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Show Section Page 16 Basin NICKEL ADSA'WSIRINT December 23, 1988. 1 Noticed Dollars Wanted!! to sell Satellite receivers Duchesne, um t in wood burning at great Savingsl Television's New Roosevelt, vi CA88ETTE RECORDERS BY SONYI REGULAR 895 515- -1 UNTIL NOW JUST Wtrdt Eltctrlc Ringi md avocado color M75. Singer upholstery sewing machine. Misc. nylon thread and VIDEO Altamont, Neola, Manila, Dinosaur, Ft. Duchesne or? We are the master dealer for the basin and surrounding Your entertainment ooiiar, ar9 anH ran nffar Jnii Satellite TV, on LIVE display pyrpiipnt nrnnram ment required. Televisions at Television's New Dimensions 2510 W. 500 N. New Dimensions 2510 West financing, featuring 500 North Vernal, TV and Stereo. 789- Sony 1E148 9602, Vernal. 1G172 Vacuum Repairs for Kirbys, ..r Ei 789-960- 2. kve satellite TV display all used Kirbv's for sale at Basin day, every day at 2510 W 500 Roosevelt. 722-37- 60 20 by 24 METAL BUILDINGS Sony TV and for sale with power stereos. Appointments hookup's, insulated will available also. 789-960- 2. move to your land. Phone Vernal. 1G173 Vernal. 1E218 Cant get cable? Don't like cost, reception, or wwood Burning Stoves cable choice? We feature Satellite of 789-442- 6, the headquarters S? c?hfnnife8ai9 Uintah Basin. Featuring full ?Lk,pc85, view, Bicentennial & Golden Sn tAJEJ fire stoves. We also stock & single triple wall pipe. ,u,??SriiLnr Western Auto, Vernal 789- - jjan, aHY'np. !; you BiBvisionb New uuyj Dimensions. Bank Fmanc- Poodle Pups for sale, pure ing, 24 months unconditional bred, black in color, have warranty. 2510 W 500 N 789-had shots. 30 each. Call 9602, Vernal. 1G174 Vernal. 1E220 Pleasant Valley Alfalfa Hay. 1st "JACK OF AIL TRAOES. crop, 2nd and 3fd. Get the HANDYMAN SERVICE Paint, best. Prices range from 60 or Free 0 to Phone 70. repair. bujld estimates. 789-25Doug, Neola, Utah. 1G194. Vernal. 1E221 Attention: Crafts for sale. LOOKING TO BUY 0L0 BEER make nice Christmas They CANS. 15 years and older, or items different gifts. Many whereon information Reasonable any prices. Monday abouts. Please call thru Saturday, 10 to 6. 1441 Vernal.I 1E222 N. 2500 W. about 1 mile North 1976 Dodge Aspen Station-wago- n of Maeser Shopping Center. Maeser. IBM Exec789-741- 2, has,d M 789-466- 5, Guitar Lessons. Fun, easy, fast 8 way to learn. Call or see Sharon Wilier, Vernal. 1E244 SPECIAL DEALS AND 0IS-- , COUNTS ON SATELLITE TV RECEIVERS UNTIL CHRIST-Ban- k MAS! COME IN, WE'LL DEAL! FINANCING AVAILABLE; ON ACTIVE DISPLAY AT 2510 W bewtllul iprlcol or 350 Chny whlti Parrtnd 'IWtoM complete ln amd ready lor 1C169 0833, Vernal. 2B1 75 CHIMNEYS WEST WISHES YOU A WARM 789-110- Wanted to buy Blacksmith tools. Forge, anvil, tongs, etc. Call evenings 789-075- 500 N, Vernal. 1G220 AND SAFE HOLIDAY SEASON. 8, Vernal. 1E245 400 and 800 HOME COMPUTERS IN STOCK NOW! ATARI HAVING TROUBLE? OR BACK JUST WANT TO RELAX WHILE Television's New Dimen- - AT TELEVISIONS NEW YOU EXERCISE. sj()ns BanR Financing DIMENSIONS 2510 W 500 N, BEST GRAVITY GAMES Featuring PMdm. Vernal. 1E241 N IEI7I 325 welting In HANG BY THE VERNAL, AND ALL AND MANY PROGRAMS!! 1G221 DEMONSTRATION CALL 789-575- Call about our special holiday rates. 1 Wheat Mills and Bread 1E247 or Mixers. We carry several USED FIREPLACE INSERT WITH 9 for brands. Phone BLOWERS FOR SALE. EXCELmore information. Vernal. 738-264- 5. IVe offer prompt, courteous, Basin- 789-557- For hire call BACKHOE McKee at 789-570- 1, 789-321- radio dispatch wide cleaning service for fireplaces, woodstoves and fireplace inserts. LENT CONDITION. OPTIONAL GLASS FRONT 250 OFF LIST Mike PRICE. CALL 738-264- 5, DUCHESNE. 1E248 A 53 4. s' I EXERCISER. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICE OFF LIST. FOR FREE 100 unit 789-42- 00 8723. Free estimates, jjffi1 9ki?itntnSrtn?nH0?prf emergency service. Vernal. .vit iaii? : CHIMNEYS WEST Good designed condition 50. Brown couch Chimney Sweep Service you need a new 35M. Chair 15 windshield? For fast, one Vernal. 1E249 day service on most model JUST iN T,ME CHRISTMAS auto inr 7 week o!d Cocker Spaniel 789-527- 7, 789-529- 7 m X? coSiui aooointment or auotes Cut PuPPies- - AKC registered, 353-454- 94 789-925- 3, 1E250 Vernal. 1A103 AKC Registered male Toy Clean up Pomeranian Wolf-Sabin garages, sheds, yards etc. color. One year old. Good Haul to nriIe V iriElES mISE with children, only 200. Call Vernal. 1E251 0119, Vernal. 1D196 General Clean-U- p. le 789-648- 6. 2,000, 325, Need a Repairman to fix your color washer or dryer? Will repair console Magnavox nine citrus most small appliances. Call television ,225, Roosevelt. trees, lime and tangerine Arlo at utive typewriter 722-264- 1, with fruit each. Great 1G201 15 for Christmas 789-661- 0, 'Vernal. 1E223 To Buy or Sell Avon Call or 7894)930, 789-71- 45 Vernal. 1E225 Straw and Oats for sale. Clean heavy bales, oat or barley straw. Also clean oats 7.00 per hundred lbs. Roosevelt. 1G206 722-485- 8, Sales and AKC Registered Cocker Spaniel Expert service Pups Also Wire Hair Terrier on all makes. Ben Franklin pups. Ready for Christmas. Store. Vernal. 1G149 Phone South Singer Sewing 646-316- BACKHOE 4, For hire call Mike Myt?n 1G2j? FREE KITTENS house trained, at . One unit 7894200 gray and one gray & radio dispatch 8723. Free estimates, white. Call 722-493- McKee 789-321- 4, 789-570- 1 2, 789-458- 5 Fast Quality Work with the finest material. Ixrt us make a bid on your furniture. We have reupholstered furniture for sale. emergency service, Vernal. Roosevelt. Will hold until Christmas Eve. 1G213 1A111 Heavy Duty Zip Zig Special Sewing Machines that are made of metal and sews on all fabrics: Levis, canvas, upholstery, nylon, stretch, vinyl, silk; even sews on leather! These macpesare new with a 10-ye- ar warranty! n A bounteous and joyous New Year to all Our REGULAR PRICE 498 Makes Buttonholes, Monograms, Seams, Mends. Overcasts, etc. Trade-In- s Accepted available Lay-Awa- ys HURRY! our friends and patrons! We appreciate your support . Limited Number Christmas Special! ATrademarkottheSingerCompany. Cabinet and Carrying Case Extra onall Models. SINGER SALES & SERVICE BEN FRANKLIN STORE Vernal UL ; . i a i n i ivutdlfu 528 West Main approves Singer Dealer t , ,i if r f r i'll Phone 789 - 2150 BEaaaaBHaHiH e ' 1 , |