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Show Volume Eureka, Utah 84628 Eighty-Fiv- e ,Jr. 30$ 1990 July 27. erne inidls dki Allen Kolendo, coordinator event, as far as is known, was the Utah Premier Cycling Roy Hoyt of Hurricane, Utah, Club Eureka Race, held on who wrecked just seven miles into the race as the result of a sudden slowdown by the riders in front of him. There was a strong possibility that Roy II: 1st, Dell Despain; 2nd, Rocou la have won the race since bert Radke; 3rd, Jase Brewer. he has four medals to his credit III: 1st, Erik thus far, even though he is a Category Schramm; 2nd, John Penrose; beginner cycler. According to 3rd, Jay Salazer. Category IV: information received from a 1st, Ron Stagg; 2nd, Jason Willard, 3rd, Snawn Lupcho. is the at Hur- Masters: 1 st, Dana Pickard; High School, and has 2nd, Preston Gaylord; 3rd, Jeff Geise. Juniors: 1st, Nathan Jones; 2nd, Curtis Williams; 3rd, Russ Nelson. Women, Category IV: 1st, by Mabel Butler Carol Sebesta; 2nd, Jennifer On Wednesday, July 11th, Singer. Women-Citize- n: 1st, enthusiastic senior cit- very Wendy Gurr; 2nd, Susan izens boarded a bus in down- Ketesz; 3rd, Pearl Lopez. J J vice-princi- pal Number 30 Eureka shown great potential as a cyc-fler As the racers crossed the finish line at Tintic High School, they were treated to free drinks and the use of high school facilities including showers. Also, each participant and their families were given coupons which would give them a discount at local businesses. The hospitality shown them by Eureka citizens seemed to ge greatly apprec-ricaiated by the group. or ne Seniors enjoy trip to Montana . Men-Citiz- en (18-29- ): A 1st, James Hunter; 2nd, Crae Anderson; 3rd, Scott Calhoun. (30): 1st, Phil Simmons; 2nd, John Becking; 3rd. Clyde 30 more passengers. It The only casualty of the didnt take long and we were acquainted and having a good . time. 'Mrm Highlights of the trip were: Virginia City, Montana -Opera Show and dinner. Glacier National Park - Waterton Lakes and boat ride, Calgary Exhibition and Stampede, Banff National Park, Lake Louise and luncheon at the Chateau, Columbia Ice Fields Htghway, Kootenay National Sawtooth Mountains Wilderness Area, Sun Valley, Mine tour event beefed up :Roy Hoyt of Hurricane, Utah, injured seven miles into the race. i watching the busloads of tourists, was my kind of "su-1- 3 ffering"! We were entertained with harp music and German singing and yodeling by two colorful entertainers. The scenery in the Canadian Rockies was wonderful. If each person on the tour was asked to name hisher favorite place, Im sure we would name a different part of the tour. Audrey ana Leland visited their daughter, Cindy, in Salmon, Idaho; Dora and Raymond visited friends in Helena. That was special for them. The group arrived back home on the evening of the 19th, a little weary but full of fun memories. Eureka travelers were; j?aye an(j Henry wall, rt A(ja gchmidt, Mabel and tis Butler, Virginia and Lcs Randle, Dora and Raymond Hansen, Cleo and Tom Judge, and Audrey and Leland Sanderson. Society and Sunshine Mining Company are making a special this year to Iccommo- date more people for the mine a ew tours held during the Tintic t0 the rodeo was a course .f Silver Festival. as we were able Tours will again be held on special treat, finalists. The Grand both days, and the shuttle sys- - $?. se.e the Finale Show and fireworks were breathtaking to say the least. Lake Louise was special, as Just a reminder to all tours our bus had a problem and we two ac of the Eureka Senior will e scheduled for Saturday, were delayed there for about Young-at-Hea- rt Club, hours. in the Aug. 18, and one additional five i ake Louise Suffering will be a picnic in Tint- iookYodee - there nsss'iMw ;.s SJVW.VS SaSiSSJJftKf.5 Cur-effo- i.'ii.'- S- 4:15, making nine tours on Sunday. On Sunday: 10, 10:45, 1 1:30, 12:15, 1, 1:45, 2:30, 3:15, making eight tours on Sunday. It may be wise to purchase your tickets early in the day and reserve your spot on the bus. Tickets are marked with the tour number and can only be used for that tour. They will be sold at the Depot (west end), for $4 per person. Those planning to go into the mine tunnel should realize the walking conditions may be "Coming to the finish line Inspections can be done early Many Utahns dont know that they can have their vehicles emission andor safety inspections done up to two months before their registration renewals are due. If vehicle owners take ad- vantage of this flexibility in the law, they can more easily use the Motor Vehicle Divis- - lons saves Registration-by-Ma- il the taxpayer time, and helps the Motor Vehicle Division process renewals more effic- - The MVD The tunnel is approximately one quarter mile long, with small rocks and rail underfoot. Wear good walking shoes and a jacket. Hard hats are required and will be nished at the mine. Participants bc required to sign a babmty waiver at the time oi ticket purchase. difficult. Register-by-Ma- il asks taxpayers to allow 10 days for the registration to be processed anj your new decals to arrive, fur-lent- ly. EMT Adele Allinson "patches" up fallen cyclist. |