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Show a new Custom Tilling. Will prepare windshield? For fast, one your garden for planting. Get 9 day service on most model on list early. Call Dean Vernal. 1G528 trucks and cars. For auto 9 for I Will Do Work for you. Mow glass. Call appointment or quotes. Cut-Ri- lawns, pull weeds and run Glass, 390 East Main, errands, etc. 8 Vernal. 1A103 11:30 a.m. Vernal. 16529 Da Start the New Year with a clean, safe chimney! mid you 789-11- 34 Cocker Beekhoe For Hire. $20 per Spaniel puppies. Three hour. Special rates for 1 black, two tan. Call 3534237 farmers and ranchers. 1G530 Randlett. Roosevelt. 1G395 2 Gouihkv te glORe Darling AKC Registered 545-257- side by side refrig- - For S,,B: Wheat Mills, erator. Good condition, excellent investment, high Qua,ity- - Phone Norge $225. Call 1A153 ask for Art. Vernal. 1G387 For Sale CHIMNEYS WEST 789-557- 9. 789-40- 72 Antiques Collectables Gifts Handicrafts we have country baked items. Chimney Sweep Service 789-529- 789-934- 789-844- We offer prompt, courteous, Basin-wid- e cleaning service for fireplaces, woodsioves and fireplace inserts. m 57 North 500 West Vernal, UT ' 789-592- Fridays 7 Tues. Sat. 11:00-5:0- 0 p.m 'Wj&3 iOlfl THE vs. BYU Wyoming Saturday, March 12th 12:30 p.m. Pregame Tip Off A weight loss program that puts you in control. at 1:00 p.m. Now, from America's foremost manu- facturer of naturally sourced nutritional products... the Shaklee Slim Plan. Safe. Clinically tested. Innovative. Helps you easily shed unwanted pounds and keep them off. Basketball Due to scheduling changes This week BYU Basketball will be on KUIN FM 93 get 100 of the quality nutrition you need while you lose weight plus more You support and more scientific know-hothan any other weight loss program w in America. i Shaklee Slim Plan. Proven to work for people just like you. .0 BASIN ASSOCIATES Bonnie & Wayne Williams Shaklee Supervisors wm 789-41- 13 jttmeriCqO 490 E. 1500 No. - Vernal, UT Th StuHr Wrtwnilinl Unr'buto Cumoritim Kiyo vmunani d 8wk Increasingly, the Ariens line of front and rear-tin- e the choice of people tillers is becoming who want a tough performer in the garden. Whether ife the engine, swing rugged 7 hp RT7020, with its handlebars, and balanced control, or the 2 hp, lightweight, highly maneuverable RT214 model - Ariens has a tiller to answer your specific gardening needs. front-mount- BE PART OF THE GROWING TREND- -. VISIT YOUR ARIENS DEALER TODAY! Milt's Merchandise Mart 528 West Main Phone 789-21- 50 vemat o4tens .wwMrthwl A CUT ABOVE THE REST Vernal CoimEEiunity Lap Swim: 6-- a.m. Mon 8 Frl p.m. 12-- 1 p.m. Mon-Fr- i. Senior Citizens: Mon-Fr- i, Open Swim: 9 p.m. 1- A.A.R.P. -2 7-- 1- -4 p.m. &6-- 9 p.m. Sat. Family Nile: 9 p.m. Mondays Special Rate for families. -p.m. Mon & Thur Ladles Only: Exercise Glass offered. 50$ extra. p.m. Tue & Frl (18 & Adult Swim: older) p.m. Wed., 7 p.m. Fri., Rental Time: 7-- 9-- 10 9-- 10 1 6-- 9-- 10 6-- 6 p.m. Sat. Exercise Class: Phone 789-577- 5 March 25th a.m. Mon & Wed. Social Services: Contact Social Services. New class Baby Swim: 10-- 1 1 a.m. Mon-Fr- i. 9-- 10 Mon-Sa- t. Get in me swim! Swlmiming Pool 8-- 9 a.m. Mon-F- ri for more information. until starts Jan. 31. Adult Lessons: 11-noon, Mon-F- ri for 3 weeks. Enrolling Nowl Jan Youth Lessons: 2, 2:30, 3 p.m. Mon-Fr- i, 24th Feb. 11. Limited Enrollment Call 12 0T iTIftWKHItE. OASSIREPA pg) HE Now! Jan Family Swim: 3:30-- 5 p.m. Mon-F- ri 24th Feb. 11th. Special Rate! Advanced Lifesaving Class: Starts Jan. 24th 2:30 p.m. Next to Vernal Jr. High Know what's the most common street in the United States? It's Park. Scotch was originally unblended and was called malt whiskey. |