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Show 't - .. i .. . 4 J . 'i. .. ; T'. ; " "T f . , KV, V tr: f f An advertising medium f ( v-- Depot: First NorthJSt. Near Post Office. St. GBOKttK, UTAH. : v haviuga general y : -- circulation throughout' Washington County, Ml on iTcrms sent distributed gratuitously. being Mu P., KOMN EY,HniiHi eiMiaiMiMe eeeeeeeeecec SUPT. ; application. s . ., . Ar prepared to tarnish pt,; C. E. Johnson. Job PrinterfSt. George. Utah. PUBS, SPECIFICATIONS, . 1 1 A NEW EXCITEMENT! The Leadville excitement has subsided, and now the Home Mirror Publishing Coj. Long And all other information in regard to the ixont, Colorado, are introducing a new Tomato, tiie .Rocky Mountain Chief.-whicoriginated erection of all kinds of buildings. : near the base of the Rocky Mountains in 1871b t6 of-It is the karlikst tomato known, very large, Having under steady' employ a good corps of and of a superior quality. Builders and Cabinet Makers, we are prepared There is a Reat demand for the seed ai 25c to erect Stores, Dwellings Ac., and eIfo to produce all kinds of per package by mail. They also offer to Agents at home 100 per cent commission and no capital Ji required. Circulars free. Address as above. . - . - r . X . 1 V - ... . BILLS OF MATERIAL,; ? : : Like a piece of steel, the man is the strongest and most elastic who always retains his temper,'! I vk on thelshertoct notice. r l8 THE SOUTHERN UTONl AN, ,1s the title of v the latest newipaperfal venture of 'Bea ver, No. 1 of which is before us. Tt has not ; as all Beavers from the previous efforts, risen, Vhoenix-lik- o Constantly on hm 1. ashes of the "Beaver Enterprise,, botoomos. as a new creation with a de it u to develop the reA. BMCDOKiM). sources of the southern ortion of Utah, whose . KaI.KR I extensive mines of Coal. Iron, Silver, Copper, Ao., are but awaiting the magical touch of Capi! tal to make them sources of great wealth to the country- . Success! ? j It is a large (21 x 3(1) yeekly, price , $3.00 per .i......U'l All year, (or $2.50 if paid in advance,) published by MIDDLETON, SMngle s,:dfc?c. ... J. . u. jr- I thbioe Wines j F. it. Clayton Jk Co., Beaver City, Utah. Treat everybody .with io!iteness; even those who are rude to you. R em ember that you ihowr courtesy to Others, not they are gentlebecause but are one. men, t you bet-ain-o ' A. J. Macdonald makes a specialty of Bottled Wines Just Published. i i - ' . V . i i I t ! r I . MADAME BOVABY, a Taleof. Proyjncia rf Life, by Gustave Klnuberti author' of "Sa Translated by John Stirling. One lambo Volume, Paper Cover, price 75 cents. T. B. "Peterson Bros.. Philadelpliia Pa., Pubr, ;J , Ushers. This book is one of the master works of the ; nineteenth century . it is beaming throughout , ' with life and truth. The whole work, tiom the principal to tiie.most insignificant incidents, has , a poignant interest, an interest unknown until the publication of this book. The incidents you ' yourself have seen twenty times, the characters are among your own acquaintances. Through- Mad- , . , out, the tone is one of aotoltta justice. me Bovary is found everywhere, and in the centre of everything. She is a woman who wish- - , ' os to rise above herlclass. has vague and extra ordinary aspirations, is dissatisfied with her lot, contaminated by a vague sentimentality; while at last her pride turns against hcriclf. ard she ; disappears from the role of wife and mother and dies from the lollies which have currounded hey. will take pleasure in ordering-foour friends, any of the publications of PeNrson A Bros., at advertised price.' f . ; ; ; , . Whoever looks for a irieud without imperfections, will never find ' w hut he seeks. e love with we ourselves, all our, faults, and ought to love our friends in like manner. Is J,goingBIOQJH away again, and aW those hwish in y to have their Ftkiz jP7i)elua-te- d had better hurry up. 1 Simple, Usnt hnti Strong; . . f ' f ? No complicated, Gearing, Ope the work of two. and tom out a better Job. The winner of First Premium wherever exhibited. 8cnd for Illustrated xamt Sneeinl Discounts to snan can do Ci-m- IWHA PwPhI-- S l 1 ' MPHOYED .BOSS SiCKLE 6RIRDCR. n , V.'siikCK hr ; ... jgWe V . r r Bills, Cards, Ticfetsi Invitations, ' Orders Receipts 'Due' bills; Rewards of merit, Legal Blanks and all kindstof Printing' done at - his office. t r V --- f I .1 |