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Show Volume Seventy-Fou- r Eureka, Utah 84628 July Number 27 13, 1979 Price lists City sfliscmisses sewer Matters discussed at the regular monthly meeting of Eureka City Council included the building program for the new Tintic High School; a discussion of price lists for sewer lines and requirements for digging same; and a clamp-dow- n on citizens not overdue water bills. long paying I)r. Fred II. C. Openshaw and Jay Evans, representing Tintic School District, met with the mayor and council to explain why the new school program should begin as soon as possible. Because of the procedure of funding, the building will be done in three stages. The first operation will be the laying of a sewer line from the new school site to an existing main 10-in- ch line.. probably near the Gerald Petersen residence. Sewer Cleo Judge, Peggy Drussel, Hal Nchcker and Larry Chambers met with the council to discuss problems concerning new sewer lines. Mrs. Drussel reported on price lists for sewer lines and Mrs. Judge reported on the state requirements for digging the sewer lines, especially under state roads, tarry Chambers and Hal Nebeker were present to make known their desire to hook on to the new sewer. Jay Evans will coordinate the school share with' the city portion and other interests. A certified surveyor will come to Eureka to lay out the survey of ground, sewer grade lines and city annexation of the school grounds, the water lines will also have to be extended. Cafe Donald Root met with the city council to inform them of his plans to build a cafe (a 23 ft. by 50 ft. structure) and to outlet. Decision apply for a mini-bottl- e on the matter has been delayed until a full council is present. Mayor Cook stated the Eureka Hill pump is being removed and soon should lx replaced with a newer pump to help the water supply for the city and A discussion was held concerning unpaid water bills and the decision made to shut off the water to those homes where no effort is made to pay long overdue bills. Fit-chvil-le. In final business, citizens are urged to practice moderation in their usage of water, even though the water supply is still good. Indications are that more water is being used now than ever tefore. 1. Multi-resour- The next meeting of Eureka City Proposed actions for Little Sahara is scheduled for Tuesday, Recreation Area in Juab County will be August 14, 1979, beginning at 6:30 p.m. two public meetings in discussed at at the City Hall. July, according to Tom Jensen, House Range Resource Area Manager of The Bureau of Land Management (BLM ). Meetings will be held July 18 at the Salt Palace, Room 220, 100 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah at 7:30 p.m. and July 19, at the Juab County Courthouse, Nephi, Utah at 7:30 p.m. BLM has proposed to withdraw 3,541 acres of public land within the free dance irom 9 p.m. 11:30 p.m. Live recreation area from settlement, sale, music will be provided. The dance will location, or entry under the general he held on the elementary school land laws, including mining laws subject to valid existing rights. The parkins lot purpose of the proposed withdrawal is Saturday fun activities begin on the to protect existing and planned school grounds at 9 a.m. with various recreational developments. These competitive races and games. consist of roads, picnic areas, camAn Old Time Fair will also begin at 9 pgrounds, and the new solar heated a.m. 12 noon on the elementary school visitor center and administrative site. lawn. In addition to the proposed withAt 10 a.m., a large variety of fun and drawal, the revised management plan exciting booths will open. for Little Sahara Recreation Area will There will be fun and games for all! also be discussed at the' public the includes The plan meetings. It is well for the heart to be naive development of new facilities for 250 und for the mind not to be." camping units at the existing White Anatole France -- -- Couple escape wreck uninjured Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wall escaped unscathed in a frightening one vehicle accident which occurred Friday in Ileber Canyon. Faye and Henry had spent the week fishing at Naughton Dam in Wyoming and were returning home, in their truck which was pulling a trailer and a boat As they started down the canyon, the boat began to sway and whip about, The causing the trailer to jack-knifboat broke loose, went over a deep embankment the gas tanks exploded and the boat was completely burned. When the truck came to a stop, it was at the edge of the embankment with the trailer alongside instead of at the back of the truck. Needless to say, the couple was badly shaken, but, luckily unhurt. Faye has not altogether recovered from the car pool accident she was involved in recently. At this point, she vows that she is going to stay close to home from e. now on. 1 . A light year is not a measurement of time but of distance. It is the distance a ray of light would travel in one year, about six trillion miles! Photography ce Meetings called on Sahara closure Council Activities planned for Pioneer The Eureka LDS Ward will celebrate Pioneer Day July 20-2Activities begin Friday, July 20, with a smorgasbord dinner at the Ward Cultural Hall at 6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. The price is 25 cents per item. Please bring your own eating utensils. Following the dinner, there will be a The Beck No. 2 Mine located North of the Iron Blossom No. 3 in East Tintic Is on area. the list of individual sites in the Tintic Mining District Sands Campground. BLM was assisted by a third year Landscape Architect class from Utah State Univesity in designing the proposed plans for the campground, which will be displayed at the meetings. A third topic for discussion will be the location and future use of the proposed Richwell Natural Area, a 9,791 acre within Little Sahara. The area was designated for wilderness study by the Utah Director of BLM on May 25, 1979, following an accelerated wilderness inventory associated with the proposed Intermountain Power Project. Further information about Little Sahara Recreation Area may be obtained by contacting the House Range Resource Area Office in Fillmore, Utah. According to Mr. Jensen, the public is encouraged to comment on the proposed actions which will affect the future use of this popular recreation site. Written comments on BLMs proposals should be sent to Mr. Tom Jensen, House Range Resource Area of Bureau Land Manager, Management, Box 778, Fillmore, Utah Com84631, telephone (801) ments will be accepted until August 20, 743-681- 1. 1979. Officers attend state Democratic meet Juab County Democrats were well represented at the Organizing Con- vention of the Democratic Party of the From all reports, it appears that our State of Utah held Saturday at the Salt readers liked the front page of the Palace Assembly Hall in Salt Lake Fourth of July issue of the EUREKA City. Attending from Juab County were REPORTER. Sharia Williams, Joe Bernini, Grace Due to the hustle and bustle that was going on around your reporter on July Bernini, Helen McKenzie, Elgin 4th, the name of the person responsible Gardner, Reese Painter, Gay Worwood and Joe Jensen. for the front page was omitted. Prior to the start of the convention, the are and verse The photographs McKenzie and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. work of Jerry Bowers (and Wasnt it neat! I). The EUREKA REPORTER Bernini attended a luncheon at the regrets the ommission. Sorry about Print Shop Restaurant, hosted by Governor and Mrs. Scott Matheson. that Jerry... Governor Matheson, keynote speaker at the convention, called on his party to nominate strong candidates in 1980 and work hard to get the vote - a formula, he predicated, would produce victory. New State Democratic Party Chairman is Dale J. Lambert of Davis the County. Janet Prazen of Price, is State chairman. new vice Representative Beverly J. White of as party Tooele, was L. Kenneth Dallings, secretary, and Ogden, assumes the post of party re-elect- ed treasurer. |