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Show Page Two The Eureka Reporter August 3, 1990 Sam Hall Sam Hall, 66, died Satur- - atye iurcka Reporter (UPS-179-42- Tennessee. Sam Hall, Junior, known as "Junior" to all his friends, was born Oct. 12, 1923, near New- bern, Tennessee. He grew up in West Tennessee and joined the U.S. Army in 1943, from which he received a medical discharge. He moved to Utah in 19S1 where he met and married La-REden on June 24, 1951. They were married for 39 years and were the parents of 0) Published weekly at Eureka. Utah 84628 Mried by ART CITY PUWMHNG COMPANY SprinvRfe, Utah 14669 Subsciption In advene, par yaar: out of Juab County $15.50 POSTMASTER: Please send change of address to The lureho Reporter. Church Street, Eureka, llT 84628. Second class postage paid at Springville, UT 84663. MRSCRACE Publisher Member: UTAH Hatch to visit BSA CATHOLIC: Father Walter and St. Pat- - ricks Church parishioners U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch of were honored to nave Bishop Utah will be a special guest William K. Weigand, Roman and speaker at the Boy Scouts Catholic Bishop of Utah, as at Flaming principal celebrant at the Sun- - Gorge National Recreation day mass. Concelebrant was Area on Thursday, August 9th. Father Walter, Pastor. "Senator Hatch' anJ other Entrance hymn was Praise guest speakers will be featured to the Lord '. Scriptures were each 0f the three nights during read from the first book of programs. There will Kings, the letter of Paul to the evening be an entertainment program, Romans, and the gospel ac- on the 10th. 9th and 8th, cording to Matthew. The purpose of the large enAfter complimenting mem- bers on the work recently done campment which will draw on the interior of the church, luting youth and their lead- ers across the state is to (which had sustained some ser- with a jamboree youth ious smoke damage when the provide Ae:SPfTiencec exPamcd furnace malfunctioned), ees ISc9ut fxecu- ,.FaJ?nr National Bishop Weigand introduced , Parks two seminarians from Colom- - ive who had accompanied him Council of the Boy Scouts of to Eureka. The two young men America. Senator Haitch will fish the are enroute to Mt. Angel Semi- Wednesday afternoon nary in Oregon, where they rc8frvoir. and participate in a float trip will complete their studies. n In his homily, the bishop i?,wn,,the Gr?en with family spoke of the overwhelming and Thursday morning constant love of God for all ari?,Inenas encampment. which will mankind, as a wonderful and . and Yer precious treasure. "Nothing aders Gorge us stirs our hearts as much as to the after Getaway spectacular know that we are totally loved p and accepted," he added. Even h Hafr k mini-jambor- ee 65,yth sor hymn Gorge ln the back Thank We All Our God." Mass next Sunday will begin at 4 T? GeU??y aetivites will p.m. with Fr. Maurice P. j vmft SSS, as celebrant. A for P.loer buffet dinner was served fol- a8 .y . lowing the mass. Pre-fontai- ne, (gs -- 6 METHODIST: Worship Service at the Eur- - eka United Methodist Church was under the direction of Rev. David Amrie, with Mabel Butler as organist. Opening hymn was 'Theres A Wideness in Gods Mercy." Scripture readinjgs were taken from the book of Exodus and the gospel according to Mat- - th'w death. He was preceded in death by two daughters and one son. He is survived b his wife, Mrs. LaRae Hall of Newbern, TN; two daughters: Mrs. Mary Jo Fair of Obion, TN and Mrs. Susan K. Fussell of Newbern; Mrs. Mary two Fortner of Dyersburg and Mrs. Lucille Gibbons of Alamo; two brothers: Norman Hall of Cen- tral, TN and Andrew Hall of August, GA; and six grand -children. (This obituary was sent to the Eureka Reporter by Char- les and Irmina Eden of Spring- ville, who were on vacation in Europe at the time of their half-siste- rs: brother-in-la- by Harry Simmons The hotel room at the Ox- ford Welcome Lodge was ex- cellent, modern and very clean, Two strange things about the room immediately catch your attention: (1) two hot water bottles (rubber), and (2) an unplugged television set. I had not seen a hot water bottle since i was a child, so I asked the front desk about them. The nice lady said, "Well, it does get cold here in Iikc our 8uests wi"ter and A3 VISAMASTERCARD. A3 PART-TIM- E week month. Call: PLEASE answer our prayers. Hugs, kisses, and endless love awaits your white newborn. Expenses paid. Call collect: Doreen & Michael TRUCK DRIVERS. Great pay and benefits! Talk to a company that puts its money where its mouth is. J.B. Hunt: ne tfn 224-964- 4. 516-829-22- EOE. Subject to drug screen. LA24 A3 CREDITS $5000 credit card Excellent income to $NEED of credl history. Major bank assemble products from your home. regardless available. Possible fabualso cards 1 LAI 7 700 Dept. P7789. ASSEMBLERS: 504-646-- lous camera, film, and vacation packExt 64. Fee age. Phone will A3 be required. bed SNF. Competitive salary and DIRECTOR of Nursing position 50 benefits. Godfrey's Foothill Retreat, 775 N. 200 E, Brigham City, UT 84302. 405-364-55- ADOPTION. We're waiting for a baby and need your help. We know there A3 are many ads like ours, but before you decide, please call our attorney collect and ask about our family. refer fast has been known to darken a persons outlook for the a, tire day. Double-deck- er buses run in and out of Oxford every 10 to 15 minutes. The buses arc clean and neat like Seattle busses - not covered with graffiti like San Francisco ana New York buses. Oxford truly is a beautiful town, very old and very famous. It is called 'The City of Spires" since it seems that each college has a spire. There are en-bi- On Monday, July 2, I pre- sented myself at Worchester College and was assigned a room. The most charitable description of the room is "sparce". Since the college is designed for serious students, there are no television sets and no telephones. One television set is kept for special casions, locked in a "commons room" - a room for students to mingle sociatly.Twopay tele- phones are available for use by nextto fe.ver5fth,!?70 dwn'fi11 A,.f"end ,of m,ne l- ice-co- 6. one-on-o- our guests ice-co- 6331. a host family for America Intercultural Student Exchange. Call ment, and the colleges are like our state governments; but the entities jealously guard their rights and privileges. Of the 35 ad 0 -- l1i9hi sJhoochan9e IU9sian arriving in August. set was unplugged. One more 1 was told this question a Was precaution against fire, (At a date, I stayed at another hotel which had a sign 754-340-1. 1 Australian, European, Scadinavian. 0, A8 1. Christian couple brimming with love want to share happy, secure lifetime with white newborn. We can give a nice home, loving ADOPTION: grandparents, and little cousins. Expenses paid. Legal and confidential. Cal! Diane & Steve collect 914-674-04- A8 spaces available: nice, 5 or Call clean. and quiet LAI 0 Goshen, UT. MOBILE home 667-995- 8; 667-333- Some people have believed birdsong ripens fruit. English cooking as "institutional-t- he kind oT food you get in hospitals and Shlquln, UT, prisons." The "proper" English break- fast consists of eggs, bacon. Real Estate sausage, fried tomatoes, and For Sale ld toast. In some expenLondon sive hotels, the toast is TIME share units and campground ld but served not only memberships Distress sales - cheap! ! damp I dont know how they Worldwide selections. Call Vacation do this! If they do not serve Network. US and Canada cold toast, they serve fried or Free rental bread, fried in bacon grease, 305-77- family experience. Easy, fast. No Also IHS No credit check. deposit. Gold Card guarateed. $5000 credit limit Cash advaces. Free ifo. A3 . any time. (Free call). TALK live. Make new friends all over America $1min., 25 min. janitor in Eureka. Once a $1min, 15 min. Call from home hour to do the job). $20 a office. A3 Ad AdlGnCQII flt OXTOrfl -- 305-771-629- A WONDERFUL 408-288-710- aed "Beware" salad bar lovers Black olives are more than 95 fat, and each one is packed with approximately 20 information calories. Ext. - S-20- -- 602-838-88- 85 6am-10p- m, death), ws af, month of August we will upholster sermon Ibe of Sunday favorite chair lorwiaoorwiin Tcpjc was The Kingdom In Our fabric purchase. Expires Aug. 31. Midst." Closing hymn was "O God Our Help In Ages Past," fol- lowed by benediction and a sung benediction. The church service on Sundays August 5, will begin as usual at 3 p.m. Postal Jobs! Start $1 1 .41 hour. For application info, call ATTENTION: please unplug the television set on leaving the np.c;rthna!Lamin5 room"). This was the first time a;. gJYaterironfactlvl" had heard of a television set t. ee lopment Ibeing dangerous - rotten pro- 0U yars,ty grams, yes, but dangerous, no! Scouts and Explorers. Meals in England are re- sponsible for about one half of all the conversations of all the visitors to England. It is gen- tkat, bakfast is be of highlight theday; after AUGUST upholstery special For the . . . A3 A17 catalog, tired from Civil Service and with Rae, Mary Jo and Susan, went home to his beloved Tennessee, where he lived until his PRESS ASSOCIATION Church news ext. 2050. 667-333- Editor BERNINI 504-646-29- A3 7 days. Fee will be required. A GREAT family business! Grocery ae More with video tape rentals, plumb ing, hardware & general store merchandise. Included nextto it is a game room and snack bar. This is the only five children. Sam spent 20 years at the grocery store in t own. Asking price is Tooele Army Ordinance Dept $60,000 for the real estate - plus in 5 or see at 37 as a mechanic. In 1971 , he re- - ventory. Call: in Juab County $12 MARTIN w! CONOVER seized vehicles as low as $50! Why pay a dealer? Call now, home units from $199. Lamps, lo-I008 accessories, monthly payments lowas $18. Call today for a free color EUREKA colleges, 12 are over 500 years oc-eaU- MEDICAL CENTER JOSIPN R. MARKUND, ..Office Hqurs.. ,y. the entire studv bodv My be 90 square feet eluining a cot, a desk, two chairs and a As lke English say, "the amenities are down the hall". The amenities consist of one shower and one toilet, to be shared by six men (the best time to shower is 5 a.m.). Monday night I met my tutor (they are called "dons"), and classes started Tuesday. 35 Mondays Wednesday 10-1- 2 Fridays 3-- 5 Blood Pressures checked without charge jP. July 3. (to be continued) that is. Fried bread for break- - P.A.C. Eye Staler dtizeas: FREE Eiens for Drivers Licenses Copies Avalloble-- 5' ea. FOR APPOINTMENTS 433-690- 5 |