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Show The Pfoh Pbmologist and Gardener, i - it i AA Great Chance for Agenti. . , , A NEW FRUIT I Do you want an agoncy, heal orttae-- . UTAH HYBRID r CHERRY! 1 this aw Wt krt pnpM I funlak tllitw, ritk U opportunity to BUM $& i Mn it m ttt pnpvurM (h ! tt ikm to S20 idiT eellinc our now 7 Out fall th uylutteiJ)Uft di. Waite nirt Viotkee hinetf loop tfoal Uramgk .. by Mil pattpaitf (ut) at J.JL JOHN soil. Gaarga Utaa. forever: aainpla firm, eo there ii no riik. f Tddre at once Jtudto River B'wv W wk,; i aUlahaf wha win u fCBLISHMS.-1-Ail aiuatU .Y. or IS laaart tba kT toctOwr witk thi, f.W IflP. ureter 8k and Maiden Lane. B e lkali ka akU aaad tba aetT mrkad aU at i 111. uai I) irborn St, Cnicego, iw UUtroiv, ,iti ! n ; 1IE .' - itnil I nttii briuaitaiii - . . ; M-- to mT Iflr. . . u We Invite the attention of Plantera and Dealers locnr largeand complete stock of . Stardard and Dwarf Fruit Troea. ! ':! S re-lO- : K i.tf relieve V i The BlmploaMCheaeti and heat la Beel A Child can run It! Mae But Oat Need ell the um of familie'a for especially aligned raad ladtea who dealra to knit for the .market, Will do every stitch of in a Stocking, widening end narrowing ae readily ae by hand. Are splendid for wonted a and fancy work, taking five dif. ferent kinds of etftch Are ' very easy to manage, and not liable to got oat of order, N very family should nave one We want an agent ia ovary Town to Introduce and aoll them, to whom we affo the moot liboral inducements. Seud for our. Circular and Sample stocking. Adthe-kaittin- A dress, HINJCLBY KNITTING MACHINE Bath, Me. 119Wabash aval, Chicago, 111. o, jr: Entertainment. Arcommodatious for Travlers. Horae fend and grain by A J. Workman; Yirgin City. EVERGREENS APPLE SEED Jamet A Roof Nurseryman, K ! v -- rraiafc f I fcj mailer vuteUteeteMifiem etherwiM frwh mla, la mmIoUW lkaai vwy Imrait ' if ermpriaing Balsam Firs 5 to 12 ohci. American Spruce, Arbor Vi: White Pine, Hemlock, Larch Ac in any'qaaniiiy.'pncta at hole sale, to $4. pr thousand, ranging (rom;. to ccij! dug q'untity atf ly packed in most without without bzfra 'charge; Printed, directions' ttad priced.' cafg . 4 r i bjp.u.fa .i.i r.-- IJtiA v i- - i i K 1 A. . A you.- - FILLS, j whatjoudeeire and Of Heaven, be restored the bleaeingev? with to good health. The are warranted to give aatfafactio. ortho money la rerundcc Agents n authorised to return the money, who parties who have purchased ibo pills give certificate of diseatlafactiea la their fcla Sold mI Ztefv Sfrett tlrwvh ikv if. ?! tht Territory avdurnuked on evmmiuioeTZ emy Have yon meaelea ' or 'mnmpaf Take TUB . one pill every S hours and you will hnvo no trouble. Have yon a MUoue or other sort of feHERALD ver T Take one pill evejy two houn and JPU will soon bo wall. lb . Is your blood Impure, these pills will purfy U and eot the system in order. Have you liver, complaint; Thaos pills BEST AND act powerfully In stimulating tba liver. . FAMILY PAPER Are you inclined to drepeyi Take a pill at morning and evening auf you will and ROCKY MOUNTAINS relief. Aro you dytyeptic, take one or two a day you will foelMttei Of THB Have you headache. Thera la nothing CHOICEST READING will enro it ae soon aa these pills. WMAcino Do yon fell to sleep well at night! take Tales and Poo try! two pills ongoing to bed. Telegraph io Roporta!! Are your kidnejsdiiofderdt Take too Luteal War Newel! or three pilla a day and gel weiL I Editorials and Loco! Are you troubled with languor oi weak- ON ALL TOPIC OF INTBSBT, ness j a pill at morning and. at bedtime TAiimer will soon give yon strength. j la your appetite poor; take a doae of with on tarty every morpile, followingaoou enjoy your breakfast. ning you will Tbi Host Desuable Famtlj Joins! ui Have' you a ora eyeeT Use Opthalmie two AUTHENTIC RECORD take and a pills day and you Balaam, will aoou be Improved. Aro you troubled with holla, raek, prickly hast, or other eruptions of the kin, uko two pii' at bedtime occaiiou- - PRIGS ONLY FOUR DOLLARS PIE off ally and they will P , YEAR, A SALT LAKE SEMI-WEEKL- Y If . Jb (Largest xtt "B 0IIEAPI8T I An U rviiims n in Ol 24 Columns Tb 3u , It AiBieuef Selected Matter, T Y. Sknneateles N, ml, i ! i THEY ARE HOMS MADCil . THEY SELL AT 2 CENTS IT BOX, , 'J:,. !'.' PURELY VEGETABLE 1-- Fruits, ! . - Grape Vines and Small Fruit AND BOXES CONTAIN ABOUT Ornamental Trees, 8hrr.be and Roeea 1 WES TYsFIVE PILLS. New and Mare Fruit fc Ornamental Trees. end Now Plante. they are ae CHEAP a PILLS aoll" in fvergrtene given to all enquiries. the Staten. Deaerlptire and Illuatrated priced CataThey are certain In their eye ration logues sent prepaid on receipt ol Stamps, and wfll harm B0 ene. 10c No -O- rnsmental , Hl Fu a cough or eold they will ci No Here yon NoSGreenhonee, I0e No. Trees, fayonr iigeitio weak, and dooe year 4, Wholesale rnu food give pain or fullneea in the slesacb, Address a pill or two will relievo you. ELL W ANGER BARRY, . Xtia bliehed 1840. Rochester, N Y Heye you a toothache-- , a dose or two vZffcm, will give yoaetae. Are you subject to heartburn, taka two KHKKIUSY iillle and a little pods dissolved in water ;! t 4 Boncset Pills. 1 t t : i hp Weakness. Aro you recovering from sickness; taar ':X a pill every porhlng and job will rapidly gain your strength. Are you troubled with mikh a 1 ten of an on neb bfpink worms; root, drink oak half of it in I be eourae of tiro Says, then' it take a good ddakof jrllli at night. Nest a two daye take the remainder with oilll at night and yen will bo ail right ' . Have- you a lame beck or breaetf Cover : it with a pleetcr of Conklin Selva end ..1 UkeSpilien day till relieved. h RTe T" pieoriay or pain la the biwaot or aidoT Take a sweat with herb tea sad a doae or two of pills and you ara all right again If you need u m!!df easy and saeesai-u- l aetion on the atomacb, liver, kowela or kidueyi, um the i. ssTi DYofrsprrr ea " BONESET k THE AKT- I- n YSPEP Titj FRUIT AND JORff AMENTAL, Of 18Y3 For VIP-I-SO . Take" you right and give you strength; will nu., 4 g.n.wjr .... Arjmitiff.rttgfrM.rh.ai.,U.BtTb.i Current History. 82,00 for oMonths 5airrtb3 $ CLUB . RATEfcfc C0P7 pne Tear pilla will work it out of the blood and cute you! If you persist hi taking them. , Icopy six moti.be I copy threo. months edoes or two .Rave yoad'arrhee,ba geI . . 1U copiei, one er4llly.curee.it. 'yeer Aro you eeitlvej i bees 'pills cm epo-- .10 do six felon the, Uvcnterbr eieifnag aeture te ovtref p 10 do tLtei months 1 4 t 00 08 Al ru mi dri '401 car tal Ai rki To ala 1 OO 30 00 ISOO 9 99 be l am Wa ch |