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Show t FOOTLIGHTS; . .. - ' V . 1 ' 7 ' ' s 4 An advertising medium, having a general circulation throughout Washington County, being distributed gratuitously. Terns sent on Builder's 'Union. Depot: ; Ftrat NorthtSt. Near Poet Office. !. . SL GEORGE, UTAH. . Jt. P. ,...........BPnV V, application. Ar prop&red to furnish C. E. Johnson. Job . Printer, St. George. Utah. The motion of a womans jaw in chewing four caramels at onco gives a poor idea of the poetry of motion. 1 : ; i i.? - - . Last week the ice at Houston, Texas, was thick enough to venture on, and the boys and girls' had a gocuLtimc- all except the parsons daughter. Some how or other she didn't enjoy herself, and when they picked her up for the twentieth or thirtieth time and set her on the shore, her hat was all out of shape and completely stove in, and there was an air of lassitude and dilapidation about her that touched every one. When she reached home that night she took the old man 11aside, and whispering to him, said: Papa Ive found out where hell is; it's somewhere in the Arctic regions. .. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, BILLS OF MATERIAL, And all other information In regard to tho erection of dll kinds of buildings. ' f Having under steady ' outplay a goodcorpaof Builders and Cabinet Makers, ro aro proparod-. to eroct Stores, Dwellings Ac., and also to prodnee all kinds of . . - , a . . on theshortost notice. cSsc, SlxlXLSles, on hand. Constantly A J M ACDOW A I-- D. DIALER IK i : Choice Wines I UIAII MIDDLETON, .Jvst Published. Just Received AT THE MUSIC A STORE, lot of FINE Flo wer Pots, Hanging Pots, Hanging Baskets, Mosses, Shells, Ohroino Ornaments Vases, . i - MADAME BO VARY, a Tale of Provincial Life, by Gustave Flaubert, author oPSa-lamb- o Translated by John Stirling. Ore Volume, Paper Cover, price 75 cent , T. II. Poterson & Bros., Philadelphia a.. I 1 t' ft M Mirrors, nb-lisbe- rs. of tbo This book is ono of the master-work- s nineteenth century.' Jt is beaming throughout! with life and truth. The whole work, fiom the principal to tbe most insi nificant incidents, has a poignant interest, an interest unki own until the publ 'cation of this hook. J ho incidents you yourself have seen twenty times, the eharacteis are among your own acquaintances. Throughout, the tone is one of absolute justice. "Madame Bo vaiy is found everywhere, and in tbe entre of even thing. She is a woman who wishes to rise above here!ass, has vague and extraordinary apir&tions, is dissatisfied with her lot, contaminated by a vauo sentimentality; while at last h. r pride turn-- ' against htr elf. and she di anneara from tbe role of wife and mother, and dies Bom tho ollics which have surrounded her. drWe will take pleasuro in ordering for our firiond. any of the publications of I'e'crson A Bros., at advertised price. . Rills, Cards, Tickets. Invitations, Orders, Receipts, Due bills, Re-war- ds of merit Legal Blanks and all kinds of Job Printing done at bis office. ' . |