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Show Section 1 Page 6 Basin NICKEL ADSfoEWSPRlNT Feb: oero lots wvlow of home with garage. Fenced Roosovolt Water ind power yard, good neighborhood. available '4,000. Western Lind 20 icros In Close to stores. Call Roitty Vernal. 1P319 North Rillird off Whltorocko Road 10 sharos water '2,000 per Home nnr neuntilns for silo. 5 aero. Western Land Realty acres, 5 shares water. Good Roosovolt 10265 garden spot Excellent well, MUST SILL this scacious 4977,. FARM CREEK. 1P320 ranch style home on two 789-286- BX5m l&o00 oepos 789-992- 2, "2?? Buy a building lot with streets, curb, and gutter, water and sewer improvements in Roosevelts Poco Acres and receive a second unimproved lot FREE' '8,000 and or 722-27up. Call 722-28for details. 2L153 72 87 For Salo 3 Fantastic Ouploxos end Heme. Sell together or separate.. Low down, owner anxious, agent 789-156- or 9 Vernal. 1P318 - home, No smokers, no For Rent 2 bedroom house, drinkers, male. Call 8 close in location. Call 4 or evenings .and Vernal. 1P277 Location mornings For Ront 2 bedroom near High School, Vernal. townhouse 4 plex. Refrigera- - 1P233 tor and stove, washeraryer FOR RENT new two bedroom hook-up- s, satellite T.V. No apartment, carpets, drapes, '400 month. Call 789- a pets jnge'350 1997 ask for Art. Evenings month plus '150 deposit; call Vernal. 20152 Call 2 6 or ask Two Bedroom. Brick Modern, for John, Vernal. 1N273 789-680- 789-363- 789-045- ! Root Contar Of Town, BulR-in- s. Lawn Sprinklers, Fenced. A Very Energy Efficient Homo. Call Vernal 1P310 789-129- 1, Excellent location business for You Can Afford Our Passive Solar Heme with national prize winning design. Theda, or 9 Vernal. 1P284 your in the. Teddy Mini-Ma- ll swimming pool, fireplace on one acre for under 50,000. Won't last long. Call Basin Vernal. Estate ip252 789-068- 6, possession. Many extra's. available. vernal. 1P306 4, Two Bedroom interest is down. Located in quiet area of Glines. Hurry on this one. Basin Real Estate 6, cedars. Super Router with exclusive dust pick-u- p system 1V4-- HP .'T CUT 50 ; VJ , drapes' 789-179- 5, 34 789-739- 5, 3, 1, ' $59.99table Buy Router (1) With (4) save 70 $89ts .'v 1218 W. Hwy 40 Vernal 789 - 4745 77 2, SBSZ WTwCT . Theda Vernal. 1P262 9 or n 50" Rnt Vernal. 1P285 bedroomsXnkhV and 3 fl0rae0us view lot 789-156- owner-age- nt 789-646- 4. Seal 3 bedroom, full toihowa.anslaaoiit per JIOO" Vernal. 1P274 789-903- 1, for rent, brand new, Why Rent a 2 bedroom when you 789-143- 3, When you think Carpets think Cal coverings Serving the area for 30 yrs. OUR BIGGEST SAVINGS EVER ? and 235 W. 200 N Vernal Ut Complete floor & window J 789-229- For Rent nice two bedroom i loins. Call 8014893285. Dutchi Call 1P283 duplex, 1 bath. All kitchen jJohn, lltih. 789-918- on Aluminum Siding v 722-223- 5, f Wjjlgr.li ROOSIVIIL 10Z6Z 6, Excellent Buy on older 3 bedroom home in Lapoint on mobile 3 for Has homes. Priced for a quick large lot. Needs carpet. Call 353-49for details. 1P215 sale. Call Terry agent. Vernal 10246 For Rant nice 2 bedroom iFer Sale By Oween TsmSSTI; lbrtwa jgpian. Vary tewl Fer 722-Re- Free Estimate hunting & fishing. $6000 no down. Balance monthly over 5 yrs. at 12 percent by owner-agen- t. Dean Frandsen, Roosevelt. 10173 '! - 789-068- hook-up- s dry w Whjpj. Large units 'i""'' 2 now 4 ploxs completed, set up with Satellite. ' Town house style. Great invest- 21, 789-- ment Basin Real Estate Vernal. 1N291 HjlarrtCenh. 1482, vernal, iraia istjm KaS1" M 1P238 789-005- 0 with ' fSI.OOO: Owner Western LindRealty 3 bedroom apartments. Center ex & Starvation Lake. Right in .'."VN'""! - 1. TWO WEEKS FREE RENT Lft m Northwest of ';.Vi 722-408- 848-541- 3, Roosevelt for secluded pines in 2L154 722-288- 7. 61 722-237- 9 Vernal. 1P251 10 Acres of Roosevelt 789-393- Call Dennis Nokes home on .66 acre. Refinance while 789-068- 789-329- Has Painting! Got You All Tangled Up? new owner immediate 789-878- acres. Roosovolt 1 na ural gas culinary water, or 72 a. SELL this spacious ranch style home on two acres. Best offer allows the Call 722-28- 77 MUST financing on building Acres a morith. Phone JbHoom! Vernal. 10234 month, 200 deposit, no or For Rent or sale, rent with pets. 789-49Trade for Land: Money making 1N150 vernal. Three option to buy. duplex on choice commer- - bedroom home in Glines. 24 Acre Homesltes Cedarvlew cial acre in Roosevelt. Out Family room, dining room, owner financing available of town, owner will trade garage. Partially fenced. Call 3534666, 7224728, '18,000 equity for one acre or Lame lot, $500 per month. 10. 1P240 more. Must have culinary Available immediately, call Roosevelt 3 bedroom Vernal. 1P292 apartments. water available. South Lots of room. excellent Hillside preferred 722-91For Rent 3 bedroom home in 10 or Tabiona. 1N281 in1r0.l1l; or)s Lapoint Cozy and well Remember only 299 with month, Comer building lot zoned for deMsitPhone 353-49deposit. Call 799-847- 9, fourplex. Good price, $1M 1P254 Vernal. 789-ar1P216 , Comes or For Rent 3 bedroom duplex all with plans. 300 West Assume 3 bedroom fireplace, kitchen appliances' Land- 100 North, Roosevelt Call fenced yard, 14,000 and scaped in quiet neighbor-paymen- ts Western Land Realty al '421.80 a month, hood '400 and 350 oer 4081.1P289 take May part trade, great month 200 deposit. Call Vernal. 1N250 dealjjall 7894750, 789-996- 8, Roosevelt 1P237 FHA 40 fronton! 789-223- 0, Western Land in Roosevelt 789-156- Good Wait highway 789-724- 72 nt ! vernal. 4, center. for details. 2L152 highway through owner-age- or 9 Someone to share ar 789-646- 4, 0ts, In in Acres good pasture. 5 downtown Roosevelt. Lease miles north of Roosevelt. includes utilities and a 60-cTwo flowing wells, oiled parking lot. Call 722-28722-408- 1. 789-156- owner-age- nt possession. Many extra's. 200" plus financing available. expenses New 3 bedroom utilities. Call 1P306 789-878- poco Roosevelt. Buy one improv- e( 0t at 6 annual interest FHA 6 789-646- fWo for ono salo 6, ;flidmpfovC.diVot W.Caiij bedroom new owner immediate- or 7894292, ask for John, Vernal. 1E321 Room For Ront '200' plus half utilities. No smoking, no Vernal. pets. Call 789-996- 2 1P308 303-675-88- a 2. 722-408- 1, refri montn ilgSpav.mgjt.Als. 789-229- 8. 1 paSeOndfonly lotwith all hook-up- s. Double wide foundation, $5000" per acre and priced for a quick sale. discounted, $1000 per acre 2 or Owner, agent, for cash! No down payment Vernal. 10247 if qualified and balance 5 Lot us biilld you o gorgeous I financed by owner-agen- t, The perfect homo with built-i- n Security I years at 12 One acre 722-408- 1. 789-439- 3, For Root apartment, ggsgsas ggaaawg'g.ssrSB eal estate For Root three bedroom brick 789-245- 17,1983 !winYow.Cir78,7i& iiaii(iivuju ui llIU tagging (or lease. 789-718- 8 ask for Roger. 10122 3 Bedroom Apt for rent $385 per month. Garage included. cuiliivi a 3 bedroom for the Call 2 before 5 p.m. same price? Call for ask for Tom. 1N220 infor mation 789-355For Rent Duplex 4 bedroom, 2 Vernal. 1N283 bath, fireplace garage 550 Fer Rent 2 or 3 bedroom month, 300" deposit, 1 7894934, Dec. available unfurnished apartments Vernal. 10205 250 and 2 or 3 bedroom furnished apartments 300. 4 lovely homes in Roosevelt. Color T.V. available. Call Some with option to buy! 7894312, Vernal. 1P257 Your choice Strout Realty 5, Roosevelt. 10256 . , kamiuhiumi kij uh mn nra Blll el split-levhomo. bedroom, Must sell quick, Basin Real 789-691- 7, 789-739- 5. 722-223- (a-ll- Estate 789-068- 6, &.tnVnr Vernal. 1P250 3 bedroom 4"plex ipirtments. Room, Room, Room, only .ll Call Terry 789-229- 2, acr-Dwn- assumption. at Bastian Realty Vernal. 10245 . ThedaJlsS orH7 WJ Ca imm- Veraaaqentl - FIREWOOD MINE PROPS HOUSE LOGS Peeled Poles & Posts - Treated Posts Pinion 60 ton (Firewood) Lodgepole 50 cord (Firewood) (WE DELIVER!) siooo per cord split - extra 789-590- 2 Denco Pine Products &&&& pn |