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Show november 25, 1981 newsprint page 19 ROOSEVELT WATER SUPPLIERS LOOK TO CUWCD FOR DAM AND TREATMENT MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF DUCHESNE COUNTY COMMISSION. HELD TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 10.1981. AT 10:30 AM. IN THE BOARDROOM AT DUCHESNE, UTAH. THOSE PRESENT: Chairman Jimmie N. Reidhead, Commissioner! N. Moon and Janet Cowan. County Clerk. (ROOSEVELT) Culinary water availability is the major problem which will facing the Basins two largest cities as they plan for growth Coordination over decade. next the even double or triple populations between the various suppliers in each area is also a major need in both areas. In the Roosevelt area, that coordination took a positive step at a meeting held last Wednesday. Armed with a tentative proposal from the Central Utah Water a water Conservancy District to construct a dam in addition to serve Roosevelt would the area. City invited treatment plant which to hear the Water and Johnson Ballard, from Myton, representatives large-scal- e in a their include and potenially systems possibly proposal water supply system The meeting was held Nov. 8 in the Roosevelt Council Chambers. Some twenty were in attendance, including executives from all four culinary water suppliers, two irrigation companies, and officalsfrom the Utah Division of Water Resources and the Central Utah Water Conservancy District. Loryn S. Ross and Alton PRAYER: JanetCowan. Roy I, Mitchell. Road Supervisor, discussed his budget request for 1981 roads to be oiled or overlaid, and ot her items therein. Moved by Loryn S. Ron and seconded by Alton N. Moon that a 1982 GMC diesel pickup be purchased from Murray Motor for 10.645. Motion carried. Al Price. Blue Cross representative, presented premium rates for the county, without the hospital employees, as follows: 1 POLICY Single Two-Par- ty Family PRESENT PREMIUM 89 179 Lynn Ludlow of the CUWCD explained the history behind the district's involvement in treatment and delivery to culinary users and reminded those in attendance that the whole project will cost upwards of 10 million, not including possible new water mains. Ludlow presentedthethree stepsthat the district follows in handling these projects. 224 WITHOUT HOSPITAL 79' 166 SI07.23 Budget Requests were discussed individually with Maxine W. Burdick. Recorder. Gerog Adams, engineer; George Marett. Sheriff; Christy Leavitt. Aging Director; Maxine Taylor. Treasurer; Carol Wright. Extension Services secretary; and Dennis L. Draney, Attorney, with some minor adjustments being made. Christy will meet with the commissioners Thursday afternoon to discuss the aging budget further. Telephone; Moved by Loryn S. ross and seconded by Alton installed in the treasurers office. Motion carried. Salaries : Moved by Loryn S. Ross and seconded by Alton follows for 1981 N. Moon N. Moon obituaries ETHEL MARY MILES HURLEY Mary Ethel Miles that another telephone be Hurley died November 9. 1981 at theHi-Dese- rt that salaries be apporved as Medical Center in Joshua Tree, Cali- Commissioners SI 546.00 $2250.00 Attorney S 1900.00 Sheriff Clerk. Treasurer. SI 850.00 Assessor. Recorder All other employees lO'ft She was born November 22, 1899 in Hutchinson Kentucky to Charles U.and Addie She Watson Miles. moved with her family to Browns Park at the age of three. Her home fornia. Motion carried. Rand Webb discussed regualtions for those preparing and handling food in eating establishments Well as county sponsored meals such as the Senior Citizen Center and County Jail, stating food handler examinations and permits are available through the Uintah Basin Area Vocational Center at Roosevelt. We recommended one person in each eating establishment take the training, be certified and be responsible for passing the requirements on to the health department. Rand will prepare a report of food related diseases, requirements for food handlers, and present the information to the commissioners at a later date. was in Vernal and Brown's Park for the next seventeen years. Mrs. Hurley married William .ynn La brum. Charles Cro.icr: Charles discussed the recent letter sent by the county to the Neola Water and Sewer Organization relative to posting a bond prior to going along or across Nicola streets and restoration of the same. Lynn requested workman compensation coverage or Neola volunteer fire fighters while they are on fires, funds for miscellaneous equipment and utilities maintenance cover and of the fire station. Alter consideration it was SIQ.000.00 to moved by Loryn S. Ross and seconded by Alton N. Moon that the county provide workman compensation insurance. S229I.00 for miscellaneous fire fighting equipment and $3000.00 for neoprene fire hose. Motion carried. Paramount Motion Picture Studios until retirement. siaooaoo L'Ook cowering dog. a social animal. Unless $6,000.00 S 14.600.00 S4.400.00 TOTAL S25.000.00 S4.500.00 $1,800.00 TOTAL Roosevelt 3 blocks overlay S6i 300.00 $21,000.00 GRAND TOTAL for youre a very young the dog should puppy, -already be "socialized accustomed to people. Shake his paw, give him a pat on the back and watch the response. Unless you make loud, sudden or threatening gestures or noises, a socialized dog will be friendly. Beware of the dog who looks Mylon Equipment to haul and spread 600 vaids gravel for overlay study? Roosevelt representatives were unanimous in their approval ol the CUWCD's desire to have the district handle the funding and the operation and maintenance of both the dam and the treatment plant. Thcicr main concern was that of a timetable. " Wc were making plans to doit ourselves next year, said Harmston. a "Dirt has got to fly next year. Weve only got couple hundred more hook-up- s before we are out of water." Harmston cited the possible an overflowing Ashley Valley as a serious concern of the from impact Nov. were conducted TOTAL Sl6.625.00 Duchesne 26 blocks, chip and seal 7 blocks, overlay mulch for patching tentative dam site. McGuire Draw, has been selected and some preliminary feasibility work is already completed. Strong indicated that McGuire appears to be an ideal site in terms of the phtsical characterstics necessary for a dam and reservoir, in terms of the physical characteristics necessary for a dam and reservoir, in providing grasvity flow to the most culinary users, and in having available water for storage. McGuire is located just north of the Ccdarvicw road, and is very close to the Neola Highway. of the CUP s Upon the completion of the Taskeetch Reservoir, part of water. acre feel Upalco Unit. Roosevelt has been alloted 3,001) a 1990. tentative at least until available be Because that water won't and the Gulch with made Irrigation been has Dry exchange agreement Moon Lake Water Users for immediate winter storage rights for that future allocation. That exchange would give the McGuire Reservoir 1000 acrefcct of water available as soon as the dam is completed. The major concern with the McGuire site affects Johnson Water, their representative at the meeting. Harold White, indicated that customers in the Upalco area and in Pleasant Valley would havetobe He further suggested that Big Sand Wash served by pumping. Reservior would serve everyone. Roosevelt Mayor Ralph Shields pointed out that during periods of need sin addition to heavy irrigation. Sand Wash couldn't handle those Harmston Gordie Councilman pointed out culinary needs. Roosevelt have to would is there located, reservoir the where of that regardless be some pumping and that McGuire would more cheaply serve the to Roosevelt. larger number of people because of its proximity if cd ask the l.udlow winded representatives down, As the discussion were in favor of beginning the three point process through the CUWCD. "Wearein a situation of needingto provide water to an area thats ready to explode, he concluded. "Are we ready to begin the A Graveside services SI. 125.00 $68,925.00 be appropriated for recreation on a per capita basis. Mayor Shields requested $30,000.00 is made. Commissioner Moon stated Neola would have to beconsidcrediifsuchanarrangcment A It was suggested a mill be levied for recreation. These items were taken under advisement. discussion was entered into relative to assessment increases this year, lowered levies and that efforts should beexerted to avoid levy increases next year. Mayor Browningstated the municipal for a sales tax increase to be distributed on a league of cities and towns is preparing legislation result in a further decrease in mill levies. Mayor Shields hich basis hopefully would, population for day build up the banks at the city sewer requested use of a countv loader and three trucks or a cat also grader to fill in a low spot in one of the ball requested lagoons was approved. Ralph diamonds at the new recreation park. Commissioner Reidhead will look at the Utter. Later in it was agreed to allow the the day the requests for street improvement was discussed and dog-tired- -a dog' 'dWner kts; compliments of Dog lovers Farm and Jerky Treats Dog Snacks, for To help you treat your dog right, this doggie bag of goodies includes The Doglovcrs Guide to Dog Care and Training, an official adoption certificate and free Jerky Treats Dog Snacks, a product of Doglovers Farm. I Excellent Body Duchesne Myton Roosevelt Work informed the commissioners the Senior Citizen council has Ralph Sharpies and Marion Ross of the school district and requested the County pay one-ha- lf the from a bus approved purchasing Ross stated the county is investigating a new bus and would Commissioner purchase or $500.00. which have been raised by the Senior Citizens for this purpose. pay the cost except for the funds I I I I I I Myton, Utah 722-470- concurred. CUWCD. of the entities indicated they would be forwarding a letter of intent along with their present and projected water requirements to the Strong. Verden Heaton of Ballard was very positive about the Mayor-ele"1 think that we have to look at lutui e alicrnativ es." he said. meeting. Ballard receives all its water from the Ltc tribal system. Heaton said that ballard has had a "good relationship" with the tribe. Harold White said that Johnson Water is looking at several alternatives for providing culinary water to its users, and that this project is one of those. "Wc are going to hav e to do something." he said. All ct OTrrg-BT- i i BTrrn a rrrrrrB BTrrrrrrrrrrB 11 TODAY. mTm BTBTnfrrrrmq; of Fabrics On Sale Now For a Yard $100 279 yard Robe Plush, Velour, Sweater Fabrics and Panne Velvet Now 15 Off! Fabric T-Sh-irt W SEW STITCH 10 off on all Budlla Christmas kits! 109 So. Main Roosevelt, Utah 722-497- 4 open IA.H IM 8 10:00-6:0- 0 81 ! AA panels SEND FOR YOUR SUBSCRIPTION b 1 Table I Serving The Uintah Basin 1 Since 1976" have devised for repUcing the movable George Marett and Bert Jenson explained pUns they S. Ross N. Moon seconded by aluminum ceiling panels in the jail halls. Moved by Alton materUls and paint to replace the above that Bert Jensen be paid $6,470.00 including Ubor. with steel bolted panels. Motion carried. be Normally it takes three to five months lor the initial study to of view in the reviewed. Strong suggested, completed apd considerable feasibility work already completed, that the process could tak e as littl e a s t wo mont h s. Carl C arp enl er. anen gi n e er wit h t h e Lassie comes Free Estimates Glass Work Altamont city. home. BASIN BODY REPAIR following. at the Mountain Valley Memorial Park in Joshua Tree. 1.1. the big moment when your gn far. death by her husband. Mary is survived by her sister Mrs. Rosalie Burton of Vernal. $500.00 S5.000.00 1 Blocks overlay I Block new construction 30 loads gravel pre-desi- They resided in IJcca Valley, California for thirty years where they owned and operated the lombard Motel. Mrs. Hurley was preceded in Council Of Mayors: Mayor W. Ralph Shields, mayor elect Lawrence Yack and Fawn Lewis of Roosevelt: Mayor Gerry Ivie and Mayor elect Ludy Cooper of Myton; Mayor Ed Browning. Duchesne: and Mayor Howard Brinkerhoff of Altamont. submitted their requests for street and recreation needs for 1982 as follows: Altamont I. Block Chip A Seal S. Hurley in California. They were both employed by the First, a water requirement and facilities study is compiled. That study is designed to tell the CUWCD Board howmuch wateris needed in the area and where it is needed. It also indicates what facilities, such as the dam and the treatment plant, in Roosevelts case, are needed. Once that study is reviewed and the district decides to take on the study determines the si.e, treatment plant type project, a of into the water), location of facilities, and sets up the the (tied quality responsibility for operation and maintenance. Finally, the contacts are met and the construction begins. Dennis Strong, an engineer with the Division of Water Resources, has been working with Roosevelt City for over a year toward the goal of an improved water supply system. He covered the progress made so HI 0 8 8 Merkley Bros. Construction 8 H III At AA JLAJ PRE CHRISTMAS IS! Cockier uiioina svsTims SALE llIMGUaC Limired rime only, come in while stocks lost. Hav. you boon looMng tat soflW hand Could V0 oM Hand Tools Jackets Coats and Fiber Filled or cAmcU could you us DMsMBdtAdva Stortur or oRumotor Anthfraaw rmwUltwtdwa GIRL'S DRESSES Using the Cuckler System we can help you design and build that good looking, hard working, economical building. Commercial - Industrial - Warehouse - Farm Countryside Dean Merkley 789-049- 9 1632 N. 3500 W. Vernal & Ranch - Up to size 12 sale rack Ladies Sweaters Pants and Robes 20 OFF 50-7- 5 OFF lta'i FASHIONS Tflan, 789-42- 31 63 W. Main Vernal |