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Show February 84, 1983 Basin NICKEL ADSfrEvsimNT Page 15 Section Building. 21.6 slum Aihliy Villiy Rmtvolr Stott. 4.9 Shares Industrial or warehouse 7897188 lease. Ashley Upper Irrigation building lor ' 8, CornpanyCall k lor Roger. 10122 . ijjiMirdil Ofllti Dubs Program Successful 789-429- ' 2 bedroom QUALITY CONCRETE WORK aluminum siding, 24 years combined exper- house, . Sale older Far u.. lence. Drives, floors, good locauun patios, model RV wakS Will consider late footings and yard 4 on trade or down payment, curbing, rtc. Call Vernal. Vernal 2W1 14 Phone If you have ever been cause of its authority to possible. However, the sweot up in the federal act through allfacets of right answer will not 789-920- bureaucracy or have befudled by a com- 1N275 6 lens - water Includwfoldef puter and feel that you ATTENTION OILFIELD INSURhome RETAIL SALES Ideal and outbuildings. Call Vickie nave been sovel m a ANCE. across the street from Hill, agent, Century 21, 789- - corner where no one will listen, there is eond (1710 W 1000 S). 2 .1482, Vernal. 1P315 789-516- 2. i Ke unit approximately 900 sq. Three Bedroom, two bath home 400 per month. Easy in Prestigious neighborhood access from Highway 40 and walk-i- n closets, country road. Room for w!th. Ken or Pat, call parking, or Cindy 7 Neola an moke this 3 Cash Available for your first, ixceptloml buy split-levhome, second, or third mortgage, tefroont Real land contract and Deeds of Basin Must sell quick, Vernal. Trust For free details and Estate on el 789-068- 6, quote call 7894229, Vernal. 1P326 1P250 Acre Homesltes Cedirvlew owner financing available 2-- 4 10. Call Okumura, has the inde- pendence to be impar- tial and to act as an for the tax- - often cannot change the course of events if cor- rect procedures are ready being carried out, ,but these procedures will be evaluated and the taxpayer will be provided with an expla-an- d nation of why it must be done that way. al-advo- tree. Features The State of Utah has proposed a land exchange involving ap-- j proximately 6,000 acres south of Vernal and east of the town of Bonanza for the purpose of es- tablishing a block of land large enough to be attractive for oil shale development. The EA is include solved problems with Examples of prob-1R- S TJL Mire In Roosevelt has a efficient woodbumer, family after having gone lems familiar to the new phone number. We also room, and water softener. PRP are lost refund through regular cha now taw space for rent Phone WM Roosevelt 1N308 Call Vickie Hill, agent, nels first, may write to checks, incorrect credit- Vernal, the Problem Resolution ing of payments on tax- Century 21,789-148; ..1P314 20 Acres Plnosl Indian Office, 465 South payers accounts, and Fourth East, Salt Lake misunderstandings HOME FOR UII BY OWNERS acres, 3 bedroom, garage. City, Utah 84111. In cerning the taxpayers available Uke City tax' resRonsibility durin8 review. andloV at 12 percent! ?1?KP,!?Sinr,eT7d,slM, Owner agent financed! Dean payers may also call audit or collection proldJa"j R0Se" 0 and elsewhere ceedings. Verna' 1P279 velOIZS7222235' IRS cautions, how- in Utah they may call a toll-fre- e ever, that it is not the line, Professional office spies for Aumi 3 bidroon fireplace. ! PRO's responsibility to lease. Downtown location fenced yard, 14,000 and 1040. 421.80 a month. payments includes conference room PRP is giving satis- - make technical and five separate offices. 8!S? to more and sions on an audit or to deal. Call78WS750, Professionally decorated, to more taxpayers who in serve as a short-c2000 square feet available. Vernal. 1G336 the past suffered frus- normal procedures, Call Candi Vaughn at High THAN MONEY? LOVE MORE tration unraveling the Taxpayers expecting Country Realty 7896912, 722-99- 20 2, ; SrlunntttnloSI con-hSSwJm- We'll give you oSh for public building tise. Wb'll help you find and arrange finano-- 1 ing with good terms to suit your needs. Make your decision to buy a new home easier. Exchange Utah. and a reasonable esti- Price shot down Utah taxpayers who mate of just how lohg it on this 3 bedroom home on corner lot with huge shade feel thay have unre- - will take, Roosevelt 1P240 Before you buy any us. home, see more than exper- Vernal Land GERQNIM0! 722-472- 8, 353-466-6, tax-be- en Another strong point are getting fast, fair, in favor of the program, effective service, IRS contends, is that from the Internal Reve- - the speed of resolution nue Service's thriving is fast, usually withing Problem Resolution five working days. If Program (PRP), now in this cant be its sixth year of solving lished, taxpayers are tricky problems in given a status report Vernal. 1N237 Opportunity to the agency. Utah's always be in the Problem Resolution payer's favor, he adds. Officer (PRO), Yuji Action from the PRP payer where the facts warrant it. 789-463- 3, 353-452- 1 .. ! Youll like doing business with us and you'll love our homes! Wa'rt an authorized dealer lor Boise Homes A , Dmwh ol Ttw Bow Campanp - rnij nir.ir, I HOMES ROBB 1U EmI 100 Vomit arto: Mouth 722-340- 0 O or 789-76- 68 333-425-7 mwU - 524-406- 789-925- 6- NEED SOME I ! deci-facti- on 789-918- 1, ut re-r- Vernal. 20180 H?w about a new home in a friendly subdivision? The Three Bedroom Home with full basement can be on finished to accomodate your swimming pool, fireplace one acre for under 50, 00000. growing family. Priced at Wont last long. Call Basin 53,000 and builder will pay Real Estate Vernal, part of your closing costs. Call Vickie Hill.- - agent. 1P252 21 7891482, Vernal. , Century : 789-068- 6, WITH A 1P312 PESKY PUMP OR WELL? CALL1 PETE'S WELL AND PUMP One Acre Lot HAVING TROUBLE 353-484- 5, - Whlterocks. Program Change "Interim reason-SERVIC- final regu- E 789-1636- 2 ed bureaiicratic tape funds, for instance, generated among IRS's should expect to wait different divisions of up to ten weeks. Collection, Examina- - especially if they have tion, and Taxpayer filed their returns late in Service and between the filing period, The goal of the local offices and service Problem Resolution centers. IRS characterizes its Program, said Resolution mura, is to get the right Program as unique be- - answer as quickly as Oku-Proble- priced ably. Call Terragent, 2292, Vernal. 1P295 Coal i m D Aluminum Siding. Soffit and Facia Systems 5 Inch Seamless RAIN GUTTER and Downspouts Patio Covers and Awnings Free Estimates FUEE Home Sellers School lations were issued January 12, 1983, to implement agement coal man- program changes requested by Western Governors. Even though the rule H changes will be effective immediately, ail by yourself. You know how frustrating it can be. public Heres your chance to answer one meeting. comments are being accepted through Feb. 28. In making the announcement Secretary of the Interior; James Watt explained, As a reflection of our desire to be a good neighbor we are amending the regulations to expand the the Governors are represented. all your questions in 1 Local State Licensed Contractor Retail L Wholesale Sales (at S.LC prices) Dealer In Utah. For. Reynolds and USS Alslde involvement of . the States and the Regional Coal Teams on which youre thinking of selling your home, you probably have a lot of questions. What is your first step in selling a borne? Do you need an appraisal? What type of financing will a buyer most likely obtain to purchase your home? What do you need to know about closing costs? The list of questions goes on and on and if youre trying to track down the answers If ALSIDE Phone: 70941 12 Wayne WHUams, Licensed Contractor Vernal, Utah Presented by: Century .21, Dart Realty Howard Carroll-AppraisLomas and Hettleton-Dav- e er Cunningham Feb. 24, 1983 7:00 p.m. Century 21 Building 418 E. Main, Vernal, Utah 789-14- 82 0 |