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Show 1 In I .'ih'is.i UrpnrtJT IllU She izureka Reporter (UPS-179-62- 0) Published weekly at Eureka. Utah 84628 Printed by ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY Springville, Utah 14663 Subscription in advance, per year $6.00 per copy 20 Second class postage paid at Springville Utah 84663. Entered as second class matter at the post office. Springville, Utah 84663, under the act of March 3, 1879. Publisher MARTIN W. CONOVER MRS. GRACE BERNINI Member: UTAH PRESS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION. Summer camp to be here for blind 8-- 15 swimming, horseback riding, baseball and tandem bicycling. Crafts, nature walks and campfire programs will supplement the recreational activities. beeper For - summers young people have attended National Camps for Blind Children, 17 sight-impair- ed sponsored by Christian Record sing-a-lon- Braille Foundation, headquartered founit in Lincoln, NE. This dation supported by donations from groups and individuals, provides summer camps throughout the United States and Canada free for legally blind young people. The foundation offers other free services, including braille, large-prin- t, and talking magazines and books, lending libraries, glaucoma screening clinics, and a personal visitation program which is unique to the foundation. Any legally blind individual desiring more information about the National Camps Program or other services for the blind may contact Christian Record Braille Foundation, 4444 S. 52nd Str., Lincoln, NE 68506 (telephone (402) 4884)981). non-prof- students want names of military enlisted Y Current names, addresses and marital status of men and women serving in the United States armed forces anywhere in the world are being sought for the annual Project Uplift by the ASBYU Community Services office at Brigham Young University. Janet Treadwell of Hermiston, free adult eye screening kit is available to persons over age 60 from the Eyesight Information A Center. test helps to check The four-pa- rt for glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and otter serious eye more Also included is the Amsler grid, a card with square grids. If the lines Gon- e- glimmering through the dream of things that were. Byron couples lack the problem-solvin- g skills they need to deal with conflict in a way that satisfies both partners, As part of BYUs Comprehensive the Marriage and Family Therapy program exists to train pro- fessional therapists and to provide therapy for people who are having difficulty in a relationship. We try to teach families how to use their energy to redirect their lives and to find ways to solve problems with each other, to find ways to communicate better and to deal with specific kinds of problems, says Mead. These problems involve a whole range of things, from financial difAnd ficulties to trouble with s. Names, addresses and marital status should be sent to Project dmiC tellllll COf1I If you have a concern that your childs development is delayed and is between the ages of birth to five years, please take notice of this opportunity. on this card lode wavy or disappear, A free developmental screening an immediate eye examination is clinic will be held July 11, 12, and 13 recommended. from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 to 4 p.m. at the Early Childhood Center, 815 The Home Eye Screening Kit, or N. 800 W., Provo. information about cataracts, is Those who wish to bring a child for available by contacting The testing should call and arrange a Eyesight Information Center, 2316 time and date with the secretary 2nd Avenue, Seattle, Wa. 98121. Toll-fre- e ). Only the child in question should be brought to the evaluation. CATARACT). Otter children should be left with a he-sh- (373-1564- 0 God! Put back Thy universe and give me yesterday. Henry Arthur Jones 1 tell you the past is a bucket of ashes. Carl Sandburg The best prophet of the future is the past. John Sherman The original name of Los Angeles was El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la In the long, fierce struggle for Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula1 of opinion, the press, like freedom The Village of Our Lady the the Church, counted its martyrs by Queen of the Angels of Little Pothousands. rtion. James A. Garfield CARD OF THANKS wish to express my sincere appreciation for the many kindnesses shown me during my recent stay in the hospital. to all friends and thanks My relatives who visited me or sent cards. The beautiful flowers and the telephone calls were also most welcome. Your thoughtfulness will always be remem10-d- ay bered. Alice Fox Mountain View Hospital will rent infant car seats for $10 from the Mountain View Family Pharmacy adjacent to the hospital. The seats are for infants from birth to about 6 months or 20 pounds. The seats conform to federal it left to me to decide whether we should have a governWere vice-presiden- t; vice-preside- nt; newspapers or nt 45-min- Howard Nielson ad- vanced doctoral or masters degree- seeking students under the supervi- members who are na- sion of Pen house set Congressman Howard Nielson will officially open his campaign office on July 9 at the Zions Bank Building, Suite 260, 8 re-electi- on West Center Street, Provo. There will be an open house from 4:30 to 7 p.m. The public is urged to come and visit with the Congressman and share your views about the vital issues in Congress with him. L Congressman Nielson was chosen to sit on two major House Committees: Energy and Corn- merce, and Education and Labor, 2. He introduced and helped pass the Trade Readjustment Act mendment (allowing for the retraining of workers impacted by foreign imports). 3. He participated in important committee work on the following pieces of legislation: Telephone Deregulation, Acid Rain, Cable Television, 'Vocational Education, Civil Rights Act, and others. 4. Congressman Howard Nielson has held more than 75 town meetings The 1984 Conference of LDS Single during his first term of office. Adults will be held July 26 thru the A flea can jump 200 times the 29th in Provo, Orem and on the BYU length of its own body. campus. All single adults in the Utah Valley Noah Webster spent thirty-si- x are invited. The conference will offer a years writing his dictionary. complete program of learning, Until the nineteenth century, solid dancing, sports activities, inblocks of tea were used as money in spiration, dinner and fun. Siberia. Participants are asked to register by July 13 or pay the The word robot was coined in a regular admission at the door, 1920 For information telephone: 373-play. 5277; i2M842: 2251377; faculty tionally accredited by the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists as supervisors for mar-riage and family therapy. Am-Clini- c, Single confab dates set m -- JjJOriTlOtl JJllTttClB u yvy 7)1 JLlVl nn IrlUffuZlfltZ MANTI Scenes of the Mormon Miracle Pageant wll be aired on Channel 2s PM Magazine July 11 at 6:30 p.m. according to Elliot Braith- waite. PM Magazines representative Jim Montgomery was in Manti June 28 to take pictures of dancers and Lamanite warriors on Temple Hill as they rehearsed for the annual presentation of the Mormon Miracle. The 18th presentation of the Pageant will begin July 12 and run through July 14 and July 17 through July 21. The sun is 110 times larger than the earth. It would tak over one newspapers without government, I million earths to fill the interior of should not hesitate a moment to the sun. prefer the latter. Jefferson People have teen traveling the Shara by camel caravan for as long Good resolutions are simply as 40,000 years. Today, buses and checks that men draw on a bank trucks make regular trips across the where they have no account. and arid wastes filling stations are Oscar Wilde part of the oasis facilities. ment without standards. The Utah child safety-restrailaw went into effect July 1. A class on proper use of the seats must be taken before the seats can be rented. Anyone with an infant is eligible to rent the car seats after attending the class. follows: Elon Spike Sorensen, Couples expecting a child can president; Merle Butler, first the class during pregnancy so attend Allman, 2nd leave the hospital with a and Judy Soresen, they can when the child is born. car seat secretary. more or to For information, A vote of thanks was given the Mary-Elle- n call Mayer at outgoing officers for a job well done. register, the hospital. They are: Rudolph Matson, Don Mickelson, Spike Sorensen (ejected pres.) ami Judy Sorensen (reelected secretary). e (1-80- 0- I accordian selections by the very talented Janice Clayson. get Lilly Erickson led a enwhich was game acquainted joyed by everyone. Winner coming closest to naming the number of beans in a bottle, was Delora Foster. Prizes were presented to Jim Toone (oldest man attending) ; Dora Rose (oldest lady); Linnea Lester (traveled the farthest). Could not get the name of the biggest family prize. New officers were elected as Universitys Marriage and Family total lives, Mead says. The therapy is conducted by Therapy program says many sitter. The present contains nothing more than the past, and what is found in the effect was already in the cause. Henri Bergson infant car seats When conflicts arise in marriage, when a couple is unable to solve one many couples find they are unable to problem, the tension usually spills work together and solve them, even over into something else. When though they sincerely wish to do so. theyre having difficulty problem Dr. Gene Mead of Brigham Young solving, it usually involves their Ore., program director for Project Uplift and a sophomore in medical technology, said the deadline for the information is Oct. 23. Uplift, 431 Wilkinson Center, BYU, Provo, UT 84602. Accordian accompaniment was again furnished by Leah and Mel. The gathering was treated to several Marriage, family therapy I nroaram r W5JB Oil firs nfilD in-law- Free eye test by mail problems which occur frequently with age. Despite some confusion on the part of those attending about the agenda for the annual reunion, this years Mammoth Reunion was deemed a success. People began to arrive around 10 a.m. Saturday morning and continued throughout the day, obviously because they thought the event was to take place on Saturday rather than Sunday. Unfortunately, many were not prepared to stay overnight and so left before the activities actually began. But, according to officers, a good-size- d group did stay and all gathered around the bonfire Saturday night to roast hotdogs and marshmallows g with and joined in a accordian accompaniment provided by Mel Hansen and Leah Towers. Sunday morning was spent visiting with friends until lunch time. The afghan raffle was held and the lucky winner was a former Mammoth resident from Sandy. At g this time, another was enjoyed, led by Marian Seamons. sing-a-lon- Editor Most children enjoy watching the flames of summer campfires. Some children only feel the warmth of those flames. at This summer from July in Hobble Creek Springville, Camp young people with limited vision will experience camping through their other senses. Trained counselors and staff members will participate with campers in such activities as Hospital to rent Mammoth reunion big success 1!IS "). THE FAMILY HAIRLOOM Eureka, Utah Patti Robinson, Owner & Stylist Mens cuts & styles Ladies cuts & styles Perms Coloring Frosts Manicures Solar Nails Appointments Suggested Phone: 433-632- 7 Wed.-Sa- t. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 4b |