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Show : Volume Eighty-Eig- ht EUREKA, UTAH - July UTAH PRESS 307 I W 200 ASSOC S SALT LAKE CI 1 1 . 1 1 f TY 5005 Uf 1 i 1 1 2 84101-121- 1 1 m i I II er I i M I i i 1 1 31 filf I iauv luimiy motUly exhibit opens in SLC history exhibit many ways, the experiences of models ot deeds parents mirror the exfeaturing historic farm machinery is open periences of tens of thousands of Saint pioneers as they at the Museum of Church History Latter-da- y in Salt Lake City. created farms in the valleys of and Art, The display, open through the Rocky Mountains. Seeing the September 12, features models Gleed experience, many visitors created by Hubert Gleed of Ma- will come to understand their lad, Idaho, to show how his own family history better." Exhibit educator Ray Halls parents homesteaded a mountain Malad around the near valley encouraged families to visit the turn of the century. display. "It will motivate people "The exhibit shows how one to consider their own family man has preserved and shared his history and to think of special family history with his grand- ways to preserve it," he said. children," said Richard Oman, "The colorful farm models really curator for the exhibit. "What bring family history to life." The Museum of Church Hisour culture and society have today is the result of those who tory and Art is situated on West have gone before us, and the Temple Street across from Temrecognition of the deht that we ple Square and is open Monday owe our ancestors is an important through Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 aspect of our lives." p.m., and on Saturdays, Sundays The detailed models remind a and holidays from 10 a.m. to 7 generation living in the suburbs p.m. Admission is free. Lake City. The display will he open through of the life of farmers who settled This miniature of u grain header and header bed. are part of a pioneer farm machinery exhibit at September 12 and features models created by much of the Intermountain area, he said. Hubert Gleed or Malad, Idaho. the Museum of Church History and Art in Salt Titled "My Father's Dream: A Family History of an Idaho fund-raisi-ng Homestead," the foyer exhibit includes a dozen models and a On a mission to raise awarebrief video telling the story of the ness on behalf of people with disabilities, fifty college students, homesteading process. loadmodels a are the all undergraduate members of Pi Among wood-beaComCharitable Solicitations Act, and the donations; the UPFAs chari- ed logging wagon, a The Utah Department of Kappa Phi Fraternity, are bicycwood-toot- h a fine. hand a Consumer has The Division of states harrow, solicitation table $3,300 paid merce, plow, ling across the country this sumapplication a header Protection has reached a set- Division will use the $3,300 fine that only 15 to 20 percent of the a ten-romer. As members of the Journey grain drill, Gehl with a the tlement agreement to develop programs to further revenue will go toward the chari- and header bed, threshing of Hope team, they are reaching Florida a educate steam fraud. a the 100 machine, and not company, table Corporation, engine, a mow- out to people in cities and towns public against percent purpose fund a as a the to the rake, a from coast to coast to join them professional Division, as claimed; and Lee Greenwood ing machine, registered According white-tothe p for telemarketer raiser and Gehl Group contacted the UPFA is not donating his efforts but was buggy, a covered in their efforts. Utah Professional Firefighters and offered to give the or- being paid by the Gehl Group for sleigh, and a homestead cabin. During the trip, the team will "This is truly a unique way of bring the message of PUSH Association (UPFA). The Gehl ganization 15 to 20 percent of the an upcoming concert. This agreement is effective preserving and communicating a America, a national organization Group, through UPFA, was revenues from a country western telemarketing the sale of tickets concert, in exchange for the use immediately. family histoiy," Oman said. "In serving people with disabilities, in unique and inspiring ways. to a country western concert of their name as the charitable will that benefit organization Through presentations, puppet featuring Lee Greenwood. e shows and UPFA office manager Kirk D. from the sales of the tickets. special of the Williams signed the agreement Soon afier the organization reevents, Hope team Journey educate leaders of is Division has the the ceived their He strives to almost here and or write to Gordon at 362 E. for the Gehl Group. permit, August today and tomorrow on how they agreed to stop violating the Utah began receiving inquiries regar- another Tintie Silver Festival is 4300 North, Orem 84057. orthe Be the can make a positive impact on of around the been Vendors have to invited sure corner. ding legitimacy just Miss Untie well as complaints to start your festivities on Friday set up on Friday, so there will be the lives of some very special ganization as 20th. Activities planned for that activities all around towm on people. of high pressure sales tactics. The "Miss Tintie" Scholarship to the The Journey takes these men witnesses, According day are: a buffet and dance at Friday. Don't play too hard or held 20th. he will mismade Gehl the Pageant August restaurant; a golf tournament too late, as you'll want to get an across the nation on two simulGroup allegedly at 6:00 p.m. at the Tintie High leading and deceptive statements. for Elks members, followed by a early start on Saturday morning. taneous treks. Both teams begin School auditorium. The Division also found that the steak fry and dance; Silver City Flyers have been placed all by crossing the Golden Gate 26 to 9th from sales contraReunion grade Any girl pitch company's (everyone welcome); around town; pick one up so that Bridge in San Francisco, Califorwho and of unmarried, dicted information filed with the Mt. Men set up at the park; and you won't miss out on an activity nia. After riding the first week age years to would like the Miss Tintie Pageant at the that interests you and your fam- together, the teams separate, one participate... please Division. before contact me at claims false Tintie Among allegedly High School auditorium. ily. taking a northerly mute to Wash6th. made Gehl August by the Corporation to The pageant will be at 6:00 p.m. ington, D.C., the other a south3 that In the past four years A contribution to Tickets are $2.50 each ($2.00 Pickup Aug. consumers: ern route to Charleston, South Eureka has had a pageant, we the UPFA would be used for fire advance purchase), or $10.00 per Carolina. The average daily ride for new have managed to award 9 schol- fighting equipment. system 100 percent family. is 75 miles, and it will take 62 Proceeds go into the betIaidlaw On August 3, 1993, of the charitable donation would scholarship fund. arships., the amounts being days to pedal more than 3,500 will Ltd. This is go to the UPFA. Waste ween $100 and $400. Lee Greenbegin miles. Systems, The Silver $ Footrace, directed in donations. with Eureka. is wood his time. On June 28, one of the teams only possible donating by Gordon Oborn, is scheduled picking up garbage be out no later must arrived in Eureka, where they According to findings made by for Saturday, Aug. 21. The race Containers Other pageants are able to re7:00 a.m. than the fire morning. were extended the citys hospi7 will Tuesday at Tintie Division, and stall a.m. at purchasing ceive funds for scholarships High in containers not is mennot School. For more information, Any garbage tality and given the Memorial putting on the pageant from their fighting equipment be will not tioned as part of the purpose of call Gordon Oborn at 6 picked up. Building as sleeping quarters. city and large businesses. A new family hand-crafte- d auBUBEtt PUSH trek visits Eureka Firemen's group pays fine, agrees to stop making false claims m w one-hor- se Silver Fest activities start Aug. 20 pageant 433-633- 6, starts waste 225-499- city-wid- |