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Show It seems to be pretty generally ceded that President Palma was SOLVES CHEAP POWER. E EDITORIALS WIZARD punctuated the statement with a broad smile. And it worked?" It certainly did, but cobalt, being one of the rare metals, the problem was not solved. I scoured the country to find cobalt In sufficient quantities to warrant its use, and discovered lots of it in Canada, In Wisconsin, In Then 1 Oregon and In Kentucky. knew that I waa all right." What are you working at now In connection with this phase of the discovery ?" One of the most difficult problems in metallurgy is to separate cobalt from the ores with which it is associated. At present it la done only at great expense, and so for the last few months we have been devising a EDISON INVENTS WONDERFUL STORAGE BATTERY. a con- misfit. good-nature- d As lung aa (he wail Hearst is certain to have porters. holds mn out, SALT LAKE REAL. ESTATE. mip-- Now is the time to In Vest. A rapid advance In cenatn. Choice building IoIh all parts of city, 100 to 500, Si 2.54 cash, 67.50 month, 7 per cent. HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO, 78 West 2d So. 8L Mr. Hearst's lour of . the county Washington schools ask a million dollars more than they had last year. fill iw lias resulted in no detraction This from the glory of the prize and Tltln', is getting expensive. This paper Is on file at the American Mining Congress Denver, Colorado. "r rith-meti- GREATEST OF EXPOSITIONS. Jamestown Tercentennial Commemorating America's Three Hundredth Anniversary, to bet an ElaborTH0MP60N REAL ESTATE CO. ate Naval, Military, Hison . Installment Plan a SpeHomes I Educational and Great Discovery. torical, cialty. Industrial Celebration. Farms and homes for sale or trade. Of all exhibitions held in the Untied GARLAND RANGE New York. Thomas A. Edison has Horses, Buggies, Etc., Bought or 8tates since the Philadelphia Centenaccomplished a surprise for the world. MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGES. Exchanged. Tercenthe in Jamestown nial 1876, He has worked out successfully the Room 8 O'Meara Block. tennial to be held on the shores and PEINSULAR RANGES 63 No. W. Second South Street, problem of cheap power. He promises waters of Hampton Roads, near the Sait take City. to put on the market within six cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth and New-pamonths a new storage battery which News, Ya., April 26 to November t!0, 1947, is to be the most unique, will enable every man to travel In his OUR MOTTO; TERMS CASH, $1.00 PER WEEK and in originality and novelty will own private carriage at about the all Expoprevious eclipse completely cost of car fare. Without danger, Quick Sales in Real Estate. sitions. without breakdowns, without cost, alcommemorates the The celebration If you want to buy or si) Ileal most, a carriage, once supplied with w'Th most Important event in history the EHtaie, list your property with us tor the new power for 200, will travel founding of the first celebration of the quick Buies. We have tbe buyers. without repairs for 15 years, for 100,- first English-speakinsettlement In Anderson Real Eatate Investment Co. 000 miles if necessary, says the wizard. America, at Jamestown, ya., In 1607, Mr. Edison reiterates the declarawhere Captain John Smith and a small tion that he has Invented a storage party of colonists establisheda village W. J. HALLORAN, iMipulation. The celebration will show battery which will solve the problem the attained remarkable Real Eatate and Loans. by position of congested traffic in the big cities the United States in history and eduEstablished 1897. Telephone 823. of the world as soon as he can manu14 W. Third South Street, marvelous with he cation, together facture enough of the batteries. He Salt take City. Utah. Indusry development and commercial is erecting two large factory build14 3350.40 buys very choice Main St. expansion during three hundred years. now inings, Lots. nearly completed, and is Contemporaneous! with the Exposition stalling in them new machinery espewill be held on the waters of Hampton cially for the manufacture of the moRoads the greatest naval pageant ever BUY a LOT or a HOME before ESTABLISHED 1893. tor battery. witnessed in the world, in which every We advise you re prices advance. In 15 years from now the horse A. L. Brattain, Manager. type of war vessel from the navies garding localities and make your inHave you ever thought of getting into business? For instance, a of all foreign nations will participate. will be a curiosity; we shall be pay-lo- g terests ours. Another attatractive feature will be good paying rooming house, grocery store, saloon, cigar store, restau50 cents to look at him in sideMARINGER INVESTMENT CO.. i he international rant, or, in fact any business enterprise? If you contemplate such a military encampshows," said Mr. Edison to an inter40 East Second South. ment in which detachment of troops move, see me. I have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to be viewer. Salt take Seeing Manager of European countries will unite with money makers. Correspondence solicited. "Last year you were sure that you Oars." Business Opportunity Departmsnt A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. the soldiers of the United States In a had solved this problem?" he was reseries of drills, maneuvers, parades, minded. etc. TH0MA8 F. ASHWORTH. THOMA8 A. EDI80N. Yes, last year 1 was aura," replied rpr. . s ..wnwRr.wrr wwrpjrwRRRRrRsr The site of the Exposition Is located Attorney-at-LaIs Said to Have Solved the ProbMr. Edison, but now 1 am dead sure. (He iar..U41M4Sl4SiS 'SSS'SkMSkSSiMkiMSS'MSSkSSd within twenty minutes ride of the Practice In both state and federal lem of Cheap Power for Autoe.) There is a difference between the two. Tidewater cities of Virginia, reached courts. Special attention given to A HINT TO THE INVESTOR. It's one thing, for instance, to be sure, plan of getting cobalt out of the ore by ether trolley or steamer, and namining and mining law. Communicaand another thing to be Wall street cheaply within a ratio of cost already ture has combined with the ingenuity tions solicited, and answered prompt312 Dooly sure. Sait Laae Heal Estate Is tne Barest, ly. Bell phone 590-calculated for the price of each cell." of man in making a beautiful and picturesque spot. The grounds cover sureat and best thing to buy In the Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. For three years 25,000 storage batAnd you have succeeded?" more than 400 acres, and two miles of whole wide west. It Is cheap, too WHEN teries have been constantly at work Completely. I can positively promwaterfar cheaper than it should be, considin the test shops of the Edison plant ise that the new battery will be on water front facing the greatest an way In the world, and commands ering resources, geographical location, at Orange, N. J. the murket In the spring. The factory GEO M. McCONAUGHY, of innumerable view rapidly developing tributary region, SB I never believed that nature, so buildings are ready aud the machin- unsurpassed climate auJ tbe attractions of Salt points of national historic interest deal Estate and Loans. prolific of resources, could provide ery is being installed. The sceme of landscape .decoration take. The country around about is Rut there muy be some surprise will be novel and elaborate, one of only lead as a material ingredient of far ahead of Salt Lake. Salt Lake inveetnieut. Securities, Trades and the battery," said Mr. Edison. I have that nature is holding hack that will the attractive features being the floral must and will catch up. and while it is Business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101. 3 fence which surrounds the ground. It 41 West Second 8a St., always found her ready for any einer interfere?" catching up Is when values will double on and good money be made. gency, and based on this confidence Salt Lake City, Utah. "Absolutely none. I haven't kept is made of trumpet vines, trainedhony-stickSB that she has never betrayed, I com- 25.004 batteries working for three meshed wire, Intertwined with and crimson rambler rosea, muned diligently with her. One day years without discounting all chances 4 A AAA the effect being an artistic triumph C HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO. 1 discovered that nickel rust was as of failure. of flowering beauty. The uctual cost of recharging the good as lead. Then I thought 1 had Homes for rent and sale. Lowest exhibit palMore than twenty-fiv- e new battery is a uiatter of a few cents aces are now accomplished the task." comcompletion, nearing ROMNEY AND RYAN, Rut he hadn't, to the satisfaction of per cell, the greatest achievement beprices. Easiest terms., 251 Main St., prising Auditorium, Manufacture and his commercial instinct. The ques- ing In making it light in weight, in Liberal Arte, Mines and Metallurgy, LINOTYPERS. Salt take City. tion of the weight of the battery was compact shate and above all. durable. Marine Appliances, Machinery, Food all SOUTH WEST TEMPLE ST, SAI.T LAKE CITY. The Largest latrpeadeat Llaotypc Pleat Writ of Cklrmw. All Klitu most iniKirtant as was that of its The new storage battery is not de- Products, Arts and Crafts, Transportauf Type Settlic from Ante to Plea Promptly aod Skllfally Kieralef We have all kinds of Investments In tion, Social Economy, etc.. In addition durability. signed for fast automobiles. Special Edition, Tax Mata, Brlefa aod Vroapeetoo a Specialty. buildreal estate and we wri'e all kinds of to 1 the States manuand government Nickel rust failed, other things A Fall Ume of Marhlae Border Always oa Haad. Write for Eetl Rut am not an automobile mates. Address P. O. Box 1141, Salt Lake City. Bell Pkoao 3117. insurance. failed, everything the ingenious EdI facturer, and I have thought only of ings and pavilions. They will he of construction and in YOUNG A YOUNG, son, with his trained, scientific mind, solving the problem of street traffic, could conceive failed. which is serious In all the great clttes appointments wll excel and similar General Insurance, Real Eatate and group of buildings ever erected. In RRRRRatStsiititRFJtF.P.atR3!stsistRStstKSi Then I tiled cohalt," he said, and of the world, says Edison. Loans, 202 Whitingham Oik., Salt bppppppppppppppp haeppppyre cobe of will all the architecture, they Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. lonial period, forming an appropriate Sx setting to the natural beauties of the a FOR REAL ESTATE environment. 5 Another attractive feature will be See Peterson Real Estate Investthe government pleasure pier extendment Co. Large list bargain! for ing 2.000 feet into Hampton Roads. which we are exclusive agents. SpeS At either end it will be surmounted cial attention to property of estate Old reliable Traffic on the Missouri to Kansas City laflon. This is especially true where with light towers and a working exhl and The encall. 330 So. or Is Resumed. the government owns the railroads bit of wireless telegraphy. Correspond agenev. Natural Hot Sulphur Water is tire structure will be Illuminated by Main St.. Salt Lake City. Utah. and rates are high and unchangeable. thousands of arc and incandescent a.; Brought Right to the very Kansas City. The business men It is stated that freight ran be car- electric lights, affording an unexcelled ax of this city huvr started in to revive ried 50 iMT cent, cheaper by water view of the naval display. Motet W. Taylor. Frank Y. Taylor. AmuseHeart ol the City. TAYLOR BROS. navigation .on the Missouri river for limn by rail. ments have not been lost sight of, and ih s Tin- - steamer tara made the voyage the Warpath, covering more than REAL ESTATE AND 8TOCK8. DAY 2 Utah National Bank Salt from St. tanis to Kansas City in a mile, will offer n diversified class of 2 Tel. 171., Utah. take City, lit tip more ihan eight days. The cap- original novelties. W. LAKE Salt. Lake Real Estate tbe beat InSt, tain says the journey ran be made in on In the world. Utah Comvestment if insists the making government three ami a half days, lie tied up at FFFRFFRFFjrPFRFFFRrRFRRPJWF mercial and Mining Stocks tbe safest on the label the con PJPPPMfEPRPPPP.RPPPrWPPP. the print packers night because the channel was not in tbe world. tents of the can. the corned beef hash can might just as well be accompa Members Salt Lake Stock and MinTHE HISTORIC WORCESManufactured John ing Exchange. by nied hy the dictionary. TER. Reeves Co., Salt take, and TO RULE CHICAGO DISTRICT. Mr. Cleveland has been very busy QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE 1 Indorsed by tbe M. A M. this summer superintending the See the of Gen. Greely to Be Transferred by Assn Utah. Ask your The car line decisions. Do You Yant Work? On tbe Labels. Grocer. War Department. Cleveland's of mayor might opponents River Steamer Lora. WORK FOR EVERYBODY. as well lie down and let themselves Washington. Ron. Adolphus Wash- be tied. Teamsters. laborers, Always Wanted.. the purpose of bringing the raiimn-lWe Furnish All Kinda of Help. to time in regard to freight rates. ington Rreely. who soon sill take RECORDS FOR OLD ONES. NEW EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.. DIXON disini of the ilia Chicago military UNION MADE CLOTHES AT POPUUp to last September 24 there had 63 East First South, Salt take City.. 6H Man Disc nr Cytlndar raoerts taken as part pa; not been- a steanilxiat from St. I mils trict, has won fame as a soldier and LAR PRICES. Ind. 'Phono 123. Bell 'Phone 1873-X- . Maw Ono. to Kansas City In ten years. On that as an arctic explorer. Ho was the sweat-sho- p wear eastern garWhy FREE TRIAL AND RASY PAYMENTS. date the Lora, with the barge tauise first private soldier of the civil war ments alien you can have them built and the Thomas II. lieirton. with the to reach the grade of brigadier gen- to yottr measure by union workmen in The MW INS medal of the COLUMBIA ORAPHOPHOMB eral In the regular army. Gen. Greelys embody all af tba latest Improvements la th talking nuMH Sounds BIG, but its TRUE! barge America, arrived, having sailed Salt take City at prices which comarid and ara the standard f part action. The most recent command was at San pare favorably with those of any from St. Louis Seplemliei- 15. Iftyou want to talk with every ANY OLD MACHINE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT vessels were received with bands of eastern houses? Every garment music ami waving flags. The Kan-bears the I. W. W. label. and In axchanga for the latwt typo, and dont forget that town in Utah, Idaho, Montana worth ATI wool suits or overcoats, saa City papers reported the progress A WRITTEN GUARANTEE have tho from 8"5 to 850, made to measure you MUST of the fleet from every landing. Dual- Wyoming, Backed by the Largo-- t VeUSng Machine Company in the World and to fit. from 820 up. ness was suniiended when the fleet ' . uoos With the Macb.ne. BELL." Otherwise you CANT! All wool pants, worth from 8$ to 812, went by. The cruise of the steamer to fit, from measure and to made Pure gold rings havo 8 COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH tare," says the Kaunas City Star, has CO., GENL 35 up. as a on . the Kansas City map put I2T-3Bo. Main St. Both Phones. BALT LAKE CRT. 18 k.w This is tbe only shop in the west $ . "18 k." INSIDE. water city. This trial trip, inslgiiifi- can get the I. W. W. label. where you 44'44 f444'4iniWUiliWfllWI 44444 lMMnia'44444.4444444. cant in itself, yet marks an eorh in this have Send for samples and simple selftelephones the development of this Industrial cen-measurement forms to OUTSIDE. This revival ter of the southwest. M. DAISELS, the Tailor. of steamboating Is not due to the 57 West Second South St., The Salt Lake City. work of any steamboat owner. movement waa led by Lawrence M. ; i ir. l. a r o y VAN NOY APARTMENT HOUSE, Jones and the merchants and ship-lier- s 1 aney French paqsiujnj XIubBi3 pue were coaxed into of Kansas City Tanlata. An wltn it. Now they are enthusiastic. The thetablet will Throughout. first steamboat reached Kansas City lemilt In a pleasAM ATTRACTION EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE ....IS A. W. GEN. GREELEY. 70 years ago. The best days of steam- j ant surpriae to ilWImr women Mrs. A. Van Noy, Proprietress. boating on the Missouri were from (Army Officer Who Will Take Charge l. Tli, ladle' Phone 1424. 1849 to the beginning of the civil OUR PRICES. In cnees of Chicago Military District.) 263 South Main St. of p.i Inful or war. At one time there were over ; In to A comfortable natural of wear, Set appearance, Teeth, menstruaand uieam Baths; Electric Light. Heat 50 packets In regular service from St. Francisco, where be took charge oi tion THi:r SliVKKu restores lost expression 31.00 Prlre. 2.hS per ' ECZEMA AND PILE CURE FREE At. nil drug ntnrea or hy mail. Louis to Sioux City, besides there I he troops after the earthquake and A Gold Crown, made of tbo very best gold, will not corn off, or ii it what It was to suffer, 1 snl,..l. IViuIi Drug Co., 84.00 to 88.00 wear out were tramp steamers from the Ohio fire. In J K8 lie started on ihe (tolar Utah. Sett take City, will give FREE GF CHARGE, to any Bridge Work, the kind that lasts, made of tbe best gold, will not and other great rivers. A quarter of expedition that resulted so fatally to a positive cure (or Eczema. aficilied DRINK. to of seven them his and but break 3U0 being fully guaranteed (tarty, a century ago there were on the westSait Rheum, Erysipelas, Piles and come not to Gold Filling, absolutely pure gold, and guaranteed ern rivers vessels with an aggregate alive at Caie Sabine when the rescuInstant relief. Dont Diseases. Skin and ny out the suffer longer. Write F. W. WILtonnage of 394,000. Utt year the ton- ing party reached them. During and to next best tbe pure fillings gold guaranteed Fillings, Altoy Porto in Cuba. LIAMS. 400 Manhattan Avenue. New nage waa less Ihan half that amount. military rqierations 75e to 81.00 to preservo tbe teeth from further decay York. Enclose stamp. Cities farther up the river have awak- Rico and the Philippines thousand of 50c and out not dome to Bllver Fillings, guaranteed np ened and a new packet line has been miles of cable and telegraph lines If YOUR teeth are crooked, decayed or broken tbe ELECTRO established between 8L Joseph and were laid under tbe directions of Gen. DENTAL CO. can remedy the defect and do It perfectly. They have medal received who bts gold K Omaha and the first trip was made Greely. three doctors -- each an expert la bio branch. K October 15. Hay, grain and cord wood from the Royal Geographical society 8 French the land Geographical society. made up the bulk of the rrelght. It la reasonable to believe that His age Is 62. DRS. WARD AND EDGE' TEA. America's great rivers will witness . M. until P. Sundays 10 to 2 five words with I had rather Open dally the return of their former glory. In 2999 Ind. Phone Block. Rooms Galena 170 State Street every other land all the rivers are my undei standing than 10.000 In an I. Cor., xlv.. 19 use cf for piirHHtos of transpor ouknnwn AAAAAAAA''AnWA)-'AA,AAA- A. For Piles, Burns Sores Automobiles to Be Run at Trifling Cost Long Search for Metal Essential to Success of RANBE SALE, rt $1-0- 0 $20 to $70. MONARCH HARDWARE: COMPANY, g r A Richter estate. West First South. Salt Lake City Utah. EVERYBODY BOOST i) Sa.lt Lake! le 44',4 semi-permane- . RIVER NAVIGATION REVIVED. ffThe t Sanitarium Baths. Swimming Pools! Turkish Bekths! Private Baths! 5254 PEN 3rd 8. n NIGHT. SALT -- CITY. is ereo-three-ce- s -- - 1 ; i J 1 CLEAN MOUTH.. A - ; I safe-Kiiiin- i ed n. Ki-o-- 1 84-0- 0 31-5- 0 ELECTRO DENTAL CO. DeWItts Salve I |