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Show Section Fiage 22 Basin NICKEL ADSA'EWSPKIXT Short Block Engines Whirlpool 7500 BTU. 110 .Rebuilt, 350 Ghev, 545. volt air conditioner, works 1 400 Ford, September 16, 1988, Vsn-na- l. 9 595. exchange good I7811. 722-270- 0, 3846NNATFN Roosevelt. 2260NA0616R CARPET For Sale: three year old Large selection and best I GENE Sorrel HORSESHOEING Gelding, registered, ip rices we also have roll LEWIS . Call Call after 5:30 247-23lends and remnants. Expert Vernal. 2634NNA0TFN. nstallation. Call and save. 789-847- 789-847- 12 gal. pump model, 1200 vent rib 2 cham. chargeable Winchester system like new, will sell or trade for 2 good saddle. 789-058- Vernal. 4313NNA0915 97 Single Female Roommate wanted. To share rent (only Call Ken at $75" Includes water) with Vernal. 435NNA0915 female. Cute, completely furnished apt ConvenBandanna Ranch - The iently located. Call Robin Last Frontier. Were 90 at 7 from 8--5 pm or miles east of Salt LakeJ3fty 1 after 9 or between Currant Creek 5 p.m. Available Immediand Red Creek Reservoir. ately. Vernal. The ranch borders state 4310NNA0915 and national forest on three sides. 5 acre lots For Sale: M.D. Pnuematlc range in price from $5000 truck mounted Blower In to $14,000ga. No time share excellent condition, air impact or undivided Interest At $1,000; 1 new 10x22 $325; of wrench, your completion purchase contract we issue steel traction tiro mounted a Warranty Deed with Title on sted rim, $250; large Insurance. Look at a few of wood burning stove, $400; the reasons you should 8 misc. welder's pipe own a lot on the Ranch: stands, all for $50; good Year round accesMbility, lack hammer, $125; Feed Gravel roads, power to troughs for pigs, $10 each. many lots, 40,000 acre Creep feeder $140. Vernal 3960NA0625 Sportsman Club, Tennis, 7000 ft. grass airstrip, Radial Arm Circular Saw. picnic and reunion camp- Professional heavy duty, ground on Red Creek. For Industrial capacity. 2 h.p., more information and adjustable cuts up to 4 directions please call: Salt width. Good for carpenLake City Ogden ters, contractors. New Cabin collect on $1650. Call 353-43weekends Roosevelt. 4447NNA0915 789-229- Downright 789-432- Off Boot Sale RedWing IniuUted Boots OFF 30 2244 Insulated 12' full grain oil tanned leather. Inch-wisteel shank, ell resistant de sole. SIZES:! EE7U-1- 789-928- 789-901- Cozy! 30 2 10-1- 2, D 2. S-- 789-925- 292-641- 399-560- 27 549-336- 8. Poodle. Redwing Leather leather rhiM grain leaned, water repeSent, parted far 30 789-057- 789-201- 30 Off OFF Will Black Do You Need a New Windcall shield? For fast one day give1 Reward! Please3 work, service on most model Vernal. trucks and cars. For auto home, uk forTrlsh. 4305N..0915 9 for glass. Phone appointment or quotes. Twin Bed for sale. Only Cut-Ri- te Glass, 390 East $25"! Metal frame & mattress fair condition. Call Main, Vernal. NATFN 1 9 or Robin at 7 after 5pm or Rawing Machine treadle from Vernal. Singer Mle and Mrvice. Ben Franklin. Vernal 789-S- I 4309NA0916 y. 42. Brand New w aiders mask. 3728NA0818 Never used. Quality brand Vernal. 9 $10". 3851NNATFN 789-844- Vernal Shoe Store 789-901- 789-928- 789-432- 543 North Vernal Vernal 789-32- 41 Friday-Saturda- 789-847- 350 Chevy Engines rebuilt complete and ready for instalation, 845. Roosevelt. 2259NAC616R 722-270- 0, Wedding Ring woman's Two Craftsmene 3.7 chain two piece set 14 small uw with 17 in. bar and diamonds surrounding automatic ollsr. Also 1978 center diamond set In 14 K. Yamaha Enduro 125, 9 white gold. Appraised excellent condition. Vernal. 4315NNA0915 I15001. Best offer will take them homo to your Custom Framing: Paintlucky ladyl 738-206- 9 ings, needlework, photos, between 10:30 a.m. and documents, crafts, 200 10:30 p.m. Duchesne. frames to choose from for 4323NNA0915 that odd size you need. For Sals: Young milking Matting any shape, circles Nanny. Also one Doe. and ovals. See& it at Ben& Crafts Rabbits all sizes, fryers, Franklin Arts $2". All other $2" each. Framing Room, Vernal. 789-015- 353-49- Whiterocks. 77 4218NA0908 King jBlazestove. FOR Woodbum-HFln- g Vacu-Mal- d SALE: One three horse power gas driven Central vacuum systems. pump with 25 ft. of hose Trampo King Trampoline Call 2, $250.00, and Joggers. 1010 North Vernal. 4287NA0908 3 Vernal Avo Free to good home three VemaL 4508NA0915 halfmonth old half-la- b, shepherd. Call 789-424- 789-093- One Day Bevvies on 350 Chav engine. Roosevelt 2262NA0616R 722-27- sa i a IHVTWI over 1000 moviee to rant for only $2.50 each per night for club members. Wa rant video machines for only $5 per night for dub members. Join our new video discount dub. Vsmal Home Entertainment Canter, 145 West Main, Vernal. 3885NA0908 i no New vector unearth Station Control Center for Push Button Focus on all Satellites! Engineered to fit 789-199- 7 our Columbia Seven, JaneH, or Fullview Satellite Dishesl Televisions New 6 Dimensions" Vernal 789-925- Financing. 4099NATFN 789-299- 2. Vernal. 4237NA Washer gold color heavy duty, mini wash cycle, $150.00 call 789-61or see at 326 W. 650 N. G.E. 34 Vernal. 4357NA0915 For Sale: Winchester 270 model 70 rifle with Leipold 3x9 scope with Redfieid 7 mounts. Call or see at 141 E. 600 So. 789-889- Vernal. 4312NA0915 Lodgepoie Firewood, $25 a rick; unsplit, we deliver to Roosevelt and Vernal, Duchesne. Call Bud Barnes 789-210- Vernal, 6 j 431BNA0915 4 Fool High by 3 foot wide red or oak wood frame with 9 glaM front Only $40". Give your furnace an extra month off. 789-847- Vernal. 3845NNATFN La awe put eoma fun in your IHe. Lingerie, lotions and novelties through in home parties. For more information, call Earlene at Roosevelt 722-910- 3. ond automatic ahutett dsvlos tor Ilw KaoCuiW Omni HF Portabls oMn safety. 9 money nWiq Heattr'la mted atspowsnul models to ohoooo from. Sees. UlODSTUsan hour. So you can domonotnUon today tart tta room youro In ond leave tta furnace oil omen ttam'e Just a cMN In the air. And In tta daad of artnta; your KoroSun Heater aavee you mono by lotting you taap your thermostat turned to. Tta Ui- - Urtad Omni Krona up to 2B hours on 1JS gallons ol kerosene KOiUN eunb efficiency meene odortsee, emoheieae operation. Meyfomiid Ignition oyUMn TiNi 4249NARV 1973 Hart two horse trader tandem axel, excellent condtion. M100". Vernal 4072NA Seeouie you deni hovo money to talk MILT'S 789-093- MS West Main -- Vomnl Just Right For The Deer Hunt! Tri-Mo- to 1982 YT 125 as low as sgggoo GOESUKEAJEt K 1983 YT 175 t si 27goo v oV-- 6ood Stock of New and Used Trl-Mot-os Subjact to freight and (Mar praparation t Frandsen RecreatiorrCenler Call If In Roosevelt Or 722-502- 1 Or 722-257- 7 ttoi- - n |