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Show Ige 18 Ncwprlnt February 84, 1988 i'y Host Toumsment Con't from For Solo: 1978 Font, 4m, Kton cab and chassis. undersigned or lo (he Clerk of the Court on or before the 1st day of May, 1982, or s.' Id claim shall be forever barred. Jr. High Girls pg.14 Roosevelt lead by four points-They then called a time out and after that went into stall tactics, shooting very cautiously and playing like there was no The final tomorrow. buzzer sounded with . Approximately 80,000 41-3- Roosevelts head Roosevelt was all smiles and very proud of the battle her girls had put up. She said, did good 'they rebounding and their outside shooting was great, Karen brought her team to Vernal with only one other loss this year and that was to Vernal earlier in the season. Allred NOTICE OF MEETING OF MEMBERS Notice is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the members of the Moon Lake Electric Aasociation, Inc., will be held at the Roosevelt Junior High School in Roosevelt, Duchesne County, Utah, on Saturday. March 6, 1982, at the hour of 1:00 p.m. for the following purposes: 1. To elect directors for the Board of Directors of Moon Lake Electric .Association, Inc., repr- esenting District 4. Combined Districts A A 7. and District 9 fora three-yeterm. 2. Presentation of reports to the members. 3. For. consideration of such other business as may come before said meeting. ar Signed this ISth day of February I9K2. Calvin J. Monks s Vtcsi: s Willard O. Wall Public Notice carport, one bedroom guest house, concrete tennis courts, grainary, bids. 1979 Ford F150 Supercab truck. Excellent condition. Claude Hillary Allred, Propane hookup. Auto-age 87, of Bluebell, matic, P.S., P.B., Air, Utah, died February 18, AMFM Radio. Phone 789 1982 in a Salt Lake City 093a Vernal Hospital of causes 1 Bobtail dump truck. 1 78 incident to age. Ford tractor with frontend He was born Novem-b- loader and gannon bucket 4 1894 at Wellington, Utah to John Hillary and ton roller on rear and for sale. Call Vernal. 1- -1 789-584- 0, who raised Allred Claude married Mable Anderson, July 27, 1916 at Duchesne, Utah. Claudel family moved to Bluebell, Utah April 1909. He worked on all the High Lakes, and worked on Moon Lake. He helped survey the road from Bluebell to Altamont and worked on it with team and scraper. Allred also spent one winter at Dinosaur digging out the first dianosaur. Claude hauled freight from Price to most of the stores in Roosevelt in 19 16 the same year he was married. He worked at the saw mills and was a farmer most of his life. He helped Harmstons survey the first ditch to Bluebell and worked with a team of horses on the ditch. Allred also helped with the graveling of Highway 40 from loka to Bluebell. He Land started as a ditch rider at Bluebell on May S, 1937 and continued for 16 years. Allred is survived by his widow, Mable of Bluebell, Utah, eight children: Albert (Florence) Powell, Granger, 1979 Ponttac SunbM, power steering, power brakes, tilt wheel, mar window detagger, 32 miles per gallon, 3,500. Call 7897369, Vernal er THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: A civil complaint have been filed by the above named Plaintiff against you. You are hereby summoned and required to file an answer in writing to the said complaint Hied with the above named Court on February 12. 1982 and to serve upon or mail to Nash ft Nash P.C. 319 West 100 South. Vernal. Utah 84078, Plaintiffs attorneys, a copy of said answer. Said answer must be filed with the Court and. or mailed to Plaintiffs attorney on or before April 12. 1982. In case of your failure to so answer, judgement by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in said complaint. This is an action whereby Plaintiff seeks to obtain a money judgement. DATED this 12th day of February, 1982. Mark W. Nash Attorney for Plaintiff Junction, Colorado, nineteen Grandchildren and 24 Great Grandchildren. Funeral Services held Saturday. February 20. 1982attge February. 20 1982at the Altamont LDS Church. Burial was in the Bluebell Cemetery. were CARS & TRUCKS 1974 Datsun 710 for sale also 72 Chev. 2 door for sale. Call 7897540 after 6 p.m. and all day weekends. 1978 Dodge Omni front wheel drive standard transmission 3,000 7898489 Vernal call Low down payments on new cars or trucks at Dave Jolley Chevrolet Oldsmobile 789-316- 1 0 In the Fourth Judicial District Court, County Of Uintah. State of Utah. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PAUL R. STOCKER. Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF PAUL R. STOCKER Probate Bo. 2100 All persons having claims apinst the above lo present them to the Retries! 500 and 750 on our most popular cars and trucks at Dave Joftey Dhevrolet Oldsmobile. 9 7873161 Vernal For Sato: 1979 Mercury Zephr, low mileage, tilt wheel, cruise control, .fully loaded. See to appreciate, 4200" or offer. Phono 7898129. Vernal Flaming Gorge Motel, Room 9, after 7:00 p.. Monday thru Friday or call 1 before 4:00 p.m. and ask for Ted on weekdays. Vernal miles. 634B battery, p, and some repair. The above items may be Marietta 14x70 2 bedroom, bath and one half, huge inspected at Moon Lake room, garbage disposal, dishwasher, living Electric Association Warehouse, 500 North Crescent Road, Roosevelt, Utah, between the hours of' 8:00 a.m. and 4:30p.m. Monday through Friday. Send sealed written bid to: Gene P.O. Harvey, 278, Roosevelt, Box Utah, before March 10, 1982, at 4:30p.m. Moon Lake Electric Assoiation reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 0 Low down payments on new cars or trucks at Dave Jolley Chevrolet Oldsmobile 789-316- 1 Vernal 789-316- 1, 789-126- One bobtaH dump truck. One '78 Ford tractor with 4 789-14- daytime, 07 evenings, Vemsl For Sale: Large commercial building on 1 13 acres, 8700 square feet. Excellent commercial Owner location. at finance will reasonable interest Call 3 or see at 1010 789-093- Ashley Valley Water ft Sewer Improvement District, Venial, Is seeking an Individual with manage- ment capabilities to serve as District Manager. Degree In Business Administration or Public Administration preferred; experience In accounting requirground helpfuL CaB Vernal 789-490- 8 Help Wanted: various positions, apply at the Rendezvous, Vernal, west North Vernal Avenue. Highway INVESTORS Have you always thought It takes a lot of money to get Into the teal estate market? Not realty! Ownership In high yield, fast appreciating, single family unlta, duplexes, fourptexM, and apartments, available for as low as 5000", caH 789 8197, Vernal Home 4a - Asphalt paving, top soli, fill dirt, free otti motion. Call Land Construction 789 ' Sheetrocking, nailing,' taping and texturing. Licensed contractor, and sheajtrock supplies. "If It's too rough for anybody else, it's just right for us. 0 or Vernal Drywall 3, Vernal 5898, Vernal 789-407- Vernal 789-363- 8, Fencing: Vfe hovoTKqJis' 'parlance for a quality Job.. Industrial, residential, 9 SERVICES farm. Top grade materials. Earl Reary Phone 722-31PAINTMd, i CLEANING,, etc. We do H all, Handy Man; Horst Training and teaching, if no answer call 722-48Vernal Service, finest principles In Roosevelt the world, short on cash, we'll Wi can fbt K, paint ft, or tear barter, tamiture, food, you Cuatom Framing: Painttell us? Cant afford to come ings, needlework, photos, K down and haul it away. documents, crafts, 200 Handy Man Service 789 to us, we'll come to you. Call frames to choose from for 4315 Vernal Lonnie. Vernal that odd size you need. CARPENTRY: 17 yrs. Will babysit in my home. Matting any shape, circles experience by job or hour. in thru the Monday Friday and ovals. See it at Ben Call Jim, free estimates, Davis Area. Call 7698197, . Franklin' Arts ft Crafts ft 7896494, Vernal. Venral Framing Room, Vernal 789-464- c ) 247-233- 70 18 789-431- 5, non-for- ce D silvery persons needed for the Rangley area. Need dependable Call 7891939, people. 789-660- 6, Vernal do 'house and office W9I Puppies to give away half Husky, half Elkhound 6 mixed. Call or 789-578- 3, 789-431- Vernal 789-391- 3, homes, remodeling, repair rf td work, on call serve you, Ashley Valley 884 Plumbing, W. 200 N., Vernal, Utah And Repaks Patios All Work Guaranteed Plenty of Local References Handy-Ma- n 8 Service Free to good home, good looking seven month old dog, Jet black lab, collie mix, feel free to drop by or call ed; some engineering andor computer back- PLUM Painting Cleaning Etc. CommerTcaT,BJJNQ custom Minor Home Improvement For Sale com fed beef. Call Vernal 789-005- Call cleaning. Vernal 789-252- 7, UINTAH BASIN DISTRICT HEAL1H DEPARTMENT New Office Space for lease now and lease; design your own office. For more information call 789 Vernal 0152 or branches AH East. ' are located in ihe County Courthouse, ewspr dw Rooseveft Offlc wtMi k tocotod or 133 Norih 100 Phone Branches: Vernal Roesevlr Exr. 23 Duchesne Manila Immunization Clinics Vernal 0 Roosevelt Duchesne Manila Blood Pressure Clinics . Vernal af Golden Age Center 4rh Monday Every Tuesday Duchesne ar Courthouse Walk-basis Vernal. Roosevelt, Manila 789-030- 9, ( RENTALS New duplex in city limits, 1200 sq. ft, two bedrooms, full bath down, 54 bath up, energy efficient, 2x6 walls, triple pane windows, decks, carport with storage. 500" per month, first and last months rent 200" damage deposit no pets. Phone 789281 1 after Hows ; 789-126- 4 M-- F 6304200 722-508- 5 M-- F 8:30-- 1 738-243- 8 M-- F 8:30-12.0- 0 784-349- MT.Th. 4 100-50- 0 2.00 1:00-50- 0 100-50- 0 800-50- 0 100500 8001:00 m in Fairgrounds Building Oinks Call your local branch for mote information. Another aerobics class will be starting March 1 at 930 ajn. 1000 oxn. at the fair will grounds building, there will be no dinlc in Duchesne on March 2 or March 9. Clinics ar the Courthouse. until 8:00 am Tuesday from 100 March 16 every resume on M.W JF 6:00 p.m., Vernal 5:15-6:1- 5 WeM Child Gentleman wants to rent one bedroom apartment or -- sleeping room with cooking. No smoking or drinking. Phone 789237a Vernal pm 789-472- Yamaha Snowmobile. ' stove, air cooler, metal metal skirting, storage shed, located in park. Call 7894656, Vernal Must Sett used double wides on permanent foundations ' in Maeser 5000 down and discount Call my agent at 7897188. Vernal Looking for a good quality mobile home at fantastic prices? I'm the person to contact call 7898479 ask for "Twitch". Vernal apartment building located in West side commercial district. Carpeted, n with some appliances. Newly remodeled end in good condition. Excellent investment Call Mindy Eaton, Agent at Basin Real Estate, 7899484 or 789 0686, Vernal Motel Rooms for rent. Color t.v 45 min. north of Vernal. Daily, weekly, and monthly commercial rates. Phone Flaming Gorge Lodge for reservations. 8893773. com- Roosevelt Storage, mercial or personal storage units, call morning or evening 553-494- 3, HELP WANTED Certified Nutrltlonest flexible hour, needed, 12" per ANIMALS For Sate: Baby calves, Holstein, Angus, Bluenose, etc. We also can get you Holstein heifers, newborn to three months old. Phone Whiterocks 353-497- 8, Reward ottered for return of black and white, male, German Shepherd. Call. 7892462, Vernal Whiterocks Uts Tribe Personnel 1 ext 223, Offices, Whin you pai a minor, do you: A.) Stan look and comb your hdr andaida? S) Glance aa you wak by? OS 722-514- Roosevelt P'' 789TO4r Main Box 1443 Residence (801) Vernal, Utah 84078 789-655- 7 Mountain West Investigations Dedicated lo Quality Advertis in NEWSPRINT am Checkm Past Due Collection Call Tony Chow Gad 61789-194- 9 Smite Repo'S o Legal Process' rvtoes Notary Public Accounts THE TEST e. Accepting applications through 22682. Contact 38 Free to good homo, half shepherd, half tab, four months old, good with kids. Call 7893936, Vernal hours, part-tim- in or out of home. Also for termite inspection call Carl Oldaker 7890059, Vernal Insect Control C.) fen by wh you Mobile Home Owners aya ckacd and tuck your head? Construction Supt concrete industrial specialist, 10 years experience. Send references and resume to Zamm Construction, P.O. Box 27245, Salt Lake City, Utah k84127. your answer b yy Come to the wc&it control classes at Shautingo Dance Studio Cak 7891776 and leave a message for Rente If MODERN WEIGHT CONTROL EXCERCISE frontend loader and Cuts 2 bedroom near town, gannon bucket on rear and roller for sale. one Call 7695840. Vernal on low down, owner will carry contract Call Loit, agent, 7892292 or 789-395- 8, Vernal BEAL ESTATE) Highway f ran tags industPriced to sell, rial and H-call Tom Clark agent at 1. 35 aens In west Uintah County Farmcmek area, 214 mils south of Elkhom Ranger Station, 35 shams of indisn water pasture and hay good ground, view of 7891287 or 789-691- 2, Vernal For Sale by owner: Two bedroom homo, aluminum 75, 000". Call 7 F.irmcraek or 469 9235, Salt Lake City. aiding. Owner carried contract, no agents please. Call 7891631, Vernal Home For Said Beautiful Sevan month old house, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, on north Myton bench, great view, call mountains, 353-497- reduce down payment and monthly payments Notice are required Allred of Grand Vernal. Use 6m rebates to Public estate Neola. Utah. Andrew Allred of Rangley, Colorado and Max Contact Ted Phillips, need some repair. Approximately 110,000 Delance of For Sale: 1962 23 foot Kenskil camp trailer, park model, rear bath, carpet, new double bed, new sofa, air. Illness forces sale 2900 or best offer. will tune-u- room, kitchen, conditioned, very nice. Call 7894656, Vernal and chassis. Engine Needs Court. bedroom, bath, . air Vernal dant. Allred living 789-476- 1973 Model EW in ST Royals International travel trailer top of the line, 18-2- Cab-ov- skirted 789-472- air conditioning, cruise control, tilt steering, amfm radio, luggage rack, 0 miles per gallon, 2700. good condition, Call evenings For Sato 1969 Ford brick home, excellent neighborhood, close In. Three bedroom, 114 bath, dining room, family room with wood burning stove, lots of storage, fruit room, 2 car garage, sprinkling system, fenced yard. Call Financing available. Call 7897344 after 6:00 p.m. or on weekends 1 weekdays before 4:00 p.m., Vernal ' brakes, Allred, Mrs. Jerry (Doris) Guice, both of Salt Lake City, Utah, and and power steering, TRUDE SHARP. Douglas Allred, both of Rex Utah, Myton, For Sato: 1981 24x65 Governor mobile home, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, separate utility. Many extras, set up V-- our most popular cars and trucks at Dave Jolley Chevrolet --Oldsmobile, Utah, IBsl "Governor II 14x70 Mobile home for sale Call 7898125 Vernal For Sato: 1978 Pacer wagon DLX, 8 engine, Bert Allred, Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL LEE S1LVEY. Defen- 789-373- A Rebates! 500 and 750 Cythia Louise Zabris-ki- e our most popular cars Allred. His father died when he was two and trucks at Dave Jolley years old. His mother Chevrolet OldsmobHe.789 married Henry Dexer 3161. Vernal. Use 6m rebates to reduce down payment and monthly payments Rebates! 500 and 750 on In the Seventh Circuit Court, County Of Uintah, State Of Utah. WALTER F. SHARP, by and through GER- coops, and lovely garden spot. Great Potential For Developement with access to power, water and sewer, or an ideal set up for having , a few head of horses. Priced Right at 160,00a 00 Owner may carry contract with sizeable down payment. To be shown by sppointment only call 789 9 3290 days ft after 6 p.m. er 16, Home For Sale: Beautiful detatched three car Association reaervaa the right to reject any or all He Legal Notice Woodburning stove & Nsturl gas heat. Large Harvey, Box 278, Roosevelt Utah before March 3, 1982. Moon Lake Electric 4. coach Karen Ward of include Microwave & range. New carpeting thro out main level. through Friday. S'md sealed written bid to: C ene Obituaries story three bedroom home. Spacious kitchen area with new cabinets to Moon Lake Electric Association warehouse and garage, 500 North Crescent Road, Roosevelt, Utah between 8:00 a.m. and 430 p.m. Monday the defending champions winning Gaude Hillary High by a score of 1 54 milee. May be Inspected at Ray E. Nash Personal Representative 319 West 100 South. Suite A. Vernal. Utah 84078 Telephone: (801)789-130- 1 over Vernal Junior Special 9 Vi Acres in Naples Area With large remodeled brick home, excellent neighborhood, close in. Three bedrooms, IK bath, dining room, family room with wood burning stove, lots of storage, fruit room; 2 car garage, sprinkling system, fenced yard. Call 7891264 (daytime) or 789 1407 (evenings). Vernal Apartments for sale FHA 648-336- 2. Lovely older 4 bedroom house in Vernal, beautiful landscaping, new carpet, large family room with wood stovo. 18,000 and assume my low interest contract. Will deal on down payment Evenings 789 0573, Vernal Moving SouthGarage Sale games and miscellaneous household goods, 1080 Arctic Cat, 6000. water cooled with cover, double trailerused one day, less than 20 miles. 3.200a 4.800 value. t snowblower. Excellent condition - iool Hide-A-BeGood solid frame. Mattress and springs In -good condition. Needs recovering MOO. Matching swivel rocker - 50. See all of the above at 900 West Hacienda Circle (1200 South), One block south of Robbinwood Lane , Vernal. or call Tru-Tes- 789-6057- assumable loan rented now for 450 a month could gat more. CaH Tom Clark agent 7896912 or 789 1287 Vernal Highway frontage Industrial and H-- 1 priced to sell. CaH Tom Clark at 7891287 or 7898912 Vernal House For Sals By Owner 3 bed room, large lot. garage, insulated store room, fire place, woodbuming stove, 8 Nsw kitchen. CaH or 7895565 Vernal Then move up into a beautiful new Boise Home! Friday and Saturday, February 26 and 27, 10 am to 6 pm. Antique furniture, dishes, clothes, crib, toys, Don't stay in a mobile home when our homes offer you more! More Comfort, space and quality. Architect-designed homes built with our Therma 2000" construction. Lower Monthly Payments! You may pay less per month for our new home, get a better interest rate, long-terloan. appreciation and a longer-terWe've got plans for you! Over 40! Hus handsome exteriors, customizing features and more! We'll build your home your way. You cant afford to wait Dont take a chance on prices going up. A new Boise Home may never again be this affordable. Come in today. m m As iltc nuiiillc In niic business turn evolved over llic xinI yenn with tlic new dime ration Huh liccn deulcr, luklctl: Hie of Knlng of Hale Iota on Sundays. Tlic stuir awl mumificmcnt of Cure Five I lomes, Inc. wish to let fieof lc of tlic t'lnUih Ilusin know tliul we will continue to honor Suwluy un a (by of worship and a time fiir .Jolinny-Coinc-Ijite- ly ivlaxulkin with fair (unilllot. We're 789-468- For Solo 1977 14x70 Homo 2 Dish2 badroom bathe. For Sal: 1976 Chavy Scottsdale. 4x4, half ton, washer , Disposal sot up on 4000". CaH 7890341, private lot . Call 7894059 Vamal Vernal Hicrost Mobile m (taster tor Boise Homes If ywi fed un we do, we wiNikl aiqnvclule your ImikIucnh (hiring tlic week. Ye huve tamest, experienced, ctMisklenitc sulesfieofile wIm will give you lietter deuls on Monitor thun nin cun get un fiunriuv. ree HOMESft ( suthorizsd A DhWan V rh Mm Compuy HOMES ROBB 163 East 100 722-34- or South 653-436- 7 Vernal ares: 8 789-766- |