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Show Section 1 Page 8 Basin NICKEL ADSfrEWSPRINT February 3, 1983 I hivi in ill wood intlqui whits Automotlvi Michlni Work, hot set ,350. Also an 8 tank, cylinder boring, glass ft. velvet red and black1 bead cleaning, valve. bedroom Call Spanish couch, Ijke new. Call grinding. Roosevelt. Duchesne 1E284 738-571- 722-270- lnurt.BIkei ft Trlkos FanbtCycles 789- - in I LANKFORDS Excel in interior and exterior i Painting and Remodelino IMPROVEMENTS Ldditdo!s.n windows Hie 0 2. Schridir Fireplace Good condition. We HOME ft Hot The Magic-O- f s $ doors.- - S stock and included 400. Call ready to roll. Western Auto In Vernal 2692, Vernal. 1E285 1B329' Metal LD. and Social Security; and I Anything tor Home R" Call 78M423, Vernal 2F153 FOR SALE Nikko Golden M Improvements. Call alicensed contractor at 789- 7 2771. Vernal. 2FM4 M9S95. CalW Vernal. 1E288 . mm Bn,1, ! after 789-260- 9. without w Its Time To Check Your q0 For fast one : Jay service on most model trUCkS and CarS- - Foraut0 9 f0r fl,aSS Cal1 WthP mfinhinp windshieid? HMrthffirfqhnVyflnS Home Propane Tanks For Fuel. DONT GET CAU6HT 789-M4- SS 1983 appointment or quotes. Cut- Rite Glass, 390 East Main, Vernal. 1B326 LOCAL CARPET Vernal. 1A103 INSTALLER IS IN STOCK AGAIN AND MAKES A bread mixers, brands available. y!1 Wheat Mills, 3899, Vernal. 1B328 call before8;00 or after 6:00 789- - several 789-557- WITHOUT! GREAT GIFT ESPECIALLY AT Vernal. 1A153 9 To avoid higher prices & special delivery charges call & place your order a few days in VALENTINES. 57 North 500 West Vernal, UT 789-934- . 2 advance. Gouihhy I "The gtORe Fridays we have 91 West Main, Wheat Mills and Bread Mixers. We carry several 9 for brands. Phone more information. Vernal. VALENTINE GIFTS 9 9 STITCH Tues. Sat. 789-557- HOT PAN HOLDERS COUNTRY CROSS 1A153 CANDY 789-687- 9, Use this handy order form to place your ad. SAVE 5C Per Word by Placing Your Ad In Both Basin SEWSPRffiM1 CLASSIFIED and E IF 1 Vernal, Utah has asked the Utah Public Service Commission to approve a new charging plan for the installation of premises wiring for business customers with key systems and other complex telecommunications equipment. The plan would give business customers more control over their costs and more freedom of choice in the installation and maintenance of their telephone wiring systems. The proposed plan replaces the present , system in which business customers pay a flat (average) rate for wire installation., If the plan is approved, customers with complex Bell business communications systems would be charged for wiring installed by Mountain Bell on the basis of time spent on the job by the employee and the materials used in the installation. Bell business customers also would have the choice of getting the wire from another vendor, and making their own arrangements for installation and maintenance. If approved. Mountain Bell would begin implementing the plan on January .vs 28, 1983. How to place your ad: PHONE the nearest location listed beside or MAIL this form to our office or COME IN to one of our offices during Vernal Area - Office 642 West Main. Vernal Elva Wedrg Frontier Motel 722-364- 0 76 So. Mam. Roosevelt. Duchesne Area Sherrie Burdick or Kohl's Market 738-234- 2 Main St . Duchesne Rangely. Colorado Area - Sherry Smith. Box 1644 Rangely Colorado 81648 675-212- 4 regular 2 s3 22. 22L. minimum 10$ per word if paid in advance minimum 15$ per word it oilled Run Ad. MAIL TO: Name. Basin Nickel Ads 642 West Main Vernal, Utah 84078 Address. City Phone other complex telecommunications equipment greater freedom of choice in the installation and maintenance of their telecommunications systems, says Ken Hill, Public Relations Manager for Mountain Bell in Utah. Hill added that It's easy to understand why we Ye going' to this plan, which is similar to charging plans already used by other vendors of telecommunications products and other tradesmen, like electricians. The proposed plan also would allow large business customers to use non-Be- ll wire with Mountain Bell equipment or existing Bell wire with equipment acquired from another supplier. Similar options would apply in determining who installs and maintains the wire. The customer would chose either Mountain Bell or some other vendor. 789-974- NewsprintNickel Ads DNewsprlnt RATES: Under the proposal, a similar plan would be available for maintenance service for the wiring. Customers could choose to have Mountain Bell or another vendor repair the wiring. Bell would charge for the repair on a time and material basis. If this change is approved, the portion of the monthly wire rate that now covers maintenance work would be eliminated and business customers would see a reduction .of 25 cents to 30 cents per station line on their, monthly bills. This plan would offer business customers who have key systems and Roosevelt Area business hours. DEADLINE: ads must be in our Vernal Office by Monday Noon to appear that week. Check One: Our Locations: IP Gas. Inc 1355 E. Highway 40 Vernal - W. Highway 40 Roosevelt Bell Gives Businesses Freedom Mountain ara 5". At Dana's 165 Cuts and Curls N. 800 W. by appointment only, Vernal. 1B315 All Hair Cut p.m 11:00-5:0- 0 Propane Special kts Utah-Co- lo country baked items. CARDS X Weeks. -- .State! Zip Nickel Ads Enclose Check M.O. SEW SAVE M 397 South Vernal Ave. 789-28- 50 Magic Envelope Sale Sew a Spring Wardrobe and put the Savings in your piggy bank. PLUS Friday and Saturday (Feb. 4th & 5th) pick an envelopeJrom our bowl and get a Free Gift valued up to 14 or a discount of 10 to 50 off your next purchase. YES.IRAN1HE VfntH HAZEL FOR SALE' API 5'VJ |