood furniture.' Ams ?ead Shoo 756 W. Main Vernal 789-688- 1 Witerbei Flotation mattress, bookcase headboard, two night stands, accessories. Queen New King Size bed and frame. Duchesne. 1A386 738-25- 52 |