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Show THE MISSING MAN about Hamilton's past life, the portion of it which was compressed foto tbe two weeks ln each May which, since his marriage at least, be Invariably spent away from Grovedale. As his Investigations progressed, Bruce grew more and more excited, and it is not too much to say that he was completely mystified as well. For It was in the most questionable streets and among the most dishonest haunts that he found the surest traces of his presence. He had his photograph, he had the assistance of other detectives, and as the search went on, it was proved that Vane Hamilton, or his double, was the frequenter of places which the honest people of Grovedale would have shuddered to contemplate, even in imagination. Bruce went West again, for he was In hopes to discover that Hamilton had retraced his course to tbe States. If Involved ln dishonest schemes in western towns now, as Bruce felt convinced that he had been In the past, he was likely, he thought, to return $y day. for prudence is not commonly the characteristic of a rogue. First Bruce went to Valparaiso, a new but exceedingly enterprising town in Kansas, where he fancied tidings were to be found of Hamilton's operations. He was right. It appeared that a trio of unscrupulous men had in several Instances, set up a bank in new and growing towns snd operated successfully until they had victimized the moneyed men, when they had closed up suddenly and decamped. As the scenes of their operations were thousands of miles apart, and their-namewere assumed, they escaped detection, strange as It may appear, until they came to Valparaiso. This was early in Joan or tne erworff Hand placed herself at the head of her 400 lances, and was riding through tho shouting streets toward the Plane rg gate. As soon as they were clear the Princess Joan turned in her saddla and spake to the 400 )ehind her. ( We ride back to Kernsberg, she (Copyright, 1898, 1900. by 8. R. Crockett.) cried. "Joan of the Sword Hand la Coprrlfht, 1ISS. by Ln u4 Ikqtii the streets) to see her promised bus-ban- wed, but not yet won. If they would CHAPTER X. keep her they must first catch her. Are you with me, lads of the hills? CHAPTER V. At the High Altar. What folly Is this, Constance," said Very like a princess and a great There came a unanimous shout of When Maurice von Lynar reached lady looked Joan of Hohenstein as she her uncle, sternly. Henderson and I Aye to the death! from 400 Mr. Carter Breaks the Matter Gently. held out till we could do so no longer. minwent full five of he for stood air the with thewpen up aisle, Margaret throats. In less than two weeks the Injunc- The proofs were overwhelming; the utes, in the rush of the Courtland by her side. She kept her "Then me a sword and put tho tion was removed from the bank, account you have read Is true. city traffic. Tbe loud reiteration of eyes on the ground, for she meant to horses give to their speed. We ride for which resumed active operations. The even look no one at and behold nothing till But because he went away and rejoicing sounded heartless and home. them us who can! catch lot bondsmen paid the aum for which they doea not return. Is that criminal? He impertinent in his ear. The world had she should see that which she longed And this was the true fashion of the were obligated, and matters rapidly may be 111 somewhere. to look tbe since freDane for the changed upon. young People marrying of Joan of the Sword Hand, took on their usual aspect. Count von Loen had been summoned Suddenly she was conscious that Duchess of quently have brain fever and cannot to the Prince Mr. Carter and his partner were doby the Princess Margaret. tell so much as their names. they had stopped In the middle of a Louis of Hohenstein, his brother. Courtland, by inHe well vast at not over the silence. could It cast the the The candles his mind back But Vane waa well on the 28th of ing mill, but upon cardinal and prince Conrad, Bishop be denied that the loss of money and May. He was at the bank the 22d. terview, but failed to disentangle any- great altar threw down a golden of the Holy Church. Vane's defection were hard to bear. He got live thousand dollars at the thing definite. It was a maze of Im- lustre, Joan saw the Irregular shinpressions out of which grew tbe cer- ing of them on her white bridal dress, Pitying his niece deeply, be could not national bank in Boston on a note CHAPTER XI. bear to add to her grief by telling her which he presented himself. tainty that safely to play his difficult and wondered that It should be so confiwhole of the terrible suspicions entertained he must obtain the to he when But hadn't he a right part bright. What Joan Left Behind. now almost universally, and so he sat Is the treasurer?" dence of the Duchess Joan. My brother, the Prince of Court-land!- " After the departure of his bride, the duchess The said the of found , Dane the voice the said her Princess young generally quite silent at his meals, uncle, Listen, Constance, Prince of Courtland stood on the steps walking up and down on the noble Margaret. spending his remaining time at the quite patiently, though he Inwardly of the minster, dazed and foundered offlce, under the plea, correct enough, wondered that women could be so un81owly Joan raised her eyes pride promenade which faced the river to the west. of press of business. and war of at a with overkind reasonable. The proofs were happiness But one day he decided to tell his whelming before; they satisfied every (Ah, Von Lynar, my brave Dane, glorious shame upon her face. what good wind brings you here? she But that one look altered all things. niece the whole matter, and so after one else; but when Low's letter came cried. "I declare I was longing for She stood fixed, aghast, turned to tea one evening he sat down ln his to the president of the bank, then a some one to talk to. A consciousness stone as she gazed. She could arm chair beside her and said, Are telegram stating details, we had to of need which had only just come neither speak nor think. That which yon too busy to talk a little to- believe. If more proof werq needed, It she saw almost struck her dead with upon her. was supplied afterwards when another night? I am always busy, for I.flqd so altered note, this time altered from ("I have seen the Princess Margaret, horror. said the youth slowly, "and I think The man whom his sister Introduced much to do, and I want to get every- .four hundred to four thousand, came some as me for she that mistake must the Prince of Courtland was not If comes. as ln Vane order looked two a before ln. or It For thing day other person. She spoke things most the knight of the tournament He was But I am ready to talk with you, for the bank must fall. The trustees Isnot the young prince of the summer strange to me. you have seemed too tired lately for sued a circular to the banks of the conversation. You have really earned country to send In any deposits they (The eyes of the duchess danced. A palace. He was a man much older, seemed suddenly lifted off her more meager of body, a rest, and when Vane comes I am might hare of their paper, but there ilnd. with an odd sidelong expression in his sure he will insist upon your taking was no response, so it Is likely no the year 1887. Was she very angry? she queried. eyes. His shoulders were bent and But two men came at first Their it" other notes were offered. That is Very!" returned Von Lynar, smil- he carried himself like a man premaas the matter atands, Constance. names were given as Scovllle and Constance," he said gravely, "has turely old. It not occurred to you that your hus- I thought It wrong to leave you in Brown. A private bank was opened ing in recognition of her smile. And there, behind the altar ralllngi What said the princess? band may never return? Ignorance any longer. You know how and operations begun, but for some "First She would have it that my clad ln the scarlet of a prince of the He Isn't dead! You don't mean to I hate unpleasantness or trouble of reason the business men of the little tell me that? she cried ln a sharp, any sort, and that I would not have city were shy of them. Suddenly a name and style was that of the Count church, and wearing the mitre of a new member joined 8covllIe wild voice, clasping her hands and told you If It could have been avoided.1 and von Loen. Then she reproached me bishop, . stood the husband of her I know. Uncle Carter, you meant Brown, as joint owner of the bank. fiercely because I denied it After hearts deep thoughts, the man who looking at him with wide eyes and to be kind, said Constance in a low, This was In May, as Bruce easily dis- that she spoke of certain foreign cus- had never been out of her mind all gaze. He held a I mean No, no, child, don't that, but restrained voice. I am sorry I spoke covered. He gave his name as Ashley, toms she had been taught, recalled these weary months. to you so sharply, but I was upset by and was a genial, handsome man who walks through corridors and rose gar- service book ln his hand, and' stood maybe It is as bad." "As had! Nothing could be as bad having the matter broached when I won his way to public favor at once, dens with me, till my head swam ready to marry Joan of Hohenstein to another. as to lone my husband, unde. I could .bed set It one side. I don't believe it as the others had not succeeded in and I knew not what to answer. Joan of the Sword Hand laughed a "Are you the Prince of Courtland? She stood fixed, aghast. better lose all else besides. I have now, and I am sorry that you do. But doing. His wife was with him, a merry peal. she asked; and at the sound of her by the shame which had so suddenly hair. thought about It a great deal since he no matter." as he opened his mouth woman with emerald-tinte- d "Tbe Count von Loen, did she say? voice, unwontedljr clear tn the great befallen him. went away, and I am convinced that to I to speak, you cannot help it, perhaps. Bruce, as I have said, went to Valshe I You did not know him as I did. I loee Vane would kill me. mediated. "Well, so you are the church, even the organ appeared to "Bid the gates be shut, prince! paraiso and to the residence of one of AU listened intently, The whisper came over his shoulder the principal business men, who had Coant von Loen. I create you the still Itself. Count von Loen. I give you tho title. though only a few heard the conversa- from a been deeply victimized by the bogus young man who had been bank. For under cover of Ashleys I give you also therewith the estates tion. all the time twisting his musstanding are "I have that honor, bowed the man tache. "Bid your horsemen bit and pleasant fellowship and his wifes which pertain to the title. They with the bent shoulders. bridle. grace and beauty the good people soon situated on the borders of Relchenau plain Is fair before you. I am so happy that I would "Then, as God lives, I will never It Is a long way to Kernsberg. Let no had cause to abuse their own credulity. Bruce got the account from Mr. like to make all the world happy, In- marry you!" cried Joan, all her soul ln wench ln the world put this shamn the disgust of her voice. upon a reigning prince of Courtland'. Hayes himself, who was only too glad am sorry for all the folk I have "Be not disdainful, my lady, said upon his wedding to relate It when It might be of use ln jured. day! Love changes all things, said the the bridegroom mildly; "I will be your Thus Ivan of Muscovy, attired la tracking the swindlers. humble slave. You shall have a slllc, banded of black and gold, counWe fought shy of them at first," Dine, sententlously. UThe duchess looked at him quickly. palace and an establishment of your seled the disdained Prince Louis, who said Mr. Hayes, "but when Ashley You are ln loye with the Princess own, an It like you. The marriage stood pushing upward with his two came It changed everything. You was your father's desire, and hath the fingers the point of his thin she said. Margaret? never would suspect him of being a greyish' The youth blushed a deep crimson sanction of the emperor. It la beard and gnawing Its straggling ends never. Such an scamp open, honest whlh flooded his neck and dyed his necessary for your state as for mine. between his teeth. countenance, and that wife of his was Then, while the people waited ln a dusky skin. The Prince Louis appeared to be a little beauty, if her hair was green! "Poor Maurice! she said, touching kind of palpitating uncertainty, the moved by Prince Wasp's words. He Was she really his wife, do you his bowed head with her hand, your Princess Margaret whispered to the turned about to the nearest think? troubles will not be to seek. bride, who stood with a face as ashen He Introduced her as such, and she My lady, said the youth, "I fear pale as her white dress. Let us to horse every man of us! appeared to worship him. They took not trouble. I have promised to serve she said finally, "I will he said. Bid that the steeds be "Well, a handsome furnished house on Main the ln all things. She has marry this man, since it Is my fate. brought Instantly. street and went to keeping house. been princess kind to me. She has forgiven Let the ceremony proceed! The banded Wasp had further counThey gave a big party, and we all me all. "I thank you, gracious lady, said sels to gly. went. Such a crush! Well, after that So you are to change your allegi- the prince, taking her hand and lead-lnGive out that you go to meet the all was plain sailing for the new hnk But how his bride to the altar. "You will princess at a rendezvous. ance, said the duchess. For a You can't mistrust a man after you did you manage to appease her? That never regret it" pleasantry between yourselves, you have eaten his bread. We cant here Is no mean feat. She is an imperious "No, but you will! muttered his have resolved to spend the honeymoon in the West. Deposits began to pour lady and quick of understanding. Prince Ivan of Muscovy, at a distant hunting-lodge- . groomsman. Quick!' In on them. All of the solid men Then Maurice von Lynar told his full rich tones of the prince Not half a dozen of all the company The banked there. Well, the upshot was mistress of his most allowable falserose and fell through the caught the true Import of her words. in ten days after Ashley came we hoods, and begged her not to unde- bishop The hand dropped beside her and an aahen hue covered her face. You will tame her yet. Minster as Joan of Hohen crowded found we had been swindled, our notes ceive the princess, for that he would At the command of the prince the stein was married to his elder "Oh, come, now, Constance, 1 am sorry about the money, but Vane sold or In wouldnt go on like that Women's will reimburse you if he Is living. If collateraldeposited forother banks as rather bear all that she might put brother, and with the closing words trumpets rang out again the cash paid to upon him than that she should know of the security from the steps of the husbands die every day, and they don't not, I will," and Constance took up Scovllle, Brown episcopal benediction an awe and Ashley, and In at he had lied to her. cathedral. At the sound, the grooms; fell multitude. felt fool like that; the most of 'em get some sewing, and, selecting a needle the upon They least a dozen instances the figures had Do not be afraid, said the duchess. that married again. I only wish your hus- already threaded, took a few tremu been altered so that the they were ln the presence of who were here and there ln the press, It scamps was I who tangled the skein. So great unknown forces, the action and hasted to find and caparison the got band waa as well off as theirs." lous stitches. ten times the actual value of the for you have unravelled It very well. interaction of which might lead no horses of their lords. Meanwhile, on "As well off as theirs dead! What Her uncle went out the door and It was a gigantic swindle, andnotea Mr. The least I can do is to leave you to man knew whither. the wide steps the Prince Louis do you mean. Uncle Carter? said Con- down to his offlce ruminating. Hayes got up and paced the apartment unwind It to the end, my brave Count At the close of the service, Joan, fretted, dinting his nails restlessly instance, rising with Indignant face, "She has doubts, I can see that, but nervously. von Loen. now Princess of Courtland, leaned to his palms and shaking with anger crimson where it was pallid before. she wont give way to them. There be continued.) (To The morning of fhe great day over and whispered a word to her and disappointment till his deep "Are you crasy? are deeper feelings at work in her The streets dawned cool and grey. Maurice von Lynar, an action sleeves shook like scarlet flames in a captain, "You will make me crazy, Constance, heart than her words show. Poor ConHE HAD THE EVIDENCE. The young man veneering wind. noticed by few. if you go on that way. Your husband stance! What a brave soul she has! started and gazed Into her face; but, (To be continued. Is a dishonest man, there! blurting it And to think he should desert her! It Hostler Knew Something About New immediately commanding his emotion, out and mopping his face energetical- Is hard to believe all this of Vane Horse's Bad Temper. Secret Well Kept. he nodded and disappeared by a side ly. "I meant to have broken It to you Hamilton. A certain gentleman recently purCashier Jackson of the American door. he let wouldnt but how me, InHard, Indeed, easy, but you many chased at a rather high price a carThe great organ swelled out. The Cotton Oil Company's New York ofsaid In a complaining tone. But he stances like It are on record. Instltu horse to match an animal he alfices, formerly held the position of marriage procession was was alarmed directly by Constance tions for savings have been proved riage possessed. ready The prince bishop had retired to his traveling auditor, with several of the hand most necessary. The foiling back ln her chair. Her trustworthy men, A day or two later he asked his sacristy to change his robes. The new southern states under his supervision. dropped beside her and an ashen hue as they are supposed to be, are placed groom what he thought of the new arprincess of Courtland came down the He Is an expert on hotels in the terrh nearest uncle the face. Her center. thought covered her money Respons! rival. aisle on the arm of her husband. tory which he covered, and declares she was dying. He flew to her side, ble men. In most oases personal Well, sir, said John, he's sartain-l- y In tbe center of tbe Minster Place, tbat there are some which are the was are and water held as of tumbler sureties under friends, grasped a 'oss. but I'm afeard the 400 lances of the Kernsberg es limit." about to deluge her with It, but she heavy bonds. And yet what Is tbe bis grand looking a bit touchy." "I stopped off one day at a little temper's cort had formed up, a serried mass of can said It result? be and hand read almost weakly: her any put up What makes Louisiana beautiful so?" think town, he said In telling asked stal you horses, in the ln the records newspapers "No, not that, I am so cold. 8he day and went to Its master. wart and shining spears, from of his experiences, John's men, of bank ln tbe of chatdefaulters, teeth and history her now, was shivering for The waiter He each to hotel of which don't the of to take supper. their men solitary appear pennon whose kindly conwas honesty slowly tered audibly. sir. He don't like me going mistress fluttered In the light wind. brought me a plate of some kind of "What shall I get you? cried her sumed by proximity to temptation, the nobody, On the steps of the Minster, after meat. I tried to figure out what ft into his box even to feed him." incident to great trusts. unde. had descended more than half- was by looking at It and failed. Then tbe horse's lightly Oh, they responded waa Bruce, meanwhile, pursuing his "Nothing. I shall be better soon. I "he hasn't settled down yet, the new Princess of Courtland I tasted It. Still I was in the dark. way, owner, In own manner. his investigations were You uncle" saying, am better. turned His all. are Her band Finally I called my servitor. upon her lord. thats surroundings By strenuous endeavor Bruce sucshe said feebly. " 'Waiter,' I said, what kind of meat to him. I dont think there's slipped from his arm, which bung a "No matter what I said. Folks get ceeded in discovering the fact that the strange is moment that you brought me?' crooked and empty hefore it wrong with his temper. mistaken. Forget It all, I would. Don't woman with the emerald-tinte- d hair anything to his side. at was Suh, Boss. Vs got strick His I mouth didnt dropped first, remarked 'Please, air, got off the train at Mechanic Falla, ai bother your head about it to tell, he replied, and not orders a little with open see, he's kicked me surprise. She motioned to her work basket. though Libby professed to recollect John; but,' you box moved lord." away said o grinning ''New York out "Now, the the Princess my when clean twice, and, that she bought a ticket through to "Get that paper," she said. Times. loud and to cornea think Joan, have "I dear. married about It, .thats you He looked and saw a neatly folded Portland. d The bond of you. London Answers. "I create you the Count von Loen. The detective further learned that sort o' convincin'. newspaper, the Boston Globe, containIs fulfilled. I folk with the Explained Theo ogically. lined were hae my obeyed completely ing, as Mr. Carter saw directly, a full she went north that night, when ConWhat sor. of a fish was to the letter. I have obeyed the Professor Prinfather as the land Court of of the unMob. The city 8tone was ductor Howling In bank examination, account of the charge of the Jonan? swallowed I It that done have all. It Now emperor. be with the cess Sparhawk Is chilfather of thirteen the Jones Margaret, train, to Island Pond. She staid all der sensational headlines. whiteflsh. A to known I to and all planked men Theolog lances you of that and his company clattering Why! " gasped her uncle, I thought night at the Stewart House, and ln dren. and lives at Wldnes. Last week Y iu are trifling Sir! Professor will neither live with you nor yet In of entrance behind to the rode one all to them of took theaher, the he the morning took train for Coatiooke, you knew nothing about it the great palace where abode the your city. I am your wife In name. with a most sacred "I did not until yesterday, and I ostensibly, but as he shrewdly sur- ters at Liverpool. On the way to the bride-elecYou shall never be my husband In Theolog Not at ail, professor. The t headed the he small station was was she procesmised, would not believe It. The paper quite as likely to have I bid you farewell. Prince term planked fish comes from Jonah else. Maraught asked Who Is wife his that and youth? brought up the rear over a week old, and I thought that it stopped short of her supposed desti- sion, walk the plank. garet of Courlland of Joan, as they of Courtland. Joan of Hohenstein may being compelled to with related to the first suspicious, but nation. Thus far he was enabled to with theyoungest boy. the foot that where she Is bidden, but she This, ln conjunction marry at the looked came she out together: Upon entering the station one of the that since then all had been proved track her, but no farther. In fact, he was has led to fish the loves where will." she prepared, first of head Dane he at the your knew nothing about her after she left porters rushed upon Jones and asked right The horse upon which she had come the deduction of our xriored brethren brother. like looks He your troops? had been doing. him what be "Matters were set right at the bank Island Pond. to the Minster stood waiting. There that Jonah had plenty to eat during "He has often been taken for such! Poor Jones, amazed, stared vacantBruce was at his wits ends. The by his bondsmen paying tbe amount was the Sparhawk ready to help her the three days' of Y Is piscatorial Inthe ssld the bride. "He Is called fifteen hundred dollars held out by ly. and answered: that waa missing, Constance. carceration Into the saddle. Count von Loen. the bank president, together with proNothing. Why?" "You were one of them, uncle. Students (crowd is ; around the proone of Ere the could wedding guqjits The bells of the minster clanged Then what's the blooming crowd fessional pride, made him unwilling to "Yes. Give him alrtf move to prevent her. before the Prince fessor Stand back acof brazen out a thunder changeful Liverpool (Eng.) "Well, when Vane cornea back he relinquish the undertaking, and he set follertng yer for? of Courtland could cry an or- Ah! He begins to revive! Chicago for the out set claim as bride the himself to finding out what he could Mercury. will pay you." or decide what to do. Fast. first Hgte (so they told each ether on der By MARY R. P. HATCH Author of "The Bonk Tragedy " . s 4V SR; OlOCXEXT.Auor o TieHaidcfido d. light-heade- d . - grey-heade- ter-tile- d knlght-ln-waitin- "Boot-and-saddl- el well-groome- d heritage-brotherhoo- |