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Show locals: EDITORS TABLE. A. L. Bancroft A Thespiax Club. This company of Co- Nxw Books -, San citi-aeFrancisco, .Cal., have just amateurs h&i been amusing our issued a boo)c of about 400 pages, twice a week of late with giving A La California," sketches of life representations of various amusing in the Golden State, by Col. Albert plays, in the Gardenef s Club Hall, S. Evans. The book is printed in the for which has been improvised bold clear, typo, on fine paper, and occasion. The 'principle performers in durable ana handsome most are M. P, Romney, H. Pickett, Jos. got up Orton; 1. Defriez. Mr, and Mrt E. style, gilt but the matter contained W. Snow, Mrs. A. Seegmiller. with is still more attractive than the artii-.i- o perfection of the work. The such plays as The Stranger, 'British author lakes California in 1 849and Slave,' 'Look Before You Leap, Ac., a14 in an easy, lucid, winning talk gives which have been represented in very pleasant and satisfactory man history, fact, incident, anecdote, fancy, nor. This style of amusement is far geography, prose, poetry, biography more sensible and intellectual than and all, in a style so ogreeable ana winning that it is like reading a fairy such a constant round pf dancing. tale. We have not seen a book of Fruit Buds are swelling and show- this character so readabIe;or a portrait ing color of bloom, Almonds and of California so true and real. apricots will be in .bloom by the 25th, The Great Events of History" is and peaches by the 1st of March. .the title of a valuable book, for schools Gentle rains have fallen occasion- and libraries, of 376 pages, just issued ally through the winter, insomuch from thp Publishing House of J. W. that wild plants, flowers and forage Schr rmerhorn, N. Y. This work promise an abundance and early. begins at the earliest events of history and traces it to the present time. All to The Temple walls, are nearly up most notable actions and events of the the square and alt will be completed to the square in about two weeks. mankind, in a concise, plain and intelThis stupendous work, requiring ligent manner. .The earths history more than .20,000 tons of rock, has is divided into periods and dates, and been rushed pp with astonishing short biographies of all great men and rapidity, and by April will be ready rulers are given in a manner plain and for the roof, which will require over' easy to be understood. This work 150 thousand of shingle or othr cov- will be of great convenience and value for schools and will incite pupils to ering. . the reading and examination of history Save Cuttings. Those who have and We cheerfully comchoice grapes for raisins, wine, or for mendbiogiaphy, book for use of common this market, should be careful to save and schools in our territory. propagate all the cuttings; for they Tb American Advertising are and all will be wanted. Land and Agency of fteo. Newspaper P. Nowell A Co , New vines should be provided to plant out York, is the only establishment cl the hundreds of acres of vineyard next kind in the United States which keeps itself .peiaiatently before the people by year, so don't be asleep in this mat- advertising In newspapers. They evidently ter, but keep alive; if you want money receive th lr reward, for we have It from grow something that will dem&ad it. a reliable source, that advertising orders issued by them for their customers have An Apple That Keept-Higgin- s's exceeded three thousand collars a day Red Winter is keepfrg tmely now, since the commencement of the year, and and in far bettor preservation than this is not a very good year for advertiseither White Winter .Pearmain or ing either. Wood's Household Magazine for Feb. SpHfeenburg, aud appears as though it might keep well till May, It is the romes to us frjm the Companys New and much improved. Subbeat keeper we have found and an ex- Office, fresh scription $1.00 per year. 8 E hhutes cellent apple. The Illustrated Annual of Phrenology Frost. We are still having frosts and Physiognomy, with calendar and a every night, yet the weeping willows choice selection of readable matters Price nre leaving out and the Crocus, Violet 25 cents. and some other flowers are showing American Bee Journal, WF Olsrkand ns - . . . bloom. Specimens Illinoise Type Foundry, much new and tasty type end other material. The Oquaka Spectator if still published bv our old friends, the Pattersons, who have gone through twenty-seveyears' without missing a number. If this is not, persevering energy ws should not know when to look for it. We made the fraternal acquaintance of these energetie brothers over twenty years ago, when we published the Couudl Bluffi Bugle, since which time we have started and run through a little less than a dozen different papers, and are still hunting some new motive power to dash out a new public favorite probably it will be some bursting volcano. Welcome the old time f&vorit: Gents success to you in abundance. Seed Catalogue of George Haskell,, of Rockford, III, Long Brothers FloralCatalogufj Illustrated, Buffalo, N Y. Wood k Bellows Catalogue of eeeds, plants, cuttings and supplies for gardners and florists generally, NY. Peter Henderson'a Seed Catalogue for 1875, with charming colored plates. The pictures are real gems. Thanks BEIT 0BTAIXFD, AHDCaiArxiT, LOUIS BAGGER BT CO., &, Solicitors of Patents, n WASHINGTON, D. C. iUnH'illliltm ttF.O,HM St Leiis fining k Smelting ft &UorgaB Couotj tV.i II. imiuii IBiShm MMiim Xo. S0S.Xnth Sixth SI . ' UbiUt Undell Hotel. BT. X.OV1S, XO. .. 0- - Thla cowpoaVidow a control Load Afeney Bnoinru. fto. Eopoeial otlcatioa xlr.a Negotiation. .LmmSolo tho Pvebm tod of Bi'M and XlaaraT Laada, 0rrani.ini Compaaiea lei Uvv duterainatl.a ia to whka aar olSeoth Hoa- Wo roquartan tea aU Mlaing Man viaitiag oar tor to ih. batiMM oornmnnitj. of M. Lonii-On- r ten laada aro faoilltia aalliag nnnrpaoKd, to iun a Monthly from tho faotphat wo prop aa ao aooa Hat onr of oar Undo will owr. of Pipor Jollify, whloh wo will diitribnta Freo thmghont tho tho Eutam State and Emropo, hrlBgiac jrrar pro. bafon tba pablia, to tho boat advantage. ptrtiei AU bnoioaia oorreopradaaca ahanld bo addrafoal to W. U, Wiuor, BoiioaH Manager, t. ell. FARMERS READ'' TIIIS I Chapins Catalogue of greenhouse and bedding blanta, Oquaka, III. Phoenix Flower and Plaat Catalogue, Bloomington, Iowa, Parks Floral Gazette, published by Geo. W Park, Fannettsburg Fa, monthly, only 50 cents per year an excellent little illustrated monthly, that will please every flower lover. Gregory Catalogue of seeds, vegetables and flowers, Marhleheadj Maes, profusely illustrated. Rural New Yorker This Magnificent Weekly, is unsurpassed in horticultural periodicals, eomes as regularly at sunshine in absence of elouds. For family reading it la good, nealthy and sound. $20 a pear. New York, . Western Rnral, weekly H.N- - F. Lewis Chicago $2 50 a year. On its arrival every or.e aska 'or it fini and before we get a chance to see it, there isn't much left. We mast send for a copy for editors use especially for it is an excellent paper. Bee Keepers Magazine. II A King, N Y Gives a large amount of information to Bee Keepers, and is a power to Beecraft Colorado Agriculturist and Stock Jonr-nPublished weekly af Denver, Col. by Jas. R Hill $3 a year. A large readable newsy paper 'National Agriculturist, H A King N, Y $1 .25 pr year. Able corps of sditora. A! waya welcome. PencS" & SeedfDeaUrs and Grower writeJo us. TUB BUT u CIBTIFICATE? OF CHARACTER. Tbia ia to certify that we are pereonelly acquainted with W.A Tipton, n aitaan of tbia town for tho post ton yean, and knowing blmoi wo do, wo certify that ho will promptly send all aetd ordered from hi mi Iiaas bow. Sheriff; Edward Borgeii, City Xanbalt; nr H Curry. Circuit Court Clark; T X Hardwick. Justice of tho Pease; W H levs, Constable; Arthur Trayuei, Attorney at Rock-a-doodle-do-- Law. ol! CHALLENGE. $50. to the I above premium will pay any person in UTAH TERRITORY who will ehow a doion finer Swudah Fowls than I hero-i- , B. Eggs foresaw at a reasonable price. James Keate. Et George Jan. 15th 1875. tf ( al A9I8DEN JUNE FEACR. Large as Hale's, Fully three weeks fine earlier. . Very fragrant, finely oolored red, free-eton- e, flavored, firm, Ex- affeccellent Keeper- - Foliage not the ted Fruited on 60 trees. by MARRIED. YET. Tba Arabian Sngar Caoo waa breach! to thl tote dariag tho World Voir at Vienna. It drat injure year land- - Tho prediction la aaoraraa. Tba aana grow from S to foot high and from I to 3 inehoa In diamotor. A aanpla paakaga of aaad that will prodnoa from 40 to 60 cal lea of ayrnp will bo eat postpaid by mall, with diraotiona for planting and pool el term! to agent, on raaeipt of flU cent. I will give acoaeieo for from ano to Sva aoontUs. Be rata and writ for. term to grata. W. S...T1PTWK faadamaa, MAddnai, Cloroland, Tana. 'curl In this oity, February 4, 1S75, by Preat B Productive. Original tree 6 years old, enYoung, Mr. Joseph W. Carpenter, editor Su still vigorous. Circular, tree, dorsed forof P. to Miss Annie by Jasper County Randall, Grange George Eterpriee, merly or Spanish Fork, Utah. H., end Co Hort Society. Medium tree, top cut off, safes by mail free $J. Second clasg by mail 80 cts. each $7.50perdoz. Dormant buds 4 for $l'. First class $9 perdoz. $50 per 100 by A good second hand Cook Stove and Express. Safe arrival guaranteed any disParlor a Stove, CHEAP for CASH. tance by Mail or Express. Send Grange editors; the best authority Ellen 8 J. E. Johxsox, St. George. address. Deposit the money with the on bees. No beekeeper should think of Ez. Co. with orders GOD Send the Cedar doing? without it Rapids, Iowa, receipt. 12.00 a rear. L. C. AMSDEN, Carthage, Mo: a choice casket of Gardener! Monthly.is horticultural literature. Thomas Meehan editor, Philadelphia. This name will alone Florists, Clinton, Iowa. insure its excellence. $2.00 a year. Will fill Orders by Mail for Thanks to the Commissioner of Agrilate for Reporta. Monthly culture, Flowering Plants, Finest & Barest Native Science of Health, S R Wells, N Y, Utah Flants-e- ny Variety. 82.00 a year, illustrated, fall of matter of The Great Popular Illustrated Pafdr infinite interest to every person who has FOB THE Yocxc PEOPLE OF AhEBXCa. Send and Beautiful Desirable, New, the interest of a family at heart. For Catalogue, Message of Governor Robert Furnas, Our Boys and Girls" is a 16 page, 48 of Nebraska, to the Tenth Session of the column, handsomely illustrated paper, and Legislature. Thanks the largest of its kind in America. Cash Young Folks Monthlv, H N F Lewie. FULLERS GRAPE BOOK. WHO prizes are awarded to boys and girls for the beat stories and solution of rebuses. Ia Chicago, 111. $1.00 a vear, handsomely Mtrx ted and unexcelled in its selections HAS IT ? Return it immediately order to give our boys and girls a chance Jos. E. Johnson, of original and other matter. It- is vrorth to to subscribe for this mammoth paper, we ten times its cost to any family of have determinedto send it on trial for 6mos 50 cts., and give every trial subscriber SIISOS AN IPLAMT. for Prize f rue Cape Cod Cranberry , a Cheque entitling them to one American Agriculturist, Orange Judd, in chance the Distribution of the following Y, $1 50 per year, finely illustrated sort for Upland, valuablA prizes: id Indispensible to any farmer, gardener or Garden, by mail, pre24 Gold Pens, with silver platcdx tenid fruit grower. Every number is worth paid, $1.00 per 100, 85.00 per 1.000. sion cases. ;e subscrip' ion price. & 6 Parlor Telegraph Instruments, compeaches Central Unhn Agricultural 1st, Omaha, Alljthe new chice strawberries all this and prising battery, single needle instrument pbraska, $2.00 a yeir, of apodal value A priced Catalogue, of wirrs, instructions, Ac. connecting western farmers aud horticulturist, J Fruits, Ornamental Trees, Evergreens, 6 Amateur Printing Pr. ases, with type, ehmn. editor: Shrubs. Bulbs, Roses, Plants. &c..nnd fi Magic Lanterns, with 12 slides. If you want to obtain a newspaper KHRSII FLOWER AND GARDEN 6 Microscopes, magnifying 10,000 times. and ouo tint is Interesting, subscriliv for the 6 Writing Desks, elegant design and SrhiHrcUtriif Gazettr, It should bu putro nixed SEEDS, the choicest collection in the finished in cloth. be by all. $1 50 a yesr. country, with all novelties, will 12 Pearl Handled Knives. to any plain address. 2 2 Little Nell Sewing Machines., Typographic Messenger, James Conners sent gratis Y. either 100 Elegantly Bound Books, craft N of Tree, useful Garden, the lo Flower, sorts Very Sons, winners of the above prises will for Thanks. The Herb or Seeds, Kruit. Evergreen, and Girls" Horticulturist, II J Williams, N Y. One $1,00, sent by Liail, prepaid. Whole- have published in "OurandBoys street and the in names their full, of the neatest, best and most useful of sale to (he trade. that thus Catalogue their of proving number houses, as as freo from dross our exchanges pure are Wanted. our away all given really prizes geld. wanted. Send stamp for speciOld Colony Nur-seriM. Agents WATSON, B. M vegetwo Thorburns J Catalogassj 'Our Boys and Girls, and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, men copy. Address table seeds flower seeds and bulbsj No Mo. Kansas City, 15 John St, N Y. Mass. Established 1842. FOR SALE!. T-p- Mezquit Flat. We are informed that a party of onr citizens have been down and secured, by survey, Ac, the above body of land, which they exp&t soon to occupy by settlement. We are glad of this, for if we are not mistaken oranges, lemons, almonds and figs will flourish there. VN learn A Smeter Coming. that Mr. 'Williams has ordered a smelter for the Grand Gulch Mine9; and that he will soon start out to have all ready on the srrival of the machinery. Look sharp thers will be money astir soon; who will be ready with tho wherewith to get it? A tich vein of copper, immensely rich and extensive, has been located Pah-re- a. by a fortunate company on the Weather. The range of mercury has been from 50 to 70 in the shade .since the 1st of February. ENNIS & PATTON CUR BOYS & GIRLS. LOANED! 1.0 Si! 11-- 1 - c c. Chest i NFW ADVERTISEMENTS first-rla- We wouM call attantion to tho ailvorlic-nie- nt of W 8 Tipton, who offers reed of a uew sorghum that yield immensely. If you waut to buy or soil land or mining claims sos advertisement of the St Louis A Morgan Co. Miniug and Smelting Company in another column, Messrs. Bonis 6 Patton, of Clinton, Iowa, are florists of wido reputation and rclinblo have au universal collection of fruit and choicest flowers; which ihoy solid by mail to orders. And beside they have largo of Southern Utah plants; many entirely now, which tboy aro lor the first time intro, dacing. cidle-j-tion- s ss agents es r' |