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Show IMgi I'm l'ho l:mvka Reporter - July 23. 1993 Obituaries Wayne E. Madsen Oral Robinson Elliott, age 77, died Friday, July 16, 1993 from grandfather, Madcardiac arrest. She was residing and friend, Wayne Edward with grandchildren, Brenda and sen, passed away July 14, 1993. Me was born May 13, 1914 in Chris Bartholomew in Benjamin, METHODIST Eureka, Utah, a son of Alma Utah. Sarah Theodore Madsen and She was born August 12, 1915 Me at Eureka, Utah, the only child of Elizabeth Carter Madsen. Worship Service at Eurekas married Mildred L. "Midge" Arnold W. and Georgia Brown United Methodist Church was under the direction of the pastor, Mood on November 23, 1934. Robinson. He was Their marriage was solemnized in Oral spent most of her early Rev. Curt Pollock. the Salt Lake Temple on June 25, years in Eureka, attending school assisted by Mabel Butler, Sandy 1959. there. She graduated from Tintic Evans, Greg Evans and Allen Evans. Me was a sales manager for High School. "Come, Ye Thankful She married Burtis Elliott in People, Come", was the Hymn of Kool Breeze Aluminum Siding salesMe a was and Awnings. Provo, Utah. They lived a short Praise and was sung during the man for the Alumiline Corp. and time in Idaho, and then to Payson Lighting of the Candles. Folalso the Russco Corp., having and later to Springville. He died lowing the Ringing of the Bell, been honored as "Salesman of the in January of 1988. She returned "Nearer My God To Thee", was to Payson and resided at the sung by the congregation. Year" for several Years. Scripture readings were taken During his childhood and Robbins Retirement Center. For formative years he was raised in the past year she has resided in from the book of Genesis; the Provo, Utah. Me graduated from Benjamin and has enjoyed a very letter of Paul to the Romans; and the Gospel of Matthew. Rev. Provo High School. He enjoyed loving and caring community. Oral had many talents, includ- Pollock then delivered his sermusic, many types of sports, a was ing the ability to entertain others mon. especially fishing. Wayne The service celebrating the 7th High Priest in the LDS Church. with her beautiful singing voice After Pentecost, closed I le served as a home teacher and and wonderful manipulation of a Sunday with a She the in the Elder's Quorum presidency keyboard. hymn of dedication, "Love played piano, All Love Excelling", Divine accordian. She and Superintendent of Sunday organ, and the School. performed for many groups and Extinction of the Candles, and Me is survived by his wife; clubs and enjoyed performing Benediction. sons: Ronald W.; David A. with her husband who was musicCATHOLIC Mrs. ally talented as well. She also (Barbara); daughters: Marion (David) Summerhays; had the talent for unique and Entrance hymn for the Sunday Mrs. Geri (Tim) Smart; Sister, interesting home decor, using her Mrs. Stella (Reed) Smoot; num- creativity and flair with each new mass at St. Patricks Church was "Soul Of My Savior. Celebrant erous grandchildren, project. was Father Walter. Theme of the childlove Oral a had of nieces and nephews. great mass was "Do we listen, or do Funeral services were held ren, not only her own, but any Saturday, July 17, 1993 at Oak that she came in contact with. we understand? Martin Fennell, lector, gave Mill Ward, in Salt Lake City. Great joy was brought to her by Interment, Mt. View Memorial the many neighborhood children the readings from the book of Estates, el 15 E. 7800 South who would gather to play in her Wisdom and the letter of Paul to yard. She will be deeply missed the Romans, and Father read (Bengal Blvd.). by all who knew and cared for from the gospel of Matthew, which relates the parable of the her. She is survived by two sons: "Good Seed", which shows human Bert Arnold Elliott, Payson, and weakness, but also tells us Rex Lynn Elliott of Eureka. that God is always open to anyThe name of a guest at the Bell one who repents. Also a special daughter-in-lareported in Leah Hone Family In his homily, Father said that Elliott, who spent a last weeks REPORTER, was mis-rea- d and subsequently mis- great deal of time with Oral. She the first reading sums up the Old Testament, The name of Mark also has six grandchildren, four theology of the spelled. wherin the and seven inspired writer tells of Bell's friend is Erika Roden.. not Yahweh (God), who although "Eula" as printed. held were Services Tuesday, Omnipotent, is lenient and merIn a rerun of an article headed at the Walker ciful in His judgement of human"New waste rules effective Aug. July 20, 1993, in Payson. Burial was kind. The second reading speaks 1 ", an incorrect date was printed. Mortuary about prayer and methods of in the Payson City Cemetery. A correction was printed in the prayer, pointing out that the best July 9 edition of the REPORTER stating, "An article submitted by Mayor Treloar last week, stated that the date for closing of EuFACTORY reka City dump is July 1, 1993. That is incorrect... the date is July AUTHORIZED The Tintic Ladies of Elks Trash and garbage 31, 1993. SMALL ENGINE Annual Summer Steak Fry is be taken to the city dump may REPAIR SERVICE until the end of July, and demo- scheduled on Friday, July 30, Factory Warranty lition or construction waste may beginning at 6:00 p.m. Taking Service Available reservations are Anna Gillespie be taken until August 31, 1993." ); ); Jill Snell ); and Joanie Larson BRIGGS A STRATTON ). DeadSherlin Grill line for making reservations is A beloved husband, great-grandfath- Lucille A. Hore Beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and Lucille Anna Petersen More, 75, Santaquin, died July II, 1993, at great-grandmoth- er, home, of cancer. She was horn January 22, 1918 in Santaquin to William O. and Lula Christiansen Peterson. She married Fred William More July 3, 1935 at Provo Court Mouse. She was a member of the LDS Church. She was an ambitious, courageous, and valiant lady. She enjoyed her family, yard work, and home. She operated Walts Cafe in She worked as a Santaquin. nurse for Dr. John Steele from 1957 to 1970. She assisted her at age 73, in operating family, the Santa Queen Drive-IShe is survived by her husband; one daughter, Mrs. Mark (Kathleen) Williams; three grandchildren and spouses: Curtis and Mrs. Bryan Rose Williams; (Kelly) Stevenson; Morgan and Keri Williams; ten three brothers and two sisters: Spencer Peterson, Willis Peterson, Gene Peterson, Mrs. Carl (Donna) Christensen, and Mrs. George (Helen) Irons. Three brothers and one sister preceded her in death. Funeral service was held Thursday, July 15, 1993, at Santaquin. Interment was in the Santaquin City Cemetery under the direction of Holladay Mills Funeral Home. n. great-grandchildr- Oral R. Elliott father, er great-grandchildr- Corrections w, get-togeth- er, great-grandchildr- Elk Ladies plan summer event (433-6957- (USPS-179-62- 0) Published weekly at Eureka, Utah 84628 Printed by ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY Springville, Utah 84663 Subscription in advance, per year: in Juab County $15.00 out of Juab County $18.00 Please send change of address to The Eureka Reporter Church Street, Eureka, UT 84628 Second class postage paid at Springville, UT 84663 MARTIN W. CONOVER MRS. GRACE BERNINI Publisher Editor , Robert Thomas from the Delta congregation was the speaker on Sunday. He chose for his discourse, "Your Future, How Can It Be Known?" Much thought is given to the future when making plans, such as the weather, stock market, etc. Mr. Thomas detailed two aspects in his talk, the future holds, action can be taken accordingly. Many Bible prophesies and their fulfillment were discussed, showing the reliable source for predictions of what the future holds. Watchtower study was from the June 1 issue, "Serving Jehovah With a Spirit." Scriptural text was Matthew 2-w- Self-Sacrifici- ng 16:24. County hires new inspector The Juab County Commission has hired Verl Wilkey as building inspector for the county. Commissioners met with Wilkey recently to complete negotiations on the contract terms. e Wilkey will not be a accorthe of employee county, ding to Ike Lunt, commission chairman, and will not qualify for benefits. Wilkey and the commissioners will decide on a fee schedule for the work he will do for the countfull-tim- yBy state law, the county must have a copy of all building plans. Building permits must be posted at building sites and the inspector must check off work as it is completed. EUREKA MEDICAL CENTER Joseph B. Markland, P.A.C. (433-6357- Tuesday, July 27th. This function is for members of the L.O.E. only!! It will be held in the Elks Lodge Rooms. EIC meeting set The last meeting prior to the Tintic Silver Festival in August, is set next Monday, July 26, 1993, at the Memorial Building, POSTMASTER: JEHOVAHS WITNESSES (754-3248- (839-3484- The Eureka Reporter method is that which the Holy Spirit instills in our hearts. Recessional hymn was "Now Thank We All Our God" Mass on Sunday, July 25, will begin, as usual, at 4:00 p.m. beginning at 7:00 p.m. Plans for the Tintic Silver Festival will be All finalized at the meeting. interested persons or groups are urged to be in attendance, especially if there are any concerns about any aspect of this years celebration. UCIIMSEN HONDA Equipment Many parts in stock for mechanic CARPENTER SEED CO. 1030 S. Slate St. Provo, Utah NEW Office Hours Monday 3-- 5 Friday 3-- 5 Effective July 1, 1993 Blood Pressures checked without charge Senior Citizens: FREE Eye Exams for Driver's Licensee Copies Available 51 Each FOR APPOINTMENTS 433-69- 05 |