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Show January 20, 1983 Basin NICKEL ADSAtEWSPRINT Page 7 Section ood Burning Stoves headquarters of the Uintah Basin. Featuring full view, Bi Centennial & Golden fire stoves. We also stock single & triple wall pipe. Western Auto, Vernal For Silo Iff Aluminum boat with 7ft HP 0B motor with all in good condition Call 722-58before 5 pm, 722-49after 5. ask for Dave, Vernal. 1D208 68 37 Indoor Singe 8ilo: clothes, household goods, odds and Bickhos and dozer work. Call! ends. 10-- 4 Friday 21st and Tom Peterson, Saturday 22nd. 350 South 500 West Vernal. 10209 . Vernal. 1D133 789-6477- ,1 silo. 70 head calve FOR SALE: six year old Hereford and Hereford Mustang mare 400, also cows, SIONS 2510 W. 500 N. 789-60- Angus cross. Most cows are rabbits. Call Vernal. 10218 9602, Vernal. DON'T FORGET 4 years old. Call ABOUT OUR MOVIES! 10144 9, Roosevelt. 1D213 Jsrsey Holfor for silo: 3 years BAHA'I FAITH UNIFIES Dumptruckind Bickhos service oldjWill be good milk cow, Vernal, MANKIND for more informa- - Fill dirt, top soil, gravel and 500. Call tion please call drain rock, Complete digging Vernal. 10182 service,.good price. Call 053-- FOR RENT nearly new mobile Kim Andertoh. 9, Neola, tree service irimming, home, kids Ok. One year lease with no deposit. ,400 Take Topping Detail downs, and complete clean- - Business forms sviilsbls without kids, 450 with 7 up. Also do fruit trees. Free choose from several styles kids. Call days or .789-741- 7 to fit individual 12 needs. nights, Vernal, your estimates, years 1V217 Tom For Greer. more Call information call experience, Vernal. ; Vernal. 1D215 evenings SAVE SAVE SAVE Piper Bick Books to TELEVISIONS NEW trade at DIMEN-trail- Cows for , er 789-444- 1, 0. 722-372- 0.' 722-306- 789-204- 789-174- 2, : 3, Winted Salespersons, men or women, full or part-tim- e. Ridlo phono and tape deck Home improvements. console 75. Swag lamp, amber color 10. Phone Very good commission, cash Roosevelt. 1D228 Help 722-364- 0, cash paid easy sales. Monday, January 24- - 21 blick ind block bildy cows Roosevelt 1 pm Job Service; due to start calving March Vernal 4 pm Job Service. 1st. Phone Neola. sales, 353-459- 9. 10232 10229 ISi 789-815- now , ACCEPTENO 789-345- STUDENTS FOR newly formed childrens choir in Vernal. Teaching fundamentals of voice training and performance. Ages 5 through 12 years. 25. registration fee for 8 week beginning course. Call now! Classes are filling rapidly. - This Instrument computer for sale, best offer. Call Vernal. 1D210 4, Gingi Sale: Friday 145 789-915- 21 1, and 23. 22, A Saturday Sunday or Clothes, brass, crystal, VW, snowmobile. 276 South 3130 West Cottonwood Heights Subdivision 9--6 hrs., Vernal, " KnSSiaSa BY W 14x56, 2 bedroom, models wanted ask for Barrie from 9 am to 3 pm New 2.280" S132 14x66 Net with 8x20 expando. 3 bedroom, bath and ft. Foam core side walls and roof. 2 door refrigerator, other options. many ?ManUewn JSfcW.'KSkffi bath . Mopjig Home Sales d. woo Was 2451, Roosevelt. 1W210 byFleet 1 Dr. David C. Peterson 75 N. 200 West Vernal ; 789-835- 7 722-Flngern-iil now 13,995. 17,500 Financing available with Must sacrifice Immediately Vernal. 1D212 10 down at 13 interest, take over payments, no Windsor 16P' C!" ,n0?' S10w"Pay"'ent WANTED; A used pair of skis r a see 3 14x0 with bindings. Preferably dish2 bedrooms, baths, 170'S or 175s. Call 9 Eaf fj."ile Hmas' Roosevelt. washer, stereo, swamp 40, Vernal.-1A17- 9 1 or Hjgjway cooler, microwave range, refrigerator. Fully skirted and insulated. Call or Vernal. 1W189 789-372- 2, 5Sg 789-557- Vernal 789-34- 00 789-572- 6, 1D186 789-974- 789-935- 6 789-344- WEEKEND SALES 10 & 20 OFF HOBBES- - a precious SAVE SAVE SAVE 1.995 14x66 Net 3 bedroom bath. 14 2 door gilt, So Start Today By Making Foam core sidewalls and roof, many options. Delivered and setup within 100 miles. Monthly payments 218. Housing Plus Mobile Home Sales Roosevelt. 1W212 call For An Appointment Today! S546 1ft Professional Tools - C.B.'s - Guns Indian Jeweliy - Sewing Machines Strollers - Stereos - Much More Confidential Instant Loans on on items of value is 8, Good Vision A Family Concern, : refrigerator. : 9 AM to 6 PM Thursday 9 AM to 5 PM , Mon.-Tues.-We- 722-245- 1, ? d. 75 N. 200 West 789-835- 7 VocoooosoQOCooeoooeooooocoooscccocn Q MOBILE HOMES 975W.Hwy.40 Vernal (Across from Smiths) DONT MISS THIS OHQ 1972 Skyline 14x70, 3 bedroom 1ft bath. All set up for woodburning stove. Solid oak kitchen cabinets 9,500. See at Joes Mobile East Highway 40 Roosevelt. 1W198 Homes, 722-388- 5, East Ihvy. 40 Roosevelt, Utah SAVE SAVE SAVE L185" S190 24x44 , Net 3 bedroom, I bath, foam core, sidewall, . ends and roof. Many options. Must see to believe. Delivered and set .up within I 100 miles: Month y pay-- ; ments 295. Housng Plus. 2 Mobile Home Sales Roosevelt. 1W214 Five 722-245- 1, SlfiSfl 35 ! j Stir HOMBO New 14 x 56 Canyon Crest Brand New 1983 j Homis Rooscveli - per month Furnished. Bay window's. 10 down. 196.78 per month ut 14 annual interest 14 x 56 Schultz 1981 Roosevelt, 1V203 for all needs call Jim BEDROOM ir-- r BEDROOM Broidmori 14x70, 3 bedroom, 2 bath front kitchen, g stove, 12,000. Nelda Olsen 4543401. Altamont. 1W188 8x45 tnllsr for rant 8ft miles Northwest from Roosevelt Rent reasonable, winter or rates. Call Roosevelt 1X169 722-48- f SAVE 353-483- 4, 22 nzs 80x14 2 BEDROOM FRONT KITCHEN-SNA- CK OAR-BE- NCH 11 BAY-CATHE- CEILING (774 SO. FT.) FREE LOT RENT First 4 months free with purchase of any new home from East Meadow Sales .With This Ad - refrigerator, upgraded: in carpet. Phone 789-243- 9 1st No. 5th East Vernal, Utah baths. Set up for vxxl Vfe burning stove. Solid ouk kitchen cabinets. 9,500 only New 4 Bedroom Liberty Almost 1800 sq. ft skirting, wcxxl burning stove, cooler, dishwasher, wcxxl siding, shingled roof. Includes deliver' and set up. 3 bedrooms, down. 36,795 The World's Number One Builder of Manufactured Housing. baths, wood siding, 10 18856 per month ut lVfe 14unnuui interest onlv master bedroom with 722-245- 1; 3 bedroom, New 14 x 68 Canyon Crest Bay window mirrored wardrobe doors. Foam core side walls & roof. Many options. Delivered and set up within 100 miles. 2521. Monthly payments Mobile Sales Plus Housing : Roosevelt: :tW213! : 1972 Skyline 14 x 70 1 complete package SAVE SAVE i 1,620" 3 Net 14x66 bedrooms.; S512 1ft bath, front kitchen with! bay window. 14 2 door! 9,000 only !!,r4"i! r-- r 1978 wood-burnin- Repossession. Set up in ixirk. 961 XK) down. 143.00 per month. UVINQ ROOM Vernal. 1V216 1, 15,650 ony Mobile Homi Insurinci 789-006- down. 16351 per month at 14 annual Interest 14 x 70 Oakbrook by Liberty bedrooms. Now only 9,900 delivered and set. Call Ken insurance 13,995 only 10 Magnolia 14x70 three 722-367- 4, 8 Housing January SPECIALS! SKYUNI BOISE, IDAHO 722-888- 14,995 New 14 x 56 Westfield Dv Flcctwcxxl. 2 iK'dnxnns 167 J21 x:r month only 1 Ixitli. 10 down at 13 annual interest 13,9.95 |