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Show o " The usefulness fu.rstRATio'fS. UD.&A.yYOUNQ, ' ' ' of pictures in a general way is seen by comparing the keennoxs of observation the general intelligence, the eecuracy of knowledge ft "C.K.J ohoraorJ obPrintbrv;.8t. Georgei U tah. exhibited by children brought up in tbo midst of an abundance of wholesome', Illustrated literature, with the comrarar.ivea dullness of No. 41 Main Street, AH ORIENTAL LEGEND. vision and narrowness of information show by lor those' who have not been so privileged. The Utah. Canada Salt lake City, fi recoing, which' we froui the . AT a short distance from to Dervis the 8000 School J ouroal,'. truthfully applies Bagdad.; 'a on hand a large and varied Voi h'.s celebrated Jor his holiness, giossed days Illn trations in Webster's Unabridged Dic- KEEP constantly ot Boys' Ladies, &l isses' In agreoabl solitude. The tionary, in which more than 840 words and and Childrens' Mens',lioes, 'tranquilly Slipi-ers- , A in al Boots, under the surrounding inhabitants, is order to hare an terms are illutrated ' and defired - and , varieties-aod.at prices grades.Boiler, Castle, reasonable interest in thepryrs,L eagerly brought to him ; ?'i as in town'.) any Phreno egy; and presents. The holy everyday prbrisK-nsee onr Southern Will be pleased to any of man thanked God: t eessartly for the aioiiui rumu'o. Timbers, as Utah friends, iiBvaiiu,! when visiting town, and oar U Allah' said may be seen by examining the Dictionary. Providence heaped upon hlir pruinisoto shewtheni'somethrngto suit exactly he, 'how ineffable is Thy teuderness toward thy It makes you wish tc servants. What hare 1 done te deserve the Paris By Gaslight is tho name of one the Police buy or not, tail anyhow.. 'benefaction)i wbLh Tby liberality loads me Gazette's latekt publications exposing the sin with!- Oh, Monarch of the .Skies! Oh, Father and wickedness o' the great aCity. illustrated "Smile when you esn," is tho latest thing wi L of Nature! w hat praises could-bworthy to by numerous engravings. Price 30c. celebrate Thy munificence and 'Jhy paternal are advised to do by those gratuitously admOnifek OhV Allah, how great are. Thy gilts lory beings, the poets. No one can smile whe affi i JOSH BILLING? GOOD REZ0LUSHUNS. he can't. the children of men ! , . . Filled with gratitude, oarherinit made a row st "The rose is red. the vile s blew, h lor the seventh time, the That! won't stroke enny more oigars only ;af was i 1 now kum if wouldn't ics you." existed war to which then Jtecca.The pilgimage v sum body eWa expense. . between thePersians and tpe lurks could not I hat i won't borry nor leud expeshlly lend. te make him defetY the. execution ot his pious That i will live within my inkum, if i have Lime-Ki- ln ho of in The confidence Full Club. God, began enterprise. tew git trusted tew do it. je his journey, llqder the inviolable safeguard i the kno until advise wont ennybody, That I i of i respected garb, he ttfstod through- - without kind of advise they are anxious to follow, V Death, am' de final lot of all," began th lebst cle, the .enemies' detachments ; far,' from more tite boots, if 1 President as the last foot beo-imwear i won't enny quiet "an y announcement eing molested, he receires at erery stepmark .jlhat do death in ut, sudden a do of it. tew barefoot liavb tew go f veneration'from the soldiers of both sides. Us 1 am under unless midst strikes foedin' i war' widachiil. swear i won't enns, ..That At Iat, orercome by fatigue, he finds himself oath v dismawnln when word was brought me b pigs bilged to seek a shelter from he rays of the That i will take mi whiskey hereafter straight a cull'd boy.w;id his fnddor's hat an'buteson ds lfl 'it. ' finds it beneath a fresh group Elder Goober Flatbush, of dis dub, had patse burning sun; hewhose tew the gutter. roots were watered by a straight of palm trees, i a me owes world provided away to be seen on airth no more. I presuui living That the limpid riruiet in this solitary place, where mosrof the moiubers am acquainted dat 1 won't ask the silence was broken only .by the murmuring me a kalis phool, defack, as many of dem war at de fun'ra ihat if a man of the waters and the tinging of the birds, the which, right heah, was fust-ciman of God found not only a charming - retreat, - ThatTfamantells me a mule won't kick, I wil frewont.'l.may fuyonehosa tv,. but wagon Ibrmod also a delicious repast ; be had but to extend beleave what he ' iti without pureeshfitvikWfadtam depleasure oLde elubl gattew repenttrieing V the hand to gather dates add .other .agreeable '1 hat the best tiitye ov a blunder lx had Known tl ebee'saidthathe Waydolrn) ' ' thirst, .very just beore the fruits, the rivulet can appease-hideceased The did. blder had on formally year. I.!. soon a green plot invites him to take sweet I bat i will try hard to bo honest, hot it will cheated him in a dpg trade, but was a good ' repose. As he awakens he performs the holy be just mi darned lu t to miss it. as men go. , he and in of a eestacy, cleansing; 4 transport if it takes Samuel Shin had paid the, elder twenty T1 i will love mi mother-in-laoxelaimed: Oh, Allah! UowOreat is Thy all hat to do i cent, for money, but he grieved that a good mi it. the money kan earn Goodxkss to thc Gmil res r Msi!" skarser had passed away. lies are getting That i beleave real good Well rested, refreshed, lull of life and gaiety and Giveadam Jones know that Elder FlatbtL skarser every cday.our holy man continues on his road; St conducts occasionally, thrashed his wife, but he, atwaL him for some time through a delightful country, made The BUILDER & WOOD WORKER,' is prayer-mCetin-up for it at the next Thursday eveniq' which offers t his sight but blooming shores and trees filled with fruit Softened by this the title of a nest monthly journal of inestim Articulate Doom had huiked corn with .tl spectacle, he worships incessantly the rich and ble value te all those o! the wood working fra- Elder and knew, him-aa man who would hi liberal hand of Providence, which is everywhere ternity, containing ,a it. does, plans, specifica- behind a hay-stac- k to a 'chew of tobacc take een occupied with the welfare of tions Ac, of buildings- - rtables, ornamental Jen The' Elder always had b plenty of fine-c- ut race. Going a little farther, he comes aerbsa a c s, besides whi h tho designs for Cabinets and was never known to pass his over box. Sti few mountains, which were quite hard to ascend ther firniinre appearing, in each number is that was nothing against his general charact but having arrived at their summit, a hideous worth more thin the subscription price. Send and his death was eause for grief. OX .r sight meets his eyes; his soul is allconsternation! lor .a sample copy and see if you do not agree was mean in some fings a "ha Flatbush "Elder lie discovers a vast plain entirely devastated with us. Address; Chas. D. Lakey, 176, Broad in odd ers." said the President ''list by the sword and fire; he looks at it, and finds way, N. Y. $1.60 pr year; Sped ot us. He would starve his ownnoss, li(e, a dal iteovered with more than a hundred thousand to to was fust He he the had the poo'. give yet yes corpses, deplorable remains of a bloody, battle 1 would bad wale he a home wid but temper, n. which had taken place a few days previous. Johrky didn't want to be an angel because he chile. We shall not try to make out dat ho w nil and were ravens want to raise a pair of wiugs; but his sister wolves, didnt vultures,, Eagles, credit with which the earth replied: You won't hare to; just stick some an angel, but we willingive him due devouring the dead-bodieea his will be eha'r mornin, draped family was covered. The sight plunges oar pilgrim feathers in your ears.' sedi be fur. an' hia name written wid de a sad reverie- - lieaven, by a special favor, odder whe have our ranks to trabble 1: into jioed had made 'him understand the language. ,ot Police Gazette Annual for 1882. Bristling with freu de dark an de rhadder." valley beasts: lie heard a wolf, gorged with human wit, humor and sensation of. real life and the blood, exclaim in nis excessive joy : "u- Allah! Istage. Profuijely illustrated with humorous and How great is Thy kindness for the ohudren of ether engravings. 30 cents. wolves! Thy foreseeing, wisdom takes care to Wo. desire to call special attention to the send Infatuation upon these detestable men who are so danerous to us I .Through an effect of thy advertisement of Messrs L. D.41 Jk A. Young, Boot We continue to act as Solicitors for Patent 9 Msin St., Salt Caveats, Tirade Marts, Providence which watches over Thy creatures, and Shoe Merchants, No. its, etc., for fj are alive to the interests .of Unified States, Canada, cd these onr destroyers, murder, each other, and Lake City. They thus furnish us with sumptuous repasts! u Alaa! their e istomers and keep the best assortment of Genqany, etc. We have doots, Shoes, Slippers, etc-- , in all grades, from years experience. how Gnu? istbt (ioouausa ' io thk chilpkx 'Patents obtained tho roost expensive to thei eiy eheapos$, and at OVWOLVRSl" prices averaging lower than anywhere else in SCKRTino Aiixricak. town ur readers will do well to call on thorn Illustrated weekly paper, $3.20 a year, sho "ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE." the old when visiting Salt Lake City, and we.can vouch theFfogress of Science, is yery lnterestin stand-b- y has certainly earned the title of being or it that thev ''will nowhere find two - more has an enormous drculatlou.' Address 1 A OO Patent Solicitors, Pub's, of Sciximr 1C. The Household Magazine of America!" Not igreeable or accommodating young gentlemen so has ATOlCiN, 981 Broadway, New York. its one of cotemporaries kept constantly im There is so starch the out that takes, Hand book about Patents free. theajertto give their readersNosuch a monthly of airoung nothing .. been wedded who has main married r:v j least of wholesome reading. trashy, articles abont a year as to have to go to .a- store .where uini . The difference between a dog and a boy e . are ever allowed to appear in its pages, andita girt-cler- k he- - ored to keep a that is there bea when sc the finds the a that sists fact in dog i fashions and household instructiohs are always - sized ectl those tor witfcind largoinquire company or it he doesnt spend candy. of the very latest and best'. See adv. PinTOVAT, ; . BOOT'&M MEECMfS, . . H t-ik- e , . s blisf nui, : - e ear! -- , tor-unde- rtake, . tr . e dh m -- a an'a; - s bl-iader- If w . g. . s . i - tlJ k - - tf fF "V |