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Show WHEN FRAMING NOT LOOKING THE PICTURES. Rule by Which One Is Certain to Get Attractive Combination. Rhln" Had His Most FOR ADVICE. Own Rsasons for Peculiar Action. Dyeh (s as rasy ai washing when PUTNAM FADKLfcSS DYES are used. Ask your druggist. d A affair is atl right If It happens to be a bright side. one-side- Rome years ago there lived In the Garfield Tea, the Herb laxative, ia ntild village of Vienna, Me., a man by the and potent; lake it fur constipation and ways ivsuli in mi au rat i j ye ctiinlilna-tlun- . name of Phlneas Jones, commonly to regulate a Mluggiidi liver. other known at 'Phln." faults, s Among ilic frauit-1pruvidfil the for lovo Phln had an unfortunate nni too vivid, for the latter must Men who pose as Judges of human never lie mine prominent ilnm the something more fiery than soda water. nature get a good many hard bumps. On one occasion he had driven to subject, and tills mistake Is ritquiii! PI1.F.S CI RCD IX e TO 14 DATS. Augusta, about 20 miles distant, and FAZO ly iiimle alien selecting a Iniglit lone OINTMENT in Ktmrmiitresl an j CM imbibed had town his in ill oil ami inulc-liinday during It In of iK'hintf. IIiiihI, lUcuUiiiK or I'mirtMlintf wood. If in MK. U to or rcfuuital. bis money for I was more than dy good either a contrast possllile, get without equanimity or his clearness of brain. bringing the framing too inm-- in eviGenerosity, when once set going, Returning at nightfall to the livery knows dence. as the more not table whore he had put up bis outfit, familiar we how to stop; In framing etchings u simple mold are the with lovely form, he undertook to harness his own ing In oak or gilt Is considered corthe more enamored we become of her stable of to the the delight rect. If the latter Is list'd It must he horse, charms. Pliny the Younger. boys. In the antique finisn so fnshiomihle on, harness to the He managed get this season. Kor an etching the Money in Pppular Songs. after much trouble, but when he unAccording to a celebrated composand plainer the frame Is the dertook to place the horse between er, the popular song, though sneered those without any carving or ornaastonat by the is in reality the mental ton except for a metal ring that the thills, he led her in with her dasher. One of ambition ofsuperior, toward ished the fuge most composers. Thousurrounds the opening and a narrow Price 25c 50c &U00 At &ll the stable, boys, convulsed with laugh- sands of them, he says, "would give molding at the outer edge are in great out: called ter, ears their a write tune that Jo demand. Dr Earl Here. 'Nun hadn't you better turn reached the " And when For Kuglish and "old" prims the horse 'round?' your it has been on the organs some little plain rosewood, mahogany and walnut Phin," in no mood to brook inters time & good many other icuple would frames are best adapted. Some of faced the boy with maudlin wish to these are brightened h.v a simple gilt, ference, dispose of their ears. and. steadying himself against dignity, lino about of an inch in , the wagon-wheelreplied, solemnly: Writer on South America. Seanrvn of Mature Age. width, placed about the opening. Care NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BUSTER. Mrs. Marie Uublnson Wright, who Young man thic), p'raps you dont Lord Charles Beresford, who hai should be taken to show llic original THE SCIENMFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL know (hie) which way I'm goln! has American more South in traveled Just been given the highest sea com- margin on these old prints, for the more them about and written republics mand in the British navy, with the ragged outline sliiiiiis them as genuDISFIGURING SKIN HUMOR. than any other woman In the world, rank of admiral, ia In his sixty-firs- t inely antique." sailed for London, whence she Portraits and photographs are used Impossible to Get Employment, as has year. Admiral Bosanquet, who relinalls to Rio Janeiro, Brazil. She goes quishes the particular service squad- with or without inata, in plain wood Face and Body Were Covered with under an engagement by the Brazilian ron, la 63, or a year older than any or braas .frames. 8ores Cured by Cuticura. EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT government to continue her work on a American o Ulcer on the active list. Oil paintings to give bright ness are A OU1CK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR FAIN.-Pof the Brazilian republic. She history ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. OR The new commander of the Mediter- usually framed in gold. This autumn 15c. IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-Since tbe year 1894 I have been bY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF I Sc. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. DON'T WAIT ranean station, Sir Charles Drury, IB the style of gold instead of being troubled with a very bad case of ec- has written histories of the Bolivian EP COMES-KEA TUBE HANBY. TILL THE PAIN also is and Peru and 17. Vice Admiral Curzon-Howthe bright ia the dull .antique finish. zema which 1 have spent hundreds of republic, Chile A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, end will not book a upon Argentina. preparing new head of the Atlantic fleet. Is 66. Hand-carveframes are also much dollars trying to cure, and I went to end curative qualities of blister the most delicate skin. The The chief of the new home fleet. Rear used, both in the natural wood and io the hospital, but they failed to cure article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve the in British Banks. Money Headache end Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external Admiral Bridgman, who is 68, did not the antique gold, for oils. In the laBt 15 years British bank deme, and it was getting worse all the counter-irritan- t known, also as an external remedy for pains In the cheat reach his present rank until he was time. Five weeks ago my wife bought positors have doubled in number, from and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints, A trial 66. Prince Louis of Battenberg, secJELLY ALWAYS A FAVORITE. a box of Cuticura Ointment and one less than 5,000,000 to 10,000,000, and will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be Invaluable in tha ond in command of the Mediterranean am the ratio of depositors to population cake of Cuticura Soap, and I household end (or chi Idren. Once used no family will be without It. Many 60 62. was comis Process That Will Get Beat Reaulta pleased to say that I am now squadron, Farragut has Increased from 1 In 7 to 1 in 4.35. people say "it is the best of all your preparations.'' Accept no Reparation from Ever Popular Crabapple. of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it Is not genuine. fears of age before he obtained flag 1 pletely cured and welL It was Im- Deposits, have increased from rank and 61 when he fought his great SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUK VASEto $740,248,181.50, and the numpossible for me to get employment, LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. eat battle. Wash the apples, remove the blosas my face, bead and body were cov- ber of postofflee banks from 10,000 to som end and cut in Binall piecex. Do ered with it. The eczema first ap- 15,000. The average of each account CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. The American Adder. not peel or com, for skins and seeds peared on the top of my head, and It is now $74.30. Tho scope of the bank 17 STATE STREET, NEW YORK CITY A adder may measure Improve the color and quality of the had worked all the way around down has been so that now $243.32 enlarged, two feet in length and about six Inches jelly. Cover with cold water anil cook the back of my neck and around to my can be deposited in any one year, and around the thickest part of Its body gently until soft. Keep closely covered throat, down my body and around the the total deposit of any one individual Its movements are sluggish, and of so they will steam, hut do not stir or hips. It itched so I would be obliged may aggregate $973.30. course the universal idea prevailing in ash more than necessary, if you wish to scratch It, and the flesh was raw. Claim Nearly Cost Life. among the natives of this country that your Jelly clear. When very soft und I am now all well, and I will be Positively eased by READERS It is capable of transferring its head the liquid red, turn into the Jelly hag pleased to recommend the Cuticura Fred McNulty, of this city, had a these Little Fills. thing adTaitnad in once to the other from one extremity and let hang to drain over night. In Remedies to all persons who wish a terrible experience while holding down Hi column! should insist upon henna Tliry also relieve Diss what they ask lor, reusing all tress from Dysprpsli, Inclaim which he has several miles every six months is due simply to su- the morning measure the liquid. Cook speedy and permanent cure of skin or Imitations. Too and ot Boarty digestion is the fact that tad The fifteen went of claim to 290 boll ten east here. He the minutes, skim, then Thomas M. Rosslter, perstition. diseases. Eating, A perfect rems this snake does not terminate in a minutes longer. Add sugar, Street. East Orange, N. J, uat before the big blizzard of last Prospect edy tor Dizziness, Nausea, but with of bad as to each a week. The of weather generally, ophidians juice. Mar. 30, 1905. previously pound pint point Drowsiness, Bad Taste so a la stumpy and resembles the head Cook live minutes longer, or until been mild, and McNulty had no store In the Mouth, Costed HOWARD E. BURTON, acWmibt." much that it Is difficult for an ob- little poured into a cold saucer, jollies of ifuel In the shack. The storm was Tongue, Pain In the Bide, Apple Orchard Made Monay. Hpootmsn nrtm: UoM. CHIstr.LsiAll; Mold, Hi his make not could an so server situated at a distance of a few around the edge, then skim and turn fierce that he TORPID LIVER. They The Dover Sunshine publishes vor.Thu Uold.Mlii;Zioenrl'oppr.l. OymsfiaMMe Mailing; mtsIupm ana fnll pniwll.iMuuonnpDUan-thin- . yards to distinguish the one from the into glasses that have been rolled in Interesting story of success In orchard- way home, so he went to bed In order regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Com rut and llniplr work aulmtne. cco. hot water to avoid breakages. The ing in that rich irrigated section of to keep from freezing to death. For SMALL FILL. SMALL DOSE. SHILL PRICE. other, hence the story of Its being intelliMcno of which the fallacy sugar should be hot when added to the Benton county. Eleven years ago, ac- three days the storm raged, and Genuine Must Bear gent observer could fall to detect. Bymp. The best way is after measurcording to the editor, one of the pres- Nulty lay covered up to his ears, withMHCELUMEMJS ELECTROTYPES The Pioneer. ing the amount required to spread it ent prominent citizens began making out a bite to eat and only a small Signature fcy f$ Ml M Ihf lowwft tajpMt nrlity on shallow tins like pie tins and set a home. He had spnt 25 years as a quantity of water. When at last the A. MWePAFSKW,, II W,A4weSC,Ww A Great Outalde Remedy. in the oven, leaving the door open so railroad man, and desired a change. storm subsided he made his way to a Most pains are of local origin a that it will not get too hot. It must His little tract of six acres was set to neighbor's, a mile distant, freezing his DEFIANCE STARCH "crick In the back, a twinge of not be allowed to turn yellow, as it REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. trees. There were but two va- face and ears wntle en route. When a soreness all over arising will do if overheated. It should be apple the pippins and Spltxenberga he finally reached Minot he waa comrieties, to jfrom a cold are all cured by outside just hot enough to hiss when dropped In three years the trees began bearing pelled to take to his bed as a result TfaOBpionf Eye ttatnr DEFIANCE STARCH lbsonsets psekido applications. The quickest, safest and into the hot syrup. When the Jelly is fruit At the end of ten years the of his experience. Minot Correspondother sun-hronly It ohdcm nmt prtoa and most certain method is Allcock's quite cold cover with melted paraffin total Income from that orchard was ence Duluth Herald. DEFIANCE'' IE SUPERIOR QUALITY. as over .Plaster, known the world or rounds of paiier wet with white of $9,952. The land originally cost $55 universal remedy for pain. They never egg or brandy. Then put on the an acre, and an additional $45 an acre fall, they act promptly, they are clean screw top or paste paper over the top. for clearing and planting. Seattle 'and cheap. You can go right ahead Isabel your various Jellies aud prewith your work while the healing pro- serves legibly, so that you can tell at Return in Age to Childhood. cess goes on. Sixty years' use has once what you are getting. If you like Attention has recently been called given them a great reputation. your crabapple flavored, add a little lemon Juice or pineapple Juice while to the curious fact that the shells of Has Star Worn by Columbus, Rose geranium is nice also. certain animals, such as cephalopods, It is not generally known that the cooling. a leaf in the bottom of each glass, brachlpods and some bivalves, are Put Insignia of the Golden Fleeec con and its flavor will pervade the whole. commonly marked by retrogressive ferred upon the first duke of Welling-!toThe old changes as age advances. was that actually worn by Columman returns to second childhood in Cherry Turnovers. bus, and, as a special mark of Spain's Drain canned or preserved cherries mind and body, states a and the gratitude, this Insignia was made Into a pound of flour, and rub a cup scientist at Washington, hereditary, so that the present duke of butter. When like a coarse ikiw-de- shell of the rephalopod has, in old is the proud possessor of the star moisten with a teacupful. or less age, however distinct and highly orna worn by the discoverer of America. of iced water, and work to a paste, mental the ailult. very close resemyoung. handling as little as possible. Roll out blance to its Important to Moth ore. upon a Hour board, fold up and roll SnmlM csrrfully eswy bottle of C ASTORIA Bull Was Up to Date. out again, and yet once more, if very a safe and sure remedy for Infants end children, "Good grarioiut," said the cold, still, use at once. If not. sot In and sss that it the ice chest until chilled. Chop ihe chauffeur, "that bull seems Bean the cherries I from which the pits must angry, doesn't he? Signals re of Its your red automobile, ma'am,' huve been removed, unless this was la Uso For Orer 30 Teen. before canning them), add two explained tbe farmer. done Tha Kind You liars Always Doa-h- t. She flushed and bit her lip. beaten eggs and the Juice of one 1904 "I know it i an as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health and Roll out the paste, anil ent lemon. To Abolish tha Culraaa. but who'd model." she murmured, size of a large biscuit the Into rounds how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor life they The French ministry has decided Put a tablcRpoonful of the mixture ou have thought s stupid old country bull to abolish tha cuirass. There are 13 would that? enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome notire the f of the round, anil turn regiments of cuirassiers in the French other half over upon the fruit and diet of which they should partake. Hew tenderly their health should be preserved, Hows This? army. The weapon has been famous Itself, pinching the edges together. not One Hundred Ihillnrs Reward for any tfe offer by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injurifor a hundred years, and its traditions esre if rsisrrb that esnnut bn cured by Mali's these half circles in a floured bak- Catarrh Uy are ous Worth among or objectionable nature, and i: at anytime a remedial agent is required, to assist to from Ansterlits lure. F. .r. CHENEY CO., Toledo. O. pan and bake to a golden brown the moat glorious of the French army. ing We. tbe . known 1. undersigned, hive nature, only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure These arc good, hot or cold. Sift pow honrortbelwt 1.1 year., and be Mere him perfectlyCheney before serving. them nil orable s over tiu.lne-la and dered sugar and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Sntnelully Teachers Books Barred. able to curry ui.t any uhllKatluna made by bla Oral. W.lihhm. Kixx.x Maitik, The New York city hoard of educaSyrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has Hot Plates. Wholesale Dnimlnti, Toledo. O. nail s Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting tion has decided to prohibit the uae of come into general favor in many millions of well informed families, whose estimate In cold weather the viands on the (Ireetly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tha nil text books prepared by teachers table cool so quickly that the family System. Teatlmonlsls sent free. Fiks B Mute per of its quality and excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use. Sold by si: Druggists. In the city's employ. This will bar is often forced to eat lukewarm vege- Kittle. Take Hall'a Family Fills fur constipation. Borachios and Conrade's Grammar Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, because tables. which are unpalatable at any Famous Band Leader Dead. Seng Collection. Only one member time and particularly so on cold days. they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in Its action. We inform all reputaf the board voted against this action. In order that they may lose their heat Prof. Louis Schneider, the first dible physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained, by an rector of the Marine band in Washits little as possible after being taken Cheap Sterilization. original method, from certain plants known to them to act most beneficially and ington and the leader of the Imperial covered dishes the plates Teats made in France Indicate that from the hotwarmed before being put band, which waa at the surrender of presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are water can be sterilized with ozone at should la' Sedan, has Just died in New York. each at place. used to promote the pleasant taste ; therefore it is not a secret remedy and hence the cost of about a cent and n half He received decorations from NaThey should not bo warmed in the for every one thousand gallons, when we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not approve of patent will crack, but if pul on poleon III., from the king of Italy, the the process Is carried on on a large over or they above the range for viii medicines and never favor indiscriminate king of Belgium and Pope Leo Ihe mantel while when the uieal Is being prePlease to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs e for Dresses of Precious Metals. pared they will warm sufficiently California Fig Syrup Co. plainly always has the full name of the Company The women of Sumatra wear costly the piirimse. and it is for sale in bottles of one size of on that front of of the made them dresses, many being every package printed Cleaning Gilt Frames. pure gold and sliver. After the metal If than the ether offers regular Fifty cent size, or having only. any any dealer Water should never In? put on gilt Is mined and smelted, It is formed indo not accept it. If you fail to get other of r rumen. company, printed therecr. the name any They should he wiped with to a fine wire, which is woven into to Thin applies the genuine you will net get its beneficial effects. Every family should always have cloth and afterward used for dresses. Irv cloth or rhaninis. After j ill metals and lacquered goods. a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial for the parents and the children, wet and A COLD IN ONE DAT TO i lacquered bill has once been LAXATIVE HlumuQuInindTabictn. limp-iTabs whenever a laxative remedy is required. pnlrefund aunt if it faim io enrn. w polished it nuixl he continually iKUV I R giwtirc it ob nch loi. Ste, it to is best ishi-d- . plan so the Roiirlirs are try as long as inisslhle. He who envies the happiness of oth barks, and mirror "f deadly era will never be happy. tills For thousands. ruin many Matching the frame io the iii Hi,. preilonii-nai.,- will 1 al &1 DoKt Suffer nlqht long from toothache, neuralgia. or rheumatism SloedVs Liivinveivt the kills the pain quiets nerves &nd induces sleep dealers. S.SIoaa, Bostor,Mass.U.S.A. barrel-organs.- oiie-qiinrt- COUNTER-IRRITAN- CAPISICUM VASELINE MCt AT e, d pain-allayi- $269,-140,86- full-grow- n SICK HEADACHE lUfctii-tuta- three-quarter- lurere, two-heade- jSa lo .$ SaMMS rheu-imatia- e r. well-know- n What JoyThey Brim r. en To Every Home ! one-hal- self-medicati- rrsz v j ki-e- I em-ml- I the ild silverbark iiilmir is new ones are passim! away, and the that is proof tinted witli a rum position nm Hive .lues that but , main.it insect. an lint- - reflection as the other suit. l.-- it son ; i Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrep. For children tort blue, sufirnn tbs pirns, reducer ZMubolUp. dlluyspsia.curaswlndaUu. UuulM Of two grab bulb. b mtha. DISFASES OF VCKEN. Cl Ihe IhwiiiBfc si scaxuiiaiit stasis esrad HaaraiM tureiih their aasaa 1x4 letters res eselicalie. RONS PAID A CENT TILL CUREI Kansas City. Mo, snd toil Oxm AO or Dt. a flu TEwHSTOil S MlftURy Qns vuxxxvxh IUI Oilvs Dtrsst. St. Louis. gratia a politician Is opt to A. Nlo MIm I Til IILIe |