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Show ij, ; - , V'.'' : ;; . v. ' . . '- - '!.' f?. j.'v jw p ' . - i. 4 ' " ..- -; v - , a ' "fc.r v - .. Wva'pe - ,? - . A. ;j: j n ' ':-- - v',9V .' ',i iiihi r - - s ? jg nfrvjrn t - I,' 2 'o'.- . ' f: ,,j ; - ' r' o - a? 0 " J1- s .... . ?r'cr - - -- - r - 'f i 1 ' .w. - - ;Mrt :?:! -- - : r.i i v; Homestead. iYC7'THlowi VISA weekly published at JUesmoins Iowa by " f - APPLES. far ? a in cannot .be escel'ed, . .apple .; size and prolixity of fruit. ' A' t)ur garden 4 years old from the .loaded with fruit lerge . and handsome ha we over saw now freely coloring, will ' bp ripe in about 10 days 'The eaine tree L- last 'bore.H.applee itf two year ..oM,'ahd and Inform , year a still larger load. gro'th the tree is ymnietrically perfpcl and thrifty. Aiio her valuable quality tLb tree poaetaeai ' wood and the fruit groweam the etrong.seldom blowe off unripe. ' la tree, and limbsgrow stout and are little affected ' by the wind. ' ; , Th Keswick Coduxq, and Sammcr Pearmain bear well, hereyet the fniit-i- not of the choicest or largest. :. The Maidens blueh is a good beater, .bit too much on the small wood ' .fruit grows . to stand the wind. . The .tii;..;-Whites Whits Priuun. f ; Is :an ' excellent bearer, ' fruit sticks on .well and is large, loug keeplag, and of the ".highest flavor. ,.rs "Thi ' Qsmimt, : - . - - '. - - e . : . - ' . i. . . M-- ? ' The Grape ;s ruU-grqwer- s. The berries gencrally are large, fill)-and ' ths.',crbp in finely developed, ' Within the laat month we have Raini blessed- with ' A number-o- f and rich,, and .wilt genial perspecilveVis. heavy . has done great.good to the-- : produce; more'' than-.- double .the wine of. Showers, which crppa.rof ; grain and f rail, andN last years crop.";' much needed water into the old Mission Isabella and' Specimens' of wines sent East tombs' tried and tested. SantgVlf rift the waters fpf which had Echo heck- a' good and encouragingTepbrv become almost dried , threatening loss.' At a recent meeting of the R. MJ Pom- of .considrfabli crops.-- dependent upon i; : sbuth daily ologies! Society in. this place, jthe price ot for lrMgatfofi. Clouds iu Lhe and. , wind, . thunder main. crop of grapes was set for present appear, apd .often k j"' L a. vl f eents ailO m llgtltll gj eason, per. jonndr 'M.&rv 1 - e again-brougntth- - 'p - - . sJ-- - - . vti: . METEOROLQGICALVil , . st 81nce last issue quite eucceaeful .efforts ? Reported at 'the Office of tbe XJTAU have been made, in creating: amusements, Aug 1st 1870 by Charlie Johnson. lfarry Horsleys amateur: fronp, gave ns a render ing , of ? (he - Eton Boy gpd. 2nd Our .Gal, interpersed with Songa. &c sJfc'3fd which was very good and interesting:11.' a. m. Cloudy and raiii 101 .f - 4th . ; On ; (ht - 4th.' of uly, notiiritbstanding V53 K t- rain Q y. y the great heat, our citizens' came together do. ; and had 'An v olden: time celebration raip .irAIn at' night 93Snlntes rby a drtAchment" of 'ArtilleryJ'jk. x ,.6(Jvdo feiwlthftktraintw.-,v.'-9Jof vi.7ui.i..dot or the Declaration "Patriotic' reading " 8th do. ,.f rais at pight ,ni3 aonga,.toaats,' speeches A6.T Pok-olooi- ; Ckr -- I- - 2-1- - : . - n-ti- on, , 3-- 10 Clear .On the;S4th.theentrSncO'bf .the valley' df the Great Kelt Lake wts celebrated with thuih' eclat and epfrit proceeBiioTis. oratorj," mueie and various other smuecirente, concluding with ra ;. general' danpe' And eonga in the thC.!Pio-neersiin- io 2,. 10th Fain : Clear . 12th t Cleer" , . :.;jv93? , . tciesrA K Cloudy'r .r1"- 930..-13l- h' ir. 1 rlOO- -; Fruits. -9flAV ,14th r Clear 'i 'Tinder .sols summer rays, heregult evening r9Jio. ; tif? r i,.t5ih;ic Clear; and ripeRees. J Last week, the children were treated to r ssAlflthtwClaarA vaK-Mrapidlj'Comes tomatnrity ; . As earl v as-- the fou'th of "July' wtljad a aocial frolie aed dancer at Ihe Taberl7(h Clear Troths Marty red peach ripe, and before nacle, Which went off in good order ' lttlht;Stt-,- vjy. 4 .t;' bbUof .the iSth, the. Early Tillotso ....'TSW V' i ;;19th Cleay Wlnivaxious j?,l05?.. . v.. !1 " Which jrv ' ?& 2 are now ail gone .. ... o; little wihd U felOO ,. HOME MADE.; iOn the 15th TJuly the white Chasselai, ; Tbs! .100 21et ;.; ' cotton r mill having uClestv.,:; Washington' ' Rose -MlllersJJur100 "rf Chasseliss, ( Clear 22nd Adiroodac, T&iavf und Spring Lake were getting.tipe changed owners; It is abouttoto bssarooh and . 23rd gundy' Cloudy edand another added, bogppropri I and Ln and lf20 fco;.vvfii ; rain good to eat. The Adirondse seeqik to ate d. to looms" story1 woolen mandfaetnrea dnd be or excellent flavor here end quite eirly, We should now 90 24th.'Cloildy-vf;- iraise Sheep and ' plehty of i iOfl A but tbe white Obasa else thus 1 25th do ; 'It. " cotton, and clothe otxrselves by the in of all competition as the earliest 9 :20th-- Jfiiuau-cloai; n .dnatrwswf. our. own hands. I', ysHhiSlbw sh'odld we ?' v.Wi'h TSntier'es twd f beiaiplv r :28tfi Clsudy A, rainy A. J04 And talking bfnew exchanges, here ! provided Aritb.'lether, and onr feet clo he'd do th do 29 ofc rom Ponidlof the Uiah the from iet,Vf Gdtge in good home made,' 9" v30th . Clear and ' .balm' in. Brighauio Dbminion.' TNot blg aiUl 'bul-k- y, shoe shopw tv. : i .Cloudy fcnd t end some sweet but small tether eparkling. i WeneediAiHaUeT-rand- i " We thought wbgn the Rlor Virgen Times tradesmen to comptete ourwardrobe and E BRIGHT SIDE, ;TI1 eome te uS M pdie that outi .old friend J. make ue independent of importation .in V ' AV A Paper for. nil. Children gone to a. better that line. t E, Johrison.huat have.' '. Eubliaked conceive not 1 jnd than we "a for. we could sa weekly." VEight' beantlfully have bsns lr In medicines, good .(Jtsli, the. nossibilitv. rf.J. E , being alive and; no ipade pill," for. the uaiial complaints of the. illustrnted pages; ; No continued, stories without conntrv as can he found'in the medieins" Tne very best , writers. fs Large premiums. ldnger a pnblfsber, nor pubilsherstill. 1 oo us." ive, Hst, Home iqsde;: pure and lki saving. for cIubV. j Sent to subscribers on the you exchanging'VwiA terms: .. be Jo! May )our days many, yonr profits Dyspeptic, of BonesetfPllis art lowing month 25 barmb-- f; One a ure 'blood-cand' handsome f yrar. wives the , Urge,' your rely vegetable.' they purify end Oqaawkm fevera, jaundice dyepepsy; y nious end yonrchildren happy nearly ' msi " Vf 81.00 Vj" 111 tbs diiMts incident ta onf mountain : EptCtatOTm ; ';.-.-al 1 example.' Thirtyr' A success' beyond effective fine climate,, and are a sale sad family thousand elieulniion V ; Thaukairiends Patterslor-thi- s though only -one year ? . ci t ? 13 1 y tho.friendly fesljngand ex- -i medicine! r;y.rotherilioma Wcprnpliment, free. - The- weekly Spocfmeu eld, ' copy medicines teade ws tteyer r.Thesalana pressed good- wishes- Certainly,fora-Aiinoiitba on 25 teats: Address. three' for trial intend to leave Our Dixip bat arsgenerallyTfoasd At Ziona awl , . five,. Stores, thi ought iheTeiritory dol; ie Jandi forwe' lise tWaV-rU? vhlfago. jiw;v t.? W have to.sdmii.ihstlikeiyonrselves foerrsAtoi to gi v kiis fact ion- - We ; should . : as home : of .infirml y wiih gedk patronne hamemade oerttiply type And ink art a kw - SEED SED.T0P jr mad a f e would the M's wa Cities, ' red La. Cat here a mor Tocfcs;Anj. i . I have for sale a limited quantity of fresh aanil Ihe press goes bard, 9 we are xam- -. and clothing; f'f; Red Top Seed This is '.' the. bditT, "f grown ; Ining among'lho old volcanoes, for powr I and henviat y eliding crop lot hay; for Wee Market. Emit 'r to Ireep'it goiagwpetnalljrtVstill.liyp.?! i inf loads of early peaches j -or damp ground. not,"', when one wno irsvM Qiiiteaiiumber b'oye my E.. & JpMONSox, h)n isit in : the shide of Ills own. vine. apples,;: plums, grapes, a ud vegetables, J Virgen City, Aug, let. to 100 miles; n;A fig trie, as we do enjoy the society hare been Sent went about ; 4 . - ' s, - -- 10 ! . ing.'- -- j - . M -- i ,- -, - -- ' ' - 3-- 10 -- far,;-U'ahea- . .9sd 1 i,-1-9- s wij . Co-operat- ive 4 1 -- - i,v. I . ! . I r. , 4 - ! p - - f . s. . f-- -- Cp-jopef- Wd y f i - g-tb- . - ;-- - V. . . v V t i' '"i : !. ;:!': '. -- -- Crop.va . ' ir go - to encourage the" fifofits that 'should - Ir the population continues Thus i far the grape prpspeet ia excel to increase ' in that region,' and we eingCt. lent, few insects, or eniiftiee of the giape; the - roads considerably improved,, that in any shape 'All varieties arekofteuing market wiU be' a .great advantage to oiir jj ; t. and ripening and the dark:varietles qpipr' 'armers, gardeners. .and f . j . AvUeon, at1 $3 : i ' flwjbut vv ' Wm. Duane ler year. It is an out and out,. .western paper, and is conducted v with enterprise, and marked ability We wish it a Wide range of usefalness, and great .. anccees, a we place it July No. is reeived and .. . 'on our X list- with pleasure. !'. .. that your, good wishes are inspired 'facts losses and txpenee of transporlatfoiroVer ; "i and tuat.it is good to live. thewbrat 'of Toads,' distracts, much. ofHhef qualified for the position. t v-- . P a! ! s - of ' oarsriTei and children. And eat fruit land, gra.ee every fireside in the ' HI at $2 per. year, moat Id scions these fine ftnnny:dnrs. r, .Published at Chicago etc, wibu varicu euccoee. goneraiiy reai- and : conducted ' by II D Emery, a wan well Come and see and we will eonvioce you izing good: prices for g cod the - 2 i f, '" ; 4 '.itfrj-v.i- .! - v lijffwwHiwunn.. - ' 11.! - i1""11 - - ... ; j rryX3'-voxX.X:-- ' .'4 m i .n |