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Show Fbge 10 UINTAH BASIN MULTIPLE LISTING .SECnOXWMint September 2, 1982 WESTERN LAND REALTY VERNAL 1--0 789-313- 2 1000 ROOSEVELT WestHiway40 DEALERS FOR 722-408- 1 Mffllfff CUSTOM BULT FACTORY HOMES 8a Hwy 40 Vamal HOMES and Beautiful, cent.: porary home on double lot in Air Village VGPRECISION-BIL- " Bold County. Ixzrge remodeled 114 StoryJiOtne In 0 Naples area. With 9 acres. 4aclOUS baths, family room wwoodburning stove, fireplace in living room and attached garage, all furnishings included. Must see to appreciate! HOME in OLDER 3 BEDROOM excellent city location. Fireplace, attached garage, large lot. a well built home. With a little work this could be your pride and Joy. Priced to sell, law5 50's. Hille. 4 bedrooms, 2 newly remodeled kitchen area to Include microwave and Tange. New carpet through out main level. Woodbuming stove natulal 0lrgB detached 3 car bedroom guest house, concrete tennis court cut buildings, and lovely garden spot. It's priced to sell or trade. Please - carport. 1 can our office additional information. 3 BEDBOOM HOME with fireplace on Vnm onty11 OwnerwUlsenupto 2 aaesofa 5 large comer lot ( 56 acres) in Maeser area Hills. Owner this could be a great starter home or rental. facre parcel located In Hunter Turn this one to your advantage, we'll show 'now completing new road thru property, Call our office tot further details. you how. H-- . ASHTON ENERGY CENTER INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY approximately 14 acre in Para Industrial park lot 11. Priced right. now LOOKING OPPORTUNITY-Ca- fe L with inventay. FOR A GREAT self-servic- e INDUSTRIAL 4 ACRES COMPLETE WITH HOME, nice yards, great fireplace, well and store complete gas Island, 2 rental apartments. 6 nearly complete RV all on 4 acres on Highway 40 In the booming Jensen area. Financing hook-ups- available. and Insulated 30x40 block shop with room to expand. This one will woric lor you. 10.7 ACRES OF THE BEST COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on East Highway 40. Located at junction erf E. Highway 40 and road to power plant and oil development. Owner financing makes this worth looking built BUSINESS NO RECESSION IN THIS .THRIVING BUSINESS!! into. COMMERCIAL ACREAGE 3.5 acres, owner financing. ACREAGES Approximately 432 acres oi prime Industrial ground with airport access. Call our office lor details. 6 ACRES FOR PRIVATE N country living. Hilltop, east slope, beautiful building site. Paved road with water line on Eaat side of property in Jensen area. 80 ACRES ON BRUSH CREEK will sell or 10 acre lots. This property is excellent commercial gravel prospect. Commercial possibilities. Owner financing available cm will consider trade. Priced resonably. make In 5 offer. Approximately 3 acres of Industrial land with excellent East Highway 40 frontage with shop. P-- 142-WEVE GOT IT! Small acreage in the country. 4.256 acree. School but route, culinary watar, phone- service 'and electricity available in lenten area. R TO BUY a man's dream? Approximately 90 acres. 30 acres in hay. SO sharas of Indian watar. Bordering National Forest 'and Indian Ground. 2 homes, 2 walls, pool, shop, messhalls, corrals, outbuildings, and many improvements. Details at our office. - 10 ACRES located at 2123 South Vernal Avttnue on paved road. EXCELLENT EAST HIWAY 40 property. 400 foot frontage with rentable home. Approximately 3.45 acres, priced for quick sale. Terms available. WANT One industrial Center, completion tall o('82. Total paric size-2- 0 acres. Sales Land lease Sale lease back Build to suit. M16-- A NOW DEVELOPING: -- -- APPROXIMATELY INDUSTRIAL GROUND 1.12 ACRE adjacent to 1 Industrial Center Park. Utilities to north lot line. Please call for details. itd - VERY ATTRACTIVE BUY. Located in fastest growing area of energy rich Vernal, Utah. Close to new power plant facilities. 80 acres farm ground with good water rights. Owner will consider smaller parcels to qualified buyer and with sizeable down, will carry contract. VERNAL AIRPORT Park Project. Size 43.8 acree. Underground power, sewer, water, telephone. Natural gas available. Curb and gutter. Prestigious industrial space. 0 acres. Land sales. Lease back sales, build to suit You name if, we'll do it. Park design available for your inspection at our office. And Wedge Cor Steel Bulldlnos Homes HOME In quiet 128 -- MOBILE HO'c 14x56. three neighborhood. Unfinished basement. Close bedrooms with nev.oVid roof and new to schools and topping. 58.000. cedar celling. Owm?iinanced $7,500. NEW LISTING Price reduced 20. 122 COUNTRY LIVING 3 bedroom home Owner anxious to reO. 4 bedroom home, In loka. Fbeplaoa wood burning slave. 4 acm 3 shares water. 1150 sq. A Farm Sacra 6 shares Indian-water- . 11 9 COMFORTABLE SPLIT LEVEL Home Loan. 8800001 HOME in AttamonL Four spacious bed116 LIVE IN COMPORT in this home tat rooms on large lot An electric tenoed wflh Roosevelt. 1200 sq. A an main floor and 1100 In basement 2 bathi 5 bedrooms patio. Partially finished barement. 116 ROOMY OLDER HOME In BaUard and owner finance. $67,000. Two story an nearly a fun acre. Has one 90 WANT A NEAT HOME IN TOWN? share water. Four bedrooms and separate This house has 4 bedroom 2 balhi wood garage, dose to town but out in the country burning slave and 2136 sq. fl. Has a Farm Nome Loan. $800001 tea 99 LOVELY HOME ON GOLF COURSE 123UNFINISHED LOG ROME dose to Owner finance with E--2; terms. Has con- town. Includes 214 acm weA 14x56 hattemporary kitchen with lots of roam, ter. and the logs and shingles lor house tonnal dining room, living room and family and garbage. Great buy at $50400. room on main floor. Total of three bathi MOBILE addition. ROME 10 x 60 with two up- - one down, has four bedroom 3 bedrooms. 900 sq. A Additional storage Overlooking the golf course. Large lot and roam and new carpets. 7.500. Owner attached garage. financed. BEDROOM and Acreage Lots 109 ments. GOLF COURSE LOT with improve- 10645 ACRES of choice ground ter a secluded home of! from the highway traffic and ndse. Good well Is available. also has 2 shares Dry Gulch watar. Lots of room for honei kids and hobbles. 107 CITY LOT 125x105. Improvements Reasonable price. 125 NICE SPACIOUS LOT Un VbnsvllteJ COMPT OLDER HOME on H acre-l- ots of roam, wood burner. 3 bedroom root cellar and separate garage. Just out of town. Super terms. Call or come down. 100-- 10 ACRE LOT south of Ballard Church. Good prtce. 124 789-160- Grant Gerber BROKER TOLL FREE from Roosevelt 722-417- 1 Phil or Lou Harrison or 722-4462. 789-594- 6 Lyle Swain Alfred Sblngham Curtis Dastrup iMNfteM KffisesMwaaNwm- lacovetta Orville Swain Bev 353-457- 3 247-243- 4 Grant Gerber Broker 4 Chris Buxton Rick Harrison Jane ft Milton Alexander 4 or 7224822 722-304- 722-253- 4 722-302- 7 40x60 INSULATED STEEL BUILDING. Has 2 16 olwad doom shop office ft lots of parking. Just back on the market. 80 ACRES IN TALMAGE. 750 per acre. Can be split. Terrific Investment. BUYING A HOME? CALL US. MANY MOKE LISTINGS For Sale; 558 acres. Price reduced 789-373- 9 location, frontage on two county roads. Excellent assumable loan. finished basement. 896D0O Also home and additional 3 acres available. Jack Hardy 6 ACRES with 20 shares of watar. term win divide Info 2 ten acre lots. 14 ACRE LOTS with a gorgeous view of Roosevelt. Water and electricity available. Great buy tor investment or to build. $4000i 101-- 61 ACRES COMMERCIAL property one mile north of RooseveA Good 83-- 20 low down, good - ACROSS PBOM GOLF COURSE 4 bedroom 3 bathroom electric garage doo. double garage, heal pump, situated on 3 city lots. Owner financed Fruit freei Fully landscaped. Beautiful view. Full 722-353- Teii Pierce HOMES T Come See Us For Utah Housing Money. Limited Number oi Loans First Come, First Serve. MCI 3 COMMERCIAL leasing 40,000 sq. fl. ot prestigious office space with immediate access to Hwy 40. adjacent to the new Sheraton Hotel and convention center. For information stop by our oil ice. DEALER FOR AUTHORIZED 8 0 722-210- 722-442- 7 353-483- " |