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Show The Eureka Reporter Page Four ESiimsiiniess July cflivifly $32,931,000 in Jvsb Utah Foundation Reports climbed by or an average business activity totaled of 7.5 per78, year, during the $32,935,000 in Juab Co. last fist eight years (1970 . )78) of this period. Between 1978 and year. Business activity throughout 1988, on the other hand, adUtah rose in 1989 for the justed business activity in second consecutive year. The Utah declined by 2.4, and pickup in business growth negative growth was registered during 1988 and 1989 followed in six of these ten years. This three consecutive years of de- declining growth accounted for cline. These facts were reveal- many of the problems expered in an analysis of business ienced by Utah in financing activity reported by Utah state and local services during Foundation, the private tax the 1980 decade. research organization. Gross sales volume in Utah, as measured by sales and use tax receipts, rose by 6.7 last year. The purchasing power of the dollar, however, declined by 4.8 in 1989. Thus, when an adjustment is made for inflation, there was a net increase of 1.8 in Utah business activity last year. Foundation analysts point out that the improvement in business activity over the past two years also is reflected in other aspects of the states economy. Between March, 1988 and March, 1989, approximately 61,000 new jobs were created in Utah. During this same two-ye- ar period, the unemployment rate in the state declined from 5.9 to 5.2. This turnaround in business activity also had a positive effect on state finances. Utah concluded the 1988-8- 9 fiscal with year budget surpluses totaling $128.5 million. In adnon-agricultu- ral Delegates attend convention 6, 1990 Juab County was represented at the Utah State Democratic Nominating Convention, by eight of eleven elected Attending were: delegates. James W. Garrett, Joseph A. Bernini (and Grace), Anna M. of only 5.0 in 1986 and 5.2 Gillespie (and George), Jayne W. Wilson, Samuel McGinnis in 1987. Founto the According (and Mona), Mary Rosquist, d. dation study, the 8.0 gain in Verl Thomas, and Benet Utah personal income during K. Max were Missing 1989 was slightly greater than Williams, LuWayne Walker and the 7.6 increase recorded for Bill Stewart. the nation as a whole last year. The convention was held However, personal Saturday, June 23, at Cotton- As indicated, Utahs economy has improved over the past two years. In addition to the growth in business activity and employment, personal income in the state rose by 6.4 in 1988 and by 8.0 in 1989. This compares with gains Church news in Eureka CATHOLIC: Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. were honored on Fennell, the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary, at a mass held at St. Patricks Church on Saturday, June 30, Sr. 1990, at 1:00 p.m. Celebrant for the mass was Father Walter. Mrs. Mabel Butler provided the music accompaniment. Entrance hymn was "How Great Thou Art". Serving as lector was Mrs. surEileen dition, another substantial Lindsay, who read fisscriptures from the book of plus developed during the cal year which ended June 30, Sirach; and the letter of Paul 1990. Most of these surplus to the Ephesians. Father folfunds were appropriated by lowed with the gospel reading the 1990 Utah Legislature for from St. John. In his homily, Father told special one-tiprojects or were set aside in Utahs of how the scriptures today "rainy-da- y fund to meet speak of love, and added that future financial emergencies. love between two people can Tax cuts also were provided by only be refined over many special sessions of the years, after standing the test of many trials as well as many legislature in 1988 and 1989. In analyzing business trends joys. The Rite of Marriage was between 1970 and 1989, the Foundation reports that adjus- then performed with the ted business activity in Utah couple renewing their marriage vows, as their three children stood with them. Offertory hymn was "Theres Something About That Name." Communion hymn was "In Moments Like These" as Mrs. JoRae Kay took her place as Eucharistic Minime EUREKA CENTER I. METHODIST: MARKIAND, P.A.C. ..Office Hours.. Mondays Wednesday 3-- 10-1- Fridays 5 2 3-- 5 Blood Pressures checked without charge Senior Citizens: FREE Exams for Driver's Licenses Eye Copies AvaIlabIe-- 5 ea. FOR APPOINTMENTS 433-690- 5 Aa-gar- expenditures wood High School in Salt Lake U.S. the rose at a City. Keynote speaker was Salt throughout slightly higher rate than in Lake City Mayor Palmer Utah during 1989. who gave a rousing The study observes that speech and received a standing Utahrfs are spending a smaller ovation. consumption De-Paul- Eureka Weekend houseguests at the home of Mrs. Effie Bell were her sister, Alice OConnor, and Jerry and Margaret Ann (Atherley) Matherley. The three drove from Las Vegas on Saturday and were in Eureka in time to attend the special 1978, sales volume was equal to 79.6 of personal income. mass at St. Patricks Church, The Foundation indicates that honoring Martin and Margaret more income now is going to Fennell on their Golden Wedmeet other obligations (interest ding Anniversary. Later, they the open house and payments, taxes, housing costs, attended the dinner fo!lowing..at the medical payments, repayment Memorial Building. of debt, etc.) that are not subleft on Sunday sales the and tax. use They to ject afternoon return to their Business activity in Juab as in Las Vegas. homes measured by sales and use tax respective receipts, totaled $32,935,000 last year, an increase of 10.8 Wigwagging is a method of over 1988. The report emphas with one flag. The ized that this change was based signaling motions used represent a three on gross sales volume before a dot, a dash and the end of a 4.8 deduction for inflation word or paragraph. last year. Gross sales volume in Juab totaled $29,716,000 in 1988, $38,116,000 in 1985, $28,226,000 in 1980, and $8,826,000 in 1970. City tells next meeting agenda 1. Roll Call of the minutes 2. Reading of previous meeting. 3. preparatory GAS sentatives: Congressional District 1 - Kenley Brunsdale, Congressional District 2 -Wayne Owins, and Congressional District 3 - Bill Orton, and for the Utah Senate and House of Representatives - in Jurisdictions. Multi-Coun- ty Utah Democrats also voted to support removing the sales tax on food and approved a sweeping report from the Utah Democratic Policy commission, headed by former Gov. Scott Matheson, which calls for revising state tax structure to make up for revenues lost by removing the food tax. Approximately 1,500 delegates gathered at Cottonwood High School for the 60-pa- ge 1 LYMAN'S BEAUTY SALON EUREKA, UTAH LYMAN L0NEY Owner and Operator Blow Styling and cutting Perms Coloring Bleaches it Frosts Expert Styling APPOINTMENTS ONLY PHONE i 433-636- 7 Closed Sunday and Monday : INNMNIIIHmillNlHIMHINIIIINIIIIMt Grasshoppers with Now In Stock P "OUR (ARPENTER O EEDVQj Provo 373-3- 7 1030 South State Street u Two blacks south of Provo Cemetery n GROCERIES Otation LAUNDRY a a MOTEL :r NEW AND U5ID TOO MOUNTOMALANCHMUMIUD MOVIE AND VCX RfNTMS V Wl DONT HAV1 WHAT YOVM IOOKMG IOX wt wiu COMI tiy and err rr sausn BEAVTVUl DOWNTOWN Ib'MKA j GRASSHOPPER SPORE C arpenter - Methodists prayers, Holy Communion was administered. The service closed with the hymn, 'This Is My Song" and benediction. The church service will begin at the usual time next Sunday, July 8, 3:00 p.m. Kill The Eureka City Council will hold its regular council meeting on the 9th day of July, 1990, at Eureka City Hall, Council Chambers. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. The agenda is as follows. celebrated the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost at Worship Service conducted by Rev. David Amrie. Mabel Butler was organist. The service had a patriotic theme as the hymns, "America" and "America, the Beautiful", were sung. Scripture readings were from Deuteronomy, Galatians, Romans and Mark. In his sermon, the minister spoke of "Government of the People". Following is, portion of their personal income on taxable items than they did a decade ago. Total sales volume subject to the sales tax amounted to $13.9 billion during the 1989 calendar year, and this was equal to 62.5 of total personal income of the state for the year. In Treasurers Report 4. Report of the Eureka Precinct Court. ster. 5. City Marshals Report Recessional hymn was "Sing 6. Claims against the City To The Mountains". MEDICAL JOSEPH yer leosf Candidates were nominated for the following offices: United States House of Repre- Myron J. & Paulette Carpenter Eureka, Utah 801-433-63- 11 A0 |