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Show Ultimo Ife'iHIKRjR Charifpton Windrtiill 4V A PERFECTLY The Cheapest and most for Pumping water for slock, f .fe sttfl .mjSlU SELMffiJMTING! i liitvn-in- t THf mosic GO FJiectlve power in the world, I STORE -- JOSTItKC!: Irrigatingrtftfee&rtdippiyt ins houses and fountains with pure, fresh water, etc. All of cur Mills jinMiillyf A t i . warranted, amrhrfer equal tdr any mill in the market in all !Z$aMhdl ed instnfCtlohs.anjupiift can setAneLi up. We are also Manufacturers of t h Original and only ilenuiuo to? iymiti. 1 ! ! 1. .liifweid shades belies i1 ,h J Xji to.lj'eVtor vrljilo., lutxlri Wutsi uiiy-ViiliT- Wt'rtfin. rwittji wit j Cbtki Vtl nixes from olie iMiitnu to fciral, ! Ask fur a Ml pie card! Try it. ai.d you will us no otlil with Porcelain -ed lion Cyli- Wi&ntttiiwiwviiFnlsh! lias iv natural alcutf I ' lMi aril. If U.O.A lot ol'KOOil SEWING MACH IN) Tubing, Pi nder, owIm U F Aqueduct from l Y to 51 bore,Shatswel eVl, ; iJfeo.V ahd Victor whl we will sell cheap for'Cash, Grain, Factory i or or Canaan at cashiiatw Sinner, Patent DoordiifJ eST 'Window Screen,?3, the Boss Sickle j ldl Grinder, etc. , y c.thef . trader 'generaiiy r, theaSa-throughout country. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. i H&vA? NV irdw,ir U'y2;'.1to Have also. i, J& EXTRA MACHIHE IIF.EDLES Q7) EJ m : !'i ii u y Jil matOBskings Made GpOrder. f i t ft t POWELL & DOUGLAS, Waukegan, IQ; ! aklf V k,f - ,v'i i tfjsrwkpj; Dea(jdj Sa-Doors, n mnrrrcTT- - rr I? 0BS1 TUR K 'owrieiJBB'i , ssware fiMTSAjEfcr, Mnnurr and sN n, CP m ik " -- 595 ' ' , m- - i&urjamwmk u. i doglrtat JL Mjl iSJUkilUl fISlBS-lFiSAiiSi- g?, ?. And a Host of - . ! . . trect, St. ('eorge. 2nd North i t Simple, Light 'pad Ctdoifg- No complicated Gearing. One man can do the work of two. and turn out 'A better job. The winner of First 'Premium wherever exhibited. JSend for Illustrated Circular and Special Discounts to Powell k Doaglas, Waukegan, 111. f rv . ri 7s :it d ' Vfci' v0 Wi:' Td . -- :.i ,i3 II A Big 1 8fp. waihiMflll , r 9 2 t S. j-- J . m ' s fi. V. Ml : zWMMmK.:: 14 t & 1 a k ifiAbac' t "" ? wenty yoiiln ago, says a co lured diiloe-idle- r, nmgabs was wrni a thousand dollars would he dcah at J dollahs apiece. Now dey a dozen and hoes-frmin. its aslorlishin, how de race a in runniii down ff by toiifyf dnjhotjyt " AIJUIV k WHI n .7-- BQSSil.CKLE.GRPER.'s' . . I Done -- . i OKAlIjr OltOPPINn Ac ! CARPEHTERAliD BUILDER. ; .t SCIlOLLAWlNi TURNING. ALSO. GKNKKAL -f f- -- ' "jicvhtiGHBm., ... f T, rtt'.'! ?.) .jd. 'c inent adjacenttp bilver.Bit, tChnrges e: treiue.ff moderate- - andjipi ray, asked, untH y ' are benefittc(Lr..ifloJju hare; any Write and tell syriiptomvi tnlil U; |