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Show Th Summit County Bm 2A Friday, March 15, 1996 EdlsTmkl Pae Pam's Place Well, it looks as though someone tried to show his lack of intelligent brain cells once again, or at least that is how it appears to me. Who, but someone lacking common sense, could walk into a school and begin to take the lives of innocent children and their lead- en? Dunblane, Scotland. A place which many of us have never even heard of until recent reports brought it to our attention, and what a horrible way to have to learn of its existence, At present, sixteen little ones and one adult were killed in the "slaughter" that took place. Watching the pandemonium which hit when news of the crime began to surface, those of us not directly involved had to have some "heartburn" strike within us, if we have any feelings at all. Whin horror the news must have been for the parents of all the children who attend the school, and what a relief it must have been for those who were able to take their children home with them. I, personally, cannot even imagine how the people of the town Summit County Calendar of Events March 15 & 16 (Fri. & Sat.) Market Steer Livestock Exhibitors, tagweigh period for 1996 Summit County Fair Market Steers, Friday, 15th, 5 p.m.-- 6 p.m.; a.m. at Summit County Stockyards Saturday, 16th, 9 a.m.-lnear Wan ship (north of the new public works building and animal O shelter). steer enrollment deadline is March 16. 4--H March 15 (Friday) Meet Jay Liechty,' candidate for - U.S. Congress: Kamas, 2 p.m., Kamas City Hall Council Room, 170 N. Main; Coalville, 5:30 p.m.. Summit County Courthouse, 60 N. Main; Park City, 7:30 p.m., Kent Christopher's home, 520 Aspen Drive. Anyone is interested is Invited to attend. March 16 (Saturday) Community Fundraiser for Nicole Hatch and Renee Rexac. Car wash, Leavitt's Car Wash, 10 a.m.-- S p.m. Spaghetti dinner, 6 p.m., cake auction, Francis Church, March 16. Tickets for U. of U. autographed basket, business gifts, quilt, sold at Key Bank and Hi Mountain 0 Drug. Dance, March 29, 9 p.m., South Summit High School. March 18 (Thunday) Summit County Cattle producers dinner socialbusiness meeting, 7 p.m., Oakley Town Hall. RSVP by March 1 1 at 5 p.m. Checks payable to Summit County Cattlemen's Association and mail to Summit County Extension Office, P.O. Box 127, Coalville, UT 84017 by 1, Ext Monday, March 1 1, or call 217 or 219. March 20 (Wednesday) Henry Gradillas, nationally .known educator, will talk with public at South Summit High School, 7 p.m. Plan on attending and working for continuing improvement in our school system. For more information, call Mark Littlcford, Jeff Jones, or Dick Jorgenson. April 18 (Thursday) The Salt Lake Area Chamber of Commerce's Women and Business Conference. Little America Hotel. 28 and 45 minute sessions related to business and personal growth and development offered to attendees. Registration materials and information obtained by calling Angela or Keeney, 328-50akeeney slachamber com. May 4 (Saturday) Pet Adoptathon '96, Summit County 783-43Animal Shelter. For information, call or p.m.-11:3- 336-445- 1, 783-435- 645-916- 1, 75 336-090- 649-544- 8, 05 9. Events To Enjoy Around The State April 27 (Saturday) Utah Wildlife Federation will sponsor a one day conference on Fish and Wildlife conservation beginning at 9 a.m., Home Arts Building, Utah State Fairpark, Salt Lake City. Open to public and will bring representatives from federal and state agencies whose responsibilities include wildlife and wildlife related habitat management Tell Me About 15 Is This Bunkum, or What? by Leon Simister, Columnist (Lust part of a two-pa-rt article) Ova 175 years ago, Felix Walker, a congressman from Buncome County, North Carolina, during a speech to his constituents there, was accused of talking "gobbledegook.", because most of what he said made no sense. His political opponents immediately began referring to any such political drivel as "speaking to Buncome",- - often respelled as "bunkum". Through adroit and skillful manipulation - of a kind that only politicians administer with unparalleled skill - the word soon graduated to "hokum", a combination of hocus and bunkum, and was quickly abbreviated to just plain "bunk". As expected, the supply has become enormously plentiful as put to use by politicians during their daily routines. Even so, some political talk thought to be drivel should have been heeded. In fact history tells us that the Civil War could have been prevented if the bill to bar slavery from all future states admitted to the Union, and introduced by Thomas Jefferson while serving in congress, had not been defeated - by' a single vote! "A democracy... that is a government of all the people, by all the people; for all the people..." was written by Thomas Parker and given on July 4, 1858. You recognize this as part of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address delivered on Nov. 19, 1863. Records from days gone by seem to more accurately "tell it like it is" - or was. My what a difference in today's world when terms that were remarkably simple and definitive now almost require the services of an interpreter to clarify. Even the Bible has been in order to become totally The 1987 Revised New Testament of the new American Bible (Matt. 4:4) changer from "Not on bread alone is man to live" to "One does not live on bread alone." And in Matt. 16:23, "You are not judged by God's standards, but by man's," becomes instead, "You are thinking not is God does, but as human beings do." Hmmm...i few more "politically correct" changes, and well have enough alterations that anyone's interpretation of anything will qualify for complete compliance to everything. Steve Allen blames a lot of our change in vocabulary to the "...mindless programs... on TV", when he states, "People are beginning to know more and more about less and less until, finally, they will know practically nothing about almost everything. " We seem to outsmart ourselves. To continue with a few more P.Cs, "chemically inconvenienced" for drunk, "alternative dentation" for false teeth, "alternative lifestyle" for gay, and "differently hirsute" for bald. There were some real cuties spawned from the Vietnam War. "Pacification" replaced eradication, "strategic withdrawal" for retreat, "temporary cessation of hostilities for truce. "Sanitizing operation" stood for wholesale clearance, bombing the wrong target was explained with "accidental delivery of armaments", and political assassinations were handled by, "to terminate with extreme prejudice. " While hostages were defined, by President George Bush as "inconvenienced people who want to get out", the Iraqi Foreign Office called them "Foreign guests", and our own State Department referred to them as "restrictees" or "detainees. " The anguish of teachers of the language seems to be summarized in a statement by Novelist-criti- c Francine Du Plessix Gray (Gty of New who don't want to change the world "...We said, York) College anymore. We just want to teach one child to read properly, so that he can have something to hang onto, so that his center will hold." My hope would be that future generations will still be able to recognize history as being recorded accurately without the damaging changes inflicted by political correctness. "If you enhance the truth, then it ain't the truth no mote", words spoken by an ordinary citizen in protest of the very problems political correctness creates. Thought For The Day: "Beware of thinking that because you are bight and you therefore reason well. " Steve Allen (from his book "Dumbth") . When submitting articles for publication in The Bee , please try to have information typewritten if possible and in upper and lower case letters. Thank you! Claim Your Pictures d, Letters p.m. Monday and Tuesday: 8:30 a.m.-4:3- 0 a.m.-8:30 l p.m. Wednesday: Friday: 8:30 a.m.-- l p.m. 17 South Main, P.O. Box 7 Coalville, UT 84017 Drop-o- ff point in Kamas is The Tack Shed. (Pictures can also be reclaimed there.) When it came time fa those "brave" souls participating to don their fire safety gear and actually go trailer, howeva, into the flash-ov- a it was time for me to emphatically decline their offer of "learning first hand what occurs inside." Realizing that there were plenty of personnel on hand to assist should "someone" need to receive "revival" techniques, I still declined, even though I was asked several times if I would like to participate. I have taken advantage of several learning experiences since I have been employed by The Bee, but the idea of this one, somehow just didn't "trip my trigger" so to speak. I did come away from die scene with a greata respect for those in the firefighting profession. .The trainers that day showed their enthusiasm for teaching the volunteers who came to lean and those present exhibited a desire to listen and participate in the program. It is always nice to know that we can depend on die volunteers in to be of service to us when they are the-are- needed. "Of all die properties which be- long to honorable men, not one is so highly prized as that of chirac-ler- ." Henry Clay. Hope your week is filled with lots of hugs. 17 South Main P.O. Box 7 Coalville, UT 84017 Kamas Dropoff at The Tack Shop 85 S. Main, Kamas, UT 84036 Publisher Richard M. 336-550- 1 Buys... Editor Tom Noffsinger. Pam Robbin- . s-- ....Staff ReporterOffice Newspaper Prod.Grculation June Muir Nancy L Davis Randi Harthnn Tina Lewis Office Manager rUfimriaaelfireh , ..Office nttirm yr Bat LaReel Dave Godfrey Amy Noffringer Mona Olsen Annette Motley Anna Pemy ..... . Dan Cardie Paul McFec .........Advertising Sales Sales Advertising Production Manager Classifieds Advertising Production Advertising Production ....Advertising A... ........ Eli Quinters ....................................Production Elizabeth Carter.. Josh Jones Leon Sinister, Inserted Flyew . DEADLINES Display Advertising Display Classifieds Classifieds Legal Article Announcements Staff Reporter Staff Reporter Columnist Monday, 4:00 pan. .........Tuesday, 4:00 pan. Friday, 440 pan. .......Monday, 440 pan. Tuesday, 440 pan. . 5 .'5eadi photo nut aawbyrritmto In fat-te- 5 c re MO OKIfiiary wdcoeies Utters To The EdKor an any subject adhere to lie Mowing They must be received to fee Coabifa Office, P.O. Box 7, CoiKiBe, UT 8401 7 or die Kamas Office, P.O. Bos 225, bans UT 84035, no later thin Monday aoon to be conridewd lor tflat week's issue of the paper coming out on Friday. The fatten must be band signed with fal address and Mephane number of the person writing the fatter. 1 No fatter wM be pu bibbed wider an sinr name. Name aiay be withheld oa re quart at the discretion of the editor or puMbher of The Summit County lee. Ttwy aunt not contain Bbtious or slandering aiaterbl Writers are Embed to ana biter in two weeks. Prefcitme wM bn given to short typewritten (daw bfa spaced) letters permitting the use of the writer's name. Al fatten subject to condensation If they are too long far die space avaHabfa, No endorsement wM be pubKshed as Letters Te The Editor. The views sspwsied to guest edhorfafa or Letters To The Editor do aot necessaftiy reflect the opinion of the adherer publisher or esprass the viewpoint of Ihhnewipapar. They Press Production Manager Pwwinrtinn 1 Pmriiirtinw il Pmrinrtinw Production . Brad Cariile Garald Ulmnre Brett Cariile Scott Barnes Wedding, Engagement & Anniversary articles Pageants and Special Events with Photos . Missionary Farewells. Missionary Return. To ThE EdiTOR ' : eye-openi- Card oflhanks The Summit County Bee Office Hours J33S&L : ence. m w gmsnt : i PRICES Subscribe To The Summit County Bee We have lots of pictures at The Bee Office that need to be claimed: Weddings, missionaries, babies, school events, birthdays, etc. Please drop by and pick them up as we can't keep the pictures forever. u Their ability to forgive someone who has hurt them, and the way they just plunge rigid back into the friendship. The way they view the world as a whole, thinking that all is well. Learning something new and different every day. Expressing their thoughts with humor bringing smiles to pur feces. When something horrible of this magnitude strikes, it really hits home, just how lucky we are to be able to witness children at play, laughing and having a great time. Listening to their wisdom as they teach through example and watching than grow. Some people may search for hidden treasure and spend their lives looking fa riches and seeking for the purchase of material gifts to en non-sexi- st. quick-minde- Submission of Articles For Paper - rich their existence. All one needs to really do, is spend some time alone helping a child learn and develop to know the true "treasures of life". Events such as this one, give us one more reason than eva to "take the time to give your child a hug today. (Perhaps even more than one.) Well, I certainly had an interest- I ing experience this week, leaned anotha meaning of the term "hot flash. Participating in a class-room setting fora time, and listenexplaining ing to those how "flash firft" occur and the damage they can do as very interesting. Watching film on what happened to three firemen, who eventually lost their lives to this problem, was indeed an experi- must have felt as the reality of their loss began to sink in, as it appears, that everyone in the small area knew at Inst several of the victims. As I look around me at the children I know who are this tender age in their life, I cant help but be sickened about what happened. Most children who have reached this point of time in their lives are happy little ones, with cherub looking faces, who wake each morning with excitement and wonder, knowing that in their world, the day will bring many new discoveries for them to learn about. Their ability to find joy in the small everyday things, which many of us take for granted, can be a real teaching tool for adults, as we listen to the wisdom their thoughts express to us. These can include taking a walk, and while older folks sometimes think about the prob-- . lems they may be feeing, little ones notice bugs happily crawling along the sidewalk, a bird chirping in the tree tops, fluffy clouds in the sky. Children of this age, are usually inquisitive about evoything, questioning "why" often? "Why" is the sky blue, "why" are things' done a certain way, "why" does a meal take so long to cook? Their natural zest for life can be a real teaching tool form if we but let it Attention: RenewaIs to Hie SummIt Countv Bee Al renewal: to The Summit County Bee ihould reach (he Corivie or Kamai Office by Itic third Friday at the month to keep your Bre from being canceled by die computer. we need your renewal by this dnw In order to get your name on die renewal 1st and keep you from being canceled. Thanks for helping us help you. The Summit County Bee (UPSP 525640) is published weekly for $1&00 per yew in Summit County, Senior Citizen Discount $13 in county and $2140 pa yew outofeounty by Wave Publishing, he 675 West 100 South Heber City, UT 84032. Second class postage paid at CoaMB UT 8401 7 post office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes kx The Summit County Bee, PD. Bor 7, Coalville, UT 8401 7. POSTAL IDENTIFICATION NO. 525640 . . |