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Show If f October1 ISC Squirt Ft insulation loft over from construction of Free estimates. References.' garage 3Wx15. Trampoline 7MM315. Venal triM octagon $550". Call 353- Neola. 1E112 RRITTARY SPAN- - W2, QBlIljlHf rnlll I liiu PURE1RED eight weeks old 4 Punbnd: German Shorthair females left $25" each, no puppies $30". Neola. 1E113 Call IELS 353-429- 0, papers. 722-265- Roosevelt ReaeralRulUli8 '3?i 8. 1E118 dating: Witerbet three quarter size with large book-cas- e all types, quality work, headboard, $250". Whirl- Reasonable rates, Licensed Contractor. Howlett Const $100" contact Dave 4282. 1B105 Roosevelt 1E114 wether would Ilka ta in my home, Preschool activities and meals provided. Reasonable rates. Call Vernal. Living babysit 789-161- 2F120 Quallty Canerate Wsrk.24 rs combined experience. rives, floors, patios, walks, footings andyard curbing, etc. Call 6 or Vernal. 2F122 789-920- 4 789-939- Quality Rawadallng Call 789- 1276 Vernal. 2F124 lessons by one of Utah's noted artists (Beverly Meyers), starting Thursday Oct. 7. At 1230 p.m. to 4p.m. at Paula's Arts and Crafts, Roosevelt 722- Riga up aew for art U3 Rant a VHtae Racardar$7.50 per night. Over 700 movies for rant $3.50 per night each, Good entertainment for the family. Home Entertainment Center, 145 West Main. 1148 4 RADI0SHACKS'AFF0RDABLEiTRS;80;C0L0R'C0MRUTER ATTACHESlTOVNYiTV.FORFAMILYiFUNAND EDUCATION Basin ftlCKEt ADSAWsprint JB1.-198- a facial? Let Ropers cleaning systems expert team clean your fine furniture. Call 789-58- Vernal. 2F131 R cams la cleaning hams, let Ropers come to you. Expert carpet cleaning. Vernal. CalHRopers 789-584- contractor !.. complete glass service Home and business, auto. Iylo.p.m.340 !n'n8;114 gears. 57 GMC 4-speed transmission, excel- lent condition. 54 inter- national camper bus. good CARPET: Large selection and $2500" or best best prices, we also have roll offer. 66 Dodge Coranet 440, ends and remnants, expert good body $200". Call 789- installation. Call and save. 3393 Ken 7894)605. Vernal. 2F136 carry a lifetime a one time investment. Heavy trial, air cooled motors and chrome steel casings are just two of the many fine indus-propa- aSw0 ,hrem n V1A153 S'Ca 789-277- 1, Iaw'naunrfl) SJSTmS, iTSES warranty at and Vernal. 10103 Far sala Brunswick com- or shine. 61 1 East 400 South, mander 8 foot pool table with Vernal. Starting at 9 a.m. balls and sticks. Good 10110 condition, $200". Call 789- - Blass located. Ruin AlFGrain Mills fFar hek. base $125". Double bed with springs and mattress $25". Queen bed headboard $10". Call 3756. Vernal. 10105 . P West, FL2lndoSU?P ?? 176? 1000 South Vernal, 57io!Swn! 7,v633i. Chrim. pay ' : Far Salt, Air Research Turbo, 292 to 350 cubic inch gas, or engine $400". Call 7MM473, Vernal. 10113 Ask about ourtimerp7anWe have Master Card and Visa, We have gift certificates, ask about our 60 dav lav awav. Full line of pets and supplies, Mu g)v before Awy destroyed. 2 month old baby Come see our new shop next 2 kittens. Phone or to Waterbed World on Hwy. 1p1M Vernal. 10114 789-127- 789-541- 'ill- - rnsmmt FUFfNITURE HOUSE 47TB Efp 620 North 2600 Wt On THwMmmt Comer Arns Custom Made Solid Wood Rifle Cabinets Radio IGaaeK 70 North Main, Roosevelt, 722-499- 1 Now Offering Quick Print 293 Nortn 900 East (Both Stores) Roosevelt, Utah 722-402- 1 Large Size Posters Oilfield Forms Business Forms Typesetting Layout & Design Now is the Time To Order Custom Made Childrens Furniture and Toys for Gifts Offset & Letter Offset & letterpress f r (S5 1 14 . . South Vernal Ave. Vernal, Utah 789-093-1 Photo Copies (Both Stores) L improve-ReeaevsI- Whan SUmO riige 27 Section 1 Just back (ran the Wnatdi Hama iRpravaaiants we excel FranL The Staanbeal Rand la in interior and exterior availiMa far wadding remedies, carports, addi- Hfli ami Beaxinu. tions, windows and doors. E Csanlry. Rack and 50s wusIgl Anything for home ment. Call a licenced Fanritura need Uintah : : and For Christmas. "Ask About Ijay-away- s. "The home of toSd hardwood furniture." h. Ants Wood Shop 756 W. Main Vernal 7894881 ecsioonoau I |