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Show PINE TREE Read KAMSCHATKAN8 USE THE INNER BARK OF PINE TREES. HOUSEHOLD TREASURES EASILY SPOILED BY MISUSE. Money refunded DON'T DESPAIR. BREAD. CARE OF CUT GLASS for erh package Pl'TNAM FADKI.KNg DYES if set cry. the Experience of a Minnesota Woman and Take Heart. Anli your of unrotio-- f druggiet. It isn't always the people who jolly yon most that are your best friends H your back aches, and yon feel sick, languid, weak and miserable day Take Gartield llerb Tea, Macerate It in Water and Bake Goad, to purify the lilood, eradicate dis.don't ative, and after day maintain Good Health. ease, Whoieeome Bread The Pine worry, Doan's KidSlightest Scratch Made While WashKeepa the Blood Pure and Pills cored have or End the of Means ney ing Wiping A good housekeeper keeps her The Body Healthy. thousands of women Usefulness of that Particand her temper from boiling over. In the same condition. UtenalL ular In Kamnchatka the people live la Mrs. A. Helman of OXLTOXU Bouoquilir' It 1.AX ATI VB HIIOMO Unia ne. Blaallartv a Stillwater, Minn., That pita. Mr. Kennan In reply 1o an Inquiry how to clean aaiued wandie unaieilaiet Seeatie. The flrnt and Out Tablri la a W1IITB 1AlBAUK with the sound of their language to CBl oneiaal But Dean's for says: Wall res" .glass The wt bean the Wf nature of tf.ltl'viiert. that of water running out of a narrows JC. S W laKOV Kidney Pills I would the following: Wash the glass, gives month Jug. Their bread la made from one not be living now. at a time, using a wft Prickly thistles have their uses the inner bark of the Pine Tree, mace- brush piece They cured- me in ss needed. Great rare must be without doubt, but that doesn't justi1899 in rated water and baked without Hour. taken with the puns, towels, cloth and Ive been They are a hardy race, the Pine keep- and water uspd In washing and wiping well since. I used to have such pain fy you in becoming one. ing the blood pure and the various lie scratched In any in my back that once I fainted. The In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASglass. If of the body In a healthy condi- way, even glass secretions were much disorA powder. It cures painful, smartslightly. It is weakened, kidney tion. Conaumption la unknown among and Is almost sure to break nt that dered, and I was so far gone that X ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. was thonght to be at death's door. It's the greatest comfort discovery of them. point. One grain of sand, such as Is Since Doan's Kidney Pills cured me I the age. Makes new shoes easy. A A noted specialist in throat and lung often seen In the bottom of a pan trouble, who established a camp for in which lettuce or spinach has Ixten feel as if 1 bad been pulled back from certain cure for sweating feet. Bold by all Druggists, 26c. Accept no subPrice 25c 50c &L00 At &II conaumptlvea In the Pine Woods of waplied, has lieen the occasion for the the tomb. stitute. Trial package, FREE. .AdSold 56 box. all a cents dealer. by Maine, and whose remarkable cures loss of many a piece of tine glass. A. S. dress Foter-Mllhur- n Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. Y. Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. E&rl S. Bo&torv,M&.ss.U.S.A. there have attracted great attention Glass that Is deeply rut Is not easily from tee medical world, says that one-hal- f dried; the moisture remains in the A young man always sneers at the ounce of the Pure Virgin Oil of crevices. Bury the glass us soon as Photographs Sent by 'fclra love affairs of a widower. Prof. Korn, of the Munich univerPine, mixed with two ounces of Gly- dried in a box of fine boxwood or his apparir cerine and one-hapint of good Whis- basswood sawdust (sawdust from sity, has greatly improved over ky and used in teaaiioonful doses, will woods of a resinous nature arc lip!t tus for transmitting photographs wires. He has succeeded in telegraph heaLand strengthen the lungs, break for IhiB purpose), the glass stand photographs and sketches six twenty-fou- r hours, and half an hour or longer, then remove sending seven inches square in this manner or is The curable. from the box, and brush with a soft gh that Munich to Nuremberg, a distance ts can be secured from any doth or chamois. Spread the sawdust, from of 100 miles. In from 10 to 15 minutes. small cost, at ption druggist out to dry, then se( aside to use again. Well-inform- ed uiry at the prescription depart-en- t The revelations regarding frauduJapanese lamp shades grow more of a leading local druggist elicit- beautiful each season. A few years lent paint materials which have been is to learn as to the relative st.:nl:nsr and reliability of the loading manufactured the information that the Pure Vir- ago it was almost Imimssible to And made by the Agricultural Experiment e ers of medicinal agents, as the no. eminent physicians are the most careful as to were gin Oil of Pine is put up only in those N. artistic shades, except that Station of Fargo, D., and published the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well vials for dispensing. Each vial made to order, and they were expen by Prof. ft" F. I .add, state commisis securely sealed in a round wooden live. The Japanese have solved the sioner, have occasioned almost as known to physicians and the generally that the California Fig Syrup ease, with engraved wrapper, showing problem in inexjtenslve lamp shades. much of a sensation as the exposure by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of G., the name Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) Many attractive paper designs are of adulteration In food products did its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which guaranteed under the Food and Drug shown in the shops. The frames are when the latter Arst began to appear. is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the act, June 80, 1906. Prepared only by of wood, lacquered black, and treated It has been shown that kegs marked Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy, the Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O. in such a way that they are not "Pure White Lead'1 often contain other plainly printed thereon. There are affected by heat. The paper is tough substances such as chalk, barytes, many rank Imitations of Virgin Oil and of transparent quality. The decorsilica, etc., and that oil supposed to in every walk of life and are essential to permanent sucof Pine (Pure), which are being put ations are by native artists, In simple be linseed often contains petroleum appeal to the cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would out under various names, such as Con- but rich tones, and are very effective. adulterants, to say nothing of water centrated Oil of Pine, Pine Balsam, The Japanese bowls for lamps are the In large proportions. Fome times, enjoy good health, with hs blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right etc. Never accept these as a substian not contain Leads" called White are some there but living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour good prettiest, tute for the Pure Virgin Oil of ine, as shapes in American pottery that comiota of genuine White Lead. of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute they will invariably produce nausea bine well with Japanese shades. The The farmer Is a large user of paint. to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but and never effect the desired results. bowls should be plain, bnt if a little No one is more Interested than he is, as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the decoration is desired, It ought fo be that the label should enable him to proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present Fire Record for Last Year. get what he supposes he is paying for. truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won The fact that when a servant be- simple. law state In should There be.u every Occasionally, .a tired member of the the appoval of physicians and the world-wid- e d comes master a cruel foe is suddenly because acceptance of the or perhaps one who is ill, requiring that all paint packages tie family, dreadful of of excellence the known the and to method of manufaccombination, the developed is attested by the all, to conoriginal their labeled according exactly wish breakfast served In his or havoc and loss of life occasioned by may ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. her room. A dainty individual ser- tents. That would enable every paint-feuyAre 1 1) the United States within the to This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of buy intelligently. vice makes the Riling out of the tray months covered by a summing up an But case in task. one has easy not Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wid- e acceptance as the most excellent of of these losses for lSOs. This record Phonograph Advertisement. in this laxative and as its the obtained from Senna, are well select indulged laxatives, family principles, pure juxury, shows that nearly 7,QW lives were An enterprising German has patentknown to physicians and the of the world to lie the best .of natural 'lost and more than $500,000, MO worth dAlntt.sst china. Have the linen spot- ed a device for Atting phonographs to I,et doors. As the customer enters the laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of of property was destroyed by Are dur- less, and the silver glistening. the the be cooked eggs Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy; but doubtless it will always' be just right, out: wrill a voice no In a call of other door country ing that period. shop, called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always New conin the world is the Are loss, in bulk baked potato rolled In a napkin, and Flour is cheaper California Fig Syrup Co. or pro rata, anywhere pear our own. the toast well covered. Make the tray signment of special quality mincenote, when purchasing, the full name of the Company on meat on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Last year, owing to the devastating attractive by laying the fresh fruit some, and try received; Syrup of just printed plainly Are that followed the earthquake ' in green leaves, and garnish the broiled similar invitations ( of Figs and the Elixir of full of as name or and. Senna Syrup by Syrup Figs Figs Ash or chop with parsley or cress. i San Francisco, this loss was in great Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by thy California Fig Syrup Clover d Grass Seeds excess of the average, but the average If eggs are to form the .breakfast, Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given should and lots of loves be Clover from removed lots the Everybody they for some years past has been to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout Grasses for hogs cows sheep and swine. satisfaction If or a with shells, poached, garnished a year. the United States in. original packages of one size only, the regular price of which hit of green. is fifty cents per bottle. ti Highly Eulogistle. Good Appetizer. ' The bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the story Is told of a bookkeeper In Every Very large French prunes opened Little Rock, Ark., who was called upon Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington 1). C., that the remedy is not adulterated or We are known as the largest grower, of to write a eulogy of his deceased em- and stuffed with Indian curry and misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 190 6, rice are one of the appetizers now in Granei, Clover , Oat., Barley, Cora, Poployer. in America. OperSeeds tatoes and Farm rice The boiled is Btuffling After much reflection the employe vogue. ate over 5,000 acres. did so in a fashion that seemed to long enough to completely lose its ran to and a become somewhat soft, shape him to meet every requirement. His Our mammoth catalog is mailed mass. The curry sauce mixed free to all intending buyer.; San Francisco, Cal. effort ended with this remarkable es- sticky .or send through it then it made very hot. 8c ix stamps timate: New York, N. Y. U S. A. Ky. Louisville, Mr. Blank's keen perception and The insides of the largest available and receive aaniple of perfect balance raLondon, England. indomitable will led him into the prunes are then removed to afford tion gnu. seed, together with Fodder Plant., (lover, etc., etc., and big Plant grocery and feed business, and subse- space for the Ailing and are taken and and Seed Catalog free. a boiled down Into thick The to syrup. in him induced embark John A. Kalzer Feed Co., Box W( La quently are at ciron a Maga-xlnprunes placed length Crosse, Win. the coal business. Harper's cular bit of toast, while the syrup Is Much Arid Land Reclaimed. poured over the whole. It is custoToime and Tolde. During the four years since its ormary to serve this appetizer slightly Mrs Hooligan was suffering from warm, two allotted to ganization, the reclamation service the common complaint of having more each dish. prunes being has rendered productive 280.000 acres to do than there was time to do it in. h of an ares of desert, being A,k ymr dealer for She looked up at the clock and then Jam Pudding. that has been mapped out for irriga- DETQI II I Oe them. Write for onr Martha Washington slapped the Iron she had lifted from Line a buttered bake dish with a tion under 22 projects. Harper's new illnMrated catalogue free. the stove back on the ltd with a clat- good puff paste. For a batter allow Weekly. Ths BARTELDES SEED CO. Comfort Skses ter. Talk about toime and tolde wait- two eggs and their weight in butter 1 in' fer no man, she muttered as she and in dried and sifted flour. Cream important to Mothers. are made for genuine comfort. It carefully every bottle of CASTOR! A, there's the butter and sugar, whip in the Examine hurried into the pantry; is a pleasure and relief to wear them. s safe and fare remedy for infants and children, tolmes they waits, an' toimes they yolks, beaten Mimoih, and then the and me that I There an so battens Is buttsa sr laces it don't Ylshterday at this blessed mln-I- t frothed whites, alternately, with the fo bee. You just slip them ea and twas but tin oclock, an' its flour, which has been sifted twice with Bean the off at will. a quarther to twelve. Everybody's. Signiwr of The elastic at the sides expands and a teaspoonful of baking powder.. DEFIANCE Cold Water Starch with the natural motion of the contract Now spread the puff paste In the la Dae For Over 30 Yon makes laundry work a pleasure Moa.pkx.lUe. DREADED TO EAT. "foot, baerlng perfect ease sad ceailari. 'Can The gun Too Bam Always SoucM- bake dish with peach jam, or with prebe worn all year round. served peaches, mixed with a tableTbompsois Eye Water on the has the The Three styles, low, medium and high. Your dealer will aoubrette A Quaker Couple's Experience. laugh spoonful of preserved ginger, cut fine. comedian who Look for ths name and If not, write to us. supply you. W. N. U, Balt Lake City, No. 8, 1907. gets none. Pour the baiter upon this prepared trade-mar- k on the sob. How many persons dread to eat their bed and bake in a steady oven. Cover Wttln nuke the popular Westers Lady" shoes. meals, although actually hungry near- with paper as you would cake, removdealer who does set handL. the name of ly all the time! FREE end ing to brown after the pudding has Martha Washington shoes and LYDIA Nature never Intended this should puffed up well. wcwill send you free, postpaid, s beautiful he so, for we are given a thing called It Is really very nice when properly size 15x20. of "Martha Wssslagtaa, picture VEGETABLE appetite that should guide us as to made, although in what the system needs at any time F. Mayer Baol A Shoe Co., and can digest COMPOUND MUWsuSm, Wla. Before Luncheon Titbit But we get in a hurry, swallow our luncheon small of Before bits dried food very much as we shovel coal into Is acknowledged to be the most sucthe furnace, and our sense of appetite herring are frequently passed about as cessful remedy in the country for When is done this each becomes unnatural and perverted. those painful ailments peculiar to appetizers. women. Then we eat the wrong kind of food gnest helps himself to two or three For more than 30 years it has or eat too much, and there you are pieces, places them on his bread and been curing Female Complaints, and Its accompanying butter plates and nibbles away as his indigestion such ss Inflammation, and UlceraNO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. fancy pleases. The herring Is dry and miseries. tion, Falling and Displacements, THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL unobjectionable to the touch, so It Is A Philo. lady said, the other day: and consequent Spinal Weakness, Somethe between sick fingers. been have up I and picked husband My Backache, and is peculiarly adapted and nervous for 15 or 20 years from times a little Graham, biscuit is served to the Change of Life. Records show that it has cured drinking coffee feverish, indigestion, at the same time, and the two together more cases of Female Ilia than any other one totally unfit a good part of the time, afford excellent opportunities for nibremedy known. for work or pleasure. We actually bllng before the luncheon proper la dissolves and expels EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT served. Tumorstm dreaded to eat our meals. development. Dragging Sensationscausing headache and are A OUICK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN. PRICE medipain, weight, relieved and permanently cured by iU use. We tried doctors and patent ISc.-- IN ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, CR COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-- AT When Washing Lace Curtains. cines that counted up into hundreds of r Sain,nl BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. DON'T WAIT . Weakness of the lace curtains are ready to the 'When EP COMES-KEPAIN THE A TUBE HANDY. TILL ,NcrTOU" Prostration, Headache, Gene dollars, with little if any benefit. narrow a of baste ral be washed, also. 1 strip Dizziness. and for mustard or A to other substitute Debility, aintness Extreme Lassitude Don't care superior any plaster, and will not Accldentlly, a small package of muslin each outer edge and let most ' llcate skin. The curative qualities of end blister along the ubilitT. I Nervousness, made FtXnV?lAf,eiftalbnier hands. Postum came mto my Sleeplessness, the article are wo. deriul. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve until the washing and drysome according to directions, with stir, It remain Headache end Sciatica. We recommend it as the best end safest external ing process Is completed and you will counter-irritaprising results. We both liked it and find known, also as an external remedy fer paini In the chest are s. do curtains and T"u-Mrstraight your have not used any coffee since. end stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints, A trial Aiot sag as usual. will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to bo Invaluable In the "The dull feeling after meals has household and for children. Once used no family will be without It. Many, left ns and we feel better every way For Table Use. Women Accept no preparation' people say it la the best of all your preparations. We are so well satisfied with Postum Women suffering from any form of female weakness are Invited to Rub snwnih a quarter cupful of vaseline unless the seme carries our label, as otherwise It Is not genuine. friends to onr that we recommend it Ma- - for dVice. She la the Mrs. Ptnkham tard with a tAspnnnful olive oil and SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASEborn advising sick women free of charge for more than twenty who have been made sick and nervous a tenspoonrul each onion Juice, sugar LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. yeans, and before that she assisted her mother-in-laand mine ruble by coffee.,. Name given and paprika. When well blended add K. rinkham Lydia in Mich. Thus she la well qualified to guide sick women back to advising. CHESEBROUGH MFC. CO. by Postum Co., Battle Creek, vinegar to make consistency required. health. Ler advice i free and always helpfuL IT STATE VTREET, NEW YORK CITY Read the little hook. The Road to then bottle. Theres a ReaWellville, in.pkgs. son." t lie mild lax- ! fell earth-covere- d Dorct. Suffer night long from toothache, neuralgia or rheumatism com-pare- Sloarcs Mm Liiunveivt kills the the or-ga- pain quiets nerves and induces sleep dealers. Dr Sloan, lf et One of the Important Duties of Physicians and the of the World half-ounc- Well-Inform- TRUTH AND QUALITY Well-Inform- : . Well-Informe- er Well-Inform- ed ," - 200,-000,0- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 148-pag-e -- e. Plant WESTERN SEEDS gggT one-fourt- nESUL TQ WJB; a to-da- y E.PINKH AMS COUNTER-IRRITAN- CAPISICUM VASELINE er7 psin-sllsyir- .g '& Mi Pinkhams Standing Invitation to Hi T. |