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Show mm Page Two - The Eureka Reporter - August 6, 1993 Summer wool fair From the old files ffp Submitted by John Schmitt. in the November 21, Appeared 1919 edition of the EUREKA on his annual vacation in California, with his family. Mass next REPORTER: Worship service at Eureka s week will be at the regular time, United Methodist Church was 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, with a BOXING CONTEST WILL BE HELD HERE NEXT WEDNESconducted by the minister, Rev. visiting priest as celebrant. DAY Curt Pollock. Assisting him were Mabel Butler, Sandy Evans, The members of the Moose Greg Evans and Allen Evans. WITNESSES: Lodge have arranged to stage a Opening hymn was "How Can JEHOVAHS ten round boxing contest at the We Name A Love" Scripture Is Your GeneCrescent Theatre next Wednesday "What from was book the Relationship of text the title of the Frankie sis and the gospel according to With God?" was evening, Nov. 26. is quite who and of Matthew. Pueblo, discourse Thanksgiving given by Roger Reagan public well and has who here known the sermon. followed Communion Huffman, Spanish Fork congregain number bouts taken a of He noted that the talk part "Standing on the Promises" was tion. the closing hymn. would not answer this question, at Salt Lake, is matched against but was meant for self examina- Walt Fanning, of jSt. Paul. The tion and to define whats neces- men are to make 130 pounds at 3 sary to have a relationship with oclock on the day of the light. Local followers of the boxing CATHOLIC: God. "The basis for this relationship was laid by Jehovah in game believe that the bout will be Celebrant for the Sunday mass his Word, the Bible," he said. a good one. Reagan having as Bennie Chamen such was the He followed with many scriptures fought at St. Patricks Church, pastor, Fr. Walter. Lector was to emphasize four basics and six ves, Kid Mex, Walter South and Martin Fennell and Grace Bernini factors necessary for a good Jimmy Arouzey. In Walt FAn-nin- g he will meet a tough scrapwas Eucharistic Minister. "We relationship. Gather Together" was the EnWatchtower study was from per who holds a 20 round draw June IS issue, "Creation Says, with Frankie White, and a 10 the trance hymn. Scripture readings were from the book of the proph- 'They Are Inexcusable." Scrip- round draw with Danny Burns, chamholder of the welter-weiget Isaiah; the letter of Paul to the tural text was Romans :20. Brest. Matof and of the pionship Romans; gospel As a curtain raiser to Wednesthew. The readings point out the days scrap there will be a six importance of the virtue of hospiround go between Sol Young, a bounhow and reveal also tality, of Frankie Reagan, and tiful God is with His blessings. The Eureka Precinct Justice protege Bob Cartwright, a clever local "Now Thank We All Our God" Court for July, 1993 in- boxer. There will also be two was the recessional hymn. Im- cludes report these cases: more preliminaries of four rounds mediately after mass, Father left Jeremy Cooper entered a plea each. of guilty to the reduced charge of Alcohol Related, Reckless DrivAug. Pickup ing and appeared for sentencing. His sentence includes for new system service and alcohol community and drug rehabilitation in addition to a Garbage Collection day will be fine. Tuesday's each week and must be Jerry Fairchild appeared for Creekside Home Health Care out by 7:00 a.m. arraignment on a DUI charge, will sponsor its monthly Support Garbage containers should be but requested and was granted an placed for pickup where they August 6th appearance to enter a Group meeting at the Eldred 270 W. were left after last weeks collec- plea. A warrant of arrest was Senior Citizens Center, tion. recalled this month after Daniel 500 North, Provo, on August 5, at 6:30 p.m. The group is conPlease read instructions on lid Pipkin made arrangements to pay ducted under the direction of a as to what can be placed in con- an outstanding speeding fine. tainers, and do not place flammaThere were also three speeding social worker and registered ble liquids, empty propane cylin- citation convictions or forfeitures. nurse. The August session is entitled "Community Resources." ders, etc., in containers. The support group is open to Everyone is responsible for the their own container. If container public and directed to those The jumping movements of the is damaged or destroyed by Mexican jumping bean are caused caring for an ill or disabled famineglect of property owner, owner by a caterpillar that lives inside ly member at home. There is no will be responsible for replace- the seed. charge for this service. For more information call the ment costs. office of Creekside Home Provo Any old cans that you would like to get rid of, you may set A never failing way to get rid Health Care at them out by next week's garbage of a fellow is to tell him someand the City will haul them thing for his own good. Kin Hubbard away. There will be cholesterol screenings available the second Tuesday of each month at Orem Community Hospital, 331 N. 400 METHODIST: 1 ht Court Report starts waste 3 Caregiver support 377-890- 0. Cholesterol checks The Eureka Reporter (USPS-179-62- The cholesterol screenings are will be held near the hospitals front entrance from 10 a.m. until noon. The next screening will be held August 10. For more information, call 224-408$5 and 0) Published weekly at Eureka, Utah 84628 Printed by ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY 0. Springville, Utah 84663 Subscription in advance, per year: in Juab County. $15.00 out of Juab County $18.00 POSTMASTER: West. The largest stars would more than fill the space between the earth and the sun. The smallest, however, have a diameter of ten miles. Please send change of address to The Eureka Reporter Church Street, Eureka, 84628 Second class postage paid at Springville, UT 84663 There may not be a county fair this August but the Summer Wool Fair at Shadowbrook Farm in Mapleton may satisfy your need for a country doin. The Summer Wool Fair will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, August 12, 13 and 14 from 6 p.m. until dark. Admission is $1 per person. Children wearing any type of old country costume will get a free treat. Activities will include the regular petting farm, the country games, ponyhorse rides ($1 extra) and exhibits of wool worke crafts. ing and other Groups wanting to host bake sales and individuals wishing to demonstrate, display or sell old- old-tim- MARTIN W. CONOVER MRS. GRACE BERNINI Publisher Editor back-to-basi- cs For more information and to reserve a site, call Sherry Main- Proceeds go ord, 489-450animal theratoward for special populapy programs tion. The regular summer hours for the Petting Farm are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7 p.m. until dark. 8. non-fund- ed Auditions for dance co. 2 5 are' (Lynne Thompson, Young people age Jazz director Academy of Ballet) or invited to audition for the 1 (Kristina Hart, director Performing Companies sponsored MemBallet. 'izz Division). by the Academy of bers of a Senior Performing Company and Junior Performing Company I and II will be chosen at the auditions to be held on Q: Breakfast cereals seem to August 10 from 6 to 8 p.m. at in the levels of vitamins 705 N. Main in Springville, vary What should I look contain. they (across from the Art City Drive-in- ). for? Please come dressed in dance A: Most cereals are fortified attire with hair up. Students may with some added vitamins and audition in funk, style, lyrical minerals. Advertisements might jazz or both. suggest that the more vitamins Students will have the oppor- there are, the better. But we do tunity for performance in the not need a whole days supply of community and schools in De nutrients in one bowl of cereal. cember and April. The focus of Look for a whole-grai- n cereal the company will be excellence in with a reasonable amount of performarice and the development fiber, possibly with a modest A a varied jazz repertoire. level of vitamin and mineral of special command performance fortification, and complete the will be held in December for rest of your daily nutrient needs parents and friends. with fruits, vegetables and other There will be an annual cos- grain products. For children, tume deposit due October 1 . highly-fortifie- d cereals are really Some of these costumes will be inappropriate. have Children worn in the June recital as well lower nutrient needs and their as in the various shows through- bodies may not be able to process out the dance year. Company an adults RDA for vitamins and members are encouraged to take minerals. at least two jazz classes per week The world's longest bridge is for development of technique and performance skills. Academy of the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway Ballet has jazz classes and rehear- in Louisiana, which opened in sals in north and south Orem, 1956. It extends about 29 miles e. between New Orleans and Spanish Fork and Springville. If you have any questions, call 10-2- 225-177- 375-872- Nutrition wise Man-devill- EUREKA MEDICAL CENTER FACTORY AUTHORIZED SMALL ENGINE REPAIR SERVICE Factory Warranty Servicft Available Joseph B. Markland, P.A.C. NEW OfFice Hours Monday 3-- 5 Friday 3-- 5 Effective July 1, 1993 Blood Pressures checked without charge UCUMSfH HONDA! Power: Equipment Many Senior Citizens: FREE Eye Exams for Drivers Licenses UT There is nobody whom fortune docs not visit at least once. But if he is not ready to receive it, it enters by the door and goes out by the window. time craft items like spinning, weaving, candle making, leather craft, quilting, etc. may do so with no fee. No modern style crafts please. Shadowbrook Farm is interested in having people learn about livestock and skills mostly forgotten. The fair is for family fun. Copies Available 51 Each FOR APPOINTMENTS 433-69- 05 in parts stock for mechanic CARPENTER SEED CO. HBOS. State St. Provo, Utah |