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Show April 28, 1988 Iiasin XK'KKL ADSXKWSIKIXT Patfc real estate V bith on 3A acre. location. Priced to 3 Bdnn.. 1V ViM Super sell. Call Lois, agent, Western Sun Realty 7893958 or 789-64- Vernal. 1P453 64 community. Owner will carry, terms are negotiable, priced to sell! Call Vickie Hill, 2 Dart Realty 789-148- C-- 21 Vernal. 1P454 Acre Homesltes Cedarvlaw 4 owner financing available 10. Call Roosevelt. 1P240 2-- Shirley $500. Seller anxious! Call T.V., or Vickie Hill Dart Realty 1N427 1P454 C-- 21 on new solar or energy efficient homes, your lot or ours. (Your lot can be your down payment.) Your plans or ours.. Call Lois, agenWestern Sun Realty, 4 or Vernal. Low Down 10 acres and older, home for $40,000! In Lapoint with 7.5 shares water. Out of state seller is anxious! Call Vickie Dart Realty. 789 Hill, 1482 Vernal. 1P454' C-- 21 For Salt 34 acres highway 789-646- 1P452 Midwest 4 Plex Apts. Now offer you exciting new 3 bedroom apts. for less. Free cable TV hookups $100 deposit AND only $300 per month. Only 5 apts. left! Only people who are willing to pay. Call 7898479 Vernal. 1N444 frontage located along , Yf-- highway from Neola to Whiterocks. Good water rights. Call 3594337 Neola. PARK YOUR RV at the Bedrock 1P353 Campground $10,500 to assume low interest loan on 4 bedroom split level in Cottonwood Heights. Perfect for the discriminating buyer whos having a tough In Jensen qualifying in these tough times. Call Vickie Hill, C-- 21 Dart Realty. Two Bedroom Apartment Fully carpeted, curtains, hook-up- s for washer & dryer, kitchen range, wfridge. $265 month, $150 down. Large fenced in backyard. Call after 5 p.m. 7899095 Vernal. 1N428 4 Plex for rant Brand new. 2 SSTiJS ?etsth7894934 ttJPU or 7897395 ernal. 1N150 g Townhouse Apartments, brand new 2 bath. Free! bedroom, 1 Satellite TV in every room. Large two f4 bedroom apart- ments just papered and painted on the inside. Now New Apartment Roosevelt, 1 bed- room house, fenced yard, 1 blocks to downtown, excel- lent location, nice little 0 or 722- home. Call For Rent- -' 353-444- WARNER PARK Warner Park has just completed dozens o! nww apartments. With no previous renters, Ifs just like moving Into a brand new home. 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom Dining - Kitchen Large living room Washer Dryer hookups RangeOven i H nice. 2 Call square jeet with very hgh traffic. 7899602 0 Vernal. 1N437 Vernal. 2 Bedroom non-smok- 789-906- er. 3 Located in For Rent 1 bedroom home. Myton. Waterbed. $300 deposit. $150 deposit. $175 per monthly, $100 & children Smokersanimals month. Call Vivian 7896049 ok. On acre. Rent option to Vernal. 1N419 Roosevelt. buy. 722-44For Rent Roosevelt, 2 bed1N438 House- - 81 qy'if m 36 room duplex. Excellent 1 bedroom downtown location, has For Rent: 2 furnished apartment; storage unit with it. Ready to unfurnished rent, call 353-44-40 or 722-200- 0. 1N361 bedroom, apt. Call 7891304 Vernal. 1N439 house Vk For Rent spacious 2 bedroom, blocks to Roosevelt Safeway 2 bath apartment. All kitchen store. Large garden spot and appliances included, cable T.V., drapes, washer & dryer garage. Phone hookups. Good location. 1N421 For Rent: 3 bedroom 353-444- 0. $325. For 789-851- 1 Vernal. n, 722-992- 29500month with lease 325 without lease 6-mo- nth 4 2 BininicnaNaNiaREaiaigRcinaiiaiciiPiEfl Aluminum Siding, Soffit and Facia Systems 5 Inch Seamless RAIN GUTTER and Large playground Dishwasher Economical gas For Rent older secluded farm house, large yards. 2 bedroom, unfurnished, $200 deposit, $350 month. 789 5947 Vernal. 1N443 stove Washer dryer hook-uo- s Air conditioned VA baths Dishwasher ReMgerators available a WELLOWBMOO& 789-289-3 Children Welcome Downspouts Patio Covers and Awnings Vernal. 1N442 heat Wood-burnin- g 2 WEEKS FREE RENT GO For It Now! 789-070- Very bedroom duplex, et 3 bedroom Refrigerator per month 36500 per month Off-stre- Rangehood 3 blocks north of Post Office. Managers Apartment 58 Gas Heat Playground Equipment 300 reasonable. Store for ront in Maeser. 800 Rent 14 wide 1981 2 1N440 pets. 1N431 Phone 7892134 days, 789 bedroom, 1 bath, includes New Brick Apartments with 3 Btdroom Apt for rent. $385 3216 after 6 p.m. Vernal. lot, water, sewer, trash. 789 FREE Satellite TV, disposal, 2439 Vernal. 1W428 per month- - 0ara9e deluded, 1N341 rent reduced to appliances, Ca ygg. before 5 p.m. - 2 bedroom duplex, only $295 with only $50 Rentll T.R. Mere For has space ask for Tom, Vernal. 1N432 for rent. Utilities furnished. all appliances & partly deposit. Beautiful neighborkids ok, pets Fir R int. 2 be dr o o m parking. Let's talk. furnished. 2 bedroom mobile hood close-i0 a Pa rt m e nt OT month $150 Call Roosevelt. home, appliances & partly ok (if small). Call 7891997 T894239 Vernal, Locksmith, small appliance furnished. 7890916 Vernal. days, 789-249- 6 nights, Vernal. 1N441 repair, vacuum repair. 1P444 1N407 lUlliL No Down Payment Take over $27,600 loan balance. 1981 Skyline. Owner will pay $1300 sales tax. 16 financing available. Approx. $535 month includes lot rent. Will trade for single wide. Call 7897004 after 5 p.m. Fully landscaped Great location DishwasherGarbage disposal Full carpet - drapes j Cable T.V. ( installation pacfj Street, 600 sq. ft. Phone 789 1279 after 5:30 p.m. Vernal. Mini-Ma- 2000. 1N369 Rent A Luxurious For lease building 789-707- 780-421- 6 2, iskorjThernallNSa 789-359- l0IESUEIIEaiOIBIDICairaiEaiEllE2ICllE3iaty R For Ront Deluxe $Sf o. 789-191- Vernal. 1P454 - for rent 1 watch the outside but Refrigerator, stove, dispo- guarantee your rent first. all included for only $250imonth includes storage New Spacious two bedroom sal, AC, l350 month. Excellent area. See 200 E. 610 So.. apartment. Fridge, stove, locationper837 S. Vernal Ave. Roosevelt. 1N436 washerdryer hookups. Kids OK. pets-NCall 789 Wanted: male roommate to $300month. 7898968 or 1997 or Vernal. 7894072, Art, share expenses. Very 7897162 Vernal. 1N435 1N298 on Main For Rent or Sslo beautiful big house. 3 bedroom, sunny kitchen, freshly painted, 1N391 large garden spot. $400 per IS PLACE the this new adult month plus utilities. No For Rent 3 bedroom house, Apt. NO PETS. Excellent smokers, pets & children are fenced yard $300 month, location, 1200 sq. ft., 2 welcome. See at 1928 East $100 deposit. 0 bedroom, Vk bath, with 3500 So. or call 7893642 Vernal. 1N429 between 8 a.m. to 12 noon; 8 carport. Call after 8 p.m. Vernal. 1N434 For Rent 2 or 3 bedroom Wimal. 1P413 New unfurnished 2 bedroom unfurnished apartments por Rent i bedroom duplex, 250 and 2 or 3 bedroom $200 month, $100 deposit. duplex apt. Total electric furnished apartments MO0. 7891910 Vernal. 1N430 wstove, fridge and drapes. Color T.V. available. Call Private parking. No pets. Too Many Neighbors? For rent, $330 month, $150 Vernal. 1P257 7890312, security new 2 bedroom mobile deposit. 7894584 160 West For Rent 300, 350, 400 home. Quiet, beautiful view 350 No., Vernal. 1N420 Furnished, unfurnished. of Split Mountain. Garden For Rent: two bedroom Apt. Deluxe 2 and 3 bedrooms. All appliances. spot. Call 7893537, 7891942, 789 Bonanza Park $195 month unfurnished; stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer 3659 or 7895510 Vernal. plus lot. Call Jeff 7891482 or 1P400 dryer hookups. Good loca-3 Vernal. tion. Kathy No $275 month. Summer rates 150 a month, all utilities Included. Pets are ak. HBO available. Just east of the Dinosaur Monument turn-of- f in Jensen. time 789-148- Cable conditioning, Vernal, cable TV, fenced yard. $325 per month. $100 deposit. 789-148- 2 789-179- 5 789-148- 2. 722-472- 8, 6, on low interest assumable loan! 3 bedroom Maks Me A Dealt Rental at 833 For Rent Beautiful new 2 Ashley Valley Apartments is bedroom Apt. Carpets, now accepting applications brick rambler in town. West 350 So. New, storage, levelor drapes, fridge, cook stove, for apartment rentals. For carpets, Sunken living room, large & dryer hookups, washer more information call Jodi at blinds, & dishwasher, fridge patio, fenced yard. $13,000 stove. 2 Vernal. 1N409 UT. S.L.C., Storage closets, large will assumepayments under or rooms, air Section 789-888- Sir and Ristiurint in Dinosaur, Colo. Great potential in expanding 353-466- No Qualifying 1 1 No Pets TEAROOM OEANN6DErfKE I FDUNP tMlPV(AttTAD&. Free Estimates Rent or Rent to own with no money down. .1 $ y - e o Local State Licensed Contractor Retail A. Wholesale Sales (at SIX. prlces Dealer In Utah. For Reynolds and USS Alslde Phone: 7G9-411-2 Wayne WEkms, Licensed Contractor Vernal, Utah 3 bedrooms kynolk AiVMIWM Carpet & Drapes Appliances S High Country Estates 789-355- 7 i |