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Show page 10 Newsprint .lunuury fi, 19N2 BENCHWARMEES Whan was the N.B.A. founded, who won the championship that first year?- fAMSWER: l 0 sauiofi y oBoa uq joeq Aaqi so sjoujdm D!HdBPDl!Hd 4 4 44M SJ8M suojduiDtp eqi 'uosoas -- THE CHANGING HORSEMAN NEW SNOWMOBILE TRAIL AT jr Zmm . Theee wrestlers mut ba undefeated to even be a member of their all atar team. Vernal. POOL JAPANESE WRESTLING Coni from pg. 9 for this year, at least. Japan has always had excellent wrestling Redevelopment Coni TOURNAMENT hand and a pat on the back, win or loss. Having the ehanee to even wrestle the team from Japan, is an squads in the past, and then again, all their members are made up from different High advantage and accompSchools, and only the lishment in its own. undefeated ones make never to be forgotten, the'team. in aU the hoys those special nieniwriqs from Utah deserve a big of High School sports. MOUNTAIN DOINS by "BIG" Dave Vander Kraals Mountain manning is something that is hard to explain. It involves knowing the history of the men who started the whole thing back in the early 1800's, and developing a sense of comradeship with them in their daily pursuits. But in the modern day envisioning of this phenomena there must be something more, the spiritual aspect of being a part of the history as it is now. The of history is often harder than actually making history. It requires a great deal of study into the happenings of the mountain man. What made them do this or that? Why did they develop such an independent nature and fierce desire to keep it so? What was it that made them leave the relative safety of their homes to travel to the wild and deadly reaches of the frontier? For some it might have been riches, for others it was the adventure. But for most it was the chance to be their own men. To take chances and live their lives in the "fast land, as modern parlance might put it. Coming into the west the mountain men had to learn about the Indians and in many cases, become like them. They had to be able to hunt, kill, trap, and preserve their food. Of the many thousand men who came into the country of the Fur Trade, only a handfull lived to leave it and survive to tell about it. These are the stories that we modern mountain men read and study. And the old mountain men were an interesting lot to say the least. Robert Cleland, one of the first historians to try and preserve their history, started in the late 18601s to interview and record their partifular life style. Cleland in his book. This Reckless Breed of Men , stated that the mountain men were more than ignorant ruffians, they studied extensively, mapped territories, recorded the Indian tribes, and in many cases acted as their champions in society. The mountain men were religious and many lived their religion every day. Men such as Jed Smith who came west with Ashley in 1823, avoided the profane living of the ruffians. He was regarded very highly by the men of the Ashley Expedition for his reverence. At times, the mountain men acted as ambassadors to the tribes and the Spanish garrisons. They also carried the fight to those that stood in the way of the westward expansion of the young United States. In a fight, most of them were fierce and determined and valued as allies by the Indian tribes. At the battle of the Alamo, there were several of the early mountain men, i.e. Davy Crockett, that manned the walls in the face of overwhelming odds, and died defending the IDEAL of independence. Today, the spirit of the mountain man still carries with it a strong sense of the early ideals. Religion and the eithics that it carries with it often personifies the modern mountain fair play, a strong sense ol what It right can be seen in any encampment or rendezvous. The thief is a scourge and treated with the same determination and di.gust that prevailed long ago. It is nice to associate with people that still prescribe to such ideals and live them every day. man.-Honest- Jones from pg 8 be A pool tournament spend money or said Jones condemned. will be held Tuesday is 12 at the that condemnation January Pinball "very Palace in generally usedredevel- Roosevelt. The will start at 7:30 p.m. An entry fee ol SIO.00 will be charged for adults and half price for those 16 vears of age or tourn-amcnc- less-..-- . nt ... - sparingly" by opment agencies. Lyn Miller. T.R. Merc, asked what advantage redevelopment offers to incoming business, that- private enterprise! wouldnt There will he cash provide. There was no prizes as w ell as answer. Gordon Snow trophies given winners. to suggested that such questions should be answered on the front end before the district is set up. He reiterated his desire to hear what Welcome Japanese Wrestlers Coni from pg.1 Vernal from Japan, where he finished two years as a missionary for the L.D.S. Church. Coach Henry added; that this trip would make the third appearance of Japans team to Vernal. Losing the last all-st- ar all-st- ar match to the impact has been predicted and what some of the city's priorities arc. County Commissioner l.oryn Ross suggested that the city already knows what it wants to do and also wanted someone group. 5. individual merchants to provide parking. "I'm not singling out anybody in particular. "said Snow. "But I'm going to point out an instance. Gordie (llarmston. owner op the 'f rontier Motel andGrftlf ts building a motel on a piece of ground that he had u ailahlc to prov ide some ol Ins own parklies one ol the ing. biggest users ol parking on Main Street. llarnision. also a city councilman, wasn't at the meeting. Miller reiterated his belief that converting Main Street and Third East into one-wa- y thoroughfares would to tell the allow 45 degree parking When Max or Shields started to list general projects such as parking and sidewalks. Ross interrupted saying he Japanese team, This time would be wanted the specific different as the Utes projects. None of the hold on to 15 State councilmcn.' Vernon, or championships, and are R ready to hit the mats with wins. But, of course. Coach had to mention that the entire Japanese team is made up of nothing but undefeated wrestlers. 7-- suggested any specific projects. Lynn Snow addressed the parking problem by suggesting that it should be up to the and would solve much of downtownls problems. He said that he hasn't heard of any studies on the possibility and that the idea "has been shoved under the carpet. Finally the city f Long hard hours and a great deal of axe swinging have produced a very challengcouncil made some ing and beautifully sceinic trail running comments. "The perspective on from Summit Park (in this has been blown all Daggett County) to the out of proportion.'said upper end of Sheep Dennis Jenkins. He Creek Park. This trail runs through the timber desire his that suggested for redevelopment had parallel to the road to do with the potential around the upper end of of two shopping centers half moon park and on to Sheep Creek Reseon either end of Roosevelt. 'What happens to rvoir without ever crossing the road;.from your downtown propthere w;ith only,, one erty if lh4t happens?" he it continues to crossing, asked. "They won't give of head the Sheep Creek it. nickel a Ihen lor you Park. Since there is no downtown blows timber cutting above Jenkins said that the this point snowmobiles council was trying to can continue on up the road to Spirit Ijtke. help downtown and The trail was develthat the city was willing to take a ten year cut to oped as part of a increase the property cooperative effort between the Flaming values Gorge Ranger District Mark Stewart sugof the U.S. Forest gested that a lot of Service and the Utah consideration had gone Division of Parks into the plan. As to State and Recreation at having specific projects Flaming Gorge. The for the hearing he said. head is at the trail "I don't think it would "Summit Springs be right for us to come Junction". have we an in and say The Deep Creek exact plan without Snowmobile Trail also talking to the property starts at this trailhead. owners in the district." One expert snowmoCommissioner Ross stated his belief that the bile trail designer has named the Sheep Creek Coni on pg 16 Snowmobile Trail as one of the best designed and pleasurable trails he has ever run. State Parks and Recreation Rangers plan to keep ten-fol- d. this trail cut and groomed from the first good snow until spring. For a great new experience come give it a whirl. In many eyes, the upcoming matches are sure something to look forward to, as the Utes and others from Utah take on the undefeated team. Japanese 2500 to They expected 3500 fans to show up for a chance to see sometimes once in a life time wrestling treats. While the team is here they will be touring the Dinosaur Quarry, all-st- dinosaur monster movie guides. After the entertaining tour of the Dinosaur Quarry, the team will be going back to the high school where they will be split up with Vernal families during their stay. The following day of the evenings matches, the team will be treated to snowmobile rides and innertubing at Honda Hills before their departure back to Salt Lake that afternoon. I Although some folks believe, or are led to believe, they can tell the very nature of a horse by j the animals natural blemishes. They are sadly! mistaken. For years I've studied and experimented with I this topic. My findings are simple and reasonable. The answer is NO! White eyes "bad horse", wide face "smart j horse", long ears, short ears, has nothing to do i with what's in between 'em. Remember, a pretty face doesn't guarantee a good disposition. . Fables are for fools, and it appears there are plenty of both. Does a hone have a conscience? NO! Horses do not have a conscience nor does any other critter, as far as that goes. Your horse will do nor not do, what you will . allow or not allow. At least, I haven't heard of j any coyotes apologizing to sheepmen yet. Your horse learns only through repetition.,. However; it is1 well for you to understand, he can reason! So well; in fact, he can be compared j to a child between the ages of eight and eleven years old. Do horses see in color? NO! Horses see only in shades of gray, as you would see if watching a black and white t.v. Im often told "this color or that color j frightens my horse. Rest assured, color has1 llittle to do with scaring your horse, j Do horses use E.S.P.? YES. Horses use E.S.P.. in communicating between each other as well as with humans. E.S.P. is the transfer of thought patterns orj the ability to perceive by means other than sight, i Isound, touch, smell or taste. In actual fact, this Isimply means that you can sense moods andj emotions, rather than see or hear them. Do horses use mental telepathy? YES. Horses use mental telepathy in Jcommunicating between themselves as well as I jthe human species. j Mental telepathy is the transfer of mental! I pictures. In short, it is entirely possible for you to get a I j mental picture of what it is you want your horse j to do, and he would perform the task. That is, if jyou had complete understanding and skill in the luse of mental telepathy. If you love horses, have questions and truly j desire to become a fine horseman, weld like to I hear from you. As many questions as possible will be I answered in our weekly column. AH letters will i be answered personally. I Write co The Newsprint, 642 West Main, jVernal, Utah. I - I I Next Week! m Do horses have a language?" and "Is it possible j to train horses wjthout using force". j Merkley Bros. Construction ar which might prove interesting, due to Japan being known as one of the leading ! Ughlhon blemishes? GORGE Japanese Wreatllng Turn enjoys a welcoming luncheon at Diamond HNIa aliortly altar thay arrived in tSl Buckler ivsTims .uumcwc auiLoina A Smart Business Person Is One Who Advertises Where HeShe Can Get The BEST COVERAGE NEWSPRINT: Covering The Entire Uintah Basin J Can you tell the very nature of a hone by his I FLAMING All Stair i the Cuckler System we can help you llsg design and build that good looking, hard working, -economical building. Commercial Industrial Warehouse - Farm Countryside -- Dean Merkley 780-O- 4 1632 N. 3500 W. Vernal' & RaniiT- -' |